NCERT Class 12 Health and Physical Education Chapter 1 Management Of Sporting Events

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NCERT Class 12 Health and Physical Education Chapter 1 Management Of Sporting Events

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Management Of Sporting Events

Chapter: 1

Some Other Important Questions For Examinations


1. Planning is nothing but ___________ in advance.

(a) analysing.

(b) thinking.

(c) interpreting.

(d) processing.

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Ans: (b) thinking.

2. If the responsibility of a committee is to fix venue, date and timing of the sports events, it is a _____________.

(a) Pre tournament task.

(b) Post tournament task.

(c) During tournament task.

(d) Any of these.

Ans: (b) Post tournament task.

3. Which one of the following is not a function of sports management?

(a) Ensure success.

(b) Prevents wastage.

(c) Reduces stress.

(d) Decreases efficiency.

Ans: (d) Decreases efficiency.

4. The Committee responsible for liaison with Print media is 

(a) technical.

(b) logistics.

(c) marketing.

(d) finance.

Ans: (c) marketing.

5. The formula to calculate the number of matches in a double league fixture is _____________.

(a) N(N-1).

(b) 2N(N+1).

(c) N(N+1).

(d) N(N/2).

Ans: (a) N(N-1).

6. How many byes will be given if 21 teams are participating in a knock-out fixture?

(a) 12

(b) 13

(c) 11

(d) 10

Ans: (c) 11

7. The third bye is given to the __________ team of the lower half.

(a) lowermost.

(b) uppermost.

(c) middle.

(d) second last.

Ans: (b) uppermost.

8. Publication of rules and regulations should be done:

(a) pre-event. 

(b) during event.

(c) post event.

(d) during any time.

Ans: (a) pre-event.

9. In cyclic method the number of rounds will be ___________ if there are N teams participating.

(a) N+1

(b) Nร—1

(c) N-1

(d) N-2

Ans: (c) N-1

10. Purchase of sports equipment is a work of ____________ committee.

(a) technical.

(b) logistics.

(c) marketing.

(d) finance.

Ans: (d) finance.

11. In knock-out tournaments any team once defeated:

(a) again plays in the tournament.

(b) gets eliminated from the tournament.

(c) reaches in the final round.

(d) none of the above.

Ans: (a) again plays in the tournament.

12. if there are 16 teams playing in a knock-out tournament then how many rounds will be there in the tournament?

(a) 8

(b) 14

(c) 6

(d) 4

Ans: (d) 4

13. Match List I with List II.

List IList II
1. Planning(i) Assigning the duties and authorities to the staff
2. Organizing(ii) Strategical outlines of the programme in advance
3. Staffing(iii) Grouping human resources for best output
4. Technical Committee(iv) Considering the resources and making proper schedule

(a) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)

(b) (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)

(c) (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)

(d) (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)

Ans: (b) (ii), (iv), (i), (iii).

14. Following picture is an example of which tournament?

(a) Knock out tournament.

(b) League tournament.

(c) Combination tournament.

(d) Round Robin tournament.

Ans: (b) League tournament.

15. Which is the formula to calculate single league tournament?

(a) Number of teams (N+1)


(b) Number of teams (N-1)


(c) Number of teams +1

(d) Number of teams -1

Ans: (b) Number of teams (N-1)



1. Planning is a process of interpretation.

Ans: False.

2. Registration committee registers the names and institute of participants.

Ans: True.

3. A bye is a privilege given to a team by exempting it from playing a match in a tournament.

Ans: True.

4. Cyclic and Staircase are methods of league tournaments. 

Ans: True.

5. Directing is done during the progress of the tournament.

Ans: False.


1. Good sports management brings good ____________ among various committees.

Ans: coordination.

2. ____________ initiates the actions of the staff.

Ans: Direction.

3. Cyclic method is used for fixtures in a ___________ tournament.

Ans: league.

4. If 21 teams are playing in a tournament, the number of teams in the upper half will be _____________.

Ans: 11

5. If 19 teams are playing in a tournament, the number of byes given will be ____________.

Ans: 13

6. ____________ is the father of management.

Ans: Peter F. Drycker.


Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Codes: (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 

(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

1. Assertion (A): Seeding is the process of sorting the teams and fitting them in the fixture so that the stronger teams do not meet each other in earlier rounds of tournament.

Reason (R): It is done to keep the interest of spectators alive till finals of a tournament.

Ans: (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

2. Assertion (A): Decision making is a crucial and important part of management. 

Reason (R): Decisions regarding allocation of funds and resources of infrastructure are taken by ware councilors.

Ans: (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

3. Assertion (A): Bye exempts some team for playing the first round.

Reason (R): Sorting of the teams is made just like a staircase and there is no problem of even or odd number of teams.

Ans: (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

4. Assertion (A): A proper planning does not bring good coordination.

Reason (R): Proper planning decreases wastage of resources.

Ans: (d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

5. Assertion (A): In staircase method fixtures are made exactly in staircase form. 

Reason (R): In this method, no byes is given to any team and there is no issue of even or odd number of teams.

