NCERT Class 7 Social Science Chapter 26 Natural Vegetation And Wildlife

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NCERT Class 7 Social Science Chapter 26 Natural Vegetation And Wildlife

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Natural Vegetation And Wildlife

Chapter: 26

Our Environment [Geography]


1. Answer the following questions:

Q.1. Which are two factors on which the growth of vegetation mostly depends? 

Ans: These two factors are:

(a) Temperature.

(b) Moisture.

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Q.2. Which are three broad categories of natural vegetation.

Ans: (a) Grassland.

(b) Forests.

(c) Thorny shrubs and scrubs. 

These are the three broad categories of natural vegetation.

Q.3. Name two hardwood trees commonly found in tropical evergreen forests.

Ans: (a) Ebony.

(b) Mahogany.

(c) Rosewood. (Any Two)

Q.4. In which part of the world, tropical deciduous forest is found?

Ans: These forests are found in large part of India, northern Australia and in central America.

Q.5. In which climatic condition, citrus fruits are cultivated?

Ans: Citrus fruits are cultivated in hot dry summer and rainy mild winter season.

Q.6. Mention the uses of coniferous forests.

Ans: (i) The wood of trees found in these forests is very soft which is used to make match-box and packing-boxes. 

(ii) The wood is very useful for making pulp.

(iii) The wood is used for making news print.

(iv) Trees help to control soil erosion. 

(v) Trees provide shelter to our wildlife.

Q.7. In which part of the world seasonal grasslands are found?

Ans: These are found in the mid-latitudinal zone and in the interior parts of the continents.

2. Tick the correct answer:

1. Mosses and Lichens are found in:

(a) Desertic vegetation.

(b) Tropical evergreen forests.

(c) Tundra vegetation.

Ans: (c) Tundra vegetation.

2. Thorny bushes are found in:

(a) Hot and humid tropical climate.

(b) Hot and dry desertic climate. 

(c) Cold polar climate.

Ans: (b) Hot and dry desertic climate.

3. In tropical evergreen forest, one of the common animals is:

(a) Monkey.

(b) Giraffe.

(c) Camel.

Ans: (a) Monkey.

4. One important variety of coniferous forest is:

(a) Rosewood.

(b) Pine.

(c) Teak.

Ans: (b) Pine.

5. Steppe grassland is found in:

(a) S. Africa. 

(b) Australia.

 (c) Central Asia.

Ans: (c) Central Asia.

3. Match the following:


(i) Walrus(c) A polar animal
(ii) Cedar(a) Soft wood tree
(iii) Olives(e) A citrus fruit
(iv) Elephants(b) An animal of tropical deciduous forest
(v) Campos (f) Tropical grassland of Brazil
(vi) Downs(d) Temperate grassland in Australia

4. Give reasons:

1. The animal in polar region have thick fur and thick skin.

Ans: To protect them from extreme cold.

2. Tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves in dry season.

Ans: To conserve water, tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves in dry season.

3. The type and thickness of vegetation changes from place-to-place. 

Ans: Due to variation in temperature and moisture.

5. Activity:

(i) Collect pictures and photographs of forests and grasslands of different parts of world. Write one sentence below each picture. 

(ii) Make a collage of rainforest, grassland and coniferous forests.


(i) These forests are found in the region near and close the equator.

They are also called monsoon forests and experience seasonal changes.

These forests comprise of both hard and soft wood trees like oak, pine, etc.

They are characterised by tall and softwood trees.

This type of vegetation is dominated by grasses, grow between 10° and 20° latitude in the northern and southern hemisphere. The tropical grassland is referred to as savanna.

(ii) Students do this activity themselves. They will collect the pictures of rainforests, grasslands and coniferous forests and prepare a collage.

6. For Fun:

(i) In the crossword table given below, some words are hidden. They are all about vegetation and wildlife and are to be found horizontally and vertically. Two have been worked out for you. Work in pairs with a friend.


(i) Horizontally: Bamboo, Bear, Whale, Flora, Lichen, Hen, Pine, Seal, Fowl, Chir, Mosses, Grass, Taiga, Prairie, Fir, Ebony, Goat, Deciduous, Tundra, Zebra, Horse, Llanos, Pampas. 

(ii) Vertically: Shrub, Ox, Pig, Cactus, Fauna, Lion, Downs, Tiger, Neem, Oak, Camel, Peepal, Oak, Deer, Savanna, Yak.


Very Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. What is natural vegetation?

Ans: The cluster of plants living in association with each other, in a given natural environment is called natural vegetation. 

Q.2. What is flora and fauna?

Ans: Flora and fauna are botanical terms for vegetation and wildlife respectively.

Q.3. Define the concept Habitat.

Ans: The concept Habitat refers to specific environment of a particular organism.

