Class 12 AHSEC 2022 English Question Paper Solved English Medium

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Class 12 AHSEC 2022 English Question Paper Solved in English Medium

Class 12 AHSEC 2022 English Question Paper Solved English Medium

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Section – A

1. Read the following passage carefully:

People travelling long distance frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea or air. Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours. Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey. Reading is only a partial solution, for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep. During the day, sleep comes in snatches. At night when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. If you are lucky enough to get a couchette, you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling, or fumbling to find your passport when you cross a frontier. Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted.

Long car journeys are even less pleasant, for it is quite impossible even to read. On motor-ways you can at least travel fairly safely at high speeds, but more often than not, the greater part of the journey is spent on narrow, bumpy roads, which are crowded with traffic. By comparison, trips by sea offer a great variety of civilized comforts. You can stretch your legs on the spacious decks, play games, swim, meet interesting people and enjoy good food-always assuming, of course, that the sea is calm. If it is not, and you are likely to get sea-sick, no form of transport could we worse. Even if you travel in ideal whether, sea-journeys take a long time. Relatively few people are prepared to sacrifice up to a third of their holidays for the pleasure of travelling on a ship.

Aeroplanes have the reputation of being dangerous and even hardened travellers are intimidated by them. They also have the grave disadvantage of being the most expensive form of transport. But nothing can match them for speed and comfort. Travelling at a height of 30,000 feet, far above the clouds, and at over 500 miles an hour is an exhilarating experience. You do not have to devise ways of taking your mind off the journey, for an aeroplane gets you to your destination rapidly. For a few hours, you settle back in a deep armchair to enjoy the flight. The real escapist can watch a free film show and sip a hot or cold drink on some services. But even when such refreshments are not available, there is plenty to keep you occupied. An aeroplane offers you an unusual beathtaking view of the world. You soar effortlessly ove high mountains and deep valleys. You really see the shape of the land. If the landscape is hidden from view, you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken clouds, plains that stretch out for miles before you, while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky. The journey is so smooth that there is nothing to prevent you from reading or sleeping. However, you decide to spend your time, one thing is certain; you will arrive at your destination fresh and uncrumpled. You will not have to spend the next few days recovering from a long and arduous journey.

On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following question:

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(a) Write two reasons for the difficulty of reading on a train in long distance travelling.

Ans: The two reasons for the difficulty of reading on a train in long distance travelling are:

(i) Train compartments are cramped and stuffy.

(ii) Wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls to sleep.

(b) What are the two disadvantages of travelling by sea?

Ans: The two disadvantages of travelling by sea are:

(i) Travelling by sea are likely to get sea sick.

(ii) Sea journeys take a long time. 

(c) Write two disadvantages of travelling by air.

Ans: The two disadvantages of travelling by air are:

(i) It is very dangerous means of transport.

(ii) It is the most expensive form of transport.

(d) Why does the writer dislike long car journeys?

Ans: The writer disliked the car journeys because it is impossible to read while travelling in a car. Moreover, most of the time are spent on narrow (bumpy roads) and almost crowded with traffic.

(e) Find a word in the passage which means “lacking fresh air or ventilation”.

Ans: Stuffy.

(f) Give an antonym of “narrow”.

Ans: Board.

Section – B

2. You are Arnab/Anamika, President of the Students’ Union of your college. Your college is organizing an “Inter-College Song and Dance Competition” in the next month. Write a notice for the college notice board giving all the details of the event. 

Ans: Notice

Date: Sept, 20, 2022

It is for information of all students that our college is going to organize an “Inter – College Song nad Dance Competition” from the next month i.e. 1st October. The students who are interested are requested to enroll their names to the General Secretary.



XYZ College


2. Design a poster in not more than 50 words to create awareness about the safety measures to be taken during COVID- 19 pandemic.

Ans: COVID- 19 Preventions.

3. Your school has recently organized a function to felicitate Lovlina Borgohain, the Olympic bronze medalist. Prepare a report on that event in 100-125 words to be published in your school magazine.

