Class 4 English Chapter 6 A Golden Voice Solution, SEBA Chapter 6 A Golden Voice Class 4 English Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters of Class 4 English Chapter 6 A Golden Voice Notes and select needs one. Assam Board Class 4 ইংৰাজী Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.
Chapter – 6
■ Which of these musical instruments have you seen ?

■ Write the names of the musical instruments that you have seen:
Ans. Harmonium
■ Let’s read the play ‘A Golden Voice’:
Scene-1 (চিন-ওৱান ) —দৃশ্য—১ |
Two boys, Arun and Aziz are walking fast in the evening.
Aziz : Look at the sky. — It’s going to rain heavily.
A strong wind is also blowing
Arun —অৰুণ : I’m afraid of thunder and lightning.
[ Lightning ][ লাইটনিঙ]—[ বজ্রপাত, বিজুলি ] |
Aziz : Don’t panic, Arun. Look at that big tall tree there. Let’s wait under it until the rain stops.
[Arun and Aziz stand under the tree.]
Arun : Mother was quite right. She warned me not to go out in such a bad weather. But I didn’t want to miss Banajit’s birthday celebrations. After all, it comes once a year
Aziz : It was a nice party.
Arun : I enjoyed it a lot. And your song was simply amazing !
You sing very well, Aziz.
Aziz : Thank you, Arun ! Thunder and lightning
Oh my goodness ! See, the light is coming this way ! Be careful, Arun !
■ Word-Notes (শব্দ-অর্থ) : look (লুক)—চোৱা; sky (স্কাই) – আকাশ ; going (গোয়িঙ)—গৈ আছে ; rain (ৰেইন)— বৰষুণ; heavily (হেভিলী)—ডাঙৰকৈ/বেছিকৈ ; strong (স্ট্রং)—প্ৰৱল/শক্তিশালী/জোৰে ; wind (উইণ্ড)—বতাহ; blowing (ব্লোইভ)— প্রবাহিত হৈ আছে/বৈ আছে; afraid (এফ্রেইদ)—ভয় খোৱা; thunder (থাণ্ডাৰ)—ঢেৰেকনি/মেঘৰ গৰ্জন; lighting (লাইটনিং)— বজ্রপাত/বিজুলী ; panic (পেনিক)—ভয় খোৱা ; big (বিগ) —ডাঙৰ; tall (টল) – ওখ ; wait (ওয়েইট)- )—অপেক্ষা কৰা ; under (আন্দাৰ)—তলত; until (আনটিল)—লৈকে, পর্যন্ত ; rain (ৰেইন)—বৰষুণ ; stop (উপ)—বন্ধ হোৱা/ৰখা ; stand (ষ্টেণ্ড) ৰোৱা ; quite (ক’ৱাইট)—সঁচাকৈ; right (বাইট)—সঠিক; warned (ওৱাৰ্দ)— সতৰ্ক কৰিছিল ; go out (গো আউত) — বাহিৰত যোৱা ; such (চাচ)—এনেকুৱা bad (বেদ)—বেয়া; weather (ওৱেদাৰ)—বতৰ ; want (ওৱান্ট)—বিচৰা ; miss (মিছ)— অনুপস্থিত/হেৰুৱা ; birthday (বার্থদে)— জন্মদিন; celebration (সেলিব্রেচন)—উদযাপন ; after all
(আফটাৰ অল)—সর্বোপৰি; comes (কামছ)—অহা ; once (ওৱাঞ্চ)— এবাৰ ; year (ইয়াৰ)—বছৰ ; nice (নাইচ)—সুন্দৰ ; party (পার্টি)—উৎসৱ, অনুষ্ঠান ; enjoyed (এনযইদ) —আনন্দ কৰা/উপভোগ কৰা ; a lot (এ লট)—বহুত/প্রচুৰ; song (চং)—গান ;simply (চিম্পলি)— সহজভাৱে ; amazing (আমেজিং)—বিস্ময়কৰ/চমৎকাৰ ; very well (ভেৰী ওৱেল) —বৰ ভাল ; thank (থেংক)—ধন্যবাদ; light (লাইট)— পোহৰ ; way (ওৱে)—ৰাষ্টা/পথ ; careful (কেয়াৰফুল)—সাৱধান।
Scene – II (চিন-টু)–দৃশ্য- ২ |
[Aziz is lying on a hospital bed. His eyes are covered in bandage. Arun is standing near Aziz’s bed.]
