Class 12 Geography Chapter 3 Population Composition

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Class 12 Geography Chapter 3 Population Composition

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Population Composition

Chapter: 3




Q.1. Which one of the following figures represents the working age group of the population?

(a) 15 to 50 years 

(b) 15 to 55 years

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(c) 15 to 59 years

(d) 15 to 66 years

Ans :-  (c) 15 to 59 years

Q.2. Which one of the following countries has the highest sex ratio in the world?

(a) Latvia

(b) India

(c) Japan

(d) France

Ans :-  (a) Latvia

Q.3. Which one of the following age limits is considered for measuring the literacy rate of a country?

(a) 5 years

(b) 6 years

(c) 7 years

(d) 12 years

Ans :-  (c) 7 years


Q.4. What is Sex-age Pyramid?

Ans :- The age-sex structure of the population is showed in a shape like pyramid. This is called sex-age pyramid.

Q.5. What does the demographic eyele mean? 

Ans :-  According to the Demographic transition theory, when the society progresses from rural agrara and illiterate to urban industrial and literate society then the population of any region changes from high births and high deaths to law births and low deaths. These changes occur in stages which are collectively known as the demographic cycle.

Q.6. What is occupational structure?

Ans :-  Whenever the structure of population is done as per the occupation of man, then it is called occupational structure of population.

Q.7. What is ageing population?

Ans :-  Population ageing is the process by which the share of the older population becomes proportionally large.

Q.8. How are people of a country different from one another? 

Ans :-  The people of a country different from one another on the basis of occupational structure.

Q.9. Give two pull factors of population migration.

Ans :-  Two pull factors of population migration – better opportunities for jobs and standard living style.

Q.10. What do you mean by Urban Population?

Ans :-  These areas where the majority of the working people are engaged in non-primary activities are called urban areas and the population is called urban population.


Q.11. What is population composition?

Ans :-  Populations composition means, distinguished attributes of population Such as :

(i) Sex- composition, it includes male female ratio.

(ii) Age – structure, which includes 0 – 14 years (children)

15 – 59 years (working group) 60 and above – (old group)

(iii) Rural-urban composition

(iv) Literacy

(v) Occupational structure

Q.60. What do you understand by age-structure?

Ans :- Age-structure is an important indicator of population composition. It represents the number of people of different age groups. On the basis of age we can categorise populations in different groups. A large size of population in the age group of 15-59 indicates a large working population. Again a greater proportion of population. above 60 years indicates an ageing population. They need more expenditure on health care facilities. Similarly a high number of population indicates the young population would mean that the region has a high birth rate and the population is youthful.

Q.61. What is the significance of sex-age pyramid?

Ans :-  The sex-age pyramid is used to shown the age-sex structure of the population. It refers to the number of female population and number of male population in different age groups.

The shape of the population sex-age pyramid reflects the characteristics of the population of a country. Basically with the help of the pyramid’s left side we know the percentage of males while in the right side shows the women percentage.

Q.12. Briefly discuss the age structure of the world population. 

Ans :-  Age structure of a population is the distribution of people among various ages. In graphic form, age structure is an age pyramid whose relatively broad base indicates the number of children while the peak reflects the increasing likelihood of death as people age. A population has a broad base and sharp narrow peak is young, while the rest of the population is young Large size of population in the age group 0-14 indicates children The age group 15-59 indicates a large working population. A greater proportion of the population above 60 years represents an ageing population This type of population requires more expenditure on health care facilities.

Any country with many people below 15 years has a powerful built-in momentum to increase its population size. This type of structure is mainly found in developing or underdeveloped countries.

Chapter 1Human Geography Nature & Scope
Chapter 2The World Population Distribution, Density & Growth
Chapter 3Population Composition
Chapter 4Human Development
Chapter 5Primary Activities
Chapter 6Secondary Activities
Chapter 7Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
Chapter 8Transport and Communication
Chapter 9International Trade
Chapter 10Human Settlement
Chapter 11Population Structure of India
Chapter 12Migration Pattern in India
Chapter 13Human Resources Department
Chapter 14Human Settlement of India
Chapter 15Land Resource and  Agriculture
Chapter 16India’s Water Resources
Chapter 17Mineral and Fuel Resources in India
Chapter 18Manufacturing Industries of India
Chapter 19Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context
Chapter 20Transport and Communication in India
Chapter 21International Trade
Chapter 22Problems and Issues Geographical Perspective
Chapter 23Assam Geography

Q.13. How is Sex Composition calculated?

Ans :-  The important demographic characteristics of a country is the male population and the female population. The ratio between the number of men and women in a population is known as sex ratio. It is usually measured as the number of males per-thousand female or the number of females per thousand males.