Ans: Lovlina Borgohain, who secured a bronze medal in the 69 kg women’s welter weight category in the boxing at the Tokyo Olympics was felicitated by our respected principal upon her arrival.

The school authority arranged the felicitation ceremony at Srimanta Shankardev Kalashetra where she was felicitated with traditional ‘gamosha’ by our principal.

After felicitation, the program proceeded for cultural programs where students performed a Bihu dance in the traditional attire i.e. ‘Mekhla Sador.’

Next, the famous singer of Assam, Deeplina Deka gave her performance. She sang the famous bihu song after which she left the stage.

Then, everyone proceeded for the lunch which was arranged by the school authority at the dinning hall for everyone.

Atlast, a session of discussion went on where students interacted with Lovlina Borgohain and asked about her experiences, training, food habits, dedication and role model. 


3. Your state government had banned the use of plastic bags. You are Ranjit/Ranjita, a reporter of the Assam Tribune. Write a report in 100-125 words on how the ban is being ignored and what damage the indisciminate use of plastic bags is causing to the environment.

Ans: No effect on public for plastic

Staff Reporter: Ranjita/ Ranjit

Guwahati: March 20, 2012: Plastic bags are a major cause of environment pollution. It is a product made up of such substance which is non- biodegradable and a threat to the planet. Although state govt has imposed a ban on the usage of plastic bags but people had no effect. Shopkeepers alleged that customers refuse to purchase items if plastic bags are not provided to them. But people don’t care that how plastic is slowly consuming our planet. It has become a threat to the life of animals living on earth as well as in water. Chemicals released by waste plastic bags enter the soil and make it infertile. Plastic bags are having a negative impact on human health and also leads to the drainage problem.

Besides all of these people keep using bags due to their convenience. But now everyone has to completely stop using the plastic bag to save our environment and earth.

4. Your are Navanil/ Navanita. You have seen an advertisement in a newspaper for a post of a computer Assistant in the local post-office. Write an application, along with your detailed resume, to the Post-Master in response to the advertisement applying for the post.

Ans: To,

The Post master

Post Office


Dated Guwahati the 24th March, 2020

Sub: Application for the post of Computer Assistant.


In response to your advertisement in the newspaper inviting applications for the post of a computer Assistant, I am sending this application.

I hope you would call me for an interview and if selected I shall try my best to prove worthy of your selection.

I am enclosing my resume along with the application.

Your Sincerely




4. You are Selim/Surabhi. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Sentinel’ drawing the attention of the authorities to the frequent des violation of traffic rules in your locality. 

Ans: Block A,

Manu Vihar, Guwahati

27th February, 2021

The Editor,

The Sentinel


Subject: Violation of traffic rules.

Dear Sir,

Through the means of the esteemed columns of your newspaper I would like to draw your attention towards the violation of traffic rules by the public in my locality. People are no more following traffic signals, and traffic lights have no importance to them. People park their vehicles in the middle of the roads which creates a huge problem for the people passing by. Also driving in the wrong side has become common these days. Our locality needs a strict traffic police for these issues otherwise these violations could lead to serious consequences.

Therefore, I would request you to publish my article in your newspaper, so that issue comes into the attention of the officials.

Thanking You

Yours sincerely


Section – C

5. Change the form of the narration in the following sentences: (any two)

(a) “Why aren’t you wearing shoes?” the teacher asks the girl. “My mother did not bring them down from the shelf”, she answers simply.

Ans: The teacher asked the girl why she didn’t wore her shoes. She answers simply that her mother didn’t brought them down from the self.

(b) I asked my friend why he looked so sad. He replied that his father was seriously ill and there was little hope for his recovery.

Ans: He replied, “My father is seriously ill and there is a little hope for this recovery.”

(c) My friend said to me, “I am very thirsty. Please give me a glass of water.”

Ans: My friend told me that he was very thirsty and requested me to give him a glass of water.

(d) Reena asked the boy what the matter was and why he was crying. She also advised him to be cheerful.

Ans: Ramen said to the boy, “What’s the matter? Why are you crying? Be cheerful.”

6. Change the voice of any three of the following sentences:

(a) He bought his son a watch.

