Class 12 Political Science Chapter 15 The Crisis of Democratic Order

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Class 12 Political Science Chapter 15 The Crisis of Democratic Order

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The Crisis of Democratic Order

Unit -15

PART – 2


Q. 1. To which state did Jayaprakash Narayan belong. 

Ans : Jayaprakash Narayan belonged to Bihar.

Q. 2. Who founded the Communist party of India (Marxist leninist) ?

Ans : Communist Party of India (Marxist Lennist) was founded by Chan Majumdar. 

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Q. 3. When was Emergency declared in India for the first time ? 

Ans : In India the emergency was declared for the first time on 25th June 1975. 

Q. 4. By whom was the Shah Commission headed ?

Ans : The Shah commission was headed by justice J.C. Shah, retired chief Justice of the supreme court of India

Q. 5. By whom was the students movement in Gujrat and Bihar led ?

Ans : In Gujrat and Bihar the students movement was led by Jayaprakash Narayan. 

Q. 6. Mention any one subject included in the twenty point programmes made by Indira Gandhi. 

Ans : Land Reforms can be mentioned as one subject included in the twenty point. Programmes made by Indira Gandhi.

Q. 7. When did the Janata Government come to power ? 

Ans : After 1977’s General Elections the Janata Government came to power. 

Q. 8.During the period of which government was the Mandal commission appointed ?

Ans : In the period of Janata Party government the Mandal commission was disappointed.

Q. 9. Which party won the general election in 1977.

Ans : The Janata Party, won the general election in 1977.

Q. 10. Who introduced the concept of ‘Committed Bureaucracy and judiciary’ in India ?  

Ans : Mrs. Indira Gandhi introduced the concept of “committed Bureaucracy and Judiciary” in India.

11. Name the Indian President, who proclaimed Emergency in 1975 ?

Ans : Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was the Indian President who proclaimed Emergency in 1975.

Q. 12. Who became the symbol of restoration of democracy ?

Ans : The leader of Janata Party, Jayaprakash Narayan became the symbol of restoration of democracy.

Q. 13. Who was Charu Majumdar ?

Ans : Charu Majumdar was the founder of communist party (Marxist Lennist) (C.P.Í. – M.L.) 

Q.14. Who was the leader of Congress for Democracy ?

Ans : Mr. Jagjivan Ram was the leader of “Congress for Democracy”.

Q. 15. In which region of India were Marxist-Lennist group strong ? 

Ans : In the Eastern region of India were Marxist-Lennist group strong. 

Q. 16. Find out the correct word :

(a) In the elections of 1971, (Congress/Janata) had given the slogan of ‘garibi hatao’. 

Ans : In the election of 1971, Congress had given the slogan of ‘garibi hatao’. 

(b) In (1966/1967) a peasant uprising took place in the Naxalbari police station area of Darjeeling hills. 

Ans : In 1967a peasant uprising took place in the Naxalbari police station area of Darjeeling hills.

(c) According to Article No. (352/356), emergency was declared in India in 1975. 

Ans : According to Article No. 352, emergency was declared in India in 1975.

(d) (Morarji Desai/Charan Singh) became the Prime Minister of the Janata Party Government after the 1977 election.

Ans : Morarji Desai became the Prime Minister of the Janata Party Government after the 1977 election.

(e) In 1974, the Railway strike was led by (Jayaprakash Narayan George Fernandes).

Ans : In 1974, the Railway strike was led by George Fernandes.

(f) The Shah Commission was appointed in (1975/1977/1980). 

Ans : The Shah Commission was appointed in 1977.

(g) Naxalite Movement was started in (1967/1969/1974). 

Ans : Naxalite Movement was started in 1969.

(h) ‘Indira is India, India is Indira’ a slogan given by (Charan Singh/Jagjivan Ram/Devokanta Baruah)

Ans : ‘Indira is India, India is Indira’ a slogan given by Devokanta Baruah.

(i) The call for “Total Revolution’ was given by (Morarji Desai/ George Fernandes/Jagjivan Ram).

Ans: The call for “Total Revolution’ was given by Morarji Desai.

Q. 17. Write the name of any, one Civil liberties organisation ? 

Ans : National Coordination Committee for Railway men’s struggle.

Q.18. In which state Nav-Nirman movement was started ? 

Ans : Gujrat.

Q. 19. When ‘Grand Alliance’ was formed ? 

Ans : 1971.

Q.20. When Janata Party was formed ?

Ans : 1977.

Q. 21. Who was the first President of Janata Party ? 

Ans : Jayprakash Narayan.

Q. 22. Write one characteristic of ‘Committed bureaucracy’ ?

Ans : Committed for government ideology.

Q. 23. Name the Indian President who proclaimed Emergency in 1975 ?

Ans : Fakharuddin Ali Ahmed.

Q. 24. Who led railway strike of 1974 ? 

Ans : George Fernandes. 

Q. 25. Who was jay Prakash Narayan ?

Ans : Jayprakash Narayan was the founder Secretary of the Socialist Party.

Q. 26. Fill in the blanks : 

(a) Morarji Desai was the first Prime Minister belong to___party. 

Ans : Non-Congress Party.

(b) In May 1977, The Janata Party govt. Appointed a commission of inquiry headed by___

Ans : Shah Commission of Inquiry. 

(c) The opposition political parties led by___ pressed for Smt Indira Gandhi’s resignation. 

Ans : Jayprakash Narayan.


Q. 1. Who introduced twenty Point Programme and why ? 

Ans : The congress government led by Mrs Indira Gandhi introduced the twenty point programme to bring law and order and store efficiency.

