Class 12 Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary and Quaternary Activities

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Class 12 Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary and Quaternary Activities

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Tertiary and Quaternary Activities

Chapter: 7




Q.1. Which one of the following is a tertiary activity?

(a) Farming

(b) Weaving

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(c) Hunting

(d) Trading

Ans :- (d) Trading

Q.2. Which one of the following activities is not a secondary sector activity?

(a) Iron smelting

(b) Making garments 

(c) Basket weaving 

(d) Catching fish

Ans :-  (d) Catching fish

Q.2. Which one of the following sectors provides most of the employment in the cities like : 

Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai?

(a) Primary

(b) Secondary

(c) Quaternary

(d) Service

Ans :-  (d) Service

Q.4. Which one of the following activities belongs to quinary activity

(a) Plumber

(b) Farmer

(c) Teacher

(d) Chief Executive officer

 Ans :- (d) Chief Executive officer.

Q.5. Which one of the following activities is related to quaternary activities?

(a) Building construction

(b) Manufacturing computers

(c) University teaching

(d) Printing books

Ans :-  (e) University teaching


Q.6. Give any two major types of trading centres

Ans :-  Trading centre may be divided as rural and urban trading centre.

Q.7. Give two examples of tertiary activity.

Ans :- Doctor and advocate.

Q.8. Give two examples of secondary activity.

Ans :-  Production of cotton, production of steel.

Q.9. What is isohorne?

Ans :-  Isochrone is a line drawn on a map to join places equal in terms the time taken to reach them.

Q.10. Give an example of quinary activity.

Ans :- Financial advisor is an example of quinary activity.

Q.11. To which sector do tertiary activities relate? 

Ans :-  Tertiary activities related to the service sector.

Q.12. What is CBD ? 

Ans :-  CBD means Central Business District.

Q.13. What is Retail Trading Services ?

Ans :-  Services which are bought or soul directly to the consumers are retail trading services. 

Q.14. What do you mean by Quaternary Activities?

Ans :-  Quaternary Activities involve collections, production and dissemination of information or even the production of information.

Q.15. What do you mean by Medical Tourism?

Ans :-  When medical treatment is combined with international tourism activity, it lends itself to what is commonly known as medical tourism.


Q.16. Distinguish between transport and communication. 

Ans :-        

1. Used for carrying goods and passengers from one place to another .6. Used for conveying messages. ideas and information between individuals or to the masses.
2. Physical or bodily movement necessary.2. Physical movement is not necessary in all cases.
3. Reduce distance with reference to time.3. Increase worldwide knowledge.
4. Help in the distribution of materials by linking farms, factories and markets4. Help in improving the efficiency of transport.
5. Humans, animals and various types of vehicles are the means of transport.5. Postal services, telephones, telex, internet, satellite etc. are the means of communication.

Q.17. Why is manpower the main component of the service sector? 

Ans :-  We know that tertiary activities are concerned with providing service rather than production of tangible goods. They provide their service against their fee. All types of services are required for special skilled persons. They provide their skill service in exchange of payment. These services require other theoretical knowledge and practical training. So

manpower is an important component of the service sector as the people engaged in this sector are performed by skilled labour, professionally trained export and consultants.

Q.18. What is the position of the tertiary sector in a developed economy?

Ans :-  Today most people are service workers. But it is highest in developed countries like the USA, China, Japan, etc. The percentage of workers employed in the service sector is higher in developed countries than less developed countries. The trend in employment in the secretor has been increasing.

Q.19. How do trading centres come into being?

Ans :-  Trading centres come into being in the following ways : 

(i) The rise of trading from barter at the local level to money-exchange of international scale has produced many centres and institutions like trading centres.

(ii) They are also collection and distribution points.

Q.20. Distinguish between Retail Trading services and Wholesale Trading Services.

Ans :-  The retail trading services concerned with the sale of goods directly to the consumer. But in wholesale trading service is concerned indirectly to the consumers. This type of trading runs through numerous intermediary merchants.

The retail trading services buy goods from wholesalers and then sell to the customer.

Retail trading takes place in fixed establishments or stores solely devoted to selling. The wholesale trading including chain stores and able to buy directly from the manufacturers.

Q.121. Write the factors that affect transport services.

Ans :-  Transport is a service or facility by which people, materials and manufactured goods are physically carried from one location to another. But the transport facilities in all areas are not equally developed. Some areas are well developed and the rest are under developed due to various affecting factors. The main factors that affect the transport system are demand and Routes. 

Demand for transport is influenced by the size of the population. The larger population size, the greater is the demand for transport and the smaller size of population is the lesser demand for transport systems. So which region has a greater number of population, the transport system is comparatively well developed.

Routes depend on location of cities, towns, villages, industrial centres and raw materials, pattern of trade between industry and raw material, nature of landscape, types of climate, and funds available for overcoming. obstacles along the length of the route.

Q.22. Give an account of communication services. 

Ans :- Communication is sharing of information in simple. Short range communication is as old as human civilization. Modern mass communication is the product of science and technological developments that took place during the last two centuries. 

Communication services involve the transmission of words and messages, facts and ideas. The invention of writing preserved messages and helped to make communication dependent on means of transport. These were carried by land, boat, road, rail, air. That is why all forms of transport are also referred to as lines of communication. Transport and communication systems are interrelated.

