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Class 12 Political Science Chapter 1 The Cold War Era
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The Cold War Era
Unit -1
PART – 1
Q.1. What is meant by cold War ?
Ans : The cold war is referred to the competition, the tensions and a series of confrontations between the United States and the Soviet Union backed by their respective allies.
Q.2. When did cold war begin ?
Ans : The cold War began in the year 1945.
Q.3. Write the full form of NATO.
Ans : The full form of NATO is North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
Q.4. What is Warsaw pact ?
Ans : The eastern alliance was known as warsaw pact which was led by the Soviet Union.
Q.5. What was the principal function of warsaw pact ?
Ans : The principal function of Warsaw Pact was to counter NATO’s forces in Europe
Q.6. Correct the sentence : The US was committed to the ideology of socialism.
Ans : The U.S. was committed to the ideology of capitalism.
Q.7. Fill in the blank :
(a) The end of the second World War was the beginning of_____
Ans : Cold war.
Q.8. Mention the period of the cold War era.
Ans : The period of cold war era was from 1945 to 1991.
Q.9. Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
(a) Cold war was a competition between US and Soviet Union and their respective allies.
Ans : Yes.
Q.10. What was the principal functions of warsaw pact ?
Ans : To counter NATO.
Q.11. Write the full form of NIEO ?
Ans : New International Economic Order
Q.12. What do you mean by CENTO ?
Ans : Central Treaty Organization.
Q.13. What is ‘Deterrence’ ?
Ans : To prevent or discourage.
Q.14. What is LOCs ?
Ans : Line of Control.
Q.15. Write the full form of NAM ?
Ans : Non Aligned Movement.
Q.16. What was the Cuban crisis ?
Ans : Cuban Crisis was a high point of cold war occured in 1962.
Q.17. What is UNITED ?
Ans : United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
Q.18. Name the two Super Powers ?
Ans : Soviet Russia and United States of America.
Q.19. Does NAM stand for isolation.
Ans : No, NAM doesn’t stand for isolation.
Q.20. In which year USA dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima ?
Ans : 1945
Q.21. What is LDCs?
Ans : Last Developed Countries.
Q.22. What was the principle function of warsaw pact ?
Ans : The principle function of Warsaw Pact was to counter NATO’S forces in Europe.
Q.1. What is meant by allied and axis powers of the Second World War ?
Ans : Allied powers of the Second World War refers to those countries who won the world war. These Allied powers includes countries like the U.S., Soviet Union, Britain and Finance.
Axis power of the second World was prefers to the countries who were defeated in the war. These axis powers includes countries like the — Germany, Italy and Japan.
Q.2. How did Second World War come to an end ?
Ans : The Second World War come to an end when the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, causing Japan to surrender.
Q.3. Name the two super powers that emerged after the Second World War.
Ans : The two super powers that emerged after the Second World War were the US and the Soviet Union.
Q.4. Name the two places where atom bombs were dropped in the Second World War.
Ans : Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the two famous places where Atom bombs were dropped in the Second World War.
Q.5. Why did the superpowers need small allies ?
Ans : The superpowers entered into military alliances with smaller countries due to the following reasons :
(a) Smaller states were helpful for the superpowers in their gaining access to vital resources such as oil and minerals.
(b) Access to locations or territory from where the superpowers could launch their weapons and troops.
(c) Access to locations from where they could spy on each other.
Q.6. What is meant by western alliance and eastern alliance ?
Ans : Most countries of Western Europe sided with the US is called Western Alliance. On the other hand those countries of eastern Europe which joined in the Soviet camp is called Eastern Alliance.
Q.7. Name two arms control agreements signed by the two super powers.
Ans : The two arms control agreements signed by the two super power are — Limited Test Bar Treaty (LTBT) and Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NNPT).
Q.8. When and where the first Non-Aligned Summit was held ?
Ans : The first Non-Aligned Summit was held in Belgrade in 1961. This summit was attended by number of African and Asian countries.
Q.9. What was the declaration of NATO States ?
Ans : The declaration was that the NATO states pledged the mutual defence of any member states who would be attacked and Constitutes a system of collective Security.