Ans: A watch was bought by him for his son.

(b) The girl was punished for misconduct.

Ans: They punished the girl for misconduct.

(c) Why did no one inform me of the change of plan?

Ans: Why was I not informed of the changes of plan by anyone.

(d) The blind man was being led by a little boy.

Ans: The little boy was leading the blind man.

(e) The coach is training the players.

Ans: The players are being trained by the coach.

(f) Drive the car slowly.

Ans: Let the car be drived slowly.

(g) He will be forgotten in a few days.

Ans: People will forget him in a few years.

7. Rewrite any five of the following sentences using the verbs given in brackets in their correct tense forms:

(a) She (talk) to her neighbour when the baby began to cry.

Ans: She was talking to her neighbor when the baby began to cry.

(b) I (see) him a week ago.

Ans: I saw him a week ago.

(c) If you (try) hard you would have succeeded.

Ans: If you will try hard you will be succeed.

(d) We reached the station after the train (leave).

Ans: I reached the station after the train had left.

(e) He (make) a doll now.

Ans: He is making a doll now.

(f) I wish I (were) a bird.

Ans: I wish I would have been a bird.

(g) I (do) a lot of work today.

Ans: I did a lot of work today.

(h) She (come) here the day after tomorrow.

Ans: She will come here the day after tomorrow.

(i) She (read) the novel for the last three days.

Ans: She has been reading the novel for the last three days.

8. Rewrite any four of the following sentences filling in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

(a) I am very much interested_____ your story.

Ans: in.

(b) The police ran_____ the thief.

Ans: after.

(c) He has no money____him.

Ans: with.

(d) She takes pride___ her wealth.

Ans: in.

(e) I wonder if you could get it done____ tomorrow.

Ans: by.

(f) Cut the rope______a knife.

Ans: with.

(g) India is rich_____ minerals.

Ans: in.

(h) One must abide____ one’s promise.

Ans: by.

9. Rewrite any four of the following sentences as directed:

(a) Is this the kind of dress to wear in school. (Male it a assertive sentence)

Ans: This isn’t the kind of dress you wear in school.

(b) He worked hard to pass the examination. (Male it a complex sentence)

Ans: He passed the exam because he worked hard.

(c) Kindly do me a favour____. (Add a question tag)

Ans: Kindly do me a favour, will you?

(d) Atul is the best boy in the class. (Change it into positive degree)

Ans: No other boy in the class is as good as Atul.

(e) I shall remember your kindness forever. (Make it negative without changing the meaning)

Ans: I shall never forget your kindness.

(f) Everyone wishes to be happy. (Make it interrogative)

Ans: Who does not wish to be happy?

(g) On seeing the lion, he ran away. (Make it a compound sentence)

Ans: He ran away when he saw a lion.

Section – D

10. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

(a) “Those who prepare green wars,

wars with gas, wars with fire,

victory with no survivors,

would put on clean clothes

and walk about with their brothers

in the shade, doing nothing.”


(i) What are the different kinds of wars mentioned by the poet in the passage?

Ans: The different kinds of wars mentioned by the poet are green wars and nuclear wars.

(ii) What kind of victory do they achieve?

Ans: They achieve a victory to celebrate which there are no survivors.

(iii) What should the warmongers do? 

Ans: The warmongers should walk about with their brothers doing nothing.

(iv) Find words in the passage that mean “those left alive” and “win”.

Ans: Those left alive- survivors win – victory.


(b) “The polished traffic passed with a mind ahead,

Or if ever aside a moment, then out of sorts.

At having the landscape marred with the artless paint

Of signs that with N turned wrong and S Turned wrong

Offered for sell wild berries in wooden quarts,

Or crook-necked golden squash with silver warts,

Or beauty rest in a beautiful mountain scene,

You have the money, but if you want to be mean,

Why keep your money (this crossly) and go along”.


(a) How did the traffic pass?

Ans: The traffic passed with a mind ahead or without stopped there.

(b) Why did one turn out of sorts?

Ans: One turned out of sorts because the landscape had marred/ not so well with the artless paint.

(c) What are the two things that were sold in that stand? 

