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NIOS Class 10 Psychology Chapter 24 Health Mind in Health Body
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Health Mind in Health Body
Chapter: 24
Q.1. Define Yoga according Patanjali.
Ans: Yoga, as Patanjali famously defines it, is the “restriction of the fluctuations of consciousness.” The practice begins by sitting and calming the fluctuations of the body, breath, and senses, and then the more elusive whirlings of consciousness.
Q.2. What are the two main aspects of Yoga?
Ans: There are two aspects of Yoga: Outer and inner. The outer aspect of yoga (vahirang) deals with the yama, niyama, asana and pranayama which revitalise our body and mind. The inner aspect of yoga (Antarang) includes controlling of senses (Pratyahara), concentration (Dharana), meditation (Dhyana) and Samadhi.
Q.1. What is Karma Yoga?
Ans: Karma yoga is the yoga of action or work; specifically, karma yoga is the path of dedicated work: renouncing the results of our actions as a spiritual offering rather than hoarding the results for ourselves. Karma is both action and the result of action.
Q.2. Explain the meaning of Raj Yoga.
Ans: Raja yoga refers to both the goal of yoga and the method of attaining it. As such, it is also considered to be the state of peace and contentment that arises from sustained yoga and meditation practice. In essence, Raja yoga is the yoga of mind and body control, with a focus on meditation and energetics.
Q.1. How do Yogic postures help us attain health?
Ans: The practice of yoga asanas develops strength and flexibility, while soothing your nerves and calming your mind. The asanas affect the muscles, joints and skin, and the whole body – glands, nerves, internal organs, bones, respiration and the brain. The physical building blocks of yoga are the posture and the breath.
Q.2. What are the benefits of performing Paschimottan asana?
Ans: Paschimottan asana is a seated forward bend yoga. In this Yogasana, the entire back of the body from head to heels, including the spinal column, is deeply stretched. This benefits spine mobility and overall flexibility. It adds to the calmness of the mind and reduces anxiety.
Q.3. How many asanas have you learnt in this lesson? Name any three.
Ans: Eight.
(i) Sarvang Asana.
(ii) Halasana.
(iii) Shalabh Asana.
Q.1. What is prana?
Ans: Prana is the cosmic energy.
Q.2. What are the effects of deep breathing?
Ans: Deep breathing refreshes and cleanses the whole system.
Q.3. List any four exercises of Pranayama?
Ans: (i) Pooraka.
(ii) Rechaka.
(iii) Anulom-Vilom.
(iv) Kapalbhati.
Q.1. What is the final aim of meditation?
Ans: The final aim of meditation is to gain the vision of Truth.
Q.2. What posture do we adopt in meditation?
Ans: Padma-asana or Sukha-asana.
Q.3. What are the benefits of meditation?
Ans: In meditation we come in tune with cosmic sound then all the ripples of thoughts and emotions are quieted.
Q.1. Enlist the various Yoga types given in your textbook.
Ans: The various Yoga types given below:
(i) Hatha Yoga: This kind of Yoga aims at controlling the functioning of the body and helps channeling the flow of energy (Prana).
(ii) Raja Yoga: It is meant for restraining the fluctuations in the consciousness (Citta).
(iii) Karma Yoga: This is the path of selfless action (Anasakta karma) without expectation of rewards. In Karma Yoga, you learn to do all actions in relaxation.
(iv) Bhakti Yoga: This refers to the path of devotion and surrender to God. The person forgets his own self and existence and merges with the identity of God or higher consciousness. Bhakri takes many forms of relationship (e.g. friend, servant, beloved).
(v) Gyan Yoga: This form of yoga emphasises on removal of ignorance and seeking of spiritual knowledge. People form wrong impressions about themselves and continue with masks that lead to egotism and conflicts of various kinds.
Q.2. Define Gyan Yoga.
Ans: This form of yoga emphasises on removal of ignorance and seeking of spiritual knowledge. People form wrong impressions about themselves and continue with masks that lead to egotism and conflicts of various kinds.
Q.3. What is the goal of meditation?
Ans: We have seen the place of exercise, eating, sleeping habits, Asanas, and pranayama in life. This is preparation for meditation. Yoga compares the mind with a lake. When agitated and restless, the lake can not reflect the sky. Only when it is calm and undisturbed, it can mirror the sky. In the same way, a calm and poised mind can reflect the universal energy. The final aim of meditation is to gain the vision of truth, to realise the oneness with all life and to enjoy peace and bliss.
For meditation, relax your body, sit comfortably in padmasana or sukhasana (squatting posture), keep your spine neck and head in a straight line. Let your chest spread out a little. First concentrate on your breath and breathe deeply. Exhale fully and inhale deeply a few times. Let the mind follow the breath and listen to its sound. Just listen to that and you will be able to hear the humming musical note within you. This is a part of cosmic vibration. By concentrating on this inner vibration, you will be in tune with the cosmic sound. Then all the ripples of thoughts and emotions will quieten. The lake of your mind will become still and you will experience peace and bliss. In this state of silence you will forget all differences and become one with all life.

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