Class 12 Political Science Chapter 9 Globalisation The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters Assam Board HS Class 12 Political Science Chapter 9 Globalisation and select needs one.
Class 12 Political Science Chapter 9 Globalisation
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Unit -9
PART – 1
Q.1. What is meant by globalisation ?
Ans : Globalisation refers to the growing interdependence between different people’s, regions and countries in the world as social and economic relationships come to stretch worldwide.
Q.2. Mention a positive consequence of globalisation on state capacity.
Ans : A positive consequence of globalisation on state capacity is that globalisation has led to increase in exports and balance in foreign trade.
Q.3. Write ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
Technology is one of the important factors that causes globalisation.
Ans : Yes.
Q. 4. What is meant by economic globalisation ?
Ans : Economic globalisation refers to the globalisation that takes place in economic field in the form of free trade between countries, import and export and all such international economic relations.
Q. 5. What is meant by cultural homogenisation ?
Ans : The cultural effect of globalisation leads to the fear that it is a threat to cultures in the world. Since, globalisation leads to the rise of a uniform culture, which is called ‘cultural homogenisation’.
Q. 6. Fill in the blank :
Cultural homogenisation is an aspect of ___.
Ans : Globalisation.
Q. 7. When did India start its economic reform ?
Ans : In 1991 India starts its economic reform.
Q. 8. What is World Social Forum ?
Ans : World Social Forum is a global platform which brings together a wide coalition composed of human rights activists, environmentalists, labour, youth and woman activists, opposed to neo-liberal globalisation. The first WSF meeting was organised in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2001.
Q. 9. Write the significance of Seattle Conference (1999) of WTO.
Ans : In 1999 there was a ministerial level meeting of World Trade Organisation. There were widespread protests at Seattle alleging unfair trade practices by the economically powerful states.
Q. 10. When new economic policy was adopted in India ?
Ans : New economic policy was adopted in India in 1991.
Q. 11. In which areas globalisation is not beneficial ?
Ans : Agriculture.
Q. 12. When the first world social forum meeting was organised ?
Ans : The first world social forum meeting was organised in Porto alegre, Brazil, in 2001.
Q. 13. Write one negative aspect of globalisation.
Ans : Globalisation is related to liberalisation and privatisation.
Q. 14. What is full form of WTO ?
Ans : under full form of WTO is World Trade Organisation.
Q. 15. Mention one feature of globalisation.
Ans : One feature of globalisation is competitive economy and expansion of industrialisation.
Q. 16. What is protectionism ?
Ans : Protectionism means not allow others to export.
Q. 17. Write one problem of globalisation ?
Ans : Globalisation poses a threat to the sovereign power of state.
Q. 18. In India who are indigenous people ?
Ans : India, the description “indigenous people” is usually applied to the schedule tribe who constitutionally percent of the population of the country.
Q. 19. When did the process of globalisation begin ?
Ans : In India the process of globalisation started in 1991.
Q. 20. What does globalisation include ?
Ans : Globalisation includes liberalisation and privatisation.
Q. 1. What are the causes of globalisation ?
Ans : The different factors that have facilitated the occurrence of globalisation :
(i) Development in the fields of Science and Technology.
(ii) Revolution in information technology and electronic media.
(iii) Advances in the field of transport and communication.
(iv) Growth of MNCs and efforts by develop nations make the whole world, one single market.
Q. 2. What are the different dimensions of globalisation ?
Ans : The different dimensions of globalisation are :
(i) Economical dimensions.
(ii) Political dimensions.
(iii) Cultural dimensions.
Q. 3. How does globalisation affect state sovereignty ?
Ans : Globalisation results in an erosion of state capacity that is, the ability of government to do what they do. All over the world, the old ‘welfare state’ is now giving way to a more minimalist state that perform certain care functions such as the maintenance of law and order in the security of its citizens. The entry and the increased role of multinational company is all over the world leads to A reduction in the capacity of governments to take decisions on their own.
Q. 4. Mention two actors involved with Economic globalisation.
Ans : Two actors involved with economic globalisation are : World Trade Organisation and International Monetary fund.
