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NCERT Class 4 Environmental Studies Chapter 4 The Story of Amrita
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The Story of Amrita
Chapter: 4
1. Is there a place near your house, school or along the roadside, where trees have been planted?
Ans: Yes, there is a place near my house/school where trees have been planted.
(a) Why were they planted there?
Ans: They were planted there to provide shade, reduce pollution, and beautify the area. Trees also help in keeping the environment cool and fresh.
(b) Have you seen anyone taking care of the trees? Who does this?
Ans: Yes, I have seen people taking care of the trees. Usually, gardeners, municipal workers, or sometimes local residents water the trees and clean the area around them.
(c) Have you seen fruits on any of the trees? Who eats these fruits?
Ans: Yes, I have seen fruits on some trees like mango and guava. These fruits are often eaten by people, birds, and sometimes squirrels.
(d) Lalita feels that grass and small plants growing near her school wall have not been planted by anyone. Do you know of any place where grass, small plants or trees are growing on their own without being planted by anyone?
Ans: Yes, I know a place near a park and an empty plot where grass, small plants, and bushes are growing on their own without being planted by anyone.
(e) Why do you feel they are growing on their own?
Ans: I feel they are growing on their own because of natural processes like seed dispersal and germination where seeds are carried by wind, water, or animals, and then find suitable conditions to sprout and grow.
2. Do you remember what the elders of this village used to say?
Ans: No.
3. Do you think we could survive if there were no trees and no animals? Discuss this in your class.
Ans: No, we will not be able to survive without trees and animals since trees provide oxygen and animals are essential components of the food chain.
4. Do you remember that in Class III, you had made a tree your friend? How is your friend now?
Ans: Yes, the tree remains the same, but it changes with the seasons. In spring and summer, it has lots of flowers and green leaves, making it look fresh and lively.
(a) Why don’t you make a new friend this year? Have you seen how your friends-the trees, change in some ways, in different months of the year.
Ans: This year, I will make a new friend – the Mango tree. I have noticed that trees change during different months. Sometimes they have flowers, sometimes fruits, and sometimes their leaves fall.
(b) Does the tree flower?
Ans: Yes, the Mango tree flowers.
(c) Do the flowers remain on the tree throughout the year?
Ans: No, the flowers do not remain on the tree throughout the year. They appear only during a particular season.
(d) In which month do their leaves fall?
Ans: The leaves of the Mango tree fall mostly in the month of March.
(e) Do fruits grow on the tree?
Ans: Yes, fruit grows on the tree.
(f) In which months do they grow?
Ans: The fruits grow from April to June.
(g) Have you eaten these fruits?
Ans: Yes, I have eaten these fruits. Mangoes are sweet and delicious.
1. Why do people hunt?
Ans: People hunt for food, trade, sport, and protection, but excessive hunting harms wildlife. Illegal poaching also threatens many species and disrupts nature’s balance.
2. There are rules against hunting of some animals. People can be punished for hunting. Why do you think there is this punishment?
Ans: Hunting was banned under the provisions of the Wild Life (Protectio) Act, 1972. It is illegal to hunt animals for sport but under specific circumstances it is legal. Whoever commits mischief by killing, poisoning, maiming or rendering useless any animals or animal of the value of the ten rupees or upwards, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.
Talk to your grandparents and find out –
1. Which birds did they see around them when they were of your age?
Ans: Vultures and eagles.
2. Have the number of some of these birds become less?
Ans: Yes, the number of sparrows, eagles and vultures have become less.
3. Are there some birds or animals which they can not see any more?
Ans: Yes, there are some birds and animals such as pink-headed ducks, Indian aurochs, Indian cheetah etc. which they cannot see anymore.
(i) Shanti’s grandfather told her that when he was a small child he saw more birds like sparrows and mynah than he sees today. Can you make two guesses why their numbers have become less?
Ans: (a) Cutting down of trees and loss of greenery: Birds lose their homes and places to build nests when trees are cut.
(b) Pollution and use of chemicals: Air pollution and the use of pesticides harm insects, which are food for these birds. Without food, the birds also decrease in number.
6. The Khejadi tree was the most common tree that grew in Amrita’s village. Which kind of trees can you see a lot of, in your area? Name two such trees.
Find out more about these trees from your elders.
Ans: I asked my elders, and they told me that earlier there were more Neem, Mango, Banyan, and Peepal trees in our area.

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