NCERT Class 4 Environmental Studies Chapter 11 The Valley of Flowers

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NCERT Class 4 Environmental Studies Chapter 11 The Valley of Flowers

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Chapter: 11

1. Have you ever seen so many flowers grow together anywhere? where?

Ans: I’ve seen pictures of massive flower fields like the tulip fields in the Netherlands, the lavender fields in Provence, France, and the cherry blossoms in Japan. 

2. How many differently coloured flowers have you seen?

Ans: I have seen many coloured flowers.

(a) Write their colours.

Ans: (i) Red: Roses, poppies, hibiscus.

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(ii) Orange: Marigolds, tiger lilies, California poppies.

(iii) Yellow: Sunflowers, daffodils, tulips.

(iv) Green: Some orchids, hellebores, and rare green roses.

(v) Blue: Hydrangeas, cornflowers, forget-me-nots.

(vi) Purple: Lavender, violets, irises.

(vii) Pink: Cherry blossoms, peonies, cosmos.

3. Now you were just left counting, weren’t you?

Ans: Yes, but it is not possible to count the flowers in a garden as they are countless.

4. Draw your own design in your notebook and colour it as well.


5. Look at the designs made by your friends as well.



Here are some pictures of flowers. Mark a (✓) on the flowers which you recognise. Write their names too if you know.

Ans: Hibiscus, Rose, Sunflower, Marigold, Lily, Jasmine, Tulsi and Daisy or Chrysanthemum.

1. From the pictures given above, and other flowers that you know, give names of two which:

(a) Grow on trees.

Ans: Grow on trees: Magnolia, Gulmohar.

(b) Grow on bushes.

Ans: Grow on bushes: Rose, Hibiscus.

(c) Grow on creepers.

Ans: Grow on creepers: Morning Glory, Bougainvillea.

(d) Grow on water plants.

Ans: Grow on water plants: Lotus, Water Lily.

(e) Bloom only at night.

Ans: Bloom only at night: Brahma Kamal, Night-blooming Jasmine (Raat ki Rani).

(f) Bloom in the day and close at night.

Ans: Bloom in the day and close at night: Sunflower, Poppy.

2. Which flowers can you recognise by their scent, even with your eyes closed?

Ans: Rose and jasmine can be recognized by their scent, even with our eyes closed.

3. Which flowers bloom all the year round?

Ans: The Rangoon Creeper, Anthurium Plant, Jasmine, Lantana Plants, Geraniums, Peace Lily, Desert Rose And Begonia.

4. Which flowers bloom only in certain months?

Ans: (a) Spring: Tulip, Cherry Blossom, Daffodil.

(b) Summer: Sunflower, Hibiscus, Lotus.

(c) Autumn: Chrysanthemum, Dahlia, Marigold.

(d) Winter: Poinsettia, Camellia, Snowdrop.

5. Are there any trees or plants which never have any flowers? Find out and write.

Ans: Non-Flowering Trees & Plants:

(a) Conifers (Gymnosperms): Pine, Cedar, Fir (produce cones instead of flowers)

(b) Ferns: Do not produce flowers; reproduce via spores.

(c) Mosses: Flowerless plants that spread through spores.

(d) Cycads: Ancient plants that produce cones instead of flowers.

(e) Algae: Simple plants that do not have flowers.


1. Have you ever seen a board like this put up anywhere?

Ans: Yes, I’ve seen something similar posted in our colony’s garden.

2. Do people pluck flowers even when this board is there?

Ans: Yes, even with this board in place, people continue to pluck flowers.

4. Why do you think they do this?

Ans: Because they either do not notice it, or ignore the rule.

5. Should they do this?

Ans: No, they should not pluck flowers.

6. What would happen if everybody plucked flowers?

Ans: If everyone plucked flowers:

(a) Gardens would lose their beauty.

(b) Plants would weaken and stop growing.

(c) Pollinators like bees would lose food.


1. What is the colour of the flower?

Ans: Red: Rose, Jasmine.

2. What kind of a scent does it have?

Ans: Sweet: Rose, Jasmine.

3. What does it look like – a bell, a bowl, a brush or anything else?

Ans: Anything else.

4. Do these flowers grow in bunches?

Ans: Yes.

5. How many petals does it have?

Ans: Rose has many petals and jasmine has 6 or 7 petals.

6. Are all the petals joined together or separate?

Ans: Both mix.

7. Outside the petals, can you see any green leafy structure? How many are there?

Ans: Yes, there are two green leafy structures.

8. Inside the petals, in the middle of the flower, can you see some thin structures? Write its colour.

Ans: Yes, I can see several thin structures inside the petals, in the center of the flower. It’s a reddish-brown tint.