Q. 5. Do you think that globalisation poses a threat to culture in the world ?
Ans : Cultural diversity is a Universal phenomenon. Each society has its own culture. One culture different from another culture. One culture does not have all the similarities of another culture. I fully agree with the view that globalisation leads to cultural heterogeneity. No culture would disappear due to globalisation. In fact, globalisation list to each culture becoming more different and distinctive post of this phenomenon is called cultural heterogenization.
Q. 6. Do you think the cultural consequences of globalisation are always negative ?
Ans : No, cultural consequences of globalisation and not negative. Cultures are not static things. All cultures except outside influences all the time. Some external influences are negative because they reduce our choices. But sometimes external influences simply and large our choices and they modify our culture without overwhelming that traditional culture.
Q. 7. What is meant by cultural heterogenization ?
Ans : cultural heterogenization leads each culture to become MORE different and distinctive. Here all people get acquainted with a variety of cultures and it creates inter mining line of one culture with another.
Q. 8. How has Technology contributed to globalisation ?
Ans : Through technology the invention of the Telegraph, the telephone, internet, e-mail, fax, Information Technology etc. has been revolutionized the communication process. Through technological systems the ability of the people have been more advanced. The Digital information revolution has changed the path of the world learns. Computer Technology has made long distance learning on everyday reality.
Q. 9. Do you think that globalisation leads to inform results everywhere ?
Ans : No, I don’t think that globalisation leads to uniform results everywhere. For example while globalisation has led to similar economic policies adopted by government in different parts of the world which has generated vastly different outcomes in different parts of the world.
Q. 10. What are the recent characteristics of globalisation ?
Ans : The recent characters of globalisation are use of science and technology. The two thrust areas of globalisation is opening up of economy and application of Information Technology.
Q. 11. What are to thrust areas of globalisation ?
Ans : The to thrust the areas of globalisation and liberalization and privatization.
Q. 12. What are the positive impact of globalisation ?
Ans : Globalisation has led to increase stake capacity to exports and foreign trade.
Q. 13. What are the two unequal worlds that exist ?
Ans : two unequal worlds that exist are : global north and global south.
Q. 14. What does liberalisation lead to ?
Ans : Liberalisation leads to opening the economic sector, deregulate state control over trade and Commerce and allow foreign direct investment.
Q. 15. Write to definition of globalisation ?
Ans : Globalisation is regarded as a multi-dimensional concept, in which it is a process, where the ‘earth’ is regarded as a global village.
Q. 16. What are global common ? Give any two examples ?
Ans : Global Commons are those areas or objects or resources of the world which are not part of the exclusive jurisdiction of any state.
Two examples of Global Commons are : Ocean floor and air, space.
Q. 17. How has technology contributed to Globalisation ?
Ans : Technology is one of the important factors that contribute globalisation. The invention of the telegraph, the telephone, internet, e-mail, fax, information technology has been revolutionised the communication process. Technology has enabled the people around the globe to interact and communicate.
Q. 18. Fill in the blanks :
(a) Globalisation is a……….
Ans : multi dimensional concept.
(b) Economic……. has created a division of opinion all over the………..
Ans : liberalisation,world
(c) The world social……….is another……..platform.
Ans : forum, global.
Q. 19. What are the socio-cultural consequences of globalisation ?
Ans : Globalisation has affected socio-cultural aspect of human society throughout the world. Globalisation has increased the area of choice of the individual in social cultural field.
Q. 20. What has been India experience in resisting globalisation ?
Ans : In India resistance to globalisation has come from various quarters. Left wings have protested economic liberalisation through political parties as well as 4A like Indian social forum. For the social movement Trade union movements, workers movements and farmers education against Monopoly of multinational corporations also some forms of resistance to globalisation patenting of plants like Neem by American and European forms has generated widespread opposition in India.
Further political activities have also registered globalisation. This has come in the form of objection to various cultural influences which includes westernization of dresses of girl students in schools and colleges celebration of Valentine’s Day and indecencies shown by foreign TV channels on the cable networks.
Q. 21. How far is it correct to say that Globalisation actually increases the activities of a state ?
Ans : It is argued that globalisation affects the role of the state in the developing countries i.e. the ability of the government to do what it wants when a country is engaged in the business activities of other countries its government makes agreements with respect to those countries separately international organisation like World Trade Organisation frame rules and regulation for all the countries and the governments have to enforce this rule and regulations in their respective countries.