Ans: The two things that were sold in that stand are wild berries and crook-wecked golden squash.

(d) What should one do if one wants to be mean?

Ans: One should keep one’s money and moves ahead.

11. Answer any three of the following questions in words:

(i) Describe the things that cause suffering and pain mentioned by Keats in ‘A Thing of Beauty. 

Ans: According to Keats man suffers from pain and suffering due to the inhuman dearth of noble natures on earth and due to the inhuman and hostile attitude that makes our days sad and darkens our ways with distress and wretchedness.

(ii) What childhood fear did Kamala Das refer to in her poem? How did she hide it?

Ans: Kamala Das childhood fear was that she would lose her mother to the cruel hands of death and thus would be separated from her forever. 

She attempts to hide her fear through her elongated and superficial smile.

(iii) What is the significance of the parting words of the speaker and her smile’ in ‘My Mother at sixty-six?

Ans: The poet’s parting words convey the dilemma and confusion in her mind. Her superficial smile expresses her helplessness. She is anxious about her mother’s frail health and fears that anything can happen to her mother. But, on the other hand, she also nurtures a faint hope that her mother survives long enough so that they can meet again.

(iv) What is the ‘sadness’ that the poet refers to in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’?

Ans: The people and the nations are unfortunately engaged in producing weapons of mass destruction. This is a sad feature of our modem civilisation. We all are a part of a blind race, working for collective suicide. Let us take a breath and look within.

(v) According to Pablo Neruda what important lesson can the Earth teach us?

Ans: Earth can teach a lesson to mankind on the preservation and resurrection of life and how new life is believed to rise from the ashes of the dead remains. The Earth never attains total inactivity. Nature remains at work under apparent stillness and keeps the Earth alive.

(vi) Why do the people who are running the roadside stand ask for some city money?

Ans: The rural people running the roadside stand are poor and deprived, unlike the people of the city. They thus ask for city money so that they too can lead a life of happiness and prosperity. This much-needed city money can give them the life that had been promised to them by the party in power.

(vii) What increases continuously in ‘A Thing of Beauty’?

Ans: In the poem , ‘A thing of beauty’, the loveliness of a thing of beauty increases continuously and never fades.

12. Answer any five of the following questions:

(a) How long did M. Hamel teach in his school?

Ans: M.Hamel taught in his school for forty years.

(b) Where does Mukesh live?

Ans: Firozabad.

(c) What does Saheb look for in the garbage dumps?

Ans: Saheb is looking for gold or in other words something valuable in the garbage dumps.

(d) Whom did Gandhi and Shukla want to meet in Patna?

Ans: Gandhi and Shukla wanted to meet a lawyer at Patna named Rajendra Prasad who later became the President of the Congress party and of India.

(e) Who is Derek?

Ans: Derek is Sophie’s younger brother.

(f) What does Sophie want to have when she grows up?

Ans: Sophie wants to have a boutique of her own when she grows up.

(g) Name the book from where the chapter ‘Memories of a Chota Sahib’ has been taken.

Ans: The lesson ‘memories of a chota sahib’ is extracted from John Rowntree’s famous book’ A Chota Sahib: memories of a Forest Officer’.

(h) Why did Gandhi visit Lucknow in 1916?

Ans: Gandhi had gone to Lucknow in December 1916 to attend the annual convention of the Indian National Congress party.

(i) What is the name of the blacksmith in ‘The Last Lesson’?

Ans: The name of the blacksmith in ‘The last Lesson’ is Wachter.

(j) What is the “great trouble with Alsace”?

Ans: The ‘great trouble with Alsace’ that she puts off learning till tomorrow.

13. Answer any five in 30-40 words:

(a) What lesson do you learn from the story’ ‘The Last Lesson’?

Ans: The story carries the message of the importance of holding on to one’s identity and culture and not losing it or taking it for granted. It emphasizes the importance of holding onto one’s language as the key to our identity. It highlights the importance of one’s language in preserving our heritage and history.


(b) How different from usual was the atmosphere at school on the day of the last lesson?

