Class 12 Political Science Chapter 5 Contemporary South Asia The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters Assam Board HS Class 12 Political Science Chapter 5 Contemporary South Asia and select needs one.
Class 12 Political Science Chapter 5 Contemporary South Asia
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Q.1. India’s neighbours often think that the Indian Government tries to dominate and inter fere in the domestic affairs of the smaller countries of region’, Do you think it to be a correct impression ?
Ans : No, this is not a correct impression. India believes in the policy of non_interference in the domestic affairs of any state and never wanted to dominate or interfere in the affairs of other countries of the region. India sent its peace keeping force in Sri Lanka only on the request of Sri Lankan government and recalled its forces from there when she was asked to do so by that government. India has given large amounts of money to small countries like Nepal and Bhutan for their development activities. She helped Pakistan at the time of earthquake in that country in 2005. India in fact thinks that three are real economic benefits if all the South Asian countries open their doors for trade with each other. Thus, India has always adopted the policy of cooperation with its neighbouring countries and never tried to dominate and interfere in the domestic affairs of the smaller countries in the region.
Q.2. When was SAFTA signed? What is the main objective of SAFTA ?
Ans : The term SAFTA stands for South Asian Free Trade Agreement. It was signed in 2004 at the 12th SAARC summit in Islamabad to provide for free trade zone for the whole of South Asia.It was SAPTA which gradually progressed to SAFTA. The leaders at the tenth SAARC Summit in Colombo, decided to set up a committee of experts to conclude a treaty by 2001 on SAFTA.
By this, items listed by the countries would be traded free from custom restrictions and duties.SAFTA would ensure free flow of items between the South Asia countries and promote a sustain mutual trade and economic cooperation in the region.
The spirit behind the idea of SAFTA is that the peace and cooperation would evolve in South Asia if all the countries in the region allow free trade across the borders.
The agreement on SAFTA came into effect on 1st January 2006. SAFTA aims at lowering trade traffis by 2007 upto 20%.
Q.3. Discuss the role and limitation of SAARC as a forum of regional cooperation.
Ans : The South Asian association of Regional Cooperation was formally inaugurated in December,1985 . SAARC has played a very significant role in the sphere of economic development of South Asian countries. SAPTA and SAFTA are the steps taken in directions of economic cooperation among the SAARC Nations. The cooperation in economic area among SAARC Nations has a great importance .
The economic cooperation will raise the standard of living of the people of South Asia. It has accelerated the speed of economic development of the region. The economic cooperation will promote collective self-reliance among the countries of South Asia . Economic cooperation will bring SAARC Nations close and strengthen the mutual trust. The areas of Mistrust and conflict will be minimised. The economic cooperation among SAARC Nations will minimise the involvement, of outside forces in region.
The economic cooperation will bring honourable life to the region.Economic cooperation will lead to cooperation in other fields also such as social, cultural, educational etc. Thus, cooperation in core economic area among SAARC Nations is a definite way to the development of region. The SAARC Nations recognised the fact and has signed SAPTA and SAFTA to boost their cooperation. But SAARC has not much success due to persisting political differences. Moreover some of our neighbours fear that SAFTA is a way for India to capture their markets and to influence their societies and politics through economic activities and trade.
However, India think that all countries will derive benefits from SAFTA.
Q.4. In what ways does the present Chinese economy differ from its command economy ?
Ans : Chinese economy during the that about 30 years has shown a tremendous growth from a centrally planned system that there was largely closed to international trade it has changed to a more market oriented economy that has a rapidly growing private sector and is a major player in the global economy. China’s economy during the last quarter century has changed from a centrally planned system. In the beginning, the economy of China was based on the Soviet model. In 1970’s China started its economic reforms Again, in 1978 it announced the ‘Open Door Policy’. The ‘Open Door Policy’ was to generate higher productivity by investments of capital and technology from abroad.
Q.5. Describe the role of the played for the promotion of World peace.
Ans : India’s role in the United Nations can be understood from the following points__
(i) Policy of Neutrality :- India has adopted the policy of neutrality in her external and International affairs. In United Nations also she has supported as opposed on any issue in sense of neutrality and the rightness of the issue.
(ii) India people in UNO :- Indian nationals have many a times served in different high positions in UNO. Mrs Vijay Lakshmi pandit was elected unanimously as president of the General assembly in 1952. She was the first woman to be elected to this high office. Dr Wengal Rao served as a judge of the International court of justice for 9 years. Dr. Nagendra Singh, Justice R.S. Pathak, R.K. Pachauri etc. held important positions in UNO.
(iii) Universal Declaration of Human Rights :- On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the UNO adopted and proclaimed the universal Declaration of Human rights. The UNO called upon All the member states to adopt and implement these rights in their respective countries. Indian constitution has firmly adopted the Human rights which gets expression through the fundamental rights and directive principle of State policy.
(iv) Support of arms control and disarmament :- India has whole hearted by supported the nation of non proliferation of dangerous weapons although India has test-fired nuclear weapons twice but she has arrested time and again that the tests are done for strengthening India’s military capability as she is surrounded by enemies. She appeals to all the Nations for peaceful use of atomic energy and limit the use of used an explosion of nuclear weapons.
(v) Peaceful solution of disputes :- India has always tried to find out a peaceful solution of a disputes with other nations. In 1965 at the time of Indo_ Pak war accepted the cease_ fire and respected the solution on cease fire of Security Council of the UN.
