Class 12 Geography Chapter 2 The World Population Distribution, Density & Growth

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Class 12 Geography Chapter 2 The World Population Distribution, Density & Growth

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The World Population Distribution, Density & Growth

Chapter: 2




Q.1. Which one of the following continents has the highest growth of population?

(a) Africa  

(b) South America 

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(c) Asia (d) Australia

Ans :-  (a) Africa

Q.2. Which one of the following is, to an area of sparse population?

(a) The Atacama  

(b) South-east Asia

(c) Equatorial region 

(d) Polar region

Ans : (b) South-east Asia


Q.3. Give two geographical factors that influence the distribution of population.

Ans :-  Three geographical factors that influenced on the distribution of population are:

(i) Landforms

(ii) Climate

(iii) Soils.

Q.4. What are the three components of population change? 

Ans :-  The three components of population change are :

(a) Birth 

(b) Deaths

(c) Migration (in-migration and out-migration)

Q.5. How much population has the world recorded at the beginning of the 21″ century”?

Ans :- At the beginning of the 21st century, the world has recorded the presence of over 600 crore population.

Q. 6. How are the people of a country its real wealth?

Ans :-  The people of a country its real wealth are :

(i) The people of a country are its real wealth.

(ii) They make use of the country’s resources and decide its policies.

(iii) Ultimately the country is known by its people.

Q.7. What do you mean by Density of population? 

Ans :- Number of people living per unit area (per square kilometre of area) is called Density of Population.

Example : India has 324 people per square kilometre of area as density of population (2001).

Q.8. What do you understand by Negative growth of Population? 

Ans :-  If the population decreases between two points of time it is known as negative growth of population. It occurs when the birth rate falls below the death rate or people migrate to other countries.


Q.9. How science and technology helped population growth? 

 Ans :-  The science and technology helped population growth are:

The steam engine replaced human and animal energy.

(a) It also provided mechanized energy of water and wind. 

(b) It increased agricultural and industrial production.

(ii) Inoculation against epidemics and other communicable diseases. improvement in medical facilities and sanitation contributed to a rapid decline in death rates throughout the world.

(ii) These helped the population grow fast.

Q.10. What are the pull and push factors of reintegration?

Ans :-  Push Factors :

(i) Push factors of those factors by which people move outwards from the place of their origin.

(ii) Natural Calamities like, floods, droughts, epidemics, unpleasant climate, poor living conditions are the examples of push factors of population migration.

Pull factors :

(i) Pull factors of population migration are those which cause people to come from outside places.

(ii) Fertile soil, job opportunities, peace and stability, pleasant climate, better living conditions etc., are some examples of pull factors of population migration.

Q.11. Where is the population exploding? Why is this so? 

Ans :-  The population exploding are :

(i) Population is exploding in the developing countries. It is because of the following reasons :

(a) Food supply 

(b) Hot and suitable climate

(c) Reproductive period is more extensive

(d) Illiteracy

(e) Poverty-needs more earning hands.

(f) Children considered to be gifts of God.

(g) Religious factors.

Population Growth Rates (%) 1995-2000

Population Growth Rates

Q.12. Describe these Spatial patterns of population change.

Ans :-  Spatial patterns of population change : 

(i) Population growth in different parts of the world can be compared.

(a) It is low in developed countries.

(b) It is high in developing countries.

(c) There is negative correlation between economic development and population growth.

(ii) Although the annual rate of population change seems to below, it is actually not so, This is because of the following reasons:

(a) When a small annual rate is applied to a very large population it leads to a large population change.

(b) Even if the growth rate continues to decline, the total population grows each year.

(c) The infant mortality rate has increased as has the death rate during childbirth.

Q.13. Explain the impact of population change.

Ans :- Impact of population change :

(i) A small increase in population is desirable in a growing economy.

(ii) Population growth beyond a certain level leads to problems.

(iii) The problems are enumerated below:

(a) of these the depletion of resources is the most serious.

(b) Resources that had supported a population earlier are now insufficient to maintain the population.

Q.14. Briefly discuss population control measures.

Ans :- The population control measures are :

 (i) Family planning is the spacing or preventing the birth of children.

(ii) Access to family planning services is a significant factor in limiting population growth and improving women’s health.

(ii) Some of the measures are :

(a) Propaganda,

(b) Free disincentives for large families. These measures help population control.

(B) According to Thomas Malthus (1793) the number of people would increase faster than the food supply. 

(i) Any further increase would result in a population crash caused by famine, disease and war.

(ii) The preventive checks are better than the physical checks. 

(ii) For the sustainability of our resources, the world has to control the rapid population growth.

Q.15. Give a note on population growth.

Ans :- The note on population growths are :

(i)The population growth refers to the change in number of inhabitants of a territory during a specific period of time.

(ii) This is also called population change.

(iii) Population change may be positive as well as negative.

(iv) It is expressed either in terms of absolute number or in terms of percentage.

(v) Population change in an area is an important indicator of: 

 (a) Economic development.

(b) Social upliftment and

(c) Historical and cultural background of the region.

Q.16. What are the common reasons for the Population Explosion in developing countries?

Ans :- (i) Lack of contraception.

(ii) Lack of education

(iii) Families in developing countries need help with the farming.

(iv) Traditional view, towards big families.

(v) Low life expectancy.

(vi) Low living standard.

(vii) High infant mortality (many children die).

(viii) Low medical care.

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