NCERT Class 4 Environmental Studies Chapter 3 A Day with Nandu

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NCERT Class 4 Environmental Studies Chapter 3 A Day with Nandu

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Chapter: 3


1. Nandu is only three months old, but he weighs 200 kilograms. What is your weight?

Ans: 30 Kg.

2. Can you find out – the weight of how many children like you will add up to Nandu’s weight?

Ans: Nandu is a baby elephant, only three months old, and he weighs 200 kg. My weight is 30 kg. 

The number of children like me needed to match Nandu’s weight is: 200/30 

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= 6.67.

That means around 6 to 7 children together would weigh as much as Nandu. 

3. If you were Nandu, and you lived in a herd, what kind of things would you do? 

Ans: If I were Nandu, I would play in the mud, splash water, and enjoy running around with my friends. I would stay close to my herd, learn from my elders, and use my trunk to explore and have fun.

4. In the elephant herd, the oldest female elephant decides everything. Who makes decisions in your family?

Ans: In most families, both parents make decisions together. However, different family members may have different roles in decision-making.

5. Make a collage of a herd of elephants in your notebook. For this, collect as many pictures of elephants that you can. Cut out the elephants and stick them in the notebook.

Ans: Students, do yourself.

6. Nandu did things that he liked to do. If you could spend a whole day with your friends, what would you do? 

Ans: I would like to play with my friends, eat and read a lot of story books.

7. Find out and write, which other animals live in herds.

Ans: Other animals like deer, cows, horses, zebras, sheep, penguins, and rhinos also live in herds.

8. Do you also live in a group? Do you like to live together like that? Why would you like or not like to live in a group?

Why i would likeWhy i would not like

Ans: Yes.

Why i would likeWhy i would not like
Because living together makes us happy, and feel very energetic. We can learn and can also help each other.I might need some quiet time alone, and too many people around can be distracting.

9. How do elephants feel when they are kept in chains? Discuss and share your feelings.

Ans: When elephants are kept in chains they feel restrained and helpless to do anything. This will make the elephant feel sad and unhappy. Due to this elephant may react aggressively or they lie down around feeling depressed for their lack of movement.

10. Have you ever taken a ride on an elephant? How did it feel?

Ans: Yes, I have taken a ride on an elephant. I was afraid of falling down, but I enjoyed it a lot.

11. Which animals have you sat on? Write their names.

Ans: Horse, elephant, and camel.

12. You must have seen many animals around you – in books, in movies. Some may be alone, some in groups. Find out more about any one of these animals and write about it. 

Ans: I see dogs around me. A dog is an obedient animal. It gives us security from thieves. It keeps a watch on our homes. A dog is a four-footed animal. It eats meat, rice, milk, bread, etc. Female dogs give birth to babies. Baby dogs which are called puppies are lovely.


1. Why do you think the egret is sitting on the buffalo?

Ans: The egret is sitting on the buffalo to eat insects that are sticking to the buffalo’s skin. They both benefit each other as the egret gets its food and the buffalo gets rid of germs and insects.

2. Have you seen any animal riding on another animal? Write its name.

(a) The animal which is riding.

Ans: The animal which is riding: Bird (Sparrow).

(b) The animal which gives the ride.

Ans: The animal which gives the ride: Cow.

3. Which animals do we use for riding?

Ans: They mainly include equines such as horses, donkeys, mules, water buffalo, and yak. In some places, elephants, llamas and camels are also used.

4. Which animals do we use for carrying loads?

Ans: Animals we use for carrying loads are horses, elephants, and oxen to pull carts and move loads.


1. Copy the drawing of the elephant given on the next page in a bigger size on a thick sheet of paper.

(a) Make small cuts where it says “cut” (✄)in the picture. Be careful not to cut off the part. 

(b) Fold along the dotted lines [……….]

(c) Fold the parts with [////////] pattern and push them underneath.

(d) Cut out the tail and stick it on.

Ans: Students do it yourself.

What Do They Say?

1. Look at these pictures and read what these animals are sharing with their friends. Discuss these narratives sensitively in the class.

(a) You have read what these animals say. Why do you think that some of them are sad?

Ans: Some of the animals are sad because they are not treated well by humans. They are kept in cages, forced to perform tricks, or made to work hard. They miss their freedom and their families in the wild.

(b) How do you think they are different – the monkeys that dance to entertain people and the monkeys that are free?

Ans: The monkeys that dance to entertain people are often trained in cruel ways. They are kept in chains and made to perform, which makes them unhappy. On the other hand, monkeys that are free live in the forests, play with their friends, climb trees, and enjoy their natural habitat. They are much happier and healthier.

How many legs does this elephant have?

Ans: The elephant has four legs. However, sometimes pictures or drawings may create an illusion that makes it look like the elephant has more legs. This is a trick to confuse our eyes.

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