Class 12 Political Science Chapter 4 Alternative Centres Of Power

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Class 12 Political Science Chapter 4 Alternative Centres Of Power

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Alternative Centres Of Power

Unit -4

PART – 1


Q.1. What is meant by Marshall Plan ?

Ans : Under the Marshall Plan,the organisation of European Economic Cooperation was established in 1948 to channel aid to the west European states. It became a forum where the western European states began to co-operate on Trade and economic issues.

Q.2 Fill in the blanks :

_ is the common currency of European union.

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Ans : Euro is the common currency of European union.

Q.3. Write the full form of ASEAN ?

Ans : The Full form of ASEAN is the Association of South East Asian Nations.

Q.4. What is Bangkok Declaration ?

Ans : ASEAN was established in 1967 by five countries of that region by signing what is called the Bangkok Declaration.

Q.5. In which year ARF was established ?

Ans : In 1994 A.R.F was established.

Q.6. Write Yes or No’.

India is a member of ASEAN.

Ans : No.

Q.7. Who was the leader of communist Revolution in China ?

Ans : Mao_Tse_Tung was the leader of Communist Revolution in China.

Q.8. What is open door policy ?

Ans : The economic liberalisation policy adopted by China in 1973 to open up different sectors of economy for competition is the open door policy.

Q.9. What do you mean by ‘Four Modernization ‘ ?

Ans : Four modernization was proposed by Zhou Enlain. He proposed for the “Four modernization” in sector such as science and technology.

Q.10. In which year P.M. Rajiv Gandhi visited China ?

Ans : Rajiv Gandhi visited China in 1988.

Q.11. In which year single market was created ?

Ans : Single market was created in 1993.

Q.12. In which year Council of Europe was established ?

Ans : Council of Europe was established in 1949.

Q.13. In which year the ASEAN Regional Forum was established ?

Ans : ASEAN Regional Forum was established in 1994.

Q.14. When China became a member of World Trade organization ?

Ans : China became a member of World Trade organization in December 11,2001.

Q.15. When was Treaty of Maastricht Signed ?

Ans : Treaty of Maastricht was signed in 1992.

Q.16. In which year ASEAN was established ?

Ans :  ASEAN was established in 1967.

Q.17. Write in one sentence problem of unemployment in China ?

Ans : Over population is one important factor of unemployment in China.

Q.18. Who was the Political religious leader of Tibet in 1950 ?

Ans : Dalai Lama.

Q.19. China entered into bilateral relations with which major country in 1972.

Ans : China entered into bilateral relations with U.S. in 1972.


Q.1. Mention the names of the  permanent members of the UN Security council from the European union?

Ans : France and Britain are the permanent members of the UN Security council from the European union.

Q.2. Do you think that European integration was aided by the cold war ? How ?

Ans : Yes, European integration was aided by the Cold War. America created massive financial help for reviving Europe’s economy under what was called Marshall Plan.

Q.3. Do you think that European union has started to act like nation state? Give reasons.

Ans : Yes, European union has started to act like a nation state.some reasons behind it are__ Although the attempts to have a constitution from the E.U. has failed,it has its own flag,anthem, founding date and currency. It also has some form of a common foreign and security policy in its dealing with other nation.

Q.4. What are the objectives of ASEAN ?

Ans : Indonesia, Malaysia,the Philippines, Singapore are the pillars of ASEAN community . The objectives of ASEAN were primarily to accelerate  economic growth and through that social progress and cultural development. A secondary objective was to promote regional peace and stability based on the rule of law and the principles of the  United Nations character.

Q.5. Fill in the blanks :

The Border conflict between China and India in 1962  was principally over___and__region.         

Ans : Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai chin.

Q.6. mention the names of to ASEAN members with whom India has  signed FTA’s.

Ans : Singapore and Thailand are the two ASEAN  members with whom India has signed FTA’S.

Q.7. What are the objectives of establishing Regional organisations.

Ans : During the cold war years India foreign policy didn’t pay adequate attention to ASEAN. But in recent years, India has tried to tu to make  amends it  signed FTA’S with two ASEAN members viz. Singapore and Thailand.  It is trying to sign an FTA with ASEAN itself.

Q.8. Write any two causes  that  led to the formation of European Union.

Ans : Two causes led to the formation of Europe Union are are:

(i) The collapse of of the Soviet block put European on a first track and resulted in the establishment of the European Union in 1992.

(ii) the formation of E.U was laid 4 a common foreign and security policy, co-operation on justice and Home affairs and the creation of single currency.

Q.9. Mention two countries who are member of W.E. ?

Ans : Denmark  and Sweden are members of E.U. 

Q.10. write the the names of  two great powers of Asia ?

Ans : India and China are two great powers of Asia.

Q.11. Mention two drawbacks of China’s new economic policy ?

Ans : Two drawbacks of China’s new economic policy:

(i) China’s new economic policy has not been able to touch everyone.

(ii) unemployment has raised in China.

Q.12. Which countries joined the E.U in January 1995?

Ans : Austria, Finland, Sweden  joined E.U in January 1995.

Q.13. In 1992  which regional organisation was formed?

Ans : In 1992 European union was formed.

Q.14. Write two aims of European Union?

Ans : Two aims of European Union are:

(i) promote peace its values and  the well being of the people.

(ii) promote economic, social and territorial cohesion and solidarity.

Q.15. In what way does the present Chinese economy differ from its command economy ?

Ans : Chinese economy during the about 30 years has shown a tremendous growth. from a centrally planned system that was largely closed to international trade it is change to a more market orientated economy that has a rapidly growing private sector and is a major player in in the global economy.

China’s economy during the last quarter century has changed from a centrally planned system.In the beginning,  the economy of China was based on the Soviet model. In 1970’s China started its economic reforms. Again, in 1978 announced the ‘Open Door Policy’. The ‘Open Door Policy’ was to generate higher productivity by investments of capitals and technology from abroad.

Q.16. What is meant by Maastricht Treaty ?

Ans : In 1992 Maastricht Treaty was signed which was the bigger step to formally created European Union.

Q.17. What major challenges arose in Europe after the second world war ?

Ans : after the second world war there were  a dated about the “questions of Europe”. There was growing communist threat and division of Germany promoted the United States to play a more pro__active role in Europe.

Q.18 ………………. Plan influenced the establishment of the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation in………?

Ans : Marshall Plan :- Influenced the establishment of the organisation of the European economic cooperation in 1948.

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