9. When you touch these, do you find a powdery thing on your hands?

Ans: Yes.


1. What differences do you find between a flower and a bud?

Ans: The “buds” is more commonly used to refer to smaller nuggets of cannabis flower, while “flower” is a more general term applied to any form of smokable cannabis plant.

2. Draw the picture of a bud and its flower in your notebook.


3. Can you tell how many days will a bud take to bloom into a flower? Let us try and find out.

(a) Choose a bud that is growing on a plant and look at it everyday. Write the name of the plant.

Ans: Marigold. 

(b) When you first saw this bud, the date was ____________. Now when the bud has bloomed into a flower, the date is __________. How many days did the bud take to become a flower?

Ans: 12 March and 20 march. It takes 7 to 10 days for the bud to become a flower.

(c) Ask your friends the names of the different flowers that they have seen. How much time did it take their buds to become flowers?


Flower NameTime taken for bud to bloom
Rose3-5 days
Marigold7-10 days
Sunflower7-14 days
Hibiscus1-2 days
Jasmine2-3 days

(d) Also observe how many days the same flower took to dry.

Ans: 2 to 7 days.


Flowers are even eaten!

1. Are flowers cooked in your home as a dry vegetable, a gravy dish or as a chutney? Find out which flowers are used for these.

Ans: Yes, there are a few flowers in vegetables and chutney. Flowers like dandelion and lotus are utilized for this.

Flowers in medicines!

2. Find out names of any two flowers which are used for making medicines?

Ans: Sunflower and rose flowers have healing properties and are used for making medicines.

3. How is rose water used in your house? Is it used as medicine, sweets, lassi or something else? Find out and tell others.

Ans: Rose water is used in medicine, sweets like gulab jamun, lassi, and skincare for its fragrance and benefits. 

4. Find out and write the names of some more flowers that are used for making colours.

Ans: Natural dyes are prepared using flowers with bright colours like saffron, rose, marigold and lavender. These natural dyes are then used to colour clothes.

5. Can you think of a colour of which there is no flower?

Ans: Yes, some people think that there are no flowers that are silver or gray in color. 

6. Write the names of such flowers which are used to make scents.

Ans: Rose, Jasmine, Lavender, Tuberose, Champaca, Ylang-Ylang, Violet, Osmanthus, Lily, Gardenia.


(a) Do you know when such songs are sung?

Ans: In weddings.

(b) Do you or anybody else at home know other such songs?

Ans: Yes, my grandmother. 

Collect songs, poems, etc., on flowers. Write them down and put them up in the classroom.

Ans: Students do it yourself.

(c) Are any special flowers used on certain occasions/festivals by your elders? Make a list of different occasions and the flowers used at each.

Occasion/FestivalsName of flower


Occasion/FestivalsName of flower
WeddingsRose, Jasmine
DiwaliMarigold, Lotus
Durga PujaHibiscus
GurpurabRose, Marigold
Funeral/RitualsWhite Lily, Chrysanthemum

1. What are the different flowers that they sell? Ask them the names of three flowers.

Ans: Rose, Marigold, And Jasmine.

2. Where do they bring these flowers from?

Ans: Flower sellers get their flowers from different sources, such as: Local Farms,  Wholesale Flower Markets, Gardens & Greenhouses etc.

3. Why do people buy flowers? 

Ans: People buy flowers because they are beautiful, attractive, and used in various rituals. It is used to decorate places.

4. In what forms do flower-sellers sell their flowers? Look at these pictures. Tick against those forms that you have seen.

Ans: I have seen all the forms of flower-sellers sell their flowers.

5. Have you seen flowers offered at many religious places?

Ans: Yes, flowers are offered at many religious places.

6. What do we do when they dry up?

Ans: Usually remove them from plants.

7. How will you use them?

Ans: Dry flowers can be used for decoration, making potpourri, crafting bookmarks etc.

8. Some flowers are used in different forms – like rose and marigold are used in garlands and as loose petals too.

(a) Find out the prices of these different forms.

(i) One flower _____________.

Ans: Marigold: Approximately ₹190 per kilogram.

(ii) One garland ____________.

Ans: Marigold Garland: Prices can range from ₹80 to ₹100 per garland.

(iii) One bouquet _____________.

Ans: Prices vary based on the flower types and arrangement complexity.

(b) Has the flower-seller learnt to make bouquets or a net of flowers from anybody? From whom?

Ans: Yes, most flower sellers learn from their family members, local florists, or by working in flower markets. 

(c) Would they like the other members of their family to do this work? Why?

Ans: Some flower sellers may want their family members to continue the work because it provides income and is a family tradition.

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