Many a times they are compelled to do away with certain rules and regulation that safeguard the rights and working conditions of the working people to stop it is maintained there in place of old welfare state, it is the market that, becomes the prime determinant of economic and social priorities. The entry of multinational companies in a company reduces the capacity of government to take decisions on their own.
It is however, to be noticed that globalisation does not always reduce the capacity of the state. The state in the developing countries continues to perform is essential functions like the maintenance of law and order and national security. Thus, states continue to be important and play a vital role in the light of globalisation event in developing countries. Besides with advanced Technologies available at the disposal of the state to collect information about citizens by state is able to rule in a better way to stop as a result rules become more powerful than they Where are there is a result of the outcome of new technology.
Q. 1. What are the consequences of globalisation ?
Ans : The consequences of globalisation has different regarding its three dimension :
(i) Due to the advent of globalisation, the entry ans the inner cased role of multinational companies all over the world has led to a reduction in the capacity of the government to take decisions on their own, in which the state has gradually withdraw from its earlier function of economic and social well being. Thus, the ‘welfare state’ has been replaced by market factor which has become the principal determinant of social and economic priorities.
(ii) Economic globalisation promotes trad across countries therefore the supporters have agreed that this trade among countries allows each economy to do what it does best. This would benefit the whole world.
(iii) The impact of globalisation has led to a rise of a uniform culture, known as cultural homogenisation.
(iv) The advocates argue that, economic globalisation generate greater economic growth and well-being for larger section of the population where there is deregulation.
Q. 2. What is meant by common but differentiated responsibilities ?
Ans : (i) In view of the different contributions of global environmental degradation, states have common but differentiated responsibilities.
(ii) The argument that says that the special needs of the developing countries must be taken into account in the development, application, and interpretation of rules of international environmental laws, is called the principle of ‘common but differentiated responsibilities’.
(iii) The developed countries acknowledge the responsibility that they bear in the international pursuit of sustainable development in view of the pressures of their societies place on the global environment and of the technological and financial resources they command.
(iv) The 1992 UNFCCC also provides that the parties should act to protect the climate system “on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respected capabilities”.
Q. 3. Point out the impacts of globalisation on India ?
Ans : As early as the 1980’s, India responded to globalisation. It influences India in different ways – Globalisation affects India economically, politically and socio-cultural structures. Globalisation established many capital goods industries and facilitated to betterment of private sector. In the year, 1991,India reached a situation in which the government lost its credibility to borrow from abroad. India impact on economic reforms program globalisation compels Indian government to change legislations and Institutions to facilitate the private sector.
It brings about changes in the trade of the family. In the agricultural point of view, India is yet to gain the benefits of globalisation. In India it is associated with the concept of economic reforms first generation was during Prime Minister Rao’s time (1991 – 1996). It appears that globalisation is a natural process in view of development of means of communication and interdependence of the world community. Hence, India is not exception India also responded to globalisation by welcoming technological development and by adopting privatisation liberalisation in 1990’s.
State’s role is decreasing and World Culture is promoting in every areas of Indian society. India is in turn impacting on globalisation. Here, Information Technology (IT) and Space Technology(ST) has expanded tremendously.
Q. 4. What are the economic implications of globalisation ?
Ans : Economic Globalisation, though criticised for creating imbalances in the economic scenario, however is also favoured, by many advocates :
(i) The advocates argue that, economic globalisation and generates greater economic growth and well-being for larger section of the population, when there is deregulation.
(ii) Since, economic globalisation promotes trade, across countries, therefore the supporters have agreed that this trade among countries allows each economy to do what it does best. This would benefit the whole world.
(iii) They also argue that the economic globalisation is inevitable and it is not wise to racist the March of history.
(iv) Thus,more moderate supporters of economic globalisation say that globalisation provides a challenge that can be responded intelligent be without accepting it uncritically.
