Class 11 English Chapter 2 ” We’re  Not Afraid To Die……..if  We Can All Be Together”

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Class 11 English Chapter 2 “We’re  Not Afraid To Die……..if  We Can All Be Together”

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“We’re  Not Afraid To Die……..if  We Can All Be Together”

Chapter: 2



1. List the steps taken by the captain:

(i) To protect the ship when rough weather began.

Ans: To safeguard the ship from the rough weather, the captain chose to slow it down. He lowered the storm jib and secured a heavy mooring rope in a loop across the stem. After that, they reinforced all fastenings and conducted their life-raft drill.

(ii) To check the flooding of the water in the ship. 

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Ans: Larry and Herb began pumping out water while the captain stretched canvas and secured waterproof hatch covers over the gaping holes. When both hand pumps got blocked and the electric pump short-circuited, he located another electric pump, connected it to an outpipe, and started it.

2. Describe the mental condition of the voyagers on 4 and 5 January. 

Ans: On January 4, the voyagers finally got some relief. After 36 hours of nonstop pumping, they managed to remove most of the water, though some was still seeping in. The pumpers had to keep pace with the incoming water. Unable to set sail on the main mast, they hoisted the storm jib instead. Mary found some beef and biscuits, and they had their first meal in nearly two days. However, their relief was short-lived. By 4 PM, the wind had picked up to 40 knots again, and the waves grew higher.

By dawn on January 5, the situation had once again turned desperate. The narrator went inside to comfort the children, where Jon asked if they were going to die. Reassuring him, the narrator promised they would make it through. Jon bravely responded that they were not afraid of dying as long as they could “all be together.” The captain improvised a sea anchor using heavy nylon rope and 22 barrels of paraffin. As the storm raged, Mary and the narrator sat together, holding hands, convinced that the end was near. But against all odds, Wavewalker managed to endure the storm, and by the morning of January 6, the wind had finally eased.

3. Describe the shifts in the narration of the events as indicated in the three sections of the text. Give a subtitle to each section.

Ans: The first section depicts a smooth and pleasant journey from Plymouth, England, to a point 3,500 km east of Cape Town, Africa. The narrator is at ease and brimming with confidence. However, as the weather worsens, they encounter massive waves, forcing them to take precautions and fight for survival. The tone shifts to one of tension and struggle, yet it reflects their resilience, determination, and unwavering spirit.

By the morning of January 6, Wavewalker successfully withstands the storm, and by evening, they finally spot Amsterdam Island. At this point, the narrator feels a deep sense of relief, joy, and renewed confidence.

The subtitles for each section are:

(i) Section 1 – A Joyous Voyage.

(ii) Section 2 – Battling the Waves.

(iii) Section 3 – The Search for Land.


Discuss the following questions with your partner.

1. What difference did you notice between the reaction of the adults and the children when faced with danger?

Ans: There is a lot of difference between the way in which the adults and the children reacted when faced with danger. The adults felt the stress of the circumstances but prepared themselves to face the dangers. They took sufficient precautions to protect the ship when the rough weather began. They equipped everyone with lifelines, waterproof clothes, and life jackets. Larry and Herb worked cheerfully and optimistically for three days continuously to pump out water from the ship. Mary replaced the narrator at the wheel when the deck was smashed, and steered the ship. She also served them meals after two days of struggle against odds. The narrator performed his role as captain with courage, determination, resourcefulness and full responsibility. He undertook repair work and provided apparatus and directions needed to protect the ship. He also helped in steering the ship towards the island. The children suffered silently and patiently. Sue did not want to bother her father with her troubles. Jon acted courageously. He was not afraid to die if all of them perished together.

2. How does the story suggest that optimism helps to endure “the direst stress”? 

Ans: The title reflects the spirit of the story and conveys a clear message of positive attitude. Hope is the greatest survival factor. Even in the face of extreme adversity, they kept their hope and faith alive. When the captain and his family set sail, they did not have the faintest idea that disaster would strike them in this manner. Right from the evening of January 2, Larry and Herb started pumping out water. They worked continuously, excitedly and feverishly for 36 hours. It was a result of their continuous pumping that they reached the last few centimetres of water on January 4. They remained cheerful and optimistic while facing extremely dangerous situations. The narrator did not lose his courage, hope or presence of mind while facing problems. He did not worry about the loss of equipment. He used whatever was available there. His self confidence and practical knowledge helped them to steer out of the storm and reach Amsterdam island. 

3. What lessons do we learn from such hazardous experiences when we are face-to-face with death? 

Ans: Hazardous experiences may bring us face to face with death, but they also teach us valuable lessons in resilience and conduct. Life is not always a bed of roses, and we must confront dangers and risks with patience and courage. Adversity serves as the ultimate test of character, just as gold is purified in fire. Challenging experiences often bring out the best in us. Cowards surrender to fear and live in constant defeat, while fear itself is a paralyzing force that leads to inaction and failure. In contrast, individuals with self-confidence, bravery, resourcefulness, and presence of mind confront challenges head-on and triumph over adversity. Their ability to share, support, and inspire others helps create a collective strength that enables them to navigate difficult circumstances with determination and success.

4. Why do you think people undertake such adventurous expeditions in spite of the risks involved?

Ans: Man is adventurous by nature. The greater the risk, the more the thrill. Adventure beckons only those who dare to face challenges in life. It’s the thrill and excitement that they see and not the risk involved. It is true that sometimes adventures are quite risky and prove fatal. The failures of some people do not daunt (discourage) the real lovers of adventure. The success of an adventurous expedition brings name, fame and wealth.