Q. 2. List any two reasons for the victory of Congress in Southern States.

Ans : The two reasons for the victory of congress in Southern States are like :

(i) In the Southern states of India the impact of emergency was very law. So the congress ‘get victory.

(ii) The forced relocation and displacement, the forced sterilisation were mostly concentrated in the northern states. So the southern states were favoured to congress party.

Q. 3. Write a note on Railway strike of 1974.

Ans : George Fernandes led the “Railway Strike” in 1974. The National Coordination Committee for Railway men’s struggle- gave a call for nationwide railway strike to fulfill certain demands. The demands included for upgrading service Commissions and grant for bonus. 

Q. 4. Who organised the first nationalise Satyagraha and why ? 

Ans : The first nationalise satyagraha was organised by Gandhian Jayaprakash Narayan for the resignation of Mrs. Indira Gandhi and asked the army, the police and government employees not to obey, “illegal and immoral orders”.

Q. 5.What do you mean by basic structure of the constitution ? 

Ans : Basic structure of the constitution means certain basic features of the constitution of India, which can’t be altered in exercise of the power to amend it under, Act 368. If therefore a constitutional Amendment seeks to alter the basic structure of the constitution the court would be entitled to amend it on the ground of ultra vires. 

Q. 6. Write two important characteristics of ‘Committed Bureaucracy’ of India. 

Ans : (i) Committed to the ideology of ruling class.

(ii) Committed to the programme and planning formulated by ruling political party.

Q. 7. Why and on what ground emergency was declared by the congress government ?

Ans : The congress government declared an emergency in response to Jayaprakash Narayan’s nationalise Satyagraha for the resignation of Indira Gandhi, observing the situation the government decided that a grave crisis Hul arisen which made the proclamation of a state of emergency necessary, Thus, om 25th June 1975, the government declared that there was threat of internal disturbances and therefore, it involved Article 352 of the constitution under which emergency can be declared.

Q. 8. Why USA stopped all aid to India? Give two reasons. 

Ans : USA Stopped all aids to India because of the two reasons :

(i) Indira Gandhi’s emergency was staunchly criticized by USA and as a strong reaction the president of USA stopped all forms of help. 

(ii) In 1975, Mrs. Indira Gandhi accused USA of conspiring against India and joining hands with opposition leaders and parties of India. This was strongly reacted by USA and as a consequence ceased to give aid to India,

Q. 9. List the implication of emergency.

Ans : The two implication of emergency is as follows :

(i) Once the emergency is proclaimed the federal distribution of powers remain practically suspended and all powers are concentrated in the hands of the Union government.

(ii) The government also gets the power to curtail all or any of the fundamental rights during emergency.

Q. 10. Write the effects of emergency on working of the police and bureaucracy.

Ans : The effect of emergency on working of the police and bureaucracy are as follows :

(i) The police and the bureaucracy (administration) could not function independently, they turned into political instrument of ruling party. 

(ii) According to shah commission report administration and police became valuable to political pressures.

Q. 11.What do you mean by Press Censorship ? 

Ans : Press consortship means during emergency, the government using its special powers suspended the freedom of the press Newspapers were asked to get prior approval for all materials to be published. That is what press consortship refers to.

Q. 12. What do you mean by Preventive Detention ?

Ans : Preventive Detention is a Act under which people are arrested and detained not because they have committed any offence, but on the apprehension, that they may commit an offence. Using Preventive Detention Act, the government made large scale arrests during the emergency. 

Q. 13. Why did non-congress parties oppose the congress ? 

Ans : The non-congress parties opposed the congress on following ground:

(i) Congress during emergency time, misused its powers and did various anti human activities like torture and custodial deaths occurred in this time.

(ii) Arrests of political workers and the restrictions on the press was compulsory by the congress government in this time.

Q. 14. List the new parties formed on the eve of election of 1977

Ans : The new parties formed on the eve of election of 1977 are – Janata Party, Congress for Democracy.

Q. 15. Explain any two outcomes of Lok Sabha elections of 1972.

 Ans : The two outcome of Lok Sabha election of 1972 are as follows:

(i) Indira Gandhi’s new congress after the split in 1969, won the 1971 election. The 1971 elections were a clean sweep for congress with this the congress party led by Indira Gandhi established its claim to being the ‘real’ congress and restored to it the dominant position in Indian politics.

(i) The Grand Alliance of the opposition proved a grand failure in 1971 election. Their combined tally of seats was less than 40. The congress (0) got only 16 seats with 10% votes in the fifth general election although it launched a campaign to remove Indira.

Q. 16. What do you mean by basic structure of the Constitution ? 

Ans : Same as Ans of Q. No. 5. (Short Answer). 

Q. 17. What do you understand by Civil Liberties’ Organisation ?

Ans : Civil liberties organization are organization for the protection of civil liberties of common people.

Q. 18. What were the different expectations of different section of society from emergency ?

Ans : Same as Ans of Q. No. 9. (Long Answer)

Q. 19. List the new parties formed on the eve of election of 1977 ?

Ans : The new political parties which were formed on the eve of election of 1977.

(i) Janata Party. 

(ii) Congress for democracy.

Q. 20. What were the causes responsible for the formation of Janata Party ?

Ans : Due to misrule of Congress and emergency rule are factors responsible for the formation of janata Party.

Q.21. Write two main provisions of 42nd constitution Amendment Act.

Ans : Two main provisions of 42nd constitution amendment act : 

(i) added new words in the Preamble. 

(ii) added a list of fundamental duties by the citizens.

Q. 22.Write a note on Bihar Movement ?

Ans : Bihar movement was led by students against the misrule of Congress government. 

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