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NIOS Class 12 Political Science Chapter 23 Environmental Awareness
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Environmental Awareness
Chapter: 23
Q. Identify the True and False Statement:
(i) Coal is renewable resource.
Ans. False.
(ii) The fast development in science and technology is a major factor contributing to the environmental degradation.
Ans. True.
(iii) The growing population in India does not contribute to the environment degradation.
Ans. False.
(iv) Trees are a good example of non-renewable resources.
Ans. False.
Q.1. Identify two most important international conference on environment.
Ans. (i) The UN sponsored conference on environment in Stockholm (1972). It was called the ‘U.N.Conference on Human Environment.’
(ii) The Rio Conference of 1992, later on it was called the ‘U.N. Conference on Environment and Development.’
Q.2. Give the name of the World Commission which popularised the concept of sustainable development.
Ans. The Brundtland Commission 1987.
Q.3. Identify any three objectives of India’s National Environment Policy.
Ans. (i) Conserve and develop safe, healthy, productive and aesthetically satisfying environment.
(ii) upgrade, develop and manage rural and urban settlement to enhance the quality of life.
(iii) Plan development on sound ecological principles with environmental impact assessment and incorporating appropriate environmental safeguards.
Q.4. Identify any three measures taken by the Government of India to check environmental pollution.
Ans. 1. Special courts are being set up to ensure speedy justice of the poor against factories that pollute the environment.
2. Environment friendly products are promoted for it the government is setting stringent standards for all products in the market.
3. Unleading of petrol is being promoted. Refineries are being persuaded to make their petrol and lead free.
Q.1. Describe the meaning of environment and environmental degradation.
What is environmental degradation?
Ans. I.The Meaning of environmental degradation: Environment constitutes a very important part of our life. To understand life without studying the impact of environment is simply impossible. The need to protect Environment we can ignore only at our peril. We use Environmental resource in our day to life. Those resource are renewable and non renewable. We have to be more cautions on COM summing nor renewable resources like coal and petroleum, which are prone to depletion. All human activities have an impact on environment. But in lost two centuries or so the human influence on Environment has increased manifold due to the rapid population.
Growth and the fast development in science and technology. These two are the major factors in reducing the quality of environment and causing its degradation.
The environmental degradation poses a great danger to man’s own survival. It should be realised, sooner than later, that conservation and improvement of the environment are vital for the survival. And well being of mankind. Natural resources of land, air and water have to be used wisely as a trust to ensure a healthy environment for the present and future generations
Q.2. Discuss any two environmental problems.
Ans. Environmental Problems: Some of the notable problem of environment can be identified as under:
(a) Land Air and Water Pollution of land and water has affected plants, animals and human beings. The quality of soil is deterioration resulting in the loss of agricultural land. The loss is estimated to be about five to seven million hectares of land each year. Soil erosion, as a result of wind and/or water,. Costs the world dearly. The recurring floods have their own peculiar casualties like deforestation, sli in the riverbed, inadequate and improper drainage loss of men and property. The vast oceans, after being turned into dumping grounds for all nuclear wastes, have poisoned and polluted the whole natural environment.
(b) Population Growth: Population growth more people to eat and breathe, an putting an excessive pressure on land and forest, and ultimately disturbing the ecological balance.
The world commission on environment and development (the burnt land commission) submitted its report highlighted and population the concept of ‘sustainable development’ sustainable has been defined on meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the need of future generations. All developmental activities some amount environment as a result of development, an strike a balance between development and environmental protection. The aim should be to achieve sustainable levels of people’s welfare and development. The primary concern is how many people can ultimately be supported by environment and at what level of quality of life. on Our growing population is putting pressure land, leading to poor quality of productivity deforestation (the loss of forest land so necessary for ecological balance order., loss of wildlife heritage and ultimately dwindling of several species. The growing population is not only a problem environment; it is a problem for any other aspect of environment, say for example social, economic, political.
(c) Urbanisation: Urbanisation is no less a source of pollution, and therefore, a threat to the environment. Urbanisation means e maddening race of people from villages to the cities. The result of urbanisation is dirt, disease d and disasters. In a state of growing urbanisation, environmental problems like sanitation, ill-health, housing water-supply electricity keep all expanding. On the other, the environmental population is caused in the rural life due to indiscriminate collection of firewood, overgrazing and depletion of other resource.
(d) Industrialization: Industrialization coupled with the development of the means of transport and communication has not only polluted the Environment,but also has led to the shrinking of the natural resource.Both ways, the loss is really heavy. Increasing levels of heat fluxes,carbon dioxide and particulate, radioactive nuclear wastes and the like create environmental hazards.On the other hand the consumption of conventional source of energy leads to the loss of natural resource. We are building a world without carrying for future generation.(Note: Write any two points of the above mentioned.)
Q.3. What is sustainable development? Explain.
Ans. Sustainable Development: The concept of sustainable development is more about environment and less about development; more about stability and less about change, more about restricting one’s wants and less about the continuing material development more about the non-exploitative attitude towards Environment and less about harnessing. It more about small communities and less about the larger ones. It is not a concept of development with Environment, but is Environment without growth.
Q.4. Outline the various efforts made by the Indian Government towards creating a better natural environment.
Ans. The Efforts made by the Indian government towards creating a better natural environment: The India the environment awareness gained rods since 1970s after the UN sponsored conference on environment in Stockholm (1972). India govt. too many environment friendly activities ministry of environment and forest we established laws we enacted on environment protection on 1986.
The objective of India’s national environment policy, here, are worth stating.
1. Conserve and development a safe, healthy, productive, and aesthetically satisfying environment.
2. Upgrade, development and manage rural and urban settlement to enhance the quality of life.
3. Plan development on sound ecological principal with environmental impact assessment and incorporating appropriate safeguards.
4. Promote environmental safety technology, recycling of resource and utilisation of wastes.
5. Conserve the biotic diversity in the country by creating nature reserves and sanctuaries for specific habitats such as mountains, rain forest, pastures, deserts, wetlands, lakes, beaches, mangroves, estuaries, lagoons and islands.
6. Safeguard the environment within the national maritime exclusive economic zone.
7. Evolved environment norms and established effective mechanism for monitoring surveillance and collection and dissemination of information.
8. Preserve science landscapes, as well as historic and cultural monuments and their environs
9. Promote environment education at all levels and create public awareness.
10. Encourage research in Environmental science and technological and social investigation to conserve and improve the environment.
11. Develop adequate manpower within the country of ecologists, Environment scientists, planners and managers of the highest quality and recognize their work as an important component of national development.
Choose the correct answer:
Q.1. Which one point is not related with the group of the notable problem of environment:
(a) Land Pollution Problem.
(b) Air Pollution Problem.
(c) Water Pollution Problem.
(d) Liberalisation of policies?
Ans. (d) Liberalisation of policies.
Q.2. Which factor is not responsible for creating environmental problem:
(a) Population growth.
(b) Urbanisation.
(c) Industrialization.
(d) Plantation?
Ans. (d) Plantation.

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