Class 12 Political Science Chapter 7 Security In The Contemporary World Question answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters Assam Board HS Class 12 Political Science Chapter 7 Security In The Contemporary World and select needs one.
Class 12 Political Science Chapter 7 Security In The Contemporary World
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Security In The Contemporary World
Unit -7
PART – 1
Q.1. What is meant by security ?
Ans : Security in simple terms implies freedom from threats. But this does not mean that every single threat count as a security threat. Security actually release only to extremely dangerous threats which could endanger the core values that those values would be damaged beyond repair if we did not do something to deal with the situation.
Q.2. What do you understand by internally displaced people ?
Ans : People who have fled their homes but remain within national borders are called internally displaced people. For example Kashmiri Pandit who fled due to internal violence in Kashmir Valley.
Q.3. What is the purpose of conducting nuclear test by India ?
Ans : The purpose behind conducting nuclear tests by India was to protect her territory from her enemies who are also nuclear Technologically rich countries.
Q.4.What is meant by Human Security ?
Ans : Human Security means to the protection of people from any type of threats more than the protection of states.
Q.5. Give an example of global threat.
Ans : Global Warming is an example of Global threat.
Q.6. What is international terrorism ?
Ans : International terrorism is the situation which involves the citizens territory of more than one country. Terrorist groups seek to change a critical context or condition that they do not like by force or threat of force. Some international famous terrorist groups are AI-Qaeda, Hizbul Mujahideen,Lashkar-e-Taiba.
Q.7. What makes rich states get richer ?
Ans : Low population growth and high per capita income makes rich states get richer.
Q.8. What is Cooperative Security ?
Ans : Cooperative Security refers to a form of security dealing with many the non-traditional threats to security through cooperation rather than military confrontation.
Q.9. Why do people migrate ?
Ans : People migrate to seek a better life, specially better economic opportunities and standardable life.
Q.10. What is the full form of NATO ?
Ans : North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
Q.11. In which year India first tested a nuclear device ?
Ans : India tested nuclear device in 1974 for the first time.
Q.12. In which year Global Security has emerged ?
Ans : Global Security has emerged in 1990’s.
Q.13. Give one example of Arms Control ?
Ans : Nuclear-Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Q.14. When Non Proliferation Treaty was signed ?
Ans : In 1968 Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty was signed.
Q.15. Write one component of India security strategy ?
Ans : The component of India’s security strategy is to strengthen its military power.
Q.16. What is pollution ?
Ans : Pollution is defined as the unfavourable alternation surroundings.
Q.17. What is meant by social safety nets ?
Ans : social safety net are protective measure to minimise the negative effects of globalisation on those who are economically weak.
Q.18. Fill in the blanks :
(a) Global, poverty is another source of……..
Ans : Insecurity.
(b) Security implied……… from threats.
Ans : Freedom.
(c) Non-traditional notions of security go beyond………..
Ans : Military attacks.
Q.19. How many states acceded to chemical weapons conventions ?
Ans : 181 States acceded to Chemical Weapons conventions.
Q.20. In what way the nation of disarmament help to avoid violence ?
Ans : The nation of disarmament by reducing armed forces help to avoid violence.
Q.21. Do all societies have the same conception of security ?
Ans : No, all societies do not have the same conception of security.
Q.1. Fill in the blanks.
(i) Non traditional views of security have been called…….. or ………….. .
Ans : Human Security, global security.
Q.2. What is the difference between traditional and non traditional security ?
Ans : traditional conceptions of security are principally concerned with the use, or threat of use, of military force. Its traditional security force is is both the principal threat to security and principle means of achieving security. Non traditional nations of security go beyond military threat to include a wide range of stress and changes affecting the conditions of man existence. In the traditional security conception, the regrant is the the state with its territory and governing institutions. In the non-traditional conceptions, the referent is expanded. Proponents of non traditional security reply “Not just the state but also individuals are commodities or indeed all of humankind.” Non-traditional views of security have been called human security aur Global Security creation and substance of alliances belong to the traditional security. An Alliance is a collection of states that code in their actions to deter or defend against military attack
Q.3. Write the difference between migrants and refugees.
Ans : The differences between migrants and refugees are :
(i) Migrants are those who voluntarily leave their home countries.
Refugees are those who flee for war, natural disaster or political persecution.
(ii) Migrants are not accepted by the state. But states are supposed to accept refugees.
Q.4. Give example of two health epidemics.
Ans : Two health epidemics are : Bird flu and Hanta virus.
Q.5. Mention two components of India’s security strategy.
Ans : The two components of India’s security strategy are :
(i) Strengthening its Military capabilities because India has involved in conflicts with its neighbours like- China and Pakistan
(ii) Strengthening International norms and international Institutions to protect its security interests.
Q.6. Do you think that terrorism is a threat to security? Why ?
Ans : Terrorism is rightly a non-traditional threat to security. Secondly it refers to political violence that threats civilians deliberately and in discriminately. Thirdly, International terrorism release the citizen or Territory of more than one country. Terrorists groups basically seek to change a political index.
Q.7. Mention two new sources of threats.
Ans : Two new sources of threats are : Terrorism And Global Poverty.
Q.8. How the security challenges faced by the newly independent countries are different from the challenges in Europe?
Ans : The security challenges faced by the newly independent countries are different from the challenges in Europe by like manner :
(i) The newly independent countries had to worry about internal military conflict.
(ii) they also had to face the prospect of military conflicts with neighbouring countries.
Q.9. What is the idea of Global Security ?
Ans : The idea of Global Security means protection from all the threats which affect the whole world.
Q.10. Mention new source of threats to individual ?
Ans : New source of threats to individual are : Global Poverty, Health Epidemics Terrorism.
Q.11. What is military threat? How is it the greatest danger to a country ?
Ans : Military threat is a threat of military action against a country. Military trade poses danger the sovereignty and integrity of a country.
Q.12. Write two component of traditional security policy ?
Ans : Alliance building and balance of power are two components of traditional security policy.
Q.13. Is terrorism a traditional or non-traditional threat to security ?
Ans : Terrorism is a non-traditional threat to security. It has been posing a very serious threat to international peace and security.
Q.14. Fill in the blanks :
(a) …………..that fled the violence in the Kashmir Valley are an example of an…………
Ans : Terrorism, organised violence.
(b) Human security is about the protection of……….more than protection of……….
Ans : individual, Nation-states.
(c) Non-traditional…………of security go beyond………
Ans : Notion,Military attack.
Q.15. What are the most important securities in a country against freedom of threats ?
Ans : Human security is the most important security in a country against freedom from threats.
Q.16. What are the different types of classification of Human Rights ?
Ans : First generation human rights, second generation human rights and third generation human rights.
Q.17. Name the three important International Organisations ?
Ans : UNO, IMF, World Bank are the three important International Organisations.
Q.18. What do you mean by ‘Human Right’ ?
Ans : Human Rights are basic claims for individual to enjoy some basic rice for full development. Human rights are inherent and inalienable.
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What is the relation between human security and health. Discuss