Q.10. Does NIEO was just an idea that never became an order ?
Ans : NIEO was not just an idea, it became an order.
Q.11. What do you mean by logic of deterrence ?
Ans : Logical of deterrence means the presence of nuclear weapons by both super powers. It means the two super powers behaved in a more rational manner which aimed at avoidance of another big war.
Q.12. Write the root cause of the beginning of the cold war ?
Ans : The root cause of the beginning of cold war was rivalry between U.S.A and former U.S.S.R.
Q.13. Why the Smaller states were helpful to the superpowers ?
Ans : The smaller states were helpful to superpowers became :
(i) Gaining access to vital resources such as oil and minerals.
(ii) Access to location or territory from where the superpower could launch their weapons and troops.
Q.14. What is the Allied Forces and Axis power ?
Ans : Same as Short Q. No. 1.
Q.15. Identify three countries which belong to communist block ?
Ans : United States of Soviet Russia, Hungary and Poland.
Q.16. Is non alignment a negative policy ?
Ans : No, non-alignment is not a negative policy. It was a policy of keeping away from military alliances of big power.
Q.17. What was the root cause of the beginning of the cold War ?
Ans : The root cause of the beginning of the cold war was rivalry between U.S. and U.S.S.R.
Q.18. Name any four countries which were decolonized following the end of the Second World War ?
Ans : India, Indonesia, Afghanistan and Cuba.
Q.19. When and where 20th NATO Summit was held ?
Ans : NATO Summit was held in Chicago, U.S.A. in 2012.
Q. 20 Name the countries that joined the Soviet Block ?
Ans : Poland, Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, Albania, Czechoslovakia.
Q.1. Why did cold War remain a ‘cold’ war and did not escalate into a hot war ?
Ans : The logic of deterrence is the main weapon which did not let the cold War escalate into a hot war. Both the two rival power US and USSR have the capacity to retaliate against an nuclear attack and to cause so much destruction that neither can afford to initial war. Thus, the cold war in spite of being an intense form of rivalry between great power– remained a ‘cold’ and not ‘home or shooting war. The deterrence relationship prevents war but not the rivalry between powers.
Q.2. Do you think that the alliance system led by the super powers divided the entire world into two camps? Justify your answer.
Ans : Yes, the alliance system led by the super powers divided the entire world into two camps.
The ideology of capitalism and socialism are the main reasons of this division. The western alliance, headed by the U.S. represented the ideology of liberal democracy and capitalism while the eastern alliance headed by the Soviet Union, was committed to the ideology of socialism and communism.
Q.3. How did the smaller states help the Super powers ?
Ans : The smaller states help the super power in gaining access to :
(i) Smaller states are helpful for the super powers in their gaining access to vital resources such as oil and minerals.
(ii) Access to location or territory from where the superpowers could launched their weapons and troops.
(iii) Access to location from where they could spy on each other and
(iv) Economics support, in that many small allies together could help pay for military expenses.
Q.4. Discuss the role of NAM during the cold war era.
Ans : NAM played on significant role in the cold war era.The role of NAM can be mentioned the like way :
(i) The policy of Nonalignment sough to promote peace and laid emphasis on peaceful settlement of disputes bt the states.
(ii) Nam was entrusted with the tasks of social and economic reconstruction which could be done only in a world free form war and tension.
(iii) The newly independent countries were aware of the danger of imperialism. So they wanted to come together and bring World peace.
(iv) The significant role played by NAM was to maintain peacefull coexistence between nations, condemnation of racial discrimination etc.
Q.5. Do you think that ideological differences contributed to the emergence of cold wars ?
Ans : Yes, to some extent ideological differences contributed to the emergence of cold War.
(i) The two super power accompanied by a real ideological conflict as well as differences over the best and the most appropriate way of organizing political, economic and social life all over the world.
(ii) The western Alliances headed by the U.S. represented the ideology of liberal democracy and capitalism while the eastern alliances headed by the Soviet Union, was committed to the ideology of socialism and communism.
(iii) Both the super power wanted to prove their ideology to be the best and to spread it all over the world.
