NIOS Class 12 Mass Communication Chapter 4 Development Communication

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NIOS Class 12 Mass Communication Chapter 4 Development Communication

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Development Communication

Chapter: 4



1. Define the term ‘Development Communication.

Ans. Development communication can be defined as the use of communication to promote development.

2. List the different forms of media used for development communication.

Ans. Radio, television and traditional media.

3. Name three groups which are actively involved in development communication activities.

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Ans. (i) voluntary organisation.

(ii) concerned citizens.

(iii) Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs)


1. List any five core areas of development.

Ans. (i) agriculture.

(ii) fisheries.

(iii) animal husbandry.

(iv) Food security.

(v) Any other.

2. Give three examples of development campaigns that you have recently come across in any form of media.

Ans. (a) Polio immunisation campaign.

(b) AIDS campaign.

(c) Literacy campaign.


1. Explain the term ‘development communication’ using examples.

Ans. When we refer to development. communication, it is about such communication that can be used for development. It is about using communication to change or improve something. Here we use different types of messages to change the socio-economic condition of people. These messages are designed to transform the behaviour of people for improving their quality of life.

2. Discuss the use of different forms of mass media in development communication.

Ans. During the 1950s, the government started huge developmental programmes throughout the country. In fact, when Doordarshan started on 15th September 1959, it was concentrating only on programmes on agriculture.

As far as the print media is concerned, after Independence when the Five Year Plans were initiated by the government for planned development, it was the newspapers which gave great importance to development themes.

If the print media have contributed to development communication, the electronic media-radio and television especially All India Radio and Doordarshan have spread messages on development as the main part of their broadcasts.

However, amongst all the media that are used for development communication, traditional media are the closest to people.

Very Short Type Questions Answer

1. What is communication?

Ans. Communication is a message understood or sharing of experience.

2. Who are development communicators?

Ans. Those who write or produce programmes on issues related to development are called development communicators.

3. When for the first time Indian government started development programmes?

Ans. During the 1950s.

4. In which year India used satellites for development communication? 

Ans. In 1975s. 

5. Which media is closest to the people?

Ans. Traditional media.

6. What has been matter of concern to development workers?

Ans. Problems in communicating a message in an effective way has been a matter of concern to development workers.

7. On which sensitive issues have information been communicated through comics?

Ans. Information on sensitive health issues such as HIV/AIDS has been communicated through the medium of comic in several states.

Short Type Questions Answer 

1. What are objectives of a development communicator?

Ans. The development communicator plays a very significant role in explaining the development process to the common people in such a way that it finds acceptance.

in order to achieve this objective a development communicator:

  • has to understand the process of development and communication:
  • should possess knowledge in professional techniques and should know the audience.
  • prepare and distribute development messages to millions of people in such a way that they are received and understood, accepted and applied.

2. How comics help in development communication?

Ans. Comics involve story telling using visuals which must follow local ideas and culture in order to be understood correctly by people.

The important thing about comics is that they are made by people on their own issues in their own language. So, readers find them closer to their day-to-day lives.

3. Which organisations and bodies should be involved for effective development communication?

Ans. The development communication using various media is possible only with the active involvement of the following:

(i) Development agencies like department of agriculture.

(ii) Voluntary organizations.

(iii) Concerned citizens.

(iv) Non governmental organizations (NGOs).

Long Type Questions Answer 

1. What are development campaigns?

Ans. Development companies are programmes or activities, which are carried by different media for the different purposes.

For development communication we may use the print media, radio and television. Sometimes they are time bound programmes for a certain period. Let us consider an example. A particular Sunday in a month is identified for polio immunization. There are also weekly, fortnightly and monthly campaigns on development themes. Let us take another example of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Education for all programme) in our country.

This is an effort to provide useful and relevant elementary education for all children in the 6-14 age group by 2010 with the active participation of the community in the management of schools.

People interested in development communication should understand their audience i.e, reader listeners or viewers.

The need for development communication continues since a large population of India lives in rural areas and they need government support.

New forms of communication such as Public Information campaigns are held in villages to disseminate information.

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