Class 12 Political Science Chapter 8 Environment And Natural Resources

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Class 12 Political Science Chapter 8 Environment And Natural Resources

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Environment And Natural Resources

Unit -8

PART – 1


Q.1.  Write the full form of UNEP. 

Ans : The full form of UNEP is – United Nations Environment Programme.

Q.2. What is Earth Summit ? 

Ans : Earth Summit was a conference on environment and development held in Rio-de Janeiro (Brazil) in June 1992. The Summit produced conventions dealing with climatic changes biodiversity forest and recommended a list of development practices called Agenda 21.

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Q.3. Fill in the blank :

The first world is generally referred to as the__

Ans : The first world is generally referred to as the Global North. 

Q.4. When did India sign and ratify the Kyoto Protocol ? 

Ans : India signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol in August 2002.

Q.5. Write ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Rio Summit recommended a list of development practices called ‘Agenda 21’.

Ans : Yes. 

Q.6. What is meant by Greenhouse gas emission ? 

Ans : Greenhouse gas emission refers to the emission of harmful gas during the industrialization period that is believed to be causing today’s global warming and climate change. 

Q.7 write the full form of  UNFCCC. 

Ans :  The full form of UNFCCC is United Nations Framework convention on climate change.

Q.8. In which year the world Council of indigenous people was formed ? 

Ans : The world Council of indigenous people was formed in 1975.

Q.9.write the full form of  UNFCCC. 

Ans : The full form of UNFCCC is United Nations Framework convention on climate change.

Q.10. Which day is celebrated as Environmental Awareness Day ?

Ans : Environmental Awareness Day is celebrated on 5th June

Q.11. What is agenda 21 ? 

Ans : ‘Agenda 21’ is the most important outcome of Earth Summit “Agenda 21”. It suggests a list of development practices for the protection of environment. 

Q.12. Why is it necessary to enact Environmental laws ? 

Ans : Environmental laws should be elected for the protection of environment. 

Q.13. How many states attended Earth Summit of 1992 ? 

Ans : 170 States attended in Earth Summit of 1992.

Q.14. In which year the UN Framework convention on climate change was held ?

Ans : In 1992, the UN Framework convention on climate change was held. 


Q.1. Why was India exempted from requirements of the Kyoto Protocol ? 

Ans : India and China where exempted from Saina Kyoto Protocol because their contribution to the emission of greenhouse gases during the industrialization period – that is believed to be causing today’s global warming and climate changes –  was not significant. 

Q.2. Give two examples of global commons. 

Ans : Two examples of global commons are : Antarctica and the ocean floor. 

Q.3. Do you think that cooperation over the Global commons is not easy. Why ? 

Ans : Yes, cooperation of global over the Global commons is not easy because there have been many path-breaking agreements such as :

(i)   Antarctic Treaty – 1959

(ii)  Montreal Protocol – 1987

(iii) Anarchic Environmental Protocol – 1991.

Q.4. Mention the names of two gases which are considered to be responsible for global warming ? 

Ans : Carbon-di-oxide and Methane are the gases which are considered to be responsible for global warming.

Q.5. Write the UN definition of indigenous people. 

Ans : The UN defines indigenous population as comprising the descendants of people who inhabited the present Territory of a country at  the time when person of a different culture of ethnic origin arrived there from other parts of the world and overcame them. 

Q.6. What is meant by resource geo-politics ? 

Ans : Resource geopolitics is all about who gets what, when, where and how. Resource have provided some of the keep means and motives of global European power expansion. 

Q.7. Environmental issues have become a matter of serious concern in global politics. Why ? 

Ans : Environmental issues have become a matter of serious concern in global politics because of the growing focus on environmental issues within the area of global politics was firmly consolidated at the United Nations Conference on environment and development. The different conventions like Brundtland report, Rio Summit, Kyoto Protocol discuss about this issue. 

Q.8. Write two causes of water pollution ? 

Ans : two causes of water pollution are :

(i) water is due to garbage dumping. 

(ii) Water is polluted due to bathing and washing in the river side. 

Q.9. Write two issues relating to environmental degradation ? 

Ans : Issue of natural disaster, issue of landslide, earthquake are related to environmental degradation. 

Q.10. What is the main issue of indigenous people ? 

Ans : the main issues of indigenous people are issues of environment, resources and politics together. 

Q.11. Why are India and China exempted from Kyoto Protocol ? 

Ans : India and China exempted from Kyoto Protocol because the contributions to the emission of greenhouse gases during industrialisation was insignificant. 

Q.12. Give the significance of Earth Summit ? 

Ans : Earth Summit was held in Rio de janeiro in 1992 for making development eco-friendly. It suggested for sustainable development eco friendly Technology as a saviour of environment and effectiveness of regulatory provisions for Environment protection.

Q.13. Give the concept of resource geopolitics ? 

Ans : Resource geopolitics in all about who gets what when and where and how. Resources have provided some of the key means and motives of global European power expansion.

Q.14. Fill in the blanks :

(a) The large part of earth is……..than the………. 

Ans : Water, Soil. 

(b) in India scheduled……are……

Ans : Tribes, Indigenous people. 

(c) the second world summit on sustainable…..was held at… September.

Ans : Development, Rio. 

Q.15. What is Marine and coastal degradation ? 

Ans : Marine degradation :- The oceans resources and not inexhaustible or indestructible. The numbers of way species of fides are declining as they are being overfished. Whales are no longer being hunted as they used to be  but their number are still low. 

The ocean cannot keep absorbing all the waste that humans put into it. Rover Carey thousand of tonnes of fertilizer and pesticides into the ocean each year. This pollutants combines to kill fish mangroves and coral reefs. Storm water drains deposit rubbish such as plastic boys and fertilizers into the ocean. Thousands of Turtles, seats and fish are choked by plastic bag each year.

Other pollutants are regularly spilled in the ocean through shipping acid  Curidenter or around oil duithing rigs. Some countries regularly dump poisonous Chemicals into the ocean because it is cheaper than burning then on land. 

Coastal degradation :- Many beaches around the world are polluted by Industrial and household waste. Rubbish of all kinds such as plastic bags, drink cans and Bottles end up the beaches. Many factories have been built along the coast so that they can dump their waste way straight into the ocean. Botany Bay is Sydney is now heavily contaminated with lead Mercury and pesticides from factories.

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