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Class 12 Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
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Q.1. Discuss the significance and growth of the service sector in modern economic development.
Ans :- In the modern economic development service sector plays an important role. The significance and growth of the service sector are given below–
Services occur at many different levels. Some are geared to industry, some to people and some to both industry and people, eg the transport systems.
There are two types of services are identified, viz :
(a) Low order services, which includes grocery, shops and laundries, which are more common and widespread.
(b) High order services, such as accountants, consultants and physicians. High order services are also known as specialised services. Services are provided to individual consumers who can afford to pay for them. For example, the gardener, the barber do physical labour. Teachers, lawyers, physicians, musicians etc. perform mental labour.
With the growth of population, many services have now been regulated, such as the making and maintaining highways and bridges, supervising the education department and customer care are notable services, most of which are supervised or performed by governments or companies.
Personal services are also made available to the people to facilitate their work in daily life. The uneducated workers migrate from rural areas to urban areas in search of employment. They are employed in domestic services as housekeepers, cooks and gardeners. This segment of workers is generally unorganised. Example, in Mumbai, dabbawala (Tiffin) service is provided to about 1,75,000 customers all over the city.
Q.2. Discuss the importance and growth of transport and communication services.
Ans :- Transport : Transport is a service or facility by which people, materials and manufactured goods are physically carried from one location to another. It is an organised industry created to satisfy man’s basic need of mobility. Modern society needs a lot of activities. Among them, speedy and efficient transport systems are required to assist in the production. distribution and consumption of goods. At every stage in this complex system, the value of the material is significantly enhanced by transportation. From these valuable activities of transport, it has great significance.
Communication : Like transportation, communication also plays an important role in modern life. Communication services involve the transmission of words and massages facts and ideas. Where the transport network is efficient, communications are easily disseminated. By hand animals, boat, road, rail and air etc. are the forms of transport and also as lines of communication. Mobile telephony and satellites etc, are developed independent means of transport or lines of communication.
Q.3. Explain how the modern communication system converted the whole world into a ‘global village’? Explain with an example.
Ans :- Communication means the transmission of messages or facts or ideas. In the early stage people sent the message with the help of birds, man. But after the invention of the wire communication system, the communication system was really revolutionized. The time reduced is from days to week and week to minutes, Besides the recent advancements like mobile telephony have made communications directly and instantaneous at any time and from anywhere.
Today there is a phenomenal pace of development. The first major breakthrough is the use of optic fiber cables. Faced with mounting competition, telephone companies all over the world soon upgraded their copper cable system to include optic fiber cables.
Today the internet is the largest electronic network on the planet connecting about millions of people. With the help of the internet system we can send any message in a few seconds only over the world. It is comparatively cheap. As billions use the internet today, cyberspace will expand the contemporary economic and social space of humans through email, e-commerce, e-learning and e-governance. The Internet together with fax, television and radio will be accessible to more and more people cutting across time and place. In these modern communication systems, more than transportation, that has made the concept of global village a reality.
Q.4. Discuss the importance of the service sector in the economic development of the world by giving suitable examples.
Ans :- In the modern economic development service sector plays an important role. The significance and growth of the service sector are given below–
Services occur at many different levels. Some are geared to industry, some to people and some to both industry and people, eg the transport systems.
There are two types of services are identified, viz :
(a) Low order services, which includes grocery, shops and laundries, which are more common and widespread.
(b) High order services, such as accountants, consultants and physicians. High order services are also known as specialised services. Services are provided to individual consumers who can afford to pay for them. For example, the gardener, the barber do physical labour. Teachers, lawyers, physicians, musicians etc. perform mental labour.
With the growth of population, many services have now been regulated, such as the making and maintaining highways and bridges, supervising the education department and customer care are notable services, most of which are supervised or performed by governments or companies.
Personal services are also made available to the people to facilitate their work in daily life. The uneducated workers migrate from rural areas to urban areas in search of employment. They are employed in domestic services as housekeepers, cooks and gardeners. This segment of workers is generally unorganised. Example, in Mumbai, dabbawala (Tiffin) service is provided to about 1,75,000 customers all over the city.
Q.5. Discuss the important characteristics of secondary activities.
Ans :- The important characteristics of secondary activities are :
(a) Activities which transform the material provided by primary activities into commodities more directly useful to man are referred to as secondary activities.
