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NIOS Class 12 Mass Communication Chapter 23 New Media: Target Audience
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New Media: Target Audience
Chapter: 23
1. Match the following:
(i) Exposure to too much information | Edward De Buno |
(ii) Difficulty in using information | Tom Wolf |
(iii) New journalism | Information overload |
(iv) Father of creativity | Information fatigue |
(i) Exposure to too much information | Information overload |
(ii) Difficulty in using information | Information fatigue |
(iii) New journalism | Tom Wolfe |
(iv) Father of creativity | Edward de Bono |
1. State whether the following sentences are true or false.
(i) We develop interpersonal skills when we deal with people.
Ans. True. Talking and listening are part of our interpersonal skills.
Whenever we deal with people we need to develop these skills.
(ii) New media has affected the interactive pattern of children.
Ans. True.
(iii) We can talk to our friends through the computer.
Ans. True, we can we chat with our friends through the computer.
(iv) Good interpersonal skills helps in developing a person’s personality.
Ans. Yes, because it builds up a person’s confidence.
(v) Children today are generally found to be socially active.
Ans. True.
1. Write the full form of SME.
Ans. Small and Medium Enterprise.
2. Make a list of any three items on which niche websites are found.
Ans. (i) Travel.
(ii) Health.
(iii) Tourism.
3. Visit some of the online shopping sites. Make a list of sites that you have visited as well as products that interests you.
Ans. The answer would vary from learner to learner.
1. What are interpersonal skills? Why do you think interpersonal skills are getting affected?
Ans. The ways in which we interact with people are called inter-personal skills. Children today only like to sit in front of the computer or watch television. They do talk to their friends, but without meeting them. Yes, they simply chat with them through the computer. The children are not learning to talk to people. This way they will never feel confident.
Talking and listening to people is a part of a person’s interpersonal skills. Whenever we deal with people we need to develop these skills. Human beings live in a society. This means we cannot stay all by ourselves. So we need to talk, listen and share. Unless we do that, we may be very good as individuals, but when it comes to staying or working together, we are a big failure.
A very interesting film like ‘Mitra, My Friend’ depicts a similar case. It shows how two people chat on the internet, never realising who they are. Finally, when they meet up, they realise that they are husband and wife.
2. Is new media a big industry or is it an SME? Give reasons to support you answer.
Ans. New media ventures can be safely categorized as SMEs. To start a business in this area you don’t require huge infrastructure. But you need a lot of creativity, i.e the ability to do things differently.
Several such ventures began in India some years ago. There were young people who set up an office in a small room and started their operations. They created niche websites related to travel, housing, etc.
Niche websites are ones that contain very spccialized content like travel, health, sports etc.
Soon some of them became big companies. Once they grew they hired more people and expanded their infrastructure.
3. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Niche websites.
(ii) Online shopping sites.
Ans. (i) Niche websites are ones that contain very specialized content like travel, health, sports etc.
(ii) Online shopping sites help us in shopping through the net. Through these sites we can buy things sitting at our home.
Very Short Type Questions Answer
1. What is information overland?
Ans. If you are exposed to too much of information, it often leaves you thoroughly confused. This is called information overload.
2. What is information fatigue?
Ans. Most of our young people today suffer from what is known as information fatigue.
3. What is narrative style of writing?
Ans. Writing in story-telling format is known as narrative style of writing.
4. What is full form of SMES?
Ans. Small and medium enterprises.
5. Give two ways through new media ventures earn revenue.
Ans. Through advertising and selling content.
Short Type Questions Answer
1. How can one protect oneself from information fatigue?
Ans. To prevent this, those using information must develop themselves in areas in which they feel comfortable. Moreover, whenever they are faced with a lot of information, they must prioritize on the basis of their areas of interest. This means classifying information into categories like ‘most important’, important’, ‘not so important and ‘not required’.
2. Does collecting information increase our knowledge?
Ans. Another problem is that collecting information does not necessarily lead to logical and analytical powers. Many teachers complain that young readers today have a lot of information but they often fail to use it to discuss something. That’s because raw information without any analysis does not add to your knowledge unless you know how to use it when it’s required.
3. How can we keep balance between spending time with computers and dealing with people?
Ans. Don’t you think this is true? Talking and listening to people is a part of a person’s interpersonal skills. Whenever we deal with people we need to develop these skills. Human beings live ina society. That means we cannot stay all by ourselves. So we need to talk, listen and share. Unless we do that, we may be very good as individuals, but when it comes to staying or working together, we are a big failure.
A very interesting filk like’ Mitra, My Friend’ depicts a similar case. It shows how two people chat on the internet, never realising who they are. Finally, when they meet up, they realise that they are husband and wife.
Long Type Questions Answer
1. How new media tries to attract attention of the youth?
Ans. One of the most fundamental ways in which new media tries to attract the youth is through story telling or a narrative writing style. Since we all like stories this style is regarded is the most powerful form of communication.
The narrative style was first adopted in the USA in the late sixties. This trend we know as new journalism, pioneered by Tom Wolfe. But, this trend could not continue for long. With the advent of new media, this trend is coming back. To make the content more interesting, each story is broken into section. That’s why stories done for new media are broken up into several stories which together with multimedia form a package.
Each story is highlighted on the home page or the opening page of any website with an attractive visual and a good introductory. paragraph. The main story is kept very short and crisp. Other interesting stories are written in a narrative form These are preferable human interest stories.
To attract the youth new media writers always like to do things differently, something similar to what Edward do Bodo, the father of creativity, calls ‘lateral thinking.’ We can get some ideas by reading some of his books.

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