Class 11 English Chapter 3 Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues

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Class 11 English Chapter 3 Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues

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Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues

Chapter: 3


Notice these expressions in the text. Infer their meaning from the context.

forensic reconstruction: building up evidence from the remains

scudded across: the dark clouds moved very fast across the sky

casket grey: dark and gloomy as a grave

Resurrection: rebirth of the king

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funerary treasures: the riches buried with the person

circumvented: thieves would have found a way to avoid the guards

computed tomography: displaying cross section of the human body using x-rays

eerie detail : strange and frightening details


1. Give reasons for the following :

(i) King Tutť’s body has been subjected to repeated scrutiny.

Ans. Because Tutankhamun, the last ruler of the powerful Pharaoh Dynasty in Egypt. He was a teenager when he died and his death was a mystery. 

(ii) Howard Carter’s investigation was resented.

Ans. In 1922, his tomb was discovered by Howard Carter, a British Archaeologist. After 80 years, he was taken from his resting place for CT scan which offers to solve the mystery of his life and death by creating a forensic reconstruction. Howard Carter focused more on the discovery of gold than on the fascinating details of Tut’s life and the mystery of his death.

(iii) Carter had to chisel away the solidified resins to raise the king’s remains.

Ans. Carter had to chisel away the solidified resins to raise the King’s remains because the ritual resins had hardened, cementing Tut to the bottom of his solid gold coffin, which no amount of legitimate force could move.

(iv) Tut’s body was buried along with gilded treasures.

Ans. Ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife, so they buried great treasures along with the dead body. Tut was adorned with all such riches for his journey after life.

(v) The boy king changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun.

Ans. The young king changed his religion, abandoned the Aten, and started to worship the god Amun.This caused him to change his name to Tutankhamun, or “living image of Amun”.

2. (i) List the deeds that led Ray Johnson to describe.Akhenaten as “wacky”.

Ans. He moved the religious capital from the old city of Thebes to the new city of Akhetaten, also known now as Amarna. He smashed all the images of Amun, a major God and closed all his temples. These deeds led Ray Jonson to call Akhenaten ‘Wacky’.

(ii) What were the results of the CT scan?

Ans. Tut was taken for CT scan which takes hundreds of X-Rays and creates a three-dimensional image. The night of the scan, the workmen carried his body from the tomb in a box.

(iii) List the advances in technology that have improved forensic analysis.

Ans. Advanced technology like the computerised Tomography (CT) carries out diagnostic imaging by which hundreds of x-rays are put together to create a virtual body. This technology has even helped forensic analysis of Tutan Phamun’s mummy, a king who died more than three thousand years ago.

(iv) Explain the statement, “King Tut is one of the first mummies to be scanned in death, as in life…

Ans. King Tut has remained the most enigmatic ruler of ancient Egypt. The above line indicates that King Tut’s body was the first to be scanned under a computer tomography machine. Just like King Tut might have led his kingdom when alive, he led the experience of being scanned among the mummies.


Discuss the following in groups of two pairs, each pair in a group taking opposite points of view.

1. Scientific intervention is necessary to unearth buried mysteries.

Ans. For : It helps determine information about ancient cultures, tradition, and people. The use of advanced scientific tools helps in extracting important facts related to past events. It helps in determining the time and place of the event. It gives us important information about the unsolved mysteries.

Against : Present is valuable and we must live in the present. Delving into the past is a waste of time and energy. It is the job of the historians and not scientists.

2. Advanced technology gives us conclusive evidence of past events.

Ans. For : Science generates solutions for everyday life and helps us to answer the great mysteries of the universe. In other words, science is one of the most important channels of knowledge. Science informs public policy and personal decisions on energy, conservation, agriculture, health, transportation, communication, defence, economics, leisure, and exploration. 

Against : Air, water, heat and noise pollution can all be caused by producing and using technology. Consuming resources – Non-renewable resources, including precious metals like gold, are used to make technology. Science and Technology can be harmful because of crazy experiments.  Science and Technology can harm animals and people.

3. Traditions, rituals and funerary practices must be respected.

Ans. For : Traditions, rituals and funerary practices are born out of the sentiments and feelings of a community. They provide identity to a community. Tradition contributes a sense of comfort and belonging. 

Against : A tradition is something you do regularly. It is a tradition in our family to gather for Thanksgiving. A superstition implies some sort of cause and effect. It is a belief, with no evidence, that one act will cause or deter another. Traditions, customs and funerary practices may encourage superstition. They may hamper the development of the society.