(b) No direct contact with nature or environment.
(c) Monitoring of various products like textiles, iron and steel, cement, ele, are the examples of secondary activities.
(d) Production of secondary activities is high.
(e) High economic development
(f) It needs a high level of technology with high capital investment.
(g) Machine power is the chief power in such activities.
Q.6. Discuss medical services for overseas patients in India.
Ans :- (i) Nearly 5.000 patients from the U.S.A visited India in 2005 for treatment.
(ii) This is still a small number compared with the millions of surgeries performed each year in the U.S. healthcare system.
(iii) India has emerged as the leading country of medical tourism in the world.
(iv) World class hospitals are located in metropolitan cities.
(v) They enter patients all over the world.
(a) Medical tourism brings abundant benefits to the developing countries like India, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.
(b) Beyond medical tourism, is the trend of outsourcing of medical tests and data interpretation.
(c) Hospitals in India, Switzerland and Australia have been performing certain medical services.
(d) They range from reading radiology images to interpreting. Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs) and ultrasound tests.
(vi) Outsourcing holds tremendous advantages for patients, if it is focused on improving the quality of providing specialised care.
Q.7. Explain the major features of quinary activities.
Ans :- The major features of quinary activities are :
(i) Quinary activities are forces on the creation, rearrangement and interpretation of new and existing ideas, data interpretation and the use and evaluation of new technologies.
(ii) These activities are referred as gold collar professions
(iii) The highest level of decision makers or policy makers perform quinary activities.
(iv) Senior business executive, Research scientist, Financial advisor are the example of quainary professions. For these types of activities highly educated, skilled and talented people are required.
Q.8. Give a description on tourism as an important service.
Ans :- Tourism is included in tertiary activities. Tourism has become the world’s single largest tertiary activity in total registered jobs and total revenue. It is travel undertaken for the purpose of recreation rather than business or other purposes. Tourism industry is an industry. Besides, many local persons are employed to provide services like accommodation, meals, transport, entertainment and special shops serving the tourists. It fosters the growth of infrastructure industries, retail trading and craft industries.
The warmer places around the Mediterranean coast and the west coast of India, historical picturesque towns and archeological sites attract the tourists. Since the last century, the demand for holiday has increased rapidly, permitting many more people to go on holiday for leisure, so nowadays tourism is signified as an important service.
Q.9. Discuss the factors, which act as tourist attractions.
Ans :- Tourism is attracted by many factors.
These are :
(i) Climate : Most people from colder regions expect warm, sunny weather for beach holiday in the winter season. The people of the southern region came to Mediterranean region to spend holidays as the Mediterranean climate offers almost consistently higher temperature than the other part of Europe.
(ii) Landscape : Many people like to spend their holiday in an attractive environment like a mountain, lake, or spectacular sea coast.
(iii) History and Art : The historical and architectural places attracted the people. People visit ancient or picturesque towns and archeological sites and enjoy exploring castles, places and so on.
(iv) Culture and economy : Culture and economy of a place attract tourists with a penchant for experiencing ethnic and local customs.
Besides living factors, if a region provides for the needs of tourists at a cheap cost, it is likely to become very popular.
Q.10. Explain the major features of Quinary Activities.
Ans :The major features of quinary activities are :
(i) Quinary activities are forces on the creation, rearrangement and interpretation of new and existing ideas, data interpretation and the use and evaluation of new technologies.
(ii) These activities are referred as gold collar professions
(iii) The highest level of decision makers or policy makers perform quinary activities.
(iv) Senior business executive, Research scientist, Financial advisor are the example of quainary professions. For these types of activities highly educated, skilled and talented people are required.
Q.11. Give a description of Rural Marketing centres.
Ans :- Rural marketing centres cater to nearby settlements. This is related to local settlement. Rural marketing centres provide a location where farmers can meet with traders. Rural markets are usually for direct sales of small quantities of produce by village traders and rural consumers. Rural markets often form part of a network arranged on a periodic basis, such as on a specific day of a week. Here personal and professional services are not well developed. These form local collecting and distributing centres. Rural marketing centres are quasi urban centres.
Periodic markets are rural areas where there are no regular markets and local periodic markets are organized at different temporal intervals. These markets are moved from one place to another. The shopkeeper thus remains busy on all the days while a large area is served by them.

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