Aziz : Arun, I’m so worried ! have been absent from school for many days.
Arun [ অৰুণ ]—অৰুণ : Don’t worry Aziz. [ ডোন্ট ওৰী আজিজ। ] —চিন্তিত নহবা আজিজ। I’m here to help you. [ আই এম হিয়াৰ টু হেল্প ইউ। ]—তোমাক সহায় কৰিবলৈ মই আছো। Get well soon. [ গেট ওৱেল চুন । ]—সোনকালে আৰোগ্য হৈ উঠা।
■ Word-Notes (শব্দ-অর্থ) : lying (লাইঙ)—শুৱা ; hospital (হস্পিতেল)—চিকিৎসালয়; bed (বেদ) — বিচনা ; eyes (আইছ)—চকুবোৰ; cover (কভাৰ) –ঢকা ; bandage (বেন্দেজ)—পটি ; standing (ষ্টেণ্ডিঙ)—ঠিয় হৈ থকা ; near (নিয়াৰ)–ওচৰত, কাষত ; bed (বেদ)—বিচনা ; worried (ওৰীদ)—চিন্তিত/দুশ্চিন্তাগ্রস্থ/উদ্বিগ্ন ; absent (এবচেন্ট) — অনুপস্থিত ; school (স্কুল)— বিদ্যালয় ; here (হিয়াৰ)—ইয়াত ; help (হেল্প)—সহায়; Get well (গেট ওৱেল)—আৰোগ্য হোৱা/সুস্থ হোৱা; soon ( চুন)—সোনকালে।
Scene – III (চিন-টু)–দৃশ্য- ৩ |
Arun’s and Aziz’s parents are talking in the hospital corridor.
Aziz’s father : I am worried because Aziz may lose his eyesight. It will be known only after the bandage is removed from his eyes.
Arun’s mother : Let’s hope for the best.
Aziz’s parents : Thank you for your support.
Arun’s father : If the doctor advises it, we will take Aziz to the State Medical College and Hospital for better treatment.
■ Word-Notes (শব্দ-অর্থ) : worried (ওৰিদ) — উদ্বিগ্ন/চিন্তিত; because ( বিকজ) — কাৰণ; lose (লুজ)—হেৰোৱা ; eyesight (আইচাইট)—দৃষ্টিশক্তি; known ( ন’ন)—জনা ; only (অনলী)—মাথোন, কেৱল মাত্র; bandage (বেণ্ডেজ)—পট্টি/ বেণ্ডেজ ; removed ( ৰিমুভদ)—এৰুওৱা/আঁতৰোৱা/গুচোৱা ; hope (হ’প) —আশা ; best (বেষ্ট)— সকলোতকৈ ভাল; support (চাপোর্ট)—সমর্থন; doctor (ডক্তৰ)— চিকিৎসক ;advises (এদভাইচ) – উপদেশ; better (বেটাৰ)— আৰু ভাল ; treatment (ট্রিতমেন্ট)—চিকিৎসা।
Scene IV – [ চিন-ফোৰ ] –দৃশ্য–৪ |
[ Aziz is learning music under a music teacher.
Music teacher : Aziz, you sing very well. I’m glad to know that you have joined the National Music Competition to be held on the 5th of July. Practise every day and be confident. My blessings are always with you !
Aziz: Thank you, Guruji ! i’ll try my best.
■ Word meaning (শব্দ-অর্থ) : sing (চিং)—গান গোৱা; well (ওৱেল)— ভাল; know (ন)—জনা ; join (জইন)— যোগদান কৰা ; national (নেচনেল) — জাতীয়; music (মিউজিক)— সংগীত ; competition (কমপিটিশ্বন)—প্রতিযোগিতা ; practice (প্রেকটিছ)— অনুশীলন কৰা ; everyday (এভৰিদে) —প্রতিদিনে; confident (কনফিদেন্ট)— আত্মবিশ্বাসী ; blessing (ব্লেছিংচ)—আৰ্শীবাদ; always (অলওৱেজ)— সদায় ; try (ট্রায়)— চেষ্টা কৰা।
Scene – V [ চিন––ফাইভ ]–দৃশ্য – ৫ |
[ Six finalists of National Music Competition are on the stage. Aziz is one among them. He wears a pair of black goggles. Arun is sitting in the audience
Announcer : Hello, everybody ! It’s time to announce the winner of the Golden Voice Award of 2018.
