NIOS Class 10 Psychology Chapter 25 Self-Development and Yoga

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NIOS Class 10 Psychology Chapter 25 Self-Development and Yoga

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Chapter: 25



Fill in the Blanks:

Q.1. Visual self concept is found in _____________.

Ans: Infancy.

Q.2. During early childhood children start defining themselves on the basis of _________.

Ans: Psychological attributes.

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Q.3. During middle age a person faces crisis of ___________.

Ans: Generative activities.

Q.4. _________ can play a very important role in the development of self.

Ans: Yoga.


Q.1. How does Yoga help us is our studies?

Ans: Yoga improves learning and memory.

Q.2. How should one perceive work?

Ans: As a joyous opportunity.


Q.1. Match the Columns:

1. One way of becoming happy is(a) thinking habits and character.
2. Eating unnecessarily(b) make your mind brittle.
3. Negative thoughtsenvironment(c) not complaining about your.
4. There is strong relationship between(d) causes accumulation of fat on body.


1. One way of becoming happy is(c) not complaining about your.
2. Eating unnecessarily(d) causes accumulation of fat on body.
3. Negative thoughtsenvironment(b) make your mind brittle.
4. There is strong relationship between(a) thinking habits and character.


State whether the following statements are True or False:

Q.1. According to Gita Yoga is excellence in action.

Ans: True.

Q.2. Great men and women could be great without any goal in life.

Ans: False.

Q.3. Yoga harnesses our energies in a particular direction.

Ans: True.


Q.1. Who is the author of Yoga Sutra?

Ans: Maharshi Patanjali. 

Q.2. What are the different states of mind?

Ans: These mental states are typically named in commonsense terms, such as emotions (e.g., fear, disgust, love), cognitions (e.g., retrieving a memory, planning the future, concentrating on a task), perceptions (e.g., face perception, colour perception, sound perception), and so on.


Q.1. Match the following:

1. Satya(a) Restrain on sex-desire
2. Asteya(b) Non-violence
3. Aparigraha(c) Truth
4. Ahimsa(d) Non-hoarding
5. Brahmacharya(e) Non-stealing


1. Satya(c) Truth
2. Asteya(e) Non-stealing
3. Aparigraha(d) Non-hoarding
4. Ahimsa(b) Non-violence
5. Brahmacharya(a) Restrain on sex-desire


Q.1. Which are the relatively steady states of mind?

Ans: The relatively steady states of mind are:

 (i) Jagriti: Full awareness with conscience (Vivek).

 (ii) Swapna: A state of dream where some people play wish fulfilment game.

(iii) Sushupti: Deep and dreamless sleep. 

(iv) Tureeya: This is the state of deep meditation in which a person becomes oblivious of space and time.

Q.2. Explain how yoga shapes our behaviour.

Ans: The shapes our behaviour are: 

(a) Let us not complain about our environment: Some people may not be happy with their parents, their financial status, or social status. They may not be happy about their physique, looks and brain. They always look at others, envy them and feel sad! They think, if only “I had a mother like that”, ‘or’ “Had I been in the place of that scholar or that champion!”. It is not healthy to complain about what we have; it is good to think of how we can make the best of it. Many great persons in the world fought against physical disabilities and adverse circumstances and became successful. Everyone of us is gifted in some way or the other. Let us find  out our own gift. It may not be academic intelligence, it may be social or other type of intelligence. We may not be good with books but we may be very good with machines, which is equally valuable. We may have a potential to become a singer, a painter or a stage-actor. Let us have a goal and take steps to move towards it. Yogic techniques make our body, mind and intellect strong. We become competent to make decisions.

(b) Let us train the body first: Yoga Asanas shake off our lethargy and idleness. They bring fresh vigour to our body. They free us from tensions and diseases, so that we can focus our attention totally on our goal.  Let us take care of our food. Let us avoid eating very less or eating unnecessarily. Select the food that agrees with us and brings harmony to our body. Digestion of food, its assimilation in the body and excretion of unwanted stuff, must be regular. Rest and proper sleep is also necessary to keep our body fit.

(c) Let us train our mind: Self-education is very important in Yoga. If we train our mind to become strong, it will be strong. If we let it be weak like a pampered child, it will become weak and brittle. It would collapse at the smallest shock. Let us avoid self-pity because it makes us weak. Let us avoid all kinds of negative thoughts like envy, jealousy and narrow-mindedness. Some students do not exchange notes because they feel that somebody would ‘steal’ their knowledge! They forget that the more we give, the more our knowledge grows! Also, let us give up the ideas of dependence. There is no person or thing in the world without whom or without which it is impossible for us to live. Nothing is indispensable. There are persons, communities and nations who have rebuilt life from ashes.

(d) Let us train our intellect: If we don’t give challenging work to our intellect, it gets rusted, it loses its capacity to do mighty things. In fact we do not use our brain to the fullest extent. If the brain does not get enough exercise, it gets tired easily.eeing dreams and exerting all our energies to fulfil them makes our intellect strong. Let us teach our intellect by taking wise decisions and staying firm with our decisions.

Q.3. Describe Niyama.

Ans: Niyamas are mainly for purifying the body and mind. 

They are practised on individual basis are:

(i) Shauch: keeping your body and mind clean. Taking a bath everyday, cleaning teeth and drinking pure water. It covers activities like healthy food including grains, fresh green vegetables provide all the necessary ingredients like starch,

fats, vitamins, salts and minerals give stamina and strength to your body. So Yoga advises us to eat healthy food. It also expects you to be regular in your toilet habits so that your body is free of toxins (harmful substances). Shauch also means purity of mind. Our sages have recognized six enemies that make our minds impure. These include Kama – excessive desire, Krodha– anger, Lobha – greed, Moha – temptation, Mada – ego and Matsar – jealousy. Shauch means keeping away from these six enemies and filling one’s mind with noble thoughts.

(ii) Santosh: It means contentment. You should do your best in every undertaking and be happy with that. There are certain factors which are beyond your control so if you achieve the expected success, that is fine and if you do not achieve the expected success that is also fine. Joy lies doing the work itself.

(iii)Tapa: The literal meaning of Tapa is penance. When our exams approach we generally give up seeing movies and T.V. We do not waste time chatting with friends. To achieve a goal we have to make sincere effort, and give up certain pleasures. This is Tapa. While treading the path of Yoga, we have to control our desires and concentrate our mind.

(iv) Swadhyaya: It literally means self-study. Here it means studying the principles related to Yoga. If we do not understand it all by our selves, we may seek the guidance of experts. Swadhyaya not only means reading literature related to Yoga but also contemplating on the principles of Yoga.

(v) Ishwar Pranidhan: It means being in constant contact with God by chanting or by keeping in mind all the time that our actions are in the worship of the Lord. Lord is the witness of everything we see, do and experience.

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