Q. 5.’ Resistance to globalisation in India has come from different quarters’ – elaborate the statement.
Ans : In India resistance to globalisation has come from various quarters. Left wing se protested economic liberalisation through political parties as well as 4A like Indian social forum. Father social movements, Trade union movements, ‘workers movements and farmers’ agitation against Monopoly of Multinational Corporations are also some forms of resistance to globalisation, patenting of plants like Neem by American and European forms has generated widespread opposition in India.
Further political activities have also registered globalisation. This has come in the form of objection to various cultural influences which includes westernization of dresses of girl students in schools and colleges celebration of Valentine’s Day and indecencies shown by foreign TV channels on the cable networks.
Q. 6. Cultures are not take things.Explain ?
Ans : cultures are not static things. Cultures are dynamic. It keeps changing. All cultures accepts outside influence as the time goes. External influences and enlarge our choices and they modify our culture without overwhelming the traditional culture.
Sl. No. | CONTENTS |
Unit 1 | PART – 1 |
Chapter 1 | The Cold War Era |
Chapter 2 | The End of Bipolarity |
Chapter 3 | US Hegemony in World Politics |
Chapter 4 | Alternative Centres Of Power |
Chapter 5 | Contemporary South Asia |
Chapter 6 | International Organisations |
Chapter 7 | Security In The Contemporary World |
Chapter 8 | Environment And Natural Resources |
Chapter 9 | Globalisation |
Unit 2 | PART – 2 |
Chapter 1 | Era of One-Party Dominance |
Chapter 2 | Challenges of Nation Building |
Chapter 3 | Politics Of Planned Development |
Chapter 4 | India’s External Relations |
Chapter 5 | Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System |
Chapter 6 | The Crisis of Democratic Order |
Chapter 7 | Rise of Popular Movements |
Chapter 8 | Regional Aspirations |
Chapter 9 | Recent Developments in India Politics |
Q. 7. Find out the ways that globalisation can be seen to have an impact on global culture.
Ans : Same as Ans Of Q. No. 2. (Very Long Answer) Same
Q. 8. What does the economic globalisation involve ?
Ans : Same as Ans Of Q. No. 4. (Long Answer)
Q. 9. In globalisation what are the determinants of economic and social priorities ?
Ans : Economic globalisation aims to promote trade and commerce across Countries. Therefore the supporters have give priorities over free trade among countries which will allow each country to follow the best economic policies.
The impact of globalisation have an impact on the society. Due to globalisation every society is interconnected with the outside world. Thus every society have the information about the best social and cultural aspect around the world. Therefore, Emphasis is given to increase the standard of life which will enable the people to enjoy quality life.
Q. 10. Examine the responsible factors of for the emergence of the process of globalisation ?
Ans : The different factors that have facilitated the occurrence of globalisation :
(i) Development in the fields of science and technology.
(ii) Revolution in information technology and electronic media.
(iii) Advances in the field of transport and communication.
(iv) Growth of MNCs and efforts by develop Naturals make the whole world, one single market.
Q. 11. Write the criticism of globalisation.
Ans : Criticism of globalisation :
(i) The contemporary globalisation help make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
(ii) In political term there is a fear which leads to the reduction in the capacity of the state to protect the interest of the people.
(iii)The left wing fears that economically it affects self-reliance.
(iv) Cultural they are worried that traditional culture will be harmed and people will lose their age aid values.
Q. 12. Write a note on :
(a) World Social Forum (WSF).
Ans : World Social Forum is a global platform which brings together a wide coalition of human rights activities, environmentalists, labour, youth and women activities, opposed to neo-liberal economic policies. The First World Social Forum was held in Porto alegre, Brazil in 2001.
(b) World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Ans : WTO stands for World Trade Organisation. World Trade Organisation is an organisation that intends to supervise and liberalise international trade. It was set up in 1995 as a successor to the general agreement on Trade and Tariffs. WTO promotes Free Flow or trade which inter integrates the Global Economics.
(c) International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Ans : IMF stands for International Monetary Fund. It is an International Financial Institution. It is an intergovernmental organisation that oversees the global financial system.
Q. 13. Make a list of products of Multinational Companies (MNC’s) that are used by your family ?
Ans : (i) Computer.
(iii) Toothpaste.
(iv) Medicine.
(v)Mobile Phone.
(vi) Cloth.
(vii) Refrigerator.
(viii) Food.
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globalisation and its consequences for project