Class 12 Political Science Chapter 13 India’s External Relations

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Class 12 Political Science Chapter 13 India’s External Relations

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India’s External Relations

Unit -13

PART – 2


Q. 1. Who was the founder of Indian National Army ? 

Ans : Subhash Chandra Bose was the founder of Indian National Army. 

Q. 2. Which article of the Constitution of India lays down about the foreign policy ? 

Ans : The constitution of India lays down about the foreign policy through the Article 51.

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Q. 3. Who is the pioneer of India’s foreign policy ? 

Ans : the pioneer of India’s foreign policy is Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. 

Q. 4. Name the two superpower countries which led two blocks at global level. 

Ans : U.S.S.R. and U.S.A. are the two superpower countries which led two blocks at global level. 

Q. 5. In which year did China annexe Tibet ?

Ans : In 1950 China annexed Tibet. 

Q. 6. What does NEFA imply ? 

Ans : N.E.F.A. implies North East Frontier Agency. 

Q. 7. When did China invade India ? 

Ans : In 1962 China invaded India. 

Q. 8. Who was the first Prime Minister of the Nehru to visit China ? 

Ans : The first Prime Minister after Nehru to visit China was Rajiv Gandhi. 

Q. 9. Name the agreement which was signed by Lal Bahadur Shastri and General Ayub Khan in 1966.

Ans : In 1966 Tashkent agreement was signed by Lal Bahadur Shastri and General Ayub Khan. 

Q. 10. In which year was Bangladesh war started ? 

Ans : In 1971 Bangladesh war was started. 

Q. 11. When was the Shimla Agreement held ? 

Ans : In 1975 Shimla Agreement was held. 

Q. 12. In which year Mc. Mohan line was determined as boundary in between India and China ? 

Ans : In the year 1914 Mc. Mohan line was determined as boundary in between India and China. 

Q. 13. Who proposed partition of Kashmir ? 

Ans : Md. Ali Jinnah and Muslim League proposed for the partition of Kashmir. 

Q. 14. Where the first non alignment Summit was held ? 

Ans : In September 1961, in Belgrade the first non alignment Summit was held. 

Q. 15. What do you mean by foreign policy ? 

Ans : Foreign Policy means the policy which an independent country adopts towards other independent countries. 

Q. 16. Write one basic principle of India’s foreign policy. 

Ans : One basic principle of India’s foreign policy is non alignment. 

Q. 17. Say the correct word. 

(a) The first Summit of non alignment (NAM) was held in Belgrade in (1960/1961/1962) 

Ans : 1961.

(b) The Panchsheel agreement was signed between India and (Pakistan/China/USA) 

Ans : China. 

(c) The Kargil conflict went on during May and June (1998/1999/2000) 

Ans : 1999.

(d) The Janata Party government came to power in (1976/1977/1978) 

Ans : 1977.

(e) Who signed Shimla Agreement ? 

(i) Indira Gandhi and Mr. Bhutto. 

(ii) Dalai Lama and Indira Gandhi. 

(iii) Jawaharlal Nehru and Mr. Bhutto. 

Ans : Indira Gandhi and Mr. Bhutto. 

Q. 18. What are the ingredients of foreign policy ? 

Ans : National Security and National Interest.

Q. 19. In which year China invaded India ? 

Ans : China invaded India in 1962.

Q. 20. Which is a major issue of dispute between India and Pakistan ? 

Ans : Kashmir issue is the major issue of conflict between India and Pakistan. 

Q. 21. In which year Shimla agreement took place? 

Ans : Shimla agreement took place in 1972.

Q. 22. Who signed Shimla Agreement ? 

Ans : Shimla Agreement was signed by India and Pakistan. 

Q. 23. What was the significance of Bandung Conference ? 

Ans : The significance of Bandung Conference was that it resolved to promote goodwill and cooperation within the nations of Asia, and Africa. 


Q. 1. Explain the two most important basic principle of India’s foreign policy. 

Ans : Non-alignment, Friendly relation with all the country. 

Q. 2. What do you mean by Panchsheel ? 

Ans : Panchsheel means 5 principles of conducting relations among nations. India and China formulated ‘Panchsheel’ to main friendly relations. 

Q. 3. Mention two points of tension in India’s relations with Pakistan. 

Ans : (i) Kashmir is the core issue of tension existing between India and Pakistan.

(ii) Terrorism is another cause of tension in India’s relation with Pakistan.

Q. 4. Mention any two major objectives of Nehru’s Foreign Policy.

Ans : (i) To preserve hard earned sovereignty. 

(ii) To protect territorial integrity. 

(iii)To promote economic development. 

Q. 5. Give the full form of N.P.T. and C.T.B.T.

Ans : Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. 