It is calculated by using the following formula :

Male population


Female population


Female population


Male population

Q.14. How do you calculate Sex Ratio?

Ans :-  The ratio between the number of women and men in the population is called the sex ratio. Different countries follow different methods to calculate their sex ratio.

In India the sex ratio is measured using following formula :

Female population


Male population


the number of females per thousand males

Some other countries of the world follow the following formula :

Male population


Female population

Or the number of males per thousand females.


Q.1. Describe the rural-urban composition of the population. 

Ans :-  The division of population into rural and urban is based on the residence. This division is necessary because rural and urban lifestyles differ from each other in terms of their livelihood and social conditions. The age – sex occupational structure density of population and level of development very between rural and urban areas.

The criteria for differentiating rural and urban population varies from country to country. In general terms rural areas are those where people are engaged in primary activities and urban areas are those where majority of the working population is engaged in non- primary activities. Agriculture, hunting, fishing, forestry, lumbering, animal rearing etc. are the examples of primary activities on the other hand manufacturing, transport and communication, business etc. are the examples of the activities of urban population

The sex ratio is also found variable in rural – urban composition. In western countries, males outnumber females in rural areas and females outnumber the males in urban areas. In countries like Nepal, Pakistan and India the case is reversed. The sex ratio in Asian urban areas remains male dominated due to the predominance of male migration. In India also the female participation in farming activity in rural areas is fairly high.

Q.2. Give the reasons how are people of a country different from one another

Ans :-  The people of a country are different from one another due to various reasons. The main causes of these differences are the occupational structure and the age structure of the population.

All the people within a country are not engaged in a similar occupation. The working population takes part in various occupations ranging from primary activity, secondary activity. Tertiary activity and fourth activity. Some are engaged in agriculture, fishing. forest whereas others are in manufacturing, construction, communications, services and unclassified services.

is young Large size of population in the age group 0-14 indicates children The age group 15-59 indicates a large working population. A greater proportion of population above 60 years represent an ageing population This type of population requires more expenditure on health care facilities

Any country with many people below 15 years has a powerful built-in momentum to increase its population size. This type of structure is mainly found in developing or underdeveloped countries.

Again the population of a country is not the same age. composition of various age group people. On the basis of age structure the people various age grouped in following way: 

(i) The first group is from 0 to 14 years. It represents the dependent group or child group.

(ii)  The second group is from 15 to 59 years, i.e. the working group. 

(iii) The last group is above 60 years. It represents again the dependent group. 

Q.3. Give a description of the occupational structure of world population.

Ans :-  The distribution of the population according to the different types of occupation is referred to as the occupational structure of the world population. The working population i.e. women and men of the age group 15 to 59 years take part in various occupations. Occupations are mainly classified as primary, secondary, tertiary. The proportion of people working in different activities reflects the economic development of a country. If the economy is still in the primitive stages, then the proportion of people engaged in primary activities such as agriculture, forestry, fishing, and mining will be high as it involves extraction of natural resources.

The population of developing countries are engaged mainly in secondary and primary activities. The jobs related to research and developing ideas as quartering activities. In some cases the proportion of the working population engaged in the fourth sector. The technologically developed and skilled people of developed countries are engaged in this economic sector.

Q.4. Discuss the factors responsible for imbalances in the Sex Age found in different parts of the World. 

Ans :- The noted factors which are responsible for imbalances in the sex age found in different parts of the world and the occupational structure are discuss below :

Sex- age structure : Some countries of the world which have large population in lower age- groups due to high birth rates. Hence a high birth rate is responsible for a large population of children. As the age increases the number of females goes on decreasing in comparison to male. In this way the balance between the Sex-age structure goes to imbalance situation This situation are now seen in the countries like Nigeria, Bangladesh and Mexico

Again in some countries of the world, the life expectancy of females are more than male people. In this situation there is imbalance developed between the males and females. In some countries females are living in better conditions and more independent lifestyles. In such situations – some imbalance occurs between the two sexes.

Occupational structure : From age structure point of view, the peoples are various groups 0-14 years age group is termed as children, 15-59 years age group is termed as working group and the third group which is above 60 years is an old group or dependent group.

The working population (15-39 years age group) take part in various occupations. In some countries especially in less developed or underdeveloped countries most of her working group engaged in primary occupations (like agriculture, mining, animal rearing fishing etc) On the other hand in the developed countries, her working group engaged in secondary, tertiary and quaternary occupations.

Thus, from an income point of view, the balance between the developed and less- developed countries moves to an imbalance situation.

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