Audience : (shouting, clapping) : Aziz ! Aziz ! Aziz is the best !
Announcer: Yes, you are right. Aziz from Banipith School, Assam is the winner of the Golden Voice Award of 2018.Congratulations, Aziz !
[Curtain falls
■ Word meaning (শব্দ-অর্থ) : finalist (ফাইনেলিষ্ট)—চূড়ান্ত প্রতিযোগী ; national (নেচনেল) — জাতীয় ; music (মিউজিক)—সংগীত; competition (কম্পিটিশ্বন)—প্রতিযোগিতা ; stage (স্টেজ) — মঞ্চ; wear (ওৱেৰ)— পৰিধান কৰা ; pair (পেয়াৰ) –জোৰা ; goggles (গ’গলছ), চচমা ; audience (অডিৱেঞ্চ)— দর্শক; announcer (এনাউনচাৰ)— ঘোষক; every body (এভৰীবদী)— সকলোৱে; announce (এনাউনছ)—ঘোষণা ; winner (উইনাৰ) —বিজয়ী; golden (গ’ল্ডেন)— সোণালী, স্বর্ণ ; voice (ভইচ)—কণ্ঠস্বৰ; award (এৱাৰ্দ)—পুৰস্কাৰ ; shouting (চাউতিঙ)—চিঞৰা ; clapping (ক্লেপিঙ)— হাত চাপৰি দিয়া ; right (ৰাইট)— সঠিক/শুদ্ধ ; congratulation ( কনগ্রেচুলেচন) —অভিনন্দন; curtain (কার্টেন)—পর্দা।
1. Choose the correct option from the following:
A. Arun and Aziz were
(i) working fast
(ii) walking fast
(iii) walking first
(iv) working first
Ans. (ii) walking fast.
B. Arun and Aziz were standing under a —
(i) big and small tree
(ii) tall tree
(iii) big and tall tree
(iv) big tree
Ans. (iii) big and tall trees.
C. Aziz’s father was worried because—
(i) Aziz might lose his legs
(ii) Aziz might lose his hearing.
(iii) Aziz might lose his arms.
(iv) Aziz might lose his eyesight.
Ans. (iv) Aziz might lose his eyesight.
D. The music teacher told Aziz to―
(i) study every day
(ii) walk every day
(iii) practise every day
(iv) play the tabla every day
Ans. (iii) practise every day.
2. Write the answers to the following questions :
(a) Where were Arun and Aziz coming from ?
Ans. Arun and Aziz were coming from Ranjit’s birthday party.
(b) What was Arun afraid of ?
Ans. Arun was afraid of thunder and lightning.
(c) What was Aziz worried about ?
Ans. Aziz was worried because he had been absent from school for many days.
(d) Why was Aziz’s father worried ?
Ans. Aziz’s father was worried because Aziz may lose his eyesight.
3. Let’s read some words that are related to the weather. Can you add some more ?

4. Work in pairs. Ask your friend to read the sentences aloud. See whether your friend is reading with a clear voice, stopping at full stops, pausing at commas and reading with expression. Then you read it and ask your friend to observe you.
(a) Look at the sky.
(b) I’m afraid of thunder and lightning.
(c) Arun, I’m so worried !
(d) Who do you think is the winner ?
(e) Aziz ! Aziz ! Aziz is the best.
5. Use the clues to make words on the weather and the crossword puzzle :
(1) Air that moves quickly
(3) Water that falls from the sky in drops
(5) A loud noise that you hear after a flash of lightning
(2) Condition of atmosphere at a particular time
(4) Very bad weather with strong wind and rain and often thunder and lightning

Ans. Across : 1. wind
2. rain
5. thunder
Down : 2. Weather
4. Storm
6. Fill in the missing letters to form words related to weather. The first one is done for you.
(a) s u n n y
(b) w i n d y
(c) r a i n y
(d) s t o r m y
(e) c l o u d y
What did you notice ? All the words end with ——-
Ans. Y.
7. Look at the picture below and read about a sunny day.
It is a sunny day. The sun is shining brightly. Birds and butterflies are flying.They are happy. It is also hot. Two boys are sitting under the shade of a tree. The clothes in the clothes-line are dry. Some people are swimming in the pond.