Q. 6. Illustrate two major points of dispute with China. 

Ans : Two major points of dispute with China are : 

(i) In September 1962, China crossed NEFA and launched a large scale attack against India. 

(ii) India made a strong note of protest to China by establishing military control in Tibet to which Chinese authorities reacted sharply. 

Q. 7. When was the first nuclear explosion undertaken by India ? 

Ans : In 1974, the first nuclear explosion was undertaken by India. 

Q. 8. What are the factors which influence a country’s foreign policy ? 

Ans : the factors which influence account is foreign policy are economic factors, security dependence, historical factors, etc. . 

Q. 9. Mention two conditions of Shimla Agreement. 

Ans : The conditions of Shimla Agreement signed between Indira Gandhi and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto on 3 July 1972 is given below : 

(i) To maintain understanding good neighborhood relations stable and long lasting peace.

(ii) No country would interfere with the other countries internal matters on the basis of mutual respect for peace, security etc. 

Q. 10. How far India’s foreign policy has been able to protect its national interest ? 

Ans : To a large extent the Indian Foreign Policy protects is national interest like :

(i) Our support to Indo-Pakistan positive relation have witnessed many new development. While Kashmir continues to be the main issue between the two countries, there have been many efforts to restore normal relations. Cultural exchanges, movement of citizens and economic cooperation would be encouraged by both countries. 

(ii) Our support to NIEO would ensure free flow of resources from the developed countries. 

Q. 11. Write any two example of international issues where India took an independent stand. 

Ans : The two example of international issues where India took an independent stand are : 

(i) India did not support the idea of block politics. Instead of that India announced her independent foreign policy on the basis of Non Aligned Movement.

(ii) In the bringing of gap between Global north and global South countries India took an independent stand. India advocated the idea of New International Economic Order 

Q. 12. What do you mean by peaceful coexistence ? 

Ans : Peaceful coexistence means competition without wars or a policy of peace between Nations for widely differing political systems and ideologies. It is one of the principle of Sino Indian Treaty. 

Q. 13. What was the significance of Bandung Conference ? 

Ans : The Afro-Asian conference held in the Indonesian city of Bandung in 1955 commonly known as the Bandung Conference had following significance :

(i) The Bandung Conference led to the establishment of Non Alignment (NAM) as Jawaharlal Nehru its co-founder. 

(ii) It marked the Zenith of India’s engagement with the nearly independent Asian and African Nations. 

Q. 14. Which step was regarded as cornerstone in India-China relation ? 

Ans : The joint enunciation of Panchsheel, the five principles of peaceful co-existence by the Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and the Chinese premier Zhou Enlai an 29th April 1954, was regarded as the cornerstone of Indo-China relation. Indian and Chinese leaders visited each others country and were greeted by large and friendly crowds. 

Q. 15. In which year and would declared by principles of Panchsheel ? 

Ans : On 29th April 1954 five principles of Panchsheel was declared by India’s Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and China’s Premier Zhou Enlai to make strong the relationship between the two countries. 

Q. 16. Mention any two major objective of Nehru’s foreign policy ? 

Ans : the two major objective of Nehru’s foreign policy : 

(i) To protect hard earned sovereignty of India. 

(ii) To establish peace. 

Q. 17. What do you mean by Panchsheel ? 

Ans : Panchsheel means five principle of conducting relations among nations. India and China formulated five principles of conducting mutual relations

Q. 18. Write two principles on the basis of which India has established her relations with her neighbours ? 

Ans : The principles on the basis of which India had established relations with her neighbours : 

(i) Non-interference in the internal affairs of other independent States. 

(ii) peaceful coexistence. 

Q. 19. Mention two points of tension in India’s relations with Pakistan ? 

Ans : Kashmir is the main point of tension between relation of India and Pakistan. On the other hand terrorism is another important point of tension between the two countries. 

Q. 20. Write two most important basic principles of India’s foreign policy ? 

Ans : Two basic principles of India’s foreign policy are : 

(i) Non-alignment 

(ii) Respect and Belief in the United Nations Organisation. 

Q. 21. Write the importance of ‘Peaceful Co-existence’ in the context of India’s foreign policy ? 

Ans : Peaceful Coexistence is one basic characteristic of India’s foreign policy. Peaceful Coexistence means live and let live. It gives importance on maintaining peace and avoiding war. It is one of the principle of Sino-Indian relations. 

Q. 22. Mention two conditions of Shimla Agreement ?

Ans : (i) Pull lack of troops by India and Pakistan away from the International border. 

(ii)Renunciation of the use of force in the settlement of disputes.

Q. 23. State any two directive Principles of State Policy relating to Foreign Affairs ? 

Ans : settlement of international disputes bye arbitration, maintain just and honourable relations with nations.

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