(vi) Peace keeping operations :- In most of the peace keeping operations India has backed UNO and have sent soldiers to assist the peace keeping operations. For example, Civil war in Korea was ended by UN with the help of India. Congo, Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran etc, have seen Indian soldiers fighting hard to return normalcy in these places through UN peace keeping activities.
Q.6. Point out some suggestion to improve the relation of India with Pakistan ?
Ans : Some of the recent agreements between India and Pakistan are as follows:
(i) On February 2007, India and Pakistan signed an agreement on reducing the risk from accident relating to nuclear weapons.
(ii) Both the countries have recently agreed not to attack each other nuclear facilities.
(iii) Both the countries have agreed to start a wide-ranging composite dialogue with the objective of teaching a peaceful settlement on all bilateral issues including Kashmir.
(iv) Both the nation have also agreed to check cross-border terrorism Terrorist organisations would be dealt with strong hands. Although India_Pakistan relations seem to be a series of endemic conflict and violence, there have been a series of efforts to manage tensions and build Peace . The two countries have agreed to undertake confidence-building measures to reduce the risk of War. Social activities and prominent personalities have collaborated to create an atmosphere of friendship among the people of both countries.
Leaders have met at Summits to understand each other better and to find solution to the major problems between the two neighbours. A number of bus route have been opened up between the two countries. Trade between the two parts of Punjab has increased substantially in the last five years. Visas have been more easily given. Thus, we can say that the two countries are well on their way to a friendly relationship.
Q.7. Write the role and the limitation of SAARC as a forum for facilitating economic cooperation among the South Asian countries ?
Ans : The South Asian association of Regional Cooperation was formed formally inaugurated in December 1985, SAARC has played a very significant role in the square of economic development of South Asian countries. SAPTA and SAFTA are the steps taken in the directions of economic cooperation among SAARC Nations. The cooperation in economic area among SAARC Nations has a great importance.
The economic cooperation will raise the standard of living of the people of South Asia. It has accelerated the speed of economic development of the region. The economic cooperation will promote collective self-reliance among the countries of South Asia. Economic cooperation will bring SAARC nation close to the strengthen the mutual trust. The area of Mistrust and conflict will be minimised. The economic cooperation among SAARC Nations will minimise the involvement, of outside forces in region.
The economic cooperation will bring honorable life to the region. Economic cooperation will lead to cooperation in other fields of such as social, cultural, educational etc. Thus, cooperation in core economic area among SAARC nations is a definite way to the development of region. The SAARC nation have recognised that fact and has signed SAPTA and SAFTA to boost their cooperation. But SAARC has not had much success due to persisting political differences. Moreover some of a neighbours fear that SAFTA is a way for India to capture the markets and influence the societies and politics through economic activities and trade. However, India think that all countries will derive benefits from SAFTA.
Q.8. Democracy is becoming an accepted norm in the entire region of South Asia. Explain.
Ans : If we have a close look at the political system of South Asia then we get the knowledge that almost all the South Asian countries have chosen democracy as a political ideology.
India and Sri Lanka are the two countries in South Asia which have successfully operated the democratic system since their independence.
Pakistan and Bangladesh have experienced both civilian and military rulers, with Bangladesh remaining a democracy in the post cold_ war period.Nepal was a constitutional monarchy but since popular uprising in 2006, it has decided to transform into democracy permanently.
Q.9. Name of principal players in the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. How do you assess the prospects of the resolution of this conflict ?
Ans : The principal players in the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka Sinhala who are the major the community in Tamils who constitute the minority community. The people belonging the Sinhala community are hostile to Tamils who migrated from India to Sri Lanka and settled there. The Sinhala nationalist held the view that Sri Lanka should not give concessions to Tamils because Sri Lanka belongs to the Sinhala people only. the neglect of Tamil led to the rise of militant nationalism. From 1983, onwards the militant organisation, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elan ( LTTE )has been fighting and armed struggle with the Army of Sri Lanka and demanding ‘ Tamil Elan’ or a separate state for the Tamils of Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka crisis continues to be violet till now. However some countries like Norway and Ireland have been trying to living the to warring groups to the negotiation table. The future of the island state depends on the outcome of these talks.
Q.10. What does SAFTA stand for? Examine the concept of SAFTA ?
Ans : The term SAFTA stands for the South Asian Free Trade Agreement. It was signed in 2004 at the 12th SAARC summit in Islamabad to provide for a free trade zone for the whole of South Asia.
It was SAPTA which gradually progressed to SAFTA. The leaders at the tenth SAARC summit in Colombo, decided to set up a committee of experts to conclude a treaty by 2001 on SAFTA.
By this, items listed by these countries would be traded free from custom restrictions and duties.
SAFTA would free flow of items between the southeast Asia countries and promote and sustain mutual trade and economic cooperation in the region.
The spirit behind idea of SAFTA is that the peace and cooperation would evolve in South Asia if all the countries in the region allow free trade across the borders.
The agreement on SAFTA came into effect on 1st January 2006. SAFTA aims at lowering trade traffis by 2007 upto 20%.
Q.11. What were the demands of East Pakistan (Bangladesh) for setting up democracy ?
Ans : After the formation of independent Bangladesh in 1971, an elected government came to power. After independence Bangladesh declared Bangladesh as democratic country.
Q.12. ‘Democracy is an accepted norm in the entire of South Asia’ Explain.
Ans : It is rightly said that democracy has become an accepted norm in the entire region of South Asia, India and Sri Lanka are the two countries of South Asia which have successfully operated a democratic system. Pakistan and Bangladesh experienced democracy in recent time. Nepal which was a monarchy, in 2006 it has decided to transform into democracy permanently.

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