■ Word meaning (শব্দ-অর্থ) : Sunny day (চানি দে) —ৰ’দৰ দিন ; shine (চাইন)— কিৰণ দিয়া ; brightly (ব্রাইটলি)—উজ্জ্বলভাৱে; birds (বাদছ)—চৰাইবোৰ; butterflies (বাটাৰফ্লাইজ)—পখিলাবোৰ; flying (ফ্লাইভ)— উৰি থকা ; happy (হেপী)— সুখী ; hot (হট)—গৰম; boys (বয়জ) ল’ৰা ; sitting (চিটিঙ)—বহি আছে; under (আন্দাৰ)—তলত ; shade (চেদ) —ছ; tree (ট্রি)—গছ ; clothes (ক্লোথ্ছ)—কাপোৰ কানি; clothes line (ক্লোথ্ছ লাইন)—কাপোৰ মেলা তাঁৰ ; dry (দ্ৰাই)—শুকান ; people ( পিপল) — মানুহ; swimming (চুইমিঙ)— সাঁতোৰা ; pond (পণ্ড)—পুখুৰী।
■ Here is a picture of a rainy day.

Write a few sentences about a rainy day using some of the words from the box below. [ৰাইট এ ফিউ চেন্টেনছেছ এবাউট এ ৰেইনী দে ইউজিং চাম অব দি ওৱার্দছ ফ্রম দি বক্স বিল’।] —তলৰ বাকচ্ত দিয়া শব্দবোৰ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি এটা বৰষুণৰ দিনৰ বিষয়ে কেইটামান বাক্য লিখা।
muddy cloudy cool wet heavy windy |
Ans. I like rain, it feels beautiful and the cold wind feels good. Cloudy and windy weather are nice But i don’t like the heavy rain. The road and area become muddy due to heavy rain.
8. Let’s read what Arun did when he visited his grandparents :
On Sunday, Arun went to visit his grandparents. His grandparents were happy to see him. In the evening he went out for a walk with his grandfather. They reached home at 6 p.m. At night, Arun sat with his grandparents and listened to stories. He went to bed at 9 p.m. after having his dinner. He woke up early next morning and left for home.
■ Word-meaning (শব্দার্থ) : Sunday (চানদে) — দেওবাৰ, ৰবিবাৰ; went (ওৱেন্ট)—গৈছিল ; visit (ভিজিত) ) — দেখা কৰা/লগ পোৱা ; grand-parents (গ্লেণ্ড পেৰেন্টছ)—ককা ‘আইতা ; happy (হেপী) — সুখী; see (চি)—দেখা ; evening (ইভিনিঙ)— সন্ধিয়া ; walk (ওৱাক) — খোজ কাঢ়া ; reached (ৰিচদ্) —গৈ পোৱা ; home (হোম)— ঘৰ ; night (নাইট) –ৰাতি; sat ( চেট) ––বহিছিল; listened (লিচনদ) – শুনিছিল; stories (ষ্টৰিজ)—গল্প/সাধু; bed (বেদ)—বিচনা ; dinner (ডিনাৰ)—ৰাতিৰ আহাৰ ; woke up ( ওক আপ) —সাৰ পোৱা, শুৱাৰ পৰা উঠা ; early morning (আৰলি মৰ্নিঙ) — দোকমোকালি; next (নেক্সট)—পিছত।
■ Read the underlined words and write them below for practice. [ ৰিদ দা আন্দাৰ লাইন ওৱাৰ্দছ এন্ড ৰাইট দেম বিল’ ফৰ প্রেকটিছ।]—তলত আঁচটনা শব্দবোৰ পঢ়া আৰু লিখা।
On Sunday In the evening
6p.m. At night.
after having his dinner. next morning
Now, make sentences with the following group of words :
on Sunday , in the morning, in the evening, next morning |
Ans. On Sunday : I went to the waterpark on sunday.
In the morning : We should do yoga in the morning.
In the evening: I went to the mall with my mother yesterday in the evening.
Next morning : We should start practicing the next morning.
9. Fill in the blanks with words from the box. They show time relationships. You can use a word more than once
on ,at , after , in , |
(a) I will reach school at 9am.
(b) Our school will reopen after Bihu.
(c) I will do my homework in the evening.
(d) My friends will come to my house on Sunday.
(e) I like to listen to stories at night.
10. Now, write a few sentences about yourself using some of these words.
Ans. On (অন) : The cat is sitting on the table.
At (এট) : I went to bed at 9 clock.