4. Knowledge about the past is useful to complete our knowledge of the world we live in.

Ans. For : Knowledge about the past is very important because it  tells us who we are. Our present is a continuation of our past and that in turn will pave the future. The structure of the future is rooted in the past. We draw lessons from the past and make improvements. The lives of the people of the past are like beacon fights to guide and inspire us and enlighten us about the world we live in.

Against : If we have to progress in life, we have to look ahead, not behind. The past is gone and we should let it go.The world has changed and so have human needs and demands. The knowledge of our present circumstances and future prospects is more important than the knowledge about past lives. Their traditions, rituals, tools, ways of conduct and ethos are not going to help us in our struggle for existence in the highly competitive and complex modern world.


1. Read the following piece of information from The Encyclopaedia of Language by David Crystal. 

Egyptian is now extinct : its history dates from before the third millennium B.C., preserved in many hieroglyphic inscriptions and papyrus manuscripts. Around the second century A.D., it developed into a language known as Coptic. Coptic may still have been used as late as the early nineteenth century and is still used as a religious language by Monophysite Christians in Egypt.

2. What do you think are the reasons for the extinction of Languages ?

Ans. Some of the reason for the extinction of language are as follow:

(i) Constant changes in the society.

(ii) World globalisation through new technologies and telecommunication.

(iii) An example of an extinct language is Latin, because it no longer changes or is used for communication.

3. Do you think it is important to preserve languages?

Ans. Yes, it is important to preserve languages as they are responsible for the development of the culture of the community. It helps in preservation of one’s heritage and traditions. Language allows us to share our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others. It has the power to build societies.

4. In what ways do you think we could help prevent the extinction of languages and dialects?

Ans. Extinction of languages and dialects can be prevented through the following ways:-

(i) Teaching children to use their mother tongue.

(ii) Teaching the languages in colleges and universities and encouraging students to specialise in the same. 

(iii) Transferring the vocabulary and dialects of the language to the next generation. 


1. Given below are some interesting combinations of words. Explain why they have been used together.

(i) ghostly dust devils

(ii) desert sky

(ii) stunning artefacts

(iv) funerary treasures

(v) scientific detachment

(vi) dark-bellied clouds

(vii) casket grey

(vii) eternal brilliance

(ix) ritual resins

(x) virtual body

Ans. (i) ghostly dust devils : the combination of these words enhances the eeriness of the atmosphere. In keeping with the pharaoh’s curse, the writer has drawn up the image of ghosts as the winds blew up the desert sands.

(ii) desert sky : the sky over the desert. It looked different from other parts. There was something strange in the sky above, as in the desert below.

(iii) stunning artefacts : these were the marvellous and impressive prehistoric man-made objects found in the coffin of King Tut that stunned the entire world.

(iv) funerary treasures : these were the precious and valuable objects used in the funeral or burial of the king.

It brings out the extravagance of Egyptian royalty. 

(v) scientific detachment : these two words put together bring out the detachment of a person who studies the mummy with a very scientific approach. For him, the historical preservation was of lesser importance than scientific investigation.

(iv) dark-bellied clouds : huge formations of dark clouds moved rapidly across the sky all day when the mummy was taken out of the coffin. The dark clouds augment the sinister feeling in the desert.

(vii) casket grey : casket is the coffin and thus associated with gloóminess. The dark clouds hovering in the sky veiled the dull, gloomy stars of the evening.

(vii) eternal brilliance : these two words put together bring out the stunning shine and radiance of the objects in the coffin of Tutankhamun even after three thousand years of burial.

(ix) ritual resins : resin is a viscous substance extracted from pants or trees. Here, put together with ritual means 9 this substance was used in the rituals of burial in ancient Egypt.

(x)virtual body : this is the body created in effect, not in reality. CT scan puts together hundreds of x-rays in cross-section to create a three-dimensional body which almost looks like the real one.

2. Here are some commonly used medical terms. Find their meanings.

CT scan            MRI              tomography Autopsy           dialysis             ECGP ostmortem     angiography    biopsy

Ans. CT scan : Computer assisted imaging using a succession of x-ray beams to produce cross-sectional images of the body.

Autopsy : It is an examination or dissection done on a dead body to discover the cause of death or damage done by a disease, etc. It is commonly known as postmortem.

Postmortem : Similar to autopsy, it means an examination of a body to determine the cause of death.

MRI : Magnetic Resonance Imaging, it is a radiation free computer-assisted imaging technique that uses a strong

magnetic field and radio waves.

Dialysis : It is used to treat kidney failures by replacing the function of kidneys which filter out wastes and excess water from the blood.

