Class 4 English Chapter 5 The Letter Solution, SEBA Chapter 5 The Letter Class 4 English Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters of Class 4 English Chapter 5 The Letter Notes and select needs one. Assam Board Class 4 ইংৰাজী Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.
Chapter – 5
These are the different ways in which we get messages and information : [ দিজ আৰ দা দিফাৰেন্ট ওৱেজ ইন হুইচ্ উই গেট মেচেজেছ এণ্ড ইনফৰমেচন : ] এইবোৰ এনেকুৱা বিভিন্ন ধৰণৰ পথ যিবোৰৰ দ্বাৰা আমি বাৰ্তা আৰু খা-খৱৰ পাওঁ।
■ Let’s read a poem about a letter:
Para – 1 (অনুচ্ছেদ-১) |
■ উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
I am writing a letter
To send by the post;
It is to the person
I care for the most.
■ Word Notes (শব্দ-অর্থ) :
I (আই)—মই ; am (এম)—হয়/আছে। writing (ৰাইটিং)—লিখি থকা ; letter (লেটাৰ) –চিঠি; send (চেণ্ড) – পঠোৱা; post (পষ্ট)–ডাক ; person (পাৰচন) —মানুহ; care ( কেয়াৰ) – যত্নলোৱা; for (ফৰ)—বাবে; most (ম’ষ্ট)–বৰকৈ।
Para-2 (অনুচ্ছেদ-২) |
■ উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
I write the date clearly
And put the address,
And begin ‘Dearest Mummy
(Did anyone guess ?)
■ Word Notes (শব্দ-অর্থ) :
Write (ৰাইট) – লিখা ; date (দেত) – তাৰিখ; clearly (ক্লিয়াৰলি) – চাফাকৈ, স্পষ্টকৈ ; put (পুট)—থোৱা ; address (এদ্রেছ)—ঠিকনা ; begin (বিগিন)— আৰম্ভণী ; dearest (দিয়াৰেস্ট)—মৰমৰ ; mummy (মাম্মী) – মা ; anyone (এনিওৱান) – কোনোৱা; guess (গেছ)—অনুমান কৰা।
Para-3 (অনুচ্ছেদ-৩) |
■ উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
My pen travels slowly
All down the long sheet,
Because I’m so anxious
To keep it all neat.
■ Word Notes (শব্দ-অর্থ) :
Pen (পেন) – কলম; travel (ট্ৰেভেল) – পৰিভ্ৰমণ; slowly (চল’লি)– লাহে-লাহে; all (অল)– গোটেইখিনি; down (দাউন)– তললৈ; long (লং)– দীঘল; sheet (চীত)– পাত: because ( বিকজ) – কাৰণ; anxious – (এনাক্সিয়াছ) –অস্থিৰ keep (কিপ) – ৰখা; neat (নিত) – নিয়াৰীকৈ।
Para – 4 (অনুচ্ছেদ-৪) |
■ উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
I carefully blot it
To dry up the ink
Such nice blotting – paper
The colour is pink !
■ Word Notes (শব্দ-অর্থ) :
Carefully (কেয়াৰফুল্লী)—সাৱধানেৰে, যত্নেৰে; blot (ব্লট) – শুহি লোৱা ; dry up (দ্ৰাই আপ) – শুকান কৰি লোৱা ; ink (ইংক) – চিয়াহী ; nice (নাইচ) – ধুনীয়া : blotting paper (ব্লটিং পেপাৰ) — শোষক কাগজ; colour (কালাৰ) ৰং; pink (পিংক)—ৰঙ্গচুৱা।
Para-5 (অনুচ্ছেদ-৫) |
■ উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
I turn the page over
And on goes my pen,
Till lastly come kisses,
There’s just room for ten.
■ Word Notes (শব্দ-অর্থ) :
turn (টার্ন)— লুটিওৱা; page (পেজ)—পাত; till (টিল)—লৈাক; kisse (কিছেছ)—চুমাবোৰ ; there (দিয়াৰ)—তাত; just (যাষ্ট)—মাথোন ; goes or (গ’জ অন) — আগবাঢ়ি যোৱা : my (মাই)—মোৰ lastly (লাষ্টলি)—শেষলৈকে; come (কাম)— অহা ; room (ৰুম)—কোঠা।
Para-6 (অনুচ্ছেদ-৬) |
■ উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
The envelope’s ready,
I put the stamp on,
And run to the post box,
And now it has gone!