After (আফটাৰ) : I watch T.V. after coming from school.
In (ইন) : I’m in the dance school.
11. Read the words in the boxes :
at | on | in |
at the corner at the bus stop at the top of the bridge at the entrance | on the street on the buson the wall on the 1st of July | in the northin the traffic jam in the kitchenin the newspaper |
12. Read :
(a) drink
drink water
She is drinking water.
(b) draw
draw a picture
She is drawing a picture.
(c) play
play football
He was playing football.
(d) watch
watch T.V.
He was watching T.V.
13. Read what Arun and his family members are doing now :
Arun is reading a book. His parents are working in the garden. They are watering the plants. His sister Mini is playing ludo with her cousin Arun and Mini’s mother is the Principal of Mini’s school. Next day at school, this is what she saw when she came into the class at 8.40 a.m. [
Ans. The Principal saw that Mini was looking at the trees outside the classroom Rumi and Preety were talking. They were also laughing. Rahul was drawing a picture in his notebook. Some students were reading.
14. Look at the clock and write the time :

Ans. 6:30pm. / a.m. Half past six.
Now, write what you and your family members were doing yesterday evening at this time.
Ans. ( 1 ) I was brushing my teeth.
(2) My sister was preparing notes.
(3) My father was watering the plants.
(4) My mother was drinking tea in the garden.
15. Work in pairs. Read this passage about Arun and his sister Mini. In pairs, play the roles of Arun and Mini and act out what they are saying :
“This is my sister Mini. She is ten years old.gave her a pen yesterday. She came to me this morning. She was very upset.” She said, “I’m sorry. I’ve lost the pen”. “Never mind, ” I said to her. “He asked, “How did you lose it ?” Mini replied : “I’m afraid I was a bit careless. I don’t remember where I kept it”. “Never mind, Mini, I’ll buy you another pen,” I said to her. “Thank you”, Mini said and left the room happily.
16. As you know, Arun, Mini and pen are all naming words. Read the following sentences and circle the naming words: [এজ ইউ নো, অৰুণ, মিনি এন্ড পেন আৰ অল নেমিঙ ওৱাদৰ্ছ। ৰিদ দা ফল্ল’য়িঙ চেন্টেনছেছ এন্ড চার্কেল দা নেমিঙ ওৱাদৰ্ছ ]—তুমি জানা অৰুণ, মিনি আৰু কলম শব্দবোৰ নামবাচক (বিশেষ্য) শব্দ। তলৰ বাক্যবোৰ পঢ়া আৰু নামবাচক শব্দবোৰত ঘূৰণীয়া চিন দিয়া :
(a) Hiren is talking to Raj [ হিৰেণ ইজ টকিং টু ৰাজ। ]—হিৰেণে ৰাজৰ লগত কথা পাতি আছে।
(b) Raj is wearing a black shirt. [ৰাজ ইজ ওৱেৰিঙ এ ব্লেক চার্ট । ] ৰাজে এটা কলা চোলা পিন্ধি আছে।
(c) Arzu is playing a guitar . [ আৰজু ইজ প্লেইড দা গিটাৰ। ]— আৰজু এটা গিটাৰ বজাই আছে।
(d) The teacher is waiting on the blackboard .[ দা টিচাৰ ইজ ৱাইটিও অন দি ব্লেকব’ৰ্ড। ] –শিক্ষক জনে ব্লেকব’ৰ্ডত লিখি আছে।
(e) Juri is drinking water from the water bottle . [ জুৰি ইজ ড্রিংকিং ওৱাটাৰ ফ্ৰম দা ওৱাটাৰ বটল। ] —জুৰিয়ে পানীৰ বটলটোৰ পৰা পানী পি আছে।
Write the naming words under the correct columns : [ ৰাইট দা নেমিঙ ওৱাদৰ্ছ আন্দাৰ দা কাৰেক্ট কলমছ: ] —নামবাচক শব্দবোৰ সঠিক স্থানত লিখা :
People | Things |
Hiren, Raj, Arzu, teacher, Juri | shirt, guitar, blackboard, water, water bottle. |
Now, choose any two naming words from the above list and make two sentences with them :
(i) Hiren and Raj are going to Shillong today.
(ii) Arzu was participating in the drawing competition.
(iii) Teachers are going to celebrate 14 November.
(iv) Always clean your water bottle.
(v) Teachers write question answers on the blackboard.

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