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NIOS Class 12 Mass Communication Chapter 30 The Camera
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The Camera
Chapter: 30
1. What are the parts in a camera that control light.
Ans. Shutter and aperture.
2. What will happen to the picture if more than the required amount of light enters the camera?
Ans. The picture will appear white and details will be missing.
3. What is the purpose of a lens in a camera?
Ans. Lens is the device through which we focus the light or the picture onto the surface that is going to record the photograph.
4. What is the function of a light meter?
Ans. a light lets us know the right amount of light that is necessary to take the picture.
5. What happens when we hear a click sound on the camera?
Ans. The shutter opens and the photograph is taken.
1. Name the three types of lenses that are commonly used in cameras.
Ans. (i) Wide lens.
(ii) Telephoto lens.
(iii) Zoom lens.
2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word:
(i) ………….. lens is used to photograph a football match in the playground?
Ans. Wide lens.
(ii) Zoom lens has a …………… focal length.
Ans. Variable.
(iii) ………….. camera allows us to change the lens according to our needs.
Ans. SLR.
3. Give at least two situations in which it is useful to use a tripod while taking a picture.
Ans. (i) When the lens used is heavy.
(ii) When the shutter speed of the camera is slow.
1. Which are the most important components of a camera? Explain the use of each component.
Ans. The important parts of the camera are following:
Shutter: Shutter is like a door that opens and closed for a given period of time. This time ranges from a small fractions of a second to a few second. This is the time when light enters the camera.
Aperture: Aperture is of great significance. The aperture is another opening to control the amount of light coming into the camera.
2. Name three circumstances when you will use flash and give reason for its use.
Ans. This is useful when you are in situations where light is not enough for the picture to be taken. A flash makes it possible to take a photograph in complete darkness.
3. Which are the important lenses used in photography? Explain their use.
Ans. These cameras with long lenses have a special purpose and they bring the far away subject closer to the camera. Such lenses are called telephoto lens. These lenses are useful when you cannot move the camera close to the subject, like you cannot step onto a cricket field to get a close picture of the batsman in action or you cannot get close to a place where there is danger of getting hurt.
Such a lens would make the objects small but it well accommodates a larger area on the picture frame. Such a lens will be called a wide angle lens. You can use such a lens in photographing places which are crowded and don’t give space to the photographer to move back.
Such lenses that can change the angle of view and become telephoto as well as wide angle are called zoom lenses.
4. What is the function of a lens in a camera?
Ans. View finder: This is the point from where we look and aim the camera in the direction of the scene that is to be photographed.
Shutter release: As mentioned earlier this is the button on the top of a camera which when pressed takes the photograph.
Lens: The lens is the most important part of a camera, because it is the device through which we focus the subject or the picture onto the surface that is going to record the photograph. A which is made of glass has a unique property to bend the light rays and focus them on a sharp point. So when we look at the image that is to be photographed through a lens it may appear blurred, but then by focussing it we can make it sharp Now it is ready to be photographed. Usually the aperture is also built inside the lens.
Focussing ring: This is the adjustment that we use to bring the subject into sharp focus. It is usually on the lens and has a scale that shows the distance of the subjects from the lens. By moving the ring clockwise or anti-clockwise we adjust the focus. Most new cameras also have an automatic focussing mechanism and such cameras are also refered to a autofocus cameras.
Light meter: The shutter and the aperture control light and letsin just the right amount for the picture to be taken. But how do we decide about the righrt amout of light at the given moment when we are taking the photo. This is measured and indicated by a light meter. The light meter is either inside the view finder or on the screen that shows the picture. The easy to use cameras have an automatic setting that reads the light and accordingly sets the aperture and shutter speed.
Very Short Type Questions Answer
1. What is shutter?
Ans. The shutter is like a door that opens and close for a given period of time.
2. What is aperture?
Ans. The aperture is an opening that control the amount of light coming into the camera.
3. What is view finder?
Ans. This is the point from where we look and aim the camera in the direction of the scene that is to be photographed.
4. What is shutter release?
Ans. This is the button on the top of a camera which when pressed takes the photograph.
5. What do you understand by focussing ring?
Ans. This is the adjustment that we use to bring the subject into the sharp focus.
6. Where is light meter present in a camera?
Ans. The light meter is either inside the view finder or the screen that shows the pictures.
7. What are single lens Reflex (SLR) cameras?
Ans. Cameras which allow us to change the lens according to our needs are called single lens reflex cameras.
8. In which unit is focal length measured?
Ans. The focal length is measured in millimetres.
9. What are zoom lenses?
Ans. Lenses that can change the angle of view and become telephoto as well as wide angle are called zoom lenses.
10. What is tripod?
Ans. A tripod is a three legged support for the camera.
Short Type Questions Answer
1. What is flash?
Ans. Flash is a high intensity light which bursts out for that fraction of a second when the shutter is released. This is useful when you are in situations where light is not enough for the picture to be taken. A flash makes it possible to take a photograph in complete darkness. Again in some cameras you may have seen the flash to be a part of the camera, but in more advanced cameras the flash is put separately and a separate flash is more powerful than the one that is a part of the camera.
2. What is tripod? What is its use?
Ans. The other important part of a photographer’s equipment is called a tripod which as the name implies is a three legged support for the camera. Sometimes one needs to fix the cameras onto a stand because the lens that is being used is heavy. When a slow shutter speed is used, the camera must be mounted on a stand to avoid a hazy picture which may happen if the camera is hand held.
3. What is focal length?
Ans. The focal length is mentioned on a lens in millimetres.
4. Write step by step method for taking a photograph.
Ans. View image
Focus image
Set aperture and shutter
Looking at the light meter
Click! shutter release
5. What is use of wide angle lens?
Ans. One can use such a lens in photographing places which are crowded and don’t give space to the photographer to move back. For example a birthday party with lots of guests in a room can be photographed well by wide angle lens and everybody in the crowd would be in the picture.
6. What is use of telephoto lens?
Ans. These lenses are useful when you cannot move the camera close to the subject, like you cannot step onto a cricket field to get a close picture of the batsman in action or you cannot get close to a place where there is danger of getting hurt.

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