■ Word-Notes (শব্দ-অর্থ) :
envelope (এনভেলপ)— লেফাফা, খাম; stamp (টাম্প)—ডাক টিকট ; ready (ৰেডী)—তৈয়াৰ হোৱা/প্রস্তুত হোৱা; run (ৰান)— দৌৰা ; post box (পষ্ট বক্স) —ডাকবাকচ ; now (নাও)—এতিয়া; has gone (হ্যাজ গন) — গ’ল।
1. Write the rhyming words from the poem :
host | post | most |
press | address | guess |
song | long | gone |
meat | neat | sheet |
sink | pink | ink |
hen | pen | ten |
2. Choose the correct answer :
(a) The letter is written to the girl’s-
(i) father
(ii) mother
(iii) uncle
(iv) aunt
Ans: Mother.
(b) To dry up the ink, I use
(i) an eraser
(ii) some chalk
(iii) some blotting paper
(iv) a piece of cloth.
Ans: (iii) Some blotting paper
(c) How many kisses does the letter have room for ?
(i) eleven
(ii) a ton
(iii) nine
(iv) ten
Ans. (iv) Ten.
(d) The meaning of ‘room’ in the poem is
(i) study room
(ii) space
(iii) drawing room
(iv) a part within a house
Ans. (ii) Space.
(e) What did she put on the envelope ?
(i) a stamp
(ii) a photo
(iii) butterfly
(iv) paper
Ans. a stamp.
(f) She writes clearly.
(i) date
(ii) time
(iii) colour
(iv) poem
Ans: date.
3. Listen and repeat :
(a) slowly — The old man walks slowly.
(b) quickly The young girl walks quickly.
(c) brightly The sun shines brightly.
(d) sweetly The bird sings sweetly.
(e) happily The girl dances happily.
Now, write the sentences from the poem that ends with – ly.
Ans. 1. I write the date clearly.
2. My pen travels slowly.
3. I carefully blot it.
4. Till lastly come kisses.
4. Add ‘ly’ to get some new words. Write the words and make sentences with them. One is done for you:
love | lovely | The cat is very lovely. |
most | mostly | I enjoy stories mostly. |
neat | neatly | I neatly use my hands while eating. |
brave | bravely | soldiers fight bravely. |
friend | Friendly | Prem is very friendly. |
5. Sunita is a student of class IV. She has been given some work for the Teachers’ Day function. She will have to stay for an extra hour in school. She wants to inform her mother. So she requests her teacher to send an SMS to her mother. Read what Sunita’s teacher writes :
Dear Mrs. Dey.
Sunita will reach home late today.
Pritam sir.
6. (a) Milan is Sunita’s classmate. Milan’s uncle and aunt live in Guwahati. He wants to visit them during the summer vacation. He has written a letter to his uncle to inform him about this. Here is the letter which Milan wrote to his uncle:
Dear KhuraI am fine. How are you all ? Hope you are fine. These days I am busy with my studies. Our second unit test will be held from 15th of June to 28th June. After that, the summer vacation will start on the 1st of July. Our school will reopen on the 1st of August.My parents and I are planning to visit you this summer vacation. Will you and Khurt be there ? I want to see a lot of places in Guwahati. We want to see the Kalakshetra and Shilpagram if possible. It will be fun to be with you all. Hope to see you soon. Yours, Milan |
To Mr. Rajat Patha House No-40 Pension Para Road Chandmari, Guwahati-781003 |
■ Word Notes (শব্দ-অর্থ) : Dear (দিয়াৰ) – মৰমৰ ; fine ( ফাইন) – ভাল / ধুনীয়া ; hope ( হ’প) আশা ; these (দিজ)—এইবোৰ; busy (বিজি) – ব্যস্ত; studies (স্টাদীজ) – লিখাপঢ়া; second (চেকেণ্ড) – দ্বিতীয় ; held (হেলপ)— অনুষ্ঠিত হোৱা ; after – thar (আফটাৰ দেট) – তাৰপিছত; summer vacation (চামাৰ ডেকেশন)— গৰমৰ বন্ধ ; re-open (ৰিঅপেন) — পুনৰ খুলিব; planning (প্লেনিঙ)—প্রস্তুতি কৰি থকা ; visit (ভিজিট) – পৰিদৰ্শন কৰা ; want (ৱান্ট)–বিচৰা; fun (ফান) আমোদ/ধেমালি ; soon ( চুন) – সোনকালে।
6. (b) Milan’s uncle receives his letter four days later. He is very happy to get a letter from his nephew, Milan. Now, he is reading the letter. He is very happy to know that Milan and his parents are coming to visit them. Now he is writing a reply to Milan.
