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Class 12 Geography Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature & Scope
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Human Geography Nature & Scope
Chapter: 1
Q.1. Which one of the following is the most important factor in interaction between people and environment?
(a) Human intelligence
(b) People’s perception
(c) Technology
(d) Human brotherhood
Ans :- (b) People’s perception.
Q.2. Which one of the following is not a source of geographical formation?
(a) Traveler’s accounts
(b) Old maps
(e) Samples of rock materials from moon
(d) Ancient epics
Ans :- (c) Samples of rock materials from the moon.
Q.3. Which part of the river is called the Mouth ?
(a) Area from where river originates
(b) The point where a river bifurcates
(c) The point where a river confluence with q lake , sea or ocean
(d) The point where another river joins
Ans :- (c) The point where a river confluences with a lake, sea or ocean.
Q.4. ” Human geography is the synthetic study of the relationship between human societies and earth’s surface ” Who was of the following put forward the above definition to define Human Geography ?
(a) Ratzel
(b) Ellen C. Simple
(c) Vidal de la Blache
(d) Griffith Taylor
Ans :- (a) Ratzel.
Q.5. How much population has the world recorded at the beginning of the 21″ century?
Ans :- 6.1 billion.
Q.6. Give one definition of human geography
Ans :- Human Geography is the synthetic study of the relationship between human societies and earth’s surface.
Q.7. What are the two major components of the earth ?
Ans :- The three main components of the Earth are the atmosphere, its gaseous envelope, the surface coating of water, and of course, the solid earth.
Q.8. Name two subfields of human geography.
Ans :- Intersection between primitive human society and strong forces of nature was termed as environmental determinism.
Q.9. What do you mean by environmental Determinism?
Ans :- Environmental determinism, also known as climatic determinism or geographical determinism is the belief that the physical environment predisposes human social development towards particular trajectories.
Q.10. What is Humanized Nature?
Ans :- Humans controlled by nature are called humanized nature.
Q.11. What does the Colonial period mean?
Ans :- Period during which foreign ruler rules the state, is termed as colonial period.
Q.12. How is Human geography related to other Social sciences?
Ans :- Human Geography assumes a highly interdisciplinary nature. It develops a close interface with other sister disciplines in social sciences in order to understand and explain human elements on the surface of the earth.
Thus human Geography is related to other social sciences in the following ways :
(a) Sociology | (b) Psychology |
(c) Welfare Economics | (d) Anthropology |
(e) History | (f) Epidemiology |
(g) Political Science | (h) Economics |
(i) Demography | (j) Urban/ Rural Planning |
(k) Resource Economics | (l)Tourism and TravelManagement |
Q.13. What does Human Geography study?
Ans :- Human geography studies the inter-relationship between the physical environment and socio-cultural environment created by human beings through mutual interaction with each other. It studies the changing
relationship between the unresting man and the unstable earth. Through human geography, we come to know about the process of adaptation, adjustment with and modification of the environment started with the appearance of human beings over the surface of the earth in differ ecological riches.
Q.14. How is Nature humanized?
Ans :- The Nature humanized are :
(i) With the passage of time, the people begin to understand the environment and the forces of nature and start bringing change to it.
(ii) With cultural and social development humans develop better and more efficiently over necessity to a state of freedom.
(iii) They started creating possibilities with the resources obtained from the environment and their activities have created the cultural landscape, the imprints of which are found everywhere on this earth.
Q.15. What are the issues of Geography as a discipline?
Ans :- The issues of Geography as a discipline are :
(i) Geography got subjected to dualism and the wide-ranging debate started whether geography as a discipline should be a law making theorising (nomothetic) or descriptive (idiographic),
(ii) Whether its subject matter should be organised?
(iii) Whether the approach of the study should be regional or systematic
(iv) Whether geographical phenomenon be interpreted theoretically through historic institutional approach?
