Class 12 Political Science Chapter 16 Rise of Popular Movements

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Class 12 Political Science Chapter 16 Rise of Popular Movements

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Unit -16

PART – 2


Q. 1. In which state was the Chipko Movement began ?

Ans : In the early 1973, the Chipko Movement began in Uttarakhand. 

Q. 2. Who was Namdeo Dharal ? 

Ans : Namdeo Dharal is a famous Dalit Marathi Poet.

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Q. 3. Name any one of the organisations of farmers ? 

Ans : Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) is one of the famous farmer’s  associations.

Q. 4. Write the full form of NFF. 

Ans : The full form of NFF is National Fish Workers forum.

Q. 5. In which district was the Anti-arrack’ movement started ? 

Ans : The Anti-arrack movement was started in Andhra Pradesh. 

Q. 6. Name the leader of Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA).

Ans : Medha Patkar was the leader of Narmada Bachao Andolan NBA).

Q. 7.Write the full form of MKSS ?

Ans : The filiform of MKSS. is Mazdoor Kishan Shakti Sangathan. 

Q. 8. When did the right to information movement start ? 

Ans : Right to information movement started in 1990, when a mass based organisation called MKSS in Rajasthan took the initiative in demanding records of famine relief work and accounts of labours.

Q. 9. What was the ideology of Dalit Panther ?

Ans : The ideology of Dalit Panther are to destroy the caste system.

Q. 10. Who is the leader of Bharatiya Kisan Union ? 

Ans : Mahendra Singh Tikait is the leader of Bharatiya Kisan Union.

Q. 11. Mention one feature of Chipko Movement? 

Ans : The Chipko Movement was an environmental movement which demanded that the local communities should have right for effective control over natural resources.

Q. 12. Which organisation started the movement for Right to Information ?

Ans : Right to information movement was started by Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS)

Q. 13. Which amendments granted reservation to women in political affairs ?

Ans : The 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments have granted the reservation to women is political affairs. 

Q. 14. In which year All India Kisan Sabha was established ?

Ans : All India.

Q. 15. What does POW stand for ? 

Ans : POW stand for prisoner of war

Q.16. How many times the auctions in Enrolled district were postponed ? 

Ans : The auctions in Enrolled district were postponed for seventeen (17) times.

Q.17. Say True or False :

(a) The trade union movement is related to some social conflicts.

Ans : False.

(b) Peasants movement is party based movement.

Ans : False. 

(c) Voluntary organisation did not choose to remain outside party politics. 

Ans : False.

(d) Dr. BR Ambedkar belonged to Dalit Communities ? 

Ans : True.

(e) The constitution of India abolished the practice of untouchability. 

Ans : True.

(f) Mr. Yudhveer Singh was the chief of the Bharatiya Kisan Union.

Ans : False.

(g) Women were the worst sufferers of the ill effects of alcohol. 

Ans : True.

(h) Right to Information came into effect from June, 2005.

Ans : True.

(i) The Chipko movement was an environment to prevent cutting down of trees. 

Ans : True

(j) The anti-arrack movement consider as a women’s movement. 2016

Ans : True.

Q. 18. In which year All India Kisan Sabha was established ? 

Ans : In 1980.

Q. 19.Who is the leader of Bharatiya Kisan Union ?

Ans : Mahendra Singh Tikait.

Q. 20. To which State Shetkari Sanghatana Belongs ? 

Ans : Maharashtra.

Q. 21.Who lead the Narmada Bachao Andolan ?

Ans : Medha Patkar. 

Q. 22. When did farmer’s movement start in India ?

Ans : In 1970’s.

Q. 23. What is Chipko Movement ? 

Ans : Environment movement,

Q. 24. What is Normada Bachao Andolan ?

Ans : Protest against construction of big dam on Narmada river. 

25. Fill in the blanks :

(a) Chipko movement was started in___

Ans : Chameli district of Uttarakhand.

(b) Sardar Sarovar Dam is built on___river.

Ans : Narmada river. 

(c) In 2004 RTI BIlI was passed by the Parliament and received Presidential assent in___

Ans : 2005.


Q. 1. Where and when Dalit Panthers were formed ? 

Ans : In 1972, Maharastra a part of assertions for Dalit rights, Dalit Panthers, a militant organization of the Dalit youth was formed.

Q. 2. What was the main demand of Dalit Panthers ? 

Ans : The main demand of Dalit Panther were :

(i) Effective implementation of policies of reservations. 

(ii) Effective law to stop and end the atricuties and discrimination against dalits.

Q. 3. Why did the Chipko movement begin ? 

Ans : Chipko Movement was an environmental movement which began because the forest department refused permission to the villagers to fell ash trees for making agricultural goods while they alloted the land to a sport manufacturer for commercial use. This enraged the villagers and thus started the agitation.