Dear MilanI am very happy to receive your letter. We are fine.It is good to know that you are coming to visit us this summer vacation. Raju and Rosie are also very happy to know this. We are eagerly waiting for your visit. We will all have a lot of fun. I will try to show you all the places that you mentioned in your letter.Please give my regards to Dada and Bon. Waiting for you all to come. Love, Khura |
To, Milan Pathak C/O Pathak Pathak Vill: Boragaon. P.O. – Barpeta Dist:- Barpeta, Assam. PIN: 781805. |
■ Word Notes (শব্দ-অর্থ) : happy (হেপী)— সুখী; receive (ৰিচিভ)— পোৱা ; letter (লেটাৰ)—চিঠি; happy (হেপি)—nephew (নিফিউ)—ভতিজা; reading (বিদিঙ)— পঢ়ি থকা ; later (লেটাৰ)—পিছত; parents (পেৰেণ্টছ)—মাক-দেউতাক; reply (ৰিপ্লাই)—প্রত্যুত্তৰ/উত্তৰ; eagerly (এগালী)—আগ্রহী; waiting (ওৱেটিঙ)—ৰৈ থকা ; try (ট্রাই)—চেষ্টা কৰা; show (চো)— দেখুওৱা; mention (মেনচন)—উল্লেখ কৰা; regards (ৰেগাৰ্ডছ)—সন্মান; good (গুড)—ভাল; please (প্লিজ)—অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি ।
7. Little Rosie is Milan’s cousin. She is trying to write a letter to Milan. Help Rosie to complete her letter :
Dear Milan Hope you are fine. We all are good . I am very happy to know you are coming to visit Guwahati. I am very excited to meet you. Please send more letters to me. With love, Your sister, Rosie |
8. Have you written a letter to anyone ? Practise writing your postal address in the following box :
To, Name: Rina Jain. C/O : Prakash Jain. House No: 12.Village : Silagaon. Town: Dhemaji. Dist: Dhemaji, Assam. Pin Code: 781598. |
• Where have you seen this ?
Ans: I have seen this on an envelope.
● What is it called ?
Ans. It is called a postal stamp.
9. Here are a few pictures of Milan’s visit to Guwahati.
Now, choose the sentences from the box which correctly describe each picture. Write a sentence below each picture.
Ans. 1. Milan was excited to see the chimpanzee at the zoo.
2. Milan cheered the football players in the stadium.
3. Milan went to the market with his uncle.
4. Milan enjoyed looking at the stars in the planetarium.
10. Let’s talk. Tell your friend sitting next to you about a place you have visited. He or she will then tell you about a place he or she has visited
Ans: Hello, Priyal, you know, recently I went to Likabali temple with my parents. The temple is very beautiful and very peaceful. I was very excited when I reached there , I enjoyed it a lot there.
Hello Aryan, I went to Delhi with my parents recently. The place is very beautiful. I went to many places there like, Qutub minar, India gate and Laal Qila etc. I enjoyed it a lot with my parents.
11. In Guwahati, Milan went to Beltola Bazar one morning with his uncle.
(1) Let’s take some apples.
(2) How much are they ?
(3) They are Rs. 120 per kg.
● Milan and his uncle are at a grocery store.
(1) Please give me one kg of kidney beans. What is the price ?
(2) How much is this packet of chocolates ?
(3) Kidney beans are Rs. 20 a kg. The price of the packet of chocolates is Rs. 20.
■ Milan and his father are at a roadside stall of a vegetable vendor on Sunday. Complete their conversation.
Ans: Please give me one kg of ridge gourds.
How much are they ?
Ridge gourds are Rs. 50 per kg.
I like ridge gourds.
12. Let us practise saying these words aloud :
a) letter | litter | |
patter | pitter | |
fatter | fitter | |
bitter | better | butter |
12. (b) Let’s have some fun ! Here is a ‘tongue twister’. Let us see who can read the tongue twister correctly and quickly.
Betty bought a bit of butter. But the butter Betty bought was bitter. So Betty bought bitter butter to make the bitter butter better.

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