NIOS Class 10 Psychology Chapter 26 Nurturing the Whole Being: An Indian Perspective

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NIOS Class 10 Psychology Chapter 26 Nurturing the Whole Being: An Indian Perspective

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Chapter: 26



Q.1. Describe the Indian concept of personality.

Ans: Personality is not mere external appearance. It includes the whole existence that includes physical, social and spiritual parts of life. An individual’s true self or nature is considered as pure consciousness or Atman.


Q.1. What is the concept of panch koshas?

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Ans: Panch Koshas include the following: Annamayakosha, Pranamaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha, Vigarammaya Kosha, Anandmaya Kosha.

Q.2. What are the three gunas?

Ans: Sativik, Passik and Tamsik.


Q.1. How can we facilitate the development of Anandamaya Kosha?

Ans: Regular eating habits, exercise, night food and Yoga.

Q.2. According to Sri Aurobindo, what is the innermost circle of consciousness called?

Ans: Psychic being or Atman.


Q.1. Explain any one Kosha in detail.

Ans: Annamaya Kosha: The Food SheathThe physical body, the outer most part of our existence is termed as the Annamaya Kosha or Food Sheath. It has emerged from the essence of food assimilated by the father and nourished in the womb by the food taken by the mother. It continues to exist because of food consumed and ultimately, after death, goes back to fertilise the earth and becomes food. The substance of the physical structure, rising from food, existing in food and going back to become food, is naturally and most appropriately termed the food sheath. The food we eat gets transformed into muscles, veins, nerves, blood and bones. If proper exercise and proper diet is given, the Annamaya Kosha develops well. The signs of healthy development are fitness, agility, stamina and endurance. A person having these qualities can easily master motor skills and has good eye hand coordination. Food taken is transformed into various nutritious elements and makes us grow physically.

Q.2. Describe the ways for development of the five Koshas.

Ans: Personality development moves from annamaya kosha to the pure consciousness gradually removing all the five covers that mask it. Regular eating habits, right kind of food, all type of exercises and games, jogging, running, walking and Asanas facilitate the development of Annamaya Kosha. Pranayam and breathing exercises improve the quality of Pranamaya Kosha. For the development of Manomaya Kosha study of good literature including poems,novels, essays and articles is useful. All the activities that challenge one’s intellect develop Vijnanamaya Kosha. These activities include debates, problem-solving, study-techniques, small research projects, evaluation and appreciation of books and interviewing eminent persons. All these activities make you go beyond your tiny self and give you an opportunity to identify with your fellow beings-your community members, your country and the whole world. This facilitates the development of Anandamaya Kosha. Even in your contemplation you can extend your consciousness to reach the earth, the sun, the stars, the galaxies and the universe. This way we gradually build the relationship between individual self or individual consciousness and universal self or universal consciousness.

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