Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 4 Childhood

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Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 4 Childhood

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Also, you can read the SCERT Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 4 Childhood All Be Together” book Notes online in these sections Solutions by Expert Teachers as per AHSEC (SCERT) Book guidelines. Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 4 Childhood Notes are part of SCERT All Subject Solutions. Here we have given Assam Board Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 4 Childhood Solutions for All Subjects, You can practice these here.


Chapter: 4


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1. Identify the stanza that talks of each of the following.

individuality,   rationalism,  hypocrisy

Ans. individuality : stanza 3, where he talks about his own mind, individual thoughts and decisive power of his own.

rationalism : stanza 1, where he discusses the ability to distinguish fact from fantasy.

hypocrisy : stanza 2, in which he talks about the duality of the adult world, where people do not practise what they preach. 

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2. What, according to the poem, is involved in the process of growing up?

Ans. According to the poem, the process of growing up involves the attainment of mental maturity. A person is said to be grown up when he has become logical, rational and is able to build his own thoughts. As a person grows up, he becomes aware of his own capacity to think and make decisions. His thoughts are no longer influenced or directed by others. But at the same time, there is a lament at the loss of childhood. A grown up has the power to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

3. What is the poet’s feeling towards childhood ?

Ans. The poet regards childhood as an important stage in the process of growing up. Childhood is a period of make-believe. Children readily accept whatever the elders say. He thinks about where his childhood came to an end. He wonders if it was the day on which he was no longer eleven years of age. the poet wonders that was it the time when he began to view the world with a different perception. Naturally, when humans grow older, their perception of the world changes.

4. Which do you think are the most poetic lines ? Why?

Ans. The most poetic lines are the concluding lines of the poem. “It went to some forgotten place, That’s hidden in an infant’s face,…..” These lines sum up beautifully the process of growth and the disappearance of a particular stage of life. It takes us back to a forgotten phase in our life, pure, innocent and divine. 


1. What did the author think when he was eleven years old?

Ans:- When the author was eleven years old he thought that he was now an adult.

2. Is the poet nostalgic about his childhood?

Ans:- The poet is in a nostalgic mood. He is missing his childhood days and wonders when he lost his innocence.

3. Does the poet think that his mind belonged to him all the time?

Ans:- No, the poet thought that in childhood and till now, his mind did not belong to him.

4. What did the poet find out about his mind?

Ans:- The poet in his childhood noticed that his mind was capable of producing thoughts that were of his own and not influenced by the other individuals of the society.The poet came to the realisation that adults are hypocrites. This is because the adults are not what they appear or seem to be. According to the author, adults preach about love but their behaviour is not so loving. 

5. Where has the poet’s childhood gone?

Ans:- He concludes that his childhood has vanished into a forgotten place from which it can never return. The poet cherishes his now lost innocence. This is the type of innocence that one can only see in a baby’s face. 

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