Q.4. Which factors influence the vegetation of a region? 

Ans: The factors that influence vegetation are climate, aspect, soil, wind movement and ocean currents.

Q.5. What is the virgin vegetation? 

Ans: The virgin vegetation, which are purely Indian are known as endemic or indigenous species but those which have come from outside India are termed as exotic plants.

Q.6. What are the major types of vegetation?

Ans: The following major types of vegetation may be identified in our country: 

(i) Tropical Evergreen Forests.

(ii) Tropical Deciduous Forests.

(iii) Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs.

(iv) Montane Forests.

(v) Mangrove Forests.

Q.7. Why do tree types vary with altitude in the mountain regions? 

Ans: With the change in height, the climate changes and that changes can be easily seen in the vegetation types.

Q.8. Write in brief the difference between evergreen forests and deciduous forests.

Ans: Evergreen forests do not shed their leaves at any time of the year while deciduous forests shed their leaves during dry season. They do so in order to tolerate dry conditions.

Q.9. What type of vegetation occurs in desert and semi-deserts? 

Ans: Thorny bushes in desert and semi-deserts.

Q.10. What are grassland?

Ans: A large area of flat land covered with grass is called a grassland.

Q.11. Why do the monsoon forests contain deciduous trees?

Ans: Because these forests experience dry conditions during autumn and tree shed their leaves at that time.

Q.12. Which is the world’s largest snake found in the tropical rainforest?

Ans: Anaconda, one of the world’s largest snakes is found in the tropical rainforest.

Q.13. Where are tropical deciduous or the monsoon forests found?

Ans: Tropical deciduous or the monsoon forests are found in the large part of India, northern Australia and in central America.

Q.14. Which animals are commonly found in Tropical deciduous forest region? 

Ans: Tigers, lions, elephants, langoors and monkeys are the common animals of these regions.

Q.15. Where are Tropical grasslands most commonly occur?

Ans: These occur on either side of the equator and extend till the tropics.

Q.16. By what different names Tropical Grasslands are known?

Ans: Tropical Grasslands are known by different names like:

(i) Savanna in East Africa. 

(ii) Campos in Brazil.

(iii) Llanos in Venezuela.

Q.17. By what different names temperate grasslands are known?

Ans: Temperate Grasslands have different names in different regions. For example, in Argentina-Pampas, in N. America-Prairie, in S. Africa-Veld, in C. Asia-Steppe and in Australia-Down.

Q.18. Name three economically important trees in monsoon forests.

Ans: Teak, Sal, Palas and Bamboo are the important varieties of trees in monsoon forests.

Q.19. What is the reason for the name of tropical rainforests?

Ans: (i) It is found near the tropics and the equator.

(ii) This region gets rainfall almost daily. 

Q.20. Which region is known as ‘Orchards of the world’ and why?

Ans: Mediterranean regions are known as ‘Orchards of the world’ for their fruit cultivation.

Q.21. Why is vegetation in deserts scarce? 

Ans: Because of scanty rainfall and scorching heat.

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. What is the importance of forests? 

Ans: This importance can be briefly summarised as under:

(i) Trees in forests modify local climate and support many population groups by providing livelihood. 

(ii) Roots of plants bind the soil and prevent it from being blown away by the wind or being washed away by water.

(iii) The forests are renewable resources and play a major role in enhancing the quality of our environment.

(iv) Trees in forests control wind force, temperature and also cause rainfall.

Q.2. Which factors influence natural vegetation of a region? 

Ans: The factors that influence vegetation of a region are:

(i) Climate: The basic factor influencing vegetation is climate. Temperature and precipitation are the main elements of climate that influence the type and growth of plants found in a particular vegetation type.

(ii) Wind and Ocean Currents: Hot and dry winds do not promote plant growth. Fast winds cause soil erosion as they blow away the fertile top soil. Dry winds result in hot or cold desert conditions. Oceans and ocean currents not only modify the climate of coastal regions but, in most areas, shape their overall climate.

(iii) Soil: It is essential for plant growth. Plants draw minerals, nutrients and water from soil, which are essential for their growth. So, well developed soil is capable of retaining moisture and nutrients for well flourished plant growth.

Q.3. Describe in brief the wildlife found in Tropical Rainforests.

Ans: This region has the most varied wildlife in the world. Apes, monkeys, snakes, leopards, pythons, lizards, tree frogs are tree dwellers of the rainforests. Hippopotamuses, crocodiles and alligators are found near rivers. Besides these, a large number of insects and birds are also found. 

Q.4. What are the characteristics of Tropical Evergreen Rainforests? 

Ans: Characteristics of Tropical Evergreen Rainforests:

(i) Tall trees with a height of more than 40m form a thick and broad canopy overhead.