1. We have come across words like ‘gale’ and ‘storm’ in the account. Here are two more words for ‘storm’: typhoon, cyclone. How many words does your language have for ‘storm’? 

Ans: “Toofan” “Chakravat” etc.

2. Here are the terms for different kinds of vessels: yacht, boat, canoe, ship, steamer, schooner. Think of similar terms in your language. 

Ans: In Assamese, similar terms for different kinds of vessels include:

Yacht – Jātrābāhī Nao.

Boat – Nao.

Canoe – Dunga.

Ship – Jāhāj.

Steamer – Stīmār.

Schooner – Dvimastulī Jāhāj.

3. ‘Catamaran’ is a kind of a boat. Do you know which Indian language this word is derived from? Check the dictionary. 

Ans: ‘Catamaran’ is derived from the Tamil word ‘kattumaram’, ‘kattu ‘means ‘tie’ and ‘maram’ means ‘log tree’. Catamaran is a narrow log raft or float propelled by sails or paddles. It is a boat with two parallel hulls.

4. Have you heard any boatman’s songs? What kind of emotions do these songs usually express?

Ans: Yes, there are various songs that celebrate the sea journey and the life of boatmen. Their songs express the sailors’ love for the sea and the vast expanse of beauty that the ocean is. It also has nostalgic emotions as they miss their families and close ones who are not with them.


1. The following words used in the text as ship terminology are also commonly used in another sense. In what contexts would you use the other meaning?


Ans: (i) Knot:

(a) In string/rope: A joint made by tying together two pieces or ends of string, rope etc. e.g. to tie a knot.

(b) Of hair: A way of twisting hair into a small round shape at the back of the head: e.g. She had her hair in a loose knot.

(c) In wood: A hard round spot in a piece of wood where there was once a branch.

(d) Group of people: A small group of people standing close together e.g. Little knots of students had gathered at the gate.

(e) Of muscles: A tight, hard feeling in the stomach, throat etc. caused by nerves, anger, etc.

(ii) Stem:

(a) E.g. I could feel a knot of fear in my throat, serious and often disapproving; expecting somebody to obey you: e.g. His voice was stem.

(b) Serious and difficult: e.g. we faced stem opposition.

(iii) Boom:

(a) In Business/Economy: a sudden increase in trade and economic activity, a period of wealth and success, e.g. a boom in mobile phone sales.

(b) Popular period, a period when something such as a sport or a type of music suddenly becomes very popular and successful, e.g. The only way to satisfy the cricket boom was to provide more playgrounds.

(c) Sound, a loud deep sound, e.g. the distant boom of the guns.

(d) In river/harbour, a floating barrier that is placed across a river or the entrance to a harbour to prevent ships or other objects from coming in or going out.

(e) For Microphone, a long pole that carries a microphone.

(iv) Hatch:

(a) an opening in a wall between two rooms, especially a kitchen and a dining room, through which food can be passed, e.g. a serving hatch.

(b) A door in an aircraft or a spacecraft, e.g.

(c) An escape hatch an opening or a door in a floor or ceiling, e.g. a hatch to the attic.

(d) To make a young bird, fish, insect, etc. come out of an egg.

(e) To create a plan or idea, especially in secret, a person or thing that gives somebody a feeling of safety, e.g. the anchor of the family.

(v) Anchor:

(a) To fix something firmly in position so that it cannot move, e.g. Make sure the apparatus is securely anchored.

(b) To firmly base something on something else, e.g. Munshi Prem Chand’s novels are anchored in rural life.

(c) To be the person who introduces reports or reads the news on television or radio, e.g. She anchored the evening news for five years.

2. The following three compound words end in -ship. What does each of them mean?


Ans: (i) Airship – any self-propelled aircraft that is lighter than air and can be steered.

(ii) Flagship – the ship carrying the commander of a fleet or squadron and displaying his flag. It also means the finest, largest or newest of a steamship line.

(iii) Lightship – the ship moored in a place dangerous to navigation and bearing lights, foghorns and sirens, etc. to warn or guide pilots.

3. The following are the meanings listed in the dictionary against the phrase ‘take on’. In which meaning is it used in the third paragraph of the account: 

Take on sth: to begin to have a particular quality or appearance; to assume sth.

Take sb on: to employ sb; to engage sb; to accept sb as one’s opponent in a game, contest or conflict.

Take sb/sth on : to decide to do sth; to allow sth/sb to enter e.g. a bus, plane or ship; to take sth/sb on board.

Ans: In the third paragraph, in lines: “.. tackle we took on two crewmen to help us roughest seas. The phrase “took on” means to hire or engage someone in a task alongside you.

Example: She took on the duties of the assistant diligently.


1. Given on the next page is a picture of a yacht. Label the parts of the yacht using the terms given in the box.



2. Here is some information downloaded from the Internet on lle Amsterdam. You can view images of the isle if you go online.

LocationSouth Indian Ocean, between southernmost parts of Australia and South Africa.
Latitude and longitude37 92 S, 77 67 E
Political status notesPart of French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Census notesMeteorological station staff
Land area in square kilometres86

Ans: Students do it yourself.

3. Locate Ile Amsterdam on the world map.

Ans: Students do it yourself.

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