Angiography : A special contrast x-ray called angiogram is used to detect abnormality in blood vessel such as narrowing of a large artery.

Tomography : Computerised tomography (CT) scanning uses x-rays in conjunction to a computer. A series of x-rays is passed through the body at slightly different angles to produce highly detailed cross sectional images of the body called tomograms.

ECG : Electrocardiography is used to record the electrical activity of the heart. Several electrodes are attached to the skin to transmit the electrical activity of the heart to the ECG machine.

Biopsy : It is the removal of bits of living tissue, fluid, etc. from the body for diagnostic examination.


1. The constellation Orion is associated with the legend of Osiris, the god of the afterlife.

Find out the astronomical descriptions and legends associated with the following:

(i) Ursa Major (Saptarishi mandala)

(ii) Polaris (Dhruva tara)

(iii) Pegasus (Winged horse)

(iv) Sirius (Dog star)

(v) Gemini (Mithuna)

Ans. (i) Ursa Major (Saptarishi mandala) : A Group of seven stars around a pole that can be seen from the north latitudes all night. According to Indian mythology, they are associated with the seven great sages or rishis. Bhrigu, Atri, Angiras, Vasishtha, Pulastya, Pulaha, and Kratu.

(ii) Polaris (Dhruva tara) : It is the second brightest star in a fixed position in the northern hemisphere. It is the brightest star of the Saptarishi mandala and also known commonly as the North Star. It is associated with the legend of Dhruva.

(ii) Pegasus (Winged horse) : It is a large constellation in the northern hemisphere and derives its name from the winged horse in Greek mythology.

(iv) Sirius (Dog star) : It is the brightest of all stars, in bluish white colour. It lies in the constellation of Canis Major.

(v) Gemini (Mithuna) : A northern constellation containing the stars Castor and pollux, represented as twins seated. It is the third sign of the zodiac.

2. Some of the leaves and flowers mentioned in the passage for adorning the dead are willow, olive, celery, lotus, cornflower. Which of these are common in our country ?

Ans. Lotus and olive are common in our country.

3.Name some major leaves and flowers that are used as adornments in our country.

Ans. Major leaves used as adornments in India are banana, mango and peepal. Major flowers used are rose, lotus, jasmine, marigold, Rajnigandha and chameli.


1. Write a short paragraph about Tut?

Ans:- King Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, was a pharaoh who ruled Egypt from 1332 to 1323 B.C. He was just a teenager when he died. The last heir of a powerful family that had ruled Egypt and its empire for centuries, he was laid to rest laden with gold and eventually forgotten.

2. Why did Tut change his name?

Ans:- The young king changed his religion, abandoned the Aten, and started to worship the god Amun.This caused him to change his name to Tutankhamun, or “living image of Amun”.

3. When and who discovered Tut’s tomb? Why was Tut’s mummy taken out of the tomb?

Ans:- In 1922 by British archaeologist Howard Carter and his benefactor Lord Carnarvon.

After 80 years, he was taken from his resting place for CT scan which offers to solve the mystery of his life and death by creating a forensic reconstruction.

4. What was the treasure found in Tut’s tomb? Why were they placed there?

Ans:- When Tut’s mummified body was discovered, he was laid with lots of gold, wealth and everyday items like a bronze razor, games, clothes, cases of food and wine. Carter discovered him after searching for many years. They were placed there as Tut would need them in the afterlife.

5. How did he justify the damage caused?

Ans:- Carter’s justification was that if he hadn’t cut the mummy free, thieves would have ripped it apart to get the gold. 

6. What did Carter do in the 1920s and why?

Ans:- The resins used to cement Tut to the bottom of the solid gold coffin was hardened enough making it impossible to move. Carter’s men removed the mummy’s head and cut off almost every major joint to remove the golden adornments.Carter felt he didn’t have any other choice as to if he hadn’t cut the mummy from limb to limb, thieves would have looted the gold. His men first removed his head, then they cut off every joint. After removing the body parts, they placed it on the layer of sand in a wooden box and put it at the original place.

7. What happened in 1968? Explain.

Ans:- In 1968, the mummy was X-rayed by an anatomy professor, revealing a few facts – his breast bone and front ribs were missing.

Later, on January 05 2009, Tut was taken for CT scan which takes hundreds of X-Rays and creates a three-dimensional image. The night of the scan, the workmen carried his body from the tomb in a box.

They climbed ramp and stairs and lifted it on a hydraulic trailer that held the scanner. The scanner stopped working which paused the procedure. After using a pair of spare fans, the scan was finally done. After three-hours, his body was taken back to his tomb where his body is resting in peace.

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