Q. 4. Who wrote the poem on Dalit? What does the poem signify ? 

Ans : The poet on Dalit were written by Marathi Dalit poet Namdeo Dhaal. The poem signifies the anguish the Dalits continued to suffer after independence but also the hope of a better future as visioned by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

Q. 5. What was the novel aspect of the Chipko movement ?

Ans : The novel aspect of Chipko Movement was to protect environment by preventing trees from being cut down. The movement opposed forest exploiting contact given to outsiders.

Q. 6. Why did the cash crop market face a crisis ?

Ans : The cash crops market faced a crisis due to the liberalisation programme of the government in the mid eighties.

Q. 7. Write the names of two organisations of farmers ? 

Ans : The two famous organisation of farmers are shetkari sanghatana of Maharashtra and Rayata Sangha of Karnataka.

Q. 8. What is Sardar Sarovar Project ?

Ans : The Sardar Sarovar Project is a multi purpose mega scale dam which would ensure mater for various purposes and would benefit the huge areas of Gujrat and three adjoining states, in terms of availability of drinking water and for irrigation and so on.

Q. 9. What is Narmada Bachao Andolan ?

Ans : The Narmada Bachao Andolan headed by Medha Patkar is a sustained agitation for more than twenty years against the construction of big dams, to be constructed on the Narmada river and its tributaries. It opposed the dam projects because it would lead to the displacements of several lakhs of people.

Q. 11. Name some of the party based movements ? 

Ans : Some party based movement are : 

(i) The Anti caste Movement. 

(ii) The kisan Sabhas and the trade union movement.

Q. 12. Which movement was emerging in south parallel to BKU in the north and why ?

Ans : Parallel to the BKU in the north the Anti Arrack Movement was developing in the south in the state of Andhra Pradesh. This movement was against the sale of arrack and the harmful effects of it on women. 

Q. 13. What is meant by Popular Movement ?

Ans : Popular Movement are those movements which are a kind of new social movement or political movement where men and women agitated or protest for the assertion of certain right and demand.

Q. 14. Explain the party based and non-party based movement.

Ans : The party based movement had no formal participation in election. But they were linked with political parties as many individual and related organisation were closely linked with political parties. For Example – The Anti-caste movement, the kisan sabhas and the trade union movement.

The Non-party based movement refers to those movements which are led by voluntary organisations. Non-party based movements remain outside party politics. For example – Student Movement.

Q. 15. What do you know about Bharatiya Kisan Union ? 

Ans : In 1980’s the Bharatiya Kisan Union was a leading farmer’s organisation. The Bharatiya Kisan Union led a very disciplined agitation of the farmers. The Union protested against the increasement of electricity rates. The Union demanded for increasing government support prices for sugarcane and wheat. The Union demanded supply of electricity at reasonable price. The Union also demanded waiving of repayments of loan to the farmers.

Q. 16. What issues did the Dalit Panthers address ? 

Ans : Dalit Panthers a militant organization representing the Dalit youth was formed in 1972. Dalit Panthers fought against the perpetual Caste based inequalities and material injustices faced by Dalit people. Dalit Panthers demanded effective implementation of reservations and other constitutional guarantees of social justice. Dalit Panthers protested firmly the social oppression and violence against the Dalits.

Q. 17.Which movement was emerging in south parallel to BKU in the North and why ? 

Ans : Same as Ans of Q. No. 12. (Short Answer)

Q. 18. What issues did the Dalit Panthers address ? 

Ans : Same as Ans of Q. No. 16. (Short Answer) 

Q. 19. What do you know about Bharatiya kisan union ?

Ans : Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) was established in 1980. It was mainly active in Punjab and Uttarpradesh. It was led by Mahendra Singh Tikait.

Q. 20. What do you know about Adidharma Movement? 

Ans : The Anti-arrack movement was mainly a woman’s movement participated and organized by woman of Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh.

Q. 21. List two demands put forward by BKU ?

Ans: Two demands of B.K.U. increasing the government support prices for sugarcane and wheat. Waiving of repayments of loan to farmers:

Q. 22. Write a note on women’s social status ?

Ans : Women social status in India are not as equal as with the men. The women suffered economic and social deprivation for many years. They were denied equal rights in social and economic sphere.

Q. 23. What was the Anti-Arrack Movement ?  

Ans : Same as Ans of Q. No. 7.

24. Fill in the blanks : 

(a) A movement called__Protested against building of__dam on river Narmada. 

Ans : Narmada Bachao Andolan, Big dam.

(b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar belonged to___

Ans : Dalit community. 

(c) The constitution of India the practice of. 

Ans : abolishes, untouchability. 

(d) The Chipko movement was an to present cutting down of trees.

Ans : environment. 

(e) The anti-arrack movement consider as a Ans: woman movement.

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