(ii) These trees have a layering arrangement.

(iii) They have broad leaves and remain green throughout the year.

(iv) A large variety of plant species are found in these forests. Hardwood trees, which are commercially important like mahogany, rosewood, ebony etc., are found here.

Q.5. What are Tropical Deciduous Forests? Name the most important trees found here. Where do they found?

Ans: Tropical Deciduous Forests: Trees which shed their leaves in a particular season are called Tropical Deciduous Forests. The vegetation is affected by temperature differences and rainfall distribution. The chief characteristic of this type of forest is the shedding of leaves during the dry season. Trees shed leaves to preserve moisture and prevent the loss of moisture by transpiration during dry season. Important trees found in deciduous forests are oak, beech, maple, willow and hickory. They are mainly found in:

Asia: Southern Myanmar, Western Ghats, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Western Odisha and Shivalik hills in North India.

Australia: Northern Australia, Europe and North America have some strands of these forests.

Q.6. Why the trees in evergreen forests remain green all round the year?

Ans: As there is no particular dry season, the trees do not shed their leaves altogether. This is the reason they are called evergreen.

Q.7. Why do tropical evergreen forests have thick undergrowth?

Ans: The thick canopies of trees do not allow sunlight to reach the ground. Forests are dark even during the day time.

Q.8. Where are thorny bushes found?

Ans: Thorny bushes are found in the dry desert like region. Tropical deserts are located in the western margins of the continents.

Long Answer Type Questions

Q.1. How is natural vegetation classified? Explain.

Ans: Natural vegetation classified into three broad categories. These are Forests, Grasslands and Shrubs. 

These are as follows:

(a) Forests: Grow in a region where temperature and rainfall is plentiful to support a tree cover. Depending upon these factors, dense and open forests are grown.

(b) Grasslands: Grow in the region of moderate rain.

(c) Shrubs: Thorny shrubs and scrubs grow in the dry region.

Q.2. What is meant by conservation of wildlife?

Ans: The protection and preservation of wildlife and vegetation is called conservation. It is today critically needed all over the world. Various steps have been taken by the United Nations and its agencies as well as national governments for conservation of vegetation and universal programmes including ban on poaching, trade of ivory (tusks of elephants and horns of rhinos) and establishment of Biosphere Reserves in many countries including India. In India, many community programmes also exist like Chipko Movement, Vana Mahotsava, Bishnoi Movement and Sacred Groves. The Government initiatives include opening of National Parks, Bird Sanctuaries. Wildlife Sanctuaries and Biosphere Reserves.

Q.3. Write any four features of Tropical Evergreen Forests.

Ans: (i) These forests are also called tropical rainforests.

(ii) These forests occur in the regions near the equator and close to the tropics. 

(iii) These forests do not shed their leaves. This is the reason they are called evergreen. 

(iv) The important trees of these forests are rosewood, ebony, mahogany etc. 

Q.4. Where are Coniferous Forests found? Write a note on the vegetation found here.

Ans: Coniferous Forests are found in the higher latitudes (50°-70°) of Northern hemisphere. These forests are also called as Taiga. These forests are also seen in the higher altitudes. The woods of these trees are very useful for making pulp, which is used for manufacturing paper and newsprint. Chir, pine, cedar are the important variety of trees in these forests. Silver fox, mink, polar bear are the common animals found here.

Q.5. Where are Mediterranean forests located? Highlight the main characteristics of the trees found here.

Ans: Mediterranean forests are found on the western margins of continents. It is mostly found in the areas around the Mediterranean sea in Europe, Africa and Asia. This kind of vegetation is also found outside the actual Mediterranean region in California in the USA, South-West Africa, South-West America and South-West Australia. These type of forests have the following characteristics: 

(a) These regions have dry summers and mild rainy winters.

(b) Citrus fruits such as oranges, figs, olives and grapes are commonly cultivated here because people have removed the natural vegetation in order to cultivate what they want to.

(c) There isn’t much wildlife here.

Q.6. Write a short not on Tundra Vegetation.

Ans: Tundra vegetation can be described as follows:

(a) The growth of natural vegetation is very limited here.

(b) Only mosses, lichens and very small shrubs are found here.

(c) This type of vegetation is found in the polar regions of Europe, Asia and N. America.

(d) The animals have thick fur and thick skin to protect themselves from the cold climatic conditions.

(e) Seal, foxes, musk-oxen, Arctic owl are some of the animals found here.

Q.7. Differentiate between Temperate and Tropical Grasslands.


Higher Order Thinking Skill

Q.1.Where are Tropical Grasslands found? By what different names they are known? Wrile their characteristics. 

Ans: Tropical Grasslands are found in a wide band on either side of the equator, between the tropical rainforest and desert biome. They have different names in different parts of the world – Campos in Brazil, Llanos in Venezuela, Parkland in America and Savanna in Africa.


