Class 12 Geography Chapter 6 Secondary Activities

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Class 12 Geography Chapter 6 Secondary Activities

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Secondary Activities

Chapter: 6




Q.1. In which one of the following types of industries produces raw materials for other industries?

(a) Basic industries

(b) Small-scale industries

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(c) Footloose industries 

(d) Cottage industries

Ans :- (a) Basic industries

Q.2. In which one of the following types of economy are the factors of production owned individually?

(a) Socialist

(b) Capitalist

(c)  Mixed

(d) None of the above

Ans :-  (b) Capitalist

Q.3. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

(a) Iron and steel industry    …Bhilai

(b) Automobile industry industry  …Los Angeles

(c) Shipbuilding Industry   …Lusaka

(d) Aircraft industry    …Florence

Ans: (a) Iron and steel industry.      …Bhilai


Q.4. What is the footloose industry?

Ans :-  Which industries are not wedded to any particular raw material, called footloose industries.

Q.5. What is an agro-based industry?

Ans :- The agro based industry involves the processing of raw materials from the field and the farm into finished products for the market.

Q.6. What does ‘White Collar means?

Ans :- White collar worker, a salaried professional worker who performs semi-processional office, administrative and sales coordination tasks.

Q.7. What does ‘Blue Collar means?

Ans :-  The workers engaged in secondary activities are called Blue collar workers.

Q.8. What is the purpose of all economic activities?

Ans :-  The purpose of all economic activities is earning money.

Q.9. What is the consumer Goods Industry?

Ans :-  Which industries produce goods which are consumed by consumers directly are called consumer goods industries.

Q.10. What do you mean by “Technopolis’?

Ans :- High – tech industries which are regionally concentrated self sustained and highly specialized are called technopolis.

Q.11. What do you mean by Agri-business?

Ans :-  Agri – business is commercial farming on an industrial scale often financed by business whose main interests lie outside agriculture.


Q.12. Write a short note on the High-Tech industry.

Ans :-  High -Tech Industry is the latest generation of manufacturing activities. It is that type of industry in which application of intensive research and development (R and D) efforts leads to the manufacture of products of an advanced scientific and engineering character.

In this industry workers are highly skilled and specialized. Robotics on the assembly line, computer aided design etc. are the examples of the High Tech Industry.

Q.13. Give an explanatory note on Footloose industries. 

Ans :-. Footloose industries are those in which components are obtained from anywhere and they can be located in a wide variety of places. Footloose industries are not dependent on any specific raw material, weight losing or otherwise. They produce in small quantities and also employ a small labour force. These are generally not polluting industries. The accessibility by road network is the important locational factor of these industries.

Q.14. Write a short note on forest based industries. 

Ans :-  The forests provide many major and minor products which are used as raw material. Timber for furniture industry, wood, bamboo and grass far paper industry, etc.

Q.15. Give a brief note on classification of industries on the basis of their sizes. 

Ans :-  On the basis of size the industries can be classified into three categories :

(i) Cottage or household

(ii) Small scale

(iii) Large Scale

(i) Household or cottage industries : The size of cottage industries are small. It is the smallest manufacturing unit. In these types of industries local raw materials are used and the family members help in production. The use of tools is very simple and they produce everyday usable goods. The investment of capital is also less. Finished products may be for consumption in the same household or barter. Weaving bamboo tools, making pot are examples of cottage industries.

(ii) Small scale industries : The small scale industries are wider in size than cottage industries. This type of manufacturing uses local raw materials, simple power driven machines and semi skilled labour. It provides employment and raises local purchasing power. India has developed labour- intensive small scale manufacturing in order to provide employment to her population

(iii) Large scale industries : The size of large scale industries are very large. These types of industries are very large. These types of industries involve a large market, various raw materials, enormous energy, specialized and large numbers of labour, and advanced technology. Assembly line mass production and large capital.

(iv) On the basis of system of large scale manufacturing, the world regions of industries may be grouped into two types 

(a) Traditional large scale industries 

(b) High technology large scale industries.

Q.16. Give a brief note on classification of industries on the basis of ownership.

Ans :- On the basis of ownership, industries are classified into three sectors:

(i) Private sector industries

(ii) Public sector industries and

(iii) Joint sector industries.

(i) Private sector industries : Private sector industries are owned by individual investors. These are managed and maintained by private organizations. The private sector industries are not controlled by the government. The private sector encompasses all for profit business In capitalist countries, industries are generally owned privately

(ii) Public sector: Public sector industries are owned by the government. This sector is managed totally by the government socialistic countries have many state owned industries they are maintained by the state government. In India there are many public sector industries established and managed by the government of India.

(iii) Joint sector industries : Joint sector industries are owned jointly by the government and the private individuals who have contributed together to the capital, but the day to day management is in private hands. Joint sector industries are cooperators between the private sector and public sector.

Q.17. Give an explanatory note on Joint Sector Industries. 

Ans :-  Joint sector industries are owned jointly by the government and private individuals who have contributed to the capital. In the joint sector, both the public sector and private sector join hands to establish new enterprise. It combines the merits of both the public and private sector. The concept of the joint sector matches with the concept of mixed economy. ? As a mixed economy is the combination of both capitalism and socialism, the joint sector is a combination of both public sector and private sector. In the joint sector financial participation is 26% from the government, 25% from private enterprise and 49% from public and financial institutions. In case of a foreign collaboration or participation with a domestic partner, the share of government will be 25% Indian business concern 20%, foreign investor 20% and public 35% in the paid up capital. No single party can hold more than 25% of the shares without the sanction of the central government.

Q.18. Write a short note on the necessity of Mechanisation in the Modern economy.

Ans :-  Mechanisation refers to using gadgets which accomplish tasks. Automation (which aids human thinking during the manufacturing process) is the advanced stage of mechanisation. Automatic factories with feedback and closed-loop computer control systems have sprung up all over the world in the modern times.


Q.1. Give an account on the characteristics of Modern Manufacturing Industries. 

Ans :- Modern manufacturing industries have various characteristics.

These are given below :

(i) Specialization of skill or method of production : Modern manufacturing industries are run with skill labour and the method of production is very scientific and planned.

(ii) Mechanization : Modern manufacturing industries are highly mechanized. There are more machines than man.

(iii) Technological innovation : The technological innovation through research and development strategy are an important aspect of modern manufacturing for quality control, eliminating waste and inefficiency, and combating pollution.

(iv) Organizational structure and stratification : the modern manufacturing industries are characterized by a complex martin technology. vast capital, executive bureaucracy.

(v) Uneven geographic distribution : Modern manufacturing has flourished in a number of places.

(vi) Access to market : The existence of a market for manufactured goods is the essential characteristics of modern manufacturing industries.

(vii) Access to raw material

(viii) Access to labour supply

(ix) Access to sources of energy

(x) Access to transportation and communication facilities.

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