Q.6. Assess India’s role in the survival of NAM ?
Ans : Students Do YourSelf (Very Long Type Q. No.3 Same.)
Q.7. Examine the significance of Belgrade Summit ?
Ans : The first non-alignment Summit was held in Belgrade in 1961. There was some common resolution emerged. The first summit was attended by 25 member states. The first summit of NAM which is popularly known as Belgrade summit decided to oppose the block politics led by two super power.
Q.8. Which are the member countries of NATO ?
Ans : The member countries of NATO are : Belgium, Canada, Portugal, Britain, U.S.A.
Q.9. What is the ideological reason for Alliance System ?
Ans : Alliance System was primarily based on two contradictory ideology– one is Capitalism another is Communism. Each block adopted one ideology. For example, the block led by U.S.A. adopted capitalist ideology and aimed at expanding capitalism. On the other hand the block led by Soviet Russia adopted Communism and supported the promotion of communist ideology.
Q.10. What made the super powers adopt rational and responsible attitude ?
Ans : The super powers adopted national and responsible attitude to avoid another big war in the world and also to ensure–safety and prosperity of humankind.
Q.11. What was the reason of placing nuclear missiles in Cuba by USSR in 1962 ?
Ans : In 1962,USSR placed nuclear missiles in Cuba to prevent U.S. From attacking it U.S.S.R established military base in Cuba so that it can easily attack U.S.A.
Q.12. On what grounds India’s policy of non-alignment was criticised ?
Ans : The policy of Non-alignment movement was criticised on a number of counts.
They are :
(i) First India’s non-alignment was said to be unprincipled. In the name of pursuing its national interest, India of ten refused to take a firm stand on crucial international issues.
(ii) India was consistent and took contradictory postures, Haring criticised others for joining alliances, India signed the treaty of friendship in August 1971 with the USSR for 20 years. This was criticised by outsiders as India virtually joined the Soviet Bloc.
Q.13. Write any four causes which originated the Cold War.
Ans : Four causes which originated the Cold war :
(i) Rivalry between the two super power was one cause of cold war.
(ii) Ideological conflict between the two super power was another cause of cold war.
(iii) Arms race was also important factor of cold war.
(iv) Emergence of the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. as two super powers after the second World War was important cause of cold war.
Q.14. Write the ideological reasons of Alliance System ?
Ans : Same as Ans of Q. No. 9. ( Long Answer)
Q.15. What made super powers to collaborate ?
Ans : The two super power decided to collaborate to avoid a big war and save the world from destruction. So the super powers wanted to ensure economic development and security of their citizens. They desired to collaborate for a better world.
Sl. No. | CONTENTS |
Unit 1 | PART – 1 |
Chapter 1 | The Cold War Era |
Chapter 2 | The End of Bipolarity |
Chapter 3 | US Hegemony in World Politics |
Chapter 4 | Alternative Centres Of Power |
Chapter 5 | Contemporary South Asia |
Chapter 6 | International Organisations |
Chapter 7 | Security In The Contemporary World |
Chapter 8 | Environment And Natural Resources |
Chapter 9 | Globalisation |
Unit 2 | PART – 2 |
Chapter 1 | Era of One-Party Dominance |
Chapter 2 | Challenges of Nation Building |
Chapter 3 | Politics Of Planned Development |
Chapter 4 | India’s External Relations |
Chapter 5 | Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System |
Chapter 6 | The Crisis of Democratic Order |
Chapter 7 | Rise of Popular Movements |
Chapter 8 | Regional Aspirations |
Chapter 9 | Recent Developments in India Politics |
Q.16. Assess India’s role in the survivals of NAM ?
Ans : Same as Ans of Q. No. 3 (Very Long Answer)
Q.17. Write a note on the achievements of NAM.
Ans : Same as Ans of Q. No. 4 (Long Answer)
Q.18. Why did the super powers adopt rational and responsible attitude ?
Ans : Same as Ans of Q. No. 10 (Long Answer)
Q.19. What was Cuban Missile Crisis ?
Ans : Same as Ans of Q. No. 1 (Very Long Answer)
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