Ans: There was a lot of sadness due to the order from Berlin that only the German language would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The school was unusually still and quiet as was on a Sunday morning. There was no sound of the opening and closing of desks and lessons being repeated in unison.

The French teacher, M. Hamel, was wearing his special dress which he wore only on special occasions like inspection and prize days. There was also a profound change in his behavior and he was more polite than usual.

The back benches of the classroom were occupied by the village elders who were attending the class as a mark of respect for their mother-tongue.

14. Answer any one of the following questions in 80-100 words:

(a) Describe the bangle makers of Firozabad. How does the vicious circle of the Sahukars, the middlemen never allow them to come out of their poverty? 

Ans: Every other family in Firozabad is engaged in making bangles. More than 20000 children or little boys and girls also engage on it. They work in the glass furnaces with high temperatures, in dingy cells without air and light. They slog their daylight hours an often losing the brightness of their eyes. They live in stinking lanes choked with garbage where they remain hovels with crumbling walls, wobbly doors and no windows. They live in crowded with families of humans and animals coexisting like a primeval state.

The vicious circle of the sahukars’ and the middlemen never allow them to come out of poverty. They trap their fathers and forefathers. If the young men try to get organized then they are hauled up or arrested by the police, beaten and dragged to jail for doing something illegal. There is no leader among them and no one can help them see things differently for the sahukars and the middlemen. So, they live endlessly with poverty and oppressed by the greedy people at injustice. For these reasons, little has moved with time in Firozabad.

Thus the people of Firozabad lost their initiative and ability to dream.

(b) What is the significance of Bhelaghar?

Ans: Bhelaghar is a temporary night shelter and used as a community feast hall, made of thatch, bamboo, straws and dried leaves. It is an object of visual pleaúse on uruka – the night before Bihu. It holds immense cultural significance. It is built mostly in open spaces and a dried paddy field provides a safe option as it is burnt in full spirit on Bihu.

(c) How did Annan explain the elder man’s action to Bama?

Ans: Annan was not amused by Bama’s story as there was nothing comic about it. Rather, it was a sad story of ‘untouchability’. The elder, carrying the food for a landlord, belonged to a low caste and could not touch the food of an upper caste person like the landlord. Had he done so, the food could have been polluted.

(d) Why and how did Derry enter Mr. Lamb’s garden?

Ans: Derry thought that Mr. Lamb’s garden was an empty place and the house was an empty one. He didn’t know there was anybody there. So, Derry entered the garden to achieve/get some peace and stay alone for a little while/a moment.

Derry entered Mr. Lamb’s garden by climbing the garden wall.

(e) Why did Derry go back to Mr. Lamb in the end?

Ans: Derry said that his mother would want to know where he was. The garden was three miles away from his home across the fields. He was fourteen so they or his families still wanted to know where he was. So/for these reasons, Derry went back to Mr. Lamb in the end.

(f) Why was Zitkala-Sa terrified when Judewin told her that her hair would be cut short?

Ans: Zitkala-Sa hid herself because she had got to know that the authorities wanted to cut her long hair. In her community hair of mourners, prisoners of war and cowards were cut and therefore she made a vain attempt to prevent her hair from being shingled by hiding herself.

15. Answer any one of the following questions in 125-150 words:

(a) What are the similarities in the lives of Bama and Zitkala-Sa though they belong to their respective situations?

Ans: Both Bama and Zitkala-Sa were the victims of social discrimination. Both of them protest in their own way. Bama belonged to an oppressed community. One day, she saw an elder of her community holding a packet of vadais by its string. This packet was for the landlord. Bama thought it was a funny sight. But Bama’s brother explained to her that the landlord and his people belonged to the upper caste. The touch of one from an oppressed class could pollute them. It filled Bama with anger and revolt. The experience of Zitkala-Sa was also of a similar one. She belonged to a tribe of native Americans. The white-skinned settlers from Europe looked down upon the local tribes. They treated them like animals. Zitkala-Sa did not want her hair to be shingled. Among her tribe, shingled hair was considered to be a sign of cowardice. She struggled with all her might when she was tied in a chair. But at last, the little one had to give herself up. Thus both Bama and Zitkala-Sa protested in their own way.


