NIOS Class 12 Mass Communication Chapter 6 What is News?

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NIOS Class 12 Mass Communication Chapter 6 What is News?

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What is News?

Chapter: 6



1. Name any four sources of news.

Ans. (i) Newspapers.

(ii) Radio.

(iii) Television.

(iv) Internet.

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2. What does each letter of the word NEWS stands for.

Ans. North, East, West, South.

3. Define news.

Ans. News is the report of a current event, something that was not known information or recent events and happenings.


1. Which are the six questions that makes a perfect news item?

Ans. (i) When? 

(ii) Where? 

(iii) What? 

(iv) Why? 

(v) Who? and 

(vi) How?

2. Consumer Price Index is …………………. (news, information).

Ans. Information.


1. What do you mean by currency in news?

Ans. It means current happening.

2. List five points used by a journalist to judge newsworthiness?

Ans. Timeliness, impact, proximity, currency and oddity.

3. Find out two odd news items.

Ans. A man biting a dog, a boy trying to fly, falls from the terrace.


1. Give two examples each of international news and national news.

Ans. Select from current news items.

2. Give two examples of regional and local news.

Ans. Select from current news items.

3. What do you mean by credibility in news?

Ans. Credibility means news should be fair and objective.


1. Define news. Describe the main types of news.

Ans. News is a report of a current event. It is information about something that has just happened or will happen soon. News is a report about recent happenings in a newspaper, television, radio or internet. News is something that is not known earlier. From all these, we can safely define news as a development that has happened in the past 24 hours which was not known outside and which is of wide interest to the people and that which generates curiosity among listeners.


(i) international news.

(ii) national news.

(iii) local news.

(iv) national news.

(v) crime news.

(vi) sports news.

(vii) news of economy.

2. Differentiate between news and information.

Ans. Information becomes news when news value is added to it. For example, if a new train time table is issued by the railways replacing the existing one with changed in train timings, that becomes news.

3. Describe news values.

Ans. Journalists are the best judges about what is news and what is not. They take this decision based on certain news values. The following are the salient points to judge the newsworthiness.

  • Timeliness: News is something new. 
  • Impact: Impact of an event decides its newsworthiness.
  • Proximity: Bird flu spreading in Delhi will make you alert because this is happening in your proximity.
  • Controversy: People like controversies. 
  • Prominence: If a prominent person is involved in any event it becomes news.
  • Currency: News is about current events.
  • Oddity: Unusual things makes news. Extraordinary and unexpected events generate public interest.
  • Emotion: Stories of human interest make good news items.
  • Usefulness: Sometimes news items help the public in various ways. You must have noticed that weather forecasters warn fishermen not to go to the sea for fishing on certain days because of rough weather.
  • Educational value: News has also an educational value.

4. Elaborate the terms of credibility, fairness and objectivity in news. 

Ans. Journalists not only collect information but verify them before printing. 

By objectivity, we mean without any bias. Fairness is another quality required for a journalist. It is said that every story has two sides. While presenting the story, the journalist should not take sides.

Credibility of news is the most important virtue for any publication or channel or radio service. A reader trusts a newspaper mainly because of its credibility. If a newspaper continues to publish non-credible, unfair and non-objective stories, reader will start rejecting that paper.

5. Explain how news acts as a powerful tool.

Ans. News are a powerful tool. These can be positive as well as negative.

On any given day, we may find a mix of positive and negative news in a newspaper. Students of a school visiting a nearby village and offering them voluntary service in road building is a positive news. A feature about an NGO devoted to uplift the condition of street children is another positive item. One may can also find a news item on a school boy shooting his classmate. This is a negative news.

News can also be an instrument for development. Many a time it carries a message to the people. For e.g. a news item such as “Government to give fee concession to all students up to graduation”. It is a development news. This enhances the chances of education for millions of students who cannot afford it and are thus deprived of higher education.

Very Short Type Questions Answer

1. What is news?

Ans. News is a report of a current event. 

2. Which six questions make a perfect news item?

Ans. The five Ws and one H. The five Ws are When? Where? What? Why? and Who? The H is How?

3. Bird flu spreading near your city will make you alert rather than it spreading in a different country. Which news value does this statement point to? 

Ans. Proximity.

Short Type Questions Answer 

1. From which words news is said to be derived?

Ans. From the four directions:


2. How timeliness decide news?

Ans. News is something new. So timeliness is a great factor in deciding news. An incident that happened one month back will not make news for today’s newspaper. Also timeless varied from publication to publication. For a newspaper, events that had happened on the previous day is news. But for a weekly, events of the previous one week can make news.

3. How controversies make news? 

Ans. People like controversies. Anything that is connected with conflicts, arguments, charges and counter-charges, fights and tension becomes news. All of us must have heard of Kargil War. It was a conflict between India and Pakistan. It became great news all over the world.

4. What is human interest? How it makes news?

Ans. Anything that is connected with human emotions can be called human interest. 

Stories of human interest make good news items. Doctor advise a girl in Pakistan to undergo a heart surgery urgently. But her parents cannot afford the expenses. The Rotary Club of Delhi offers help through their scheme of ‘Gift of Life’. The girl comes to India and undergoes surgery successfully. While going back she and her overwhelmed parents narrate their experiences in India. This makes a good human interest story.

5. What is usefulness of news?

Ans. Sometimes news items help the public in various ways. You must have noticed that weather forecasters warn fishermen not to go to the sea for fishing on certain days because of rough weather. Newspapers gives the phone numbers of police stations, hospitals, ambulance services etc to help people. Newspapers also raise funds from the public to help victims of disasters and natural calamities, like tsunami and earthquake.

6. What do you understand by credibility of news?

Ans. Credibility of news is the most important virtue for any publication or channel or radio service. A reader trusts a newspaper mainly because of its credibility. If a newspaper continues to publish non-credible, unfair and non-objective stories, reader will start rejecting that paper. A news item published by a paper will be read by hundreds of thousands of people. It that news is wrong, a correction can be given the next day. But many readers may not see that correction. The newspaper gets a bad reputation if it is not credible.

Long Type Questions Answer 

1. What makes news?

Ans. It is generally said that if a news report provided answers to six questions, then it is a perfect news item. These six questions include five Ws and one H. The five Ws are When? What? Why? Where? and Who? The His How?

Suppose we hear a news like this. A boy is kidnapped while coming back from the school. Naturally the first questin that arises in our mind will be when it had happened and where? Then we are keen to know what the full story of the incident was. Then we ask the question, why has it happened? Also we want to know about the kidnappers. Who were they? And finally the news become complete only when you get to know from the news how the kidnapping happened. Unless a news item satisfies all these six questions of the reader or listener, the news is incomplete.

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