The nineteenth century was marked by the invention of the wire communication system. This system includes telegraph and telephone. The communication modes like Radio Television help to relay news, posters and telephone calls to vast audiences around the world. Satellite communication relays information of the earth and from space. The internet has revolutionized the global communication system.

Q.23. Give an account of the non formal sector of services. 

Ans :-  Some services are run in an unorganized way. They are running personally. Such types of services are called non-formal sectors of services These types of non-formal services are made available to the people to facilitate their work in daily life. The workers migrate from rural areas to urban areas searching for jobs. They are unskilled. They are employed in domestic services as housekeeper, cooks and gardeners, One such example of such kind of service is Mumbai’s dabbawala

Q.24. Give an account of the people engaged in Tertiary activities. 

Ans : Tertiary activities are related to the services sector. All types of services are special skills provided in exchange for raiment. Health, education law, governance and recreation etc, are included in the service sector. Because they need professional skill They need theoretical knowledge and practical training Manpower is the vital component for tertiary activities. In a developed economy, the majority of workers get employment in tertiary activities. The work of a plumber, electrician technician, launderer, barber, cashier, teacher, doctor, lawyer, publisher, etc are examples of tertiary activities.

Nowadays most people are engaged in services sector services are provided in all societies. In more developed countries a higher percentage of people is employed in providing services as compared to less developed countries. The trend in employment in this sector has been increasing while it has remained unchanged or decreasing in the primary and secondary activities technician, launderer, barber, cashier, teacher, doctor, lawyer, publisher, etc are examples of tertiary activities.

Nowadays most people are engaged in service sector services provided in all societies. In more developed countries a higher percentage of people is employed in providing services as compared to less developed countries. The trend in employment in this sector has been increasing while it has remained unchanged or decreasing in the primary and secondary activities.

Q.25. Give an account of outsourcing as quinary activities. 

Ans :- (i) Outsourcing or contracting out is giving work to an outside agency to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

(ii) It involves transferring work to overseas locations then it is described as offshoring, although both off-shoring and outsourcing are used together.

(iii) Business activities that are outsourced include information technology (IT), human resources, customer support and call centru services, Sometimes manufacturing and engineering are also outsourced.

(iv) Data processing is an IT related service.

(v) It is easily carried out in Asian, East, European and African countries.

Q.26. Write with example the meaning of the Network and Accessibility of Transport.

Ans :-  With the development of transport systems the different places are linked together from all sides to form a network. Networks are made up of nodes and links. Node is the meeting point of two or more routes, a point or origin, a point of destination or any sizable town along a route. Every road that joins two nodes is called a link. A developed network has many links which convicted the place. The PWD roads are connected to the national highways. Again the PWD roads are linked with district roads and district roads are well connected with village roads. And this way the two or more village roads along a district road or PWD road are linked with the national highway. However they make a network or road.

Q.27. Give a brief descriptor on the Telecommunication services. 

Ans :- Communication is sharing of information. The communication services involve the transmission of word, massage, facts and ideas.

The nineteenth century was marked by the inventions of the wire communication system. The wire communication system includes telegraph and telephone.

The use of tele communication is linked to the development of modem technology. It has revolutionized communications because of the speed with which messages are sent. Besides the recent advancements like mobile telephony have made communications direct and instantaneous at any time and from anywhere.

The radio services started in 1910s, television came during 1930s and the satellite communication started during 1960s. Radio and television help to relay news, Pictures and telephone calls to vast audiences around the world and hence they are termed as mass media.

Satellite communication relays information of the earth and from space. The internet has revolutionized global communication.

Chapter 1Human Geography Nature & Scope
Chapter 2The World Population Distribution, Density & Growth
Chapter 3Population Composition
Chapter 4Human Development
Chapter 5Primary Activities
Chapter 6Secondary Activities
Chapter 7Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
Chapter 8Transport and Communication
Chapter 9International Trade
Chapter 10Human Settlement
Chapter 11Population Structure of India
Chapter 12Migration Pattern in India
Chapter 13Human Resources Department
Chapter 14Human Settlement of India
Chapter 15Land Resource and  Agriculture
Chapter 16India’s Water Resources
Chapter 17Mineral and Fuel Resources in India
Chapter 18Manufacturing Industries of India
Chapter 19Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context
Chapter 20Transport and Communication in India
Chapter 21International Trade
Chapter 22Problems and Issues Geographical Perspective
Chapter 23Assam Geography

Q.28. Give an account on Empowered Workers.

Ans :-  Empowered Workers :

(i) Entrepreneurs :

(a) They are the empowered workers of the quaternary sector and the slowly emerging quinary sector.

(b) They represent an important stage of development in the hierarchy of economic activities where the need for self actualisation is not motivated by wealth and security alone but by other factors.

(c) They have predominantly a value system which emphasises quality of life and believe in creativity and individual values. 

(d) As ideas and freedom of information and communication grow, people expect their applications at the workplace.

(e) More employees will receive training and become highly skilled.

(i) They will work more and more on their own initiative.

(ii) Many will have flexible working arrangements.

(iii) Some will choose work paid and unpaid – that is personally fulfilling and accords with their concern for natural environment and social issues.

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