(b) Give an elaborate account of the celebration associated with Uruka, the important part of Magh Bihu.

Ans: “Uruka feasting may be a family affair or communal.” Uruka is the bihu eve. It is the previous day of every bihu. It is also associated with the junction of two months. On this day, the women folk get ready for the next day with chira, pitha, laru, curd, etc. In the day, fuel has to be gathered, fish has to be got from ponds, streams and if possible some meat are too. In tribal setting, women prepare rice beer.

Another important part of the Uruka is the made of  Bhelaghar. Sometimes cowherd pass the night in a Bhelaghar warming themselves  by a fire and making use of the vegetable that they  steal from the villagers gardens and  the eatables  that are given them.

Thus, Uruka is celebrated enjoyfully in upper Assam and lower Assam.

16. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words:

(a) What did astrologers for tell when Tiger King was born?

Ans: When the tiger king was born, the astrologers told that the newly born prince would grow up to become the hero of heroes, warrior of the warriors, champion of the champions. They also told that the baby was born in the hour of the bull. The bull and the tiger are enemies, therefore, death would come from the tiger.

(b) Who was Dr. Sadao? Where was his house?

Ans: Dr Sadao Hoki was an eminent Japanese surgeon and scientist. He had spent eight valuable years of his youth in America to learn everything of surgery and medicine. He was trying to bring perfection to medical science and discover a drug which would heal wounds entirely. Dr Sadao’s house was built on rocks well above a narrow beach that was outlined with bent pines. It was near the Japanese coast. 

(c) Who was Hana? What did she notice coming out of the mist?

Ans: Hana was a beautiful Japanese girl. She noticed that something black come out of the mist. It was a man. He staggered a few steps. Then he fell on his face and lay there.

(d) What kind of person was Geoff?

Ans: Geoff is a grown-up person who works as a motor mechanic. He is more intact with the world of reality than Sophie. He is very quiet. Sophie is jealous of his silence.

(e) Why did Jansie feel sad hearing about Sophie’s dream?

Ans: Jansie felt sad for Sophie’s dream because she was living in a world of fantasy as her dreams were wild and impossible. Moreover, she belonged to poor family and was earmarked to work in the biscuit factory after passing out from school.

(f) Why was Gandhi impressed with Shukla?

Ans: Raj Kumar Shukla, a poor Sharecropper from Champaran requested Gandhi in Congress Session in Lucknow to fix a date to visit Champaran where the sharecroppers were subjected to injustice. Till Gandhi fixed date, he did not leave him rather he accompanied him wherever he went. Gandhi was impressed by his tenacity and determination and finally agreed to go there from Calcutta.

(g) Why was Professor Malkani’s action of offering shelter to Gandhi’ extraordinary’?

Ans: Professor Malkani was a teacher in a government school. Hence, it was extraordinary for him to offer shelter to Gandhi as during those days most governmen employees were afraid to harbour or show sympathy to an Indian advocate.

(h) Who was John Rowntree?

Ans: John Rowntree was the last British senior conservation of forest of Assam till the date of independence of India. 

(i) What character of the North bank of the Brahmapuha did John Rowntree refer to?

Ans: The author Rowntree says that the North Bank of the Brahmaputra had a character of its own. He describes that it was a vast, remote stretch of flat, ageless land between the sandbanks of Brahmaputra and the Himalayan foothills. He further explains that it was a strange place, where the rivers dried up in hot weather or suddenly disappeared under ground. He also added that there were numerous bheels replete with wildfowl, peafowl strutted through the grass.

(j) Was sahib happy with his job at the tea stall?

Ans: No, Saheb is not happy working at the tea-stall. He is no longer his own master. His face has lost the carefree look. The steel canister seems heavier than the plastic bag he would carry with ease earlier. He is even away from his dream and doesn’t go to school which he wanted to do.

(k) What would Franz love to do on that sunny morning instead of going to school?

Ans: He would love to spend the day out of doors. He would love to seek birds’ eggs, or go sliding on the Saar on that sunny morning instead of going to school.

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