Sl. No. | CONTENTS |
PART-1 | |
Chapter 1 | Human Geography Nature & Scope |
Chapter 2 | The World Population Distribution, Density & Growth |
Chapter 3 | Population Composition |
Chapter 4 | Human Development |
Chapter 5 | Primary Activities |
Chapter 6 | Secondary Activities |
Chapter 7 | Tertiary and Quaternary Activities |
Chapter 8 | Transport and Communication |
Chapter 9 | International Trade |
Chapter 10 | Human Settlement |
PART-2 | |
Chapter 11 | Population Structure of India |
Chapter 12 | Migration Pattern in India |
Chapter 13 | Human Resources Department |
Chapter 14 | Human Settlement of India |
Chapter 15 | Land Resource and Agriculture |
Chapter 16 | India’s Water Resources |
Chapter 17 | Mineral and Fuel Resources in India |
Chapter 18 | Manufacturing Industries of India |
Chapter 19 | Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context |
Chapter 20 | Transport and Communication in India |
Chapter 21 | International Trade |
Chapter 22 | Problems and Issues Geographical Perspective |
PART-3 | |
Chapter 23 | Assam Geography |
Q.16. How is Human Geography related to other Social Science
Ans :- Human Geography assumes a highly interdisciplinary nature. It develops a close interface with other sister disciplines in social sciences in order to understand and explain human elements on the surface of the earth.
Thus human Geography is related to other social sciences in the following ways :
(a) Sociology | (b) Psychology |
(c) Welfare Economics | (d) Anthropology |
(e) History | (f) Epidemiology |
(g) Political Science | (h) Economics |
(i) Demography | (j) Urban/ Rural Planning |
(k) Resource Economics | (l)Tourism and TravelManagement |
Q.17. What do you understand about the Humanistic School of Thought?
Ans :- Welfare or humanistic school of thought in human geography mainly concerned with the different aspects of social well-being of the people.
Q.18. What are the characteristics of the welfare approach of Human Geography?
Ans :- The welfare geography approach deals with the issues related to inequality and injustice. The approach grew up as a reaction to the quantitative and model-building traditions of the 1960s.
In the 1970s there was a major redirection of human geography towards social problems, viz., poverty, hunger, crime, racial discrimination, access to health, education, etc. The issues such as the distribution of the fruits of economic development received attention mainly as a result of dramatic socio-political changes in Eastern Europe and South Africa.
Therefore, the basic emphasis of welfare geography is on who gets what, where and how. The ‘who’ suggests a population of an area under review (a city, region or nation). The ‘what’ refers to various facilities and handicaps enjoyed and endured by the population in the form of services, commodities, social relationships, etc. The ‘where’ refers to the differing living standards in different areas? And ‘how’ reflects the process by which the observed differences arise.
Q.19. Explain naturalization of humans.
Ans : In the early stages of humans the interaction with their natural environment was greatly influenced by nature. They adapted to the dictates of nature. This is so because the level of technology was very low and the stage of human social development was also primitive. This type of interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature was termed as environmental determinism.
At that stage of very low technological development, humans listened to Nature, was afraid of its fury and worshipped Nature. In other words there is a direct dependence of human beings on nature for resources or i all respect which sustains them. The physical environment for such societies
becomes “Mother Nature.”
Q.20. Write a note on the scope of human geography.
Ans :- The scope of human geography is very wide. The famous human geographer Prof. Ellsworth Huntington divided the scope of human geography into two :
(i) Physical condition or Natural Environment.
(ii) Human Responses or Cultural Environment.
Human Geography is very much concerned with the physical conditions because it affects human activity to a great extent. According to him physical condition includes a country or a location of a region, its climate, its landforms, its water bodies and soils, minerals etc. In all the physical conditions that help to determine the development of human life. Climate plays a predominant part for it is the chief factor in the formation of the physical environment and it controls the vegetal and animal associations on the surface of the earth.
On the basis of the nature or mode of nature of the physical environment, the human responses or the cultural environment or the man-made features on the earth such as population, human establishments agriculture, features associated with production and transportation etc. are very different from region to region, which are the main concern of human geography.
Q.21. Describe how human geography passed through the corridor of time.
Ans :- The process of adaptation, adjustment with and modification of the environment started with the appearance of human beings over the surface of the earth in different ecological niches. Thus, if we imagine the beginning of human geography with the interaction of environment and human beings it has its roots deep in history. Thus, the concerns of human geography have a long temporal continuum through the approaches to articulate them have changed over time. This dynamism in approaches and thrusts shows the vibrant nature of the discipline
Q.22. Describe the fields and subfields of human geography.
Ans : Human geography assumes a highly interdisciplinary nature. It develops a close interface with other sister disciplines in social sciences in order to understand and explain human elements on the surface of the earth. With the expansion of knowledge, new sub-fields emerge and it has also happened to human geography. The fields and subfields of human geography along with their sister disciplines of social sciences are given in the following table.Human Geography and Sister Disciplines of Social Science.

Q.23. Describe the approaches and broad features of Human Geography.
Ans :-

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