(i) This type of vegetation region is also known as ‘Parkland Vegetation’. 

(ii) Tall and coarse grasses grow in this region and are known as elephant grass. 

(iii) There is scanty vegetation and trees found in this area shed their leaves in summer. 

Q.2. Describe the role played by community in the conservation of forests.

Ans: We often ignore that in India, Forests are the home to some of the traditional communities. In some areas of India, local communities are struggling to conserve these habitats along with government officials, recognising that only this will secure their own long-term livelihood. For example, in Sariska Tiger Reserve, (Rajasthan), villagers have fought against mining by citing the Wildlife Protection Act. The inhabitants of five villages in the Alwar district of Rajasthan have declared 1,200 hectares of forest as the Bhairodev Dakav ‘Sonchuri’, declaring their own set of rules and regulations which do not allow hunting, and are protecting the wildlife against any outside encroachments.

Q.3. Why is commercial utilisation of trees difficult in Tropical Evergreen Forests?

Ans: Commercial utilisation of trees is difficult in Tropical Evergreen forests because several species of trees are found in a small area. 

Q.4. Explain the features of Temperate Evergreen Forests and Temperate Deciduous Forests, covering the following points: 

(a) Location.

(b) Trees found.

Ans: Temperate Evergreen Forests:

(a) Location: They are located in the mid latitudinal coastal regions, particularly along the eastern margin of the continents. e.g. in South-East USA, South China, South-East Brazil.

(b) Trees Found: They comprise both hard and softwood trees like oak, pine, eucalyptus etc.

Temperate Deciduous Forests: 

(a) Location: They are found at higher altitudes in countries such as – North-Eastern parts of USA, China, New Zealand, Chile and coastal regions of Western Europe. 

(b) Trees found: Oak, ash, beech etc.

Value Based Questions

Q.1. ‘India possess a rich variety of flora and fauna’. Which natural values are responsible for it? 

Ans: Following values are responsible for the availability of a variety of flora and fauna:

(i) Temperature: The character and extent of vegetation is mainly determined by temperature along with humidity in the air, precipitation and soil.

(ii) Sunlight: The variation in sun’s radiant energy at different places is due to the difference in latitude, altitude, season and duration of the day. Due to long duration of sunlight, trees grow faster in summer.

(iii) Precipitation: Almost the entire rainfall is brought in by the advancing South-West Monsoon (June to Sept.) and retreating north-east monsoons. Areas of heavy rainfall have more dense vegetation as compared to other areas.

(iv) Soil: Changes in soil condition have given rise to peculiar types of vegetation in many areas.

(v) Relief: It is another important factor affecting vegetation. Plains, plateaus and mountains have different types of vegetation.

Q.2. To conserve forest resources, write about any five initiatives taken by the government. You might have read about the steps taken by the Government in this chapter or in the newspaper.

Ans: (i) Fast growing plant species have been planted.

(ii) Afforestation and reforestation are practised in many areas.

(iii) Programmes such as Vana Mahotsava have been implemented.

(iv) Area under forest cover has been increased. 

(v) Grasslands are regenerated.


I. Write True or False for each of the following:

1. The type and thickness of natural vegetation varies from place-to-place. 

Ans: True,

2. Natural vegetation is generally classified into four broad categories.

Ans: False. 

3. The tropical evergreen forest in Brazil is so enormous that it is like the lungs of the earth.

Ans: True.

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. The _______ east margins of the continents are covered by ______ and deciduous trees.

Ans: North, temperate evergreen.

2. In the higher latitudes (50°-70°) of _______ the spectacular coniferous forests are found.

Ans: Northern hemisphere.

3. _______ are found in the mid-latitudinal zones and in the interior part of the continents.

Ans: Temperate grasslands.

Multiple Choice Questions 

Choose the correct option:

1. Where are Pampas found?

(a) Brazil.

(b) Venezuela.

(c) Argentina.

(d) East Africa.

Ans: (b) Venezuela. 

2. Rain forests are also known as:

(a) Selvas.

(b) Taiga.

(c) Tundra. 

(d) Savanna.

Ans: (a) Selvas.

3. The Gir forests of Gujarat is a home to the _______.

(a) Gorilla.

(b) Mink.

(c) Panda.

(d) Asiatic Lion.

Ans: (d) Asiatic Lion.

4. Forests which are found in hot and humid climate are called _______.

(a) Grasslands.

(b) Coniferous.

(c) Deciduous.

(d) Evergreen.

Ans: (c) Deciduous.

5. Which of the following is an example of tropical evergreen forests?

(a) Rosewood.

(b) Ebony.

(c) Mahogany.

(d) All of these.

Ans: (d) All of these.

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