Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 3 The voice of the rain

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Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 3 The voice of the rain

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The voice of the rain

Chapter: 3



I. 1. There are two voices in the poem. Who do they belong to? Which lines indicate this? 

Ans: There are two voices in the poem. One belongs to the poet who speaks to us. The other is the voice of the rain that is heard by the poet.  

The lines that indicate the voice of the poet and the rain are, “And who art thou? Said I to the soft-falling shower,” and the lines that indicate the voice of the rain are, “I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain”.

2. What does the phrase “strange to tell” mean? 

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Ans: “Strange to tell” means that it is quite strange for the poet to believe and express in words that the rain gives an answer to the poet’s query.

3. There is a parallel drawn between rain and music. Which words indicate this? Explain the similarity between the two. 

Ans: The parallel between rain and music is highlighted in the poem’s final two lines, enclosed within brackets. The poet compares rain to music, suggesting that just as a song is born in a poet’s heart, rain originates from the earth through evaporation. When a poet expresses his emotions through song, he experiences joy, and his soul remains pure. Similarly, rain, after its journey in the sky, returns to the earth, cleansing it and enhancing its beauty.

4. How is the cyclic movement of rain brought out in the poem? Compare it with what you have learnt in science. 

Ans: Rain water rises untouched out of the land and deep sea and gathers in the sky, where it changes form, and then comes down to earth to bathe the dry tiny particles of dust layers and all that lies buried under it. Then it returns to the place of its origin. Science textbooks indicate that water vapours from the rivers and ocean rise up to the sky due to the intense heat. They assume the form of clouds and after condensation drop down as rain. The water flows back through rivers to the seas and oceans.

5. Why are the last two lines put within brackets? 

Ans: The last two lines have been bracketed because they are not part of the conversation between rain and Poet. The lines in the bracket indicate the reflections, observations and thoughts of the poet.

6. List the pairs of opposites found in the poem.

Ans: Some pairs of opposites in the poem are:

(i) Rise and descend.

(ii) Love and drought.

(iii) Day and night.

(iv) Upward to heaven and the bottomless sea.

(v) Reck’d and unreck’d.

(vi) Altogether changed and yet the same. 

II. Notice the following sentence patterns. 

1. And who art thou? said I to the soft-falling shower. 

2. I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain. 

3. Eternal I rise.

4. For song… duly with love returns.

Rewrite the above sentences in prose.

Ans: (i) I asked the softly falling rain who it was.

(ii) The voice of the rain replied that it was a poetic creation.

(iii) I make a perpetual upward movement to the skies.

(iv) The song of the rain after wandering from land to sky,. returns to the earth in due time with love, regardless of anyone noticing or heäring it. 

III. Look for some more poems on the rain and see how this one is different from them.

Ans: Students do it yourself.

1 thought on “Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 3 The voice of the rain”

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