Ans: (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).


1. As Mr. Rajender Prasad, Sports Minister has ordered to popularize the game of Kabaddi among school students to develop their physical ability, Mr. Gopi Physical Education Teacher of a reputed CBSE school has decided to conduct an Inter School Kabaddi tournament in his school premises after proper drawing of fixtures. He consulted the Management and the Principal to conduct the Tournament of Pro Kabaddi pattern but the PE teacher was not aware of pro Kabaddi Tournament. So he discussed with the National Kabaddi Referee Association.

(A) Which of the following is the best method to organize this kind of tournament?

(a) Knock out.

(b) League.

(c) Ladder.

(d) Pyramid.

Ans: (b) League.

(B) The Knock out tournament is also known as:

(a) Combination tournament. 

(b) Elimination tournament.

(c) League tournament.

(d) League cum knockout tournament.

Ans: (b) Elimination tournament.

(C) If 17 teams are participating in this tournament, how many teams will get bye? 

(a) 15

(b) 1

(c) 13

(d) 9

Ans:  (a) 15.

2. With the aim of promoting physical fitness and healthy lifestyle amongst students the Physical education Teacher at XYZ School plans to organize Intramural competitions at school. For conducting the event he has given this assignment to the students of class XIl who have taken up Physical Education subject so that they can get first had experience of organizing events. On the basis of given information answer the following questions:

(A) The work of committees is divided into ____________.

(a) Pre, during and post. 

(b) Pre and post.

(c) Pre and during.

(d) During and Post B.

Ans: (a) Pre, during and post.

(B) Match the following:

(a) Technical committee(i) To provide shifting facility
(b) Finance committee(ii) To resolve dispute
(c) Transport committee(iii) To deals with money and expenditure
(d) First aid committee(iv) To provide medical facility

(a) a- ii, b-iii, c-i, d-iv

(b) a-iii, b-ii, c-i, d-iv

(c) a-iv, b-iii, c-i, d-ii

(d) a-iv, b-iii, c-i,d-ii

Ans: (a) a- ii, b-iii, c-i, d-iv.

(C) Which is not the objective of Sports Tournament?

(a) To provide recreation.

(b) To help in overall development.

(c) To achieve high performance.

(d) To provide opportunity.

Ans: (c) To achieve high performance.

3. Below given is the Tournament fixture procedure of a CBSE Football National competition

On the base of the above data, answer the following questions: 

(A) What is the number of Non-Seeded Teams in the Tournament?

(a) 04

(b) 09

(c) 12

(d) 07

Ans: (b) 09,

(B) The provision which places good teams in separate halves or pools so that they do not play with other good teams at earlier rounds is known as _____________.

(a) Bye.

(b) League tournament.

(c) Sending method.

(d) Knock out tournament.

Ans: (c) Sending method.

(C) Which of the following is not a Seeded Team?

(a) Team 10

(b) Team 08

(c) Team 13

(d) Team 07

Ans: (a) Team 10,

4. Below given is the Tournament fixture procedures of a CBSE Volley ball National competition.

On the basis of the above data, answer the following questions: 

(A) The formula for calculating number of matches in Round Robin tournament are where โ€˜Nโ€™ is number of teams is __________.

(a) N(N-1)/2

(b) N

(c) (N-1)

(d) (N+1)

Ans: (a) N(N-1)/2

(B) In League tournaments the winner is decided by

(a) British method.

(b) American Method.

(c) No of Matches won.

(d) Both (a) and (b).

Ans: (b) American Method.

(C) Which of the following is Not a League Fixture Procedure?

(a) Ladder method.

(b) Stair method.

(c) Cyclic method.

(d) Tabular method.

Ans: (a) Ladder method.

5. Competing in physical activities has been the natural tendency of humans. The competitions or tournaments are held according to the set rules and regulations. The success of the tournament depends upon suitable fixture. Observe the given fixture and answer the questions.

(A) The method followed in drawing the fixture is ______________.

(a) league.

(b) knockout.

(c) ladder.

(d) combination. 

Ans: (b) knockout.

(B) Number of matches played can be calculated by the formula ____________.

(a) N

(b) N-1

(c) N+1

(d) N+23

Ans: (b) N-1

(C) The advantage of this tournament is _____________.

(a) economical.

(b) less time.

(c) both (a) and (b).

(d) none of the above.

Ans: (a) economical.

(D) In this type of tournament, a team once defeated gets ___________.

(a) eliminated.

(b) bye.

(c) another chance.

(d) wild card entry.

Ans: (a) eliminated.

(E) A privilege given to a team to play at a higher round is called ____________.

(a) fixture.

(b) bye.

(c) reward.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (b) bye.

6. While organizing sports events for the Annual Sports Day, Arjun and Ravi being the captain and vice captain of sports, formed various committees as shown below.

Formation of committees and their responsibilities

(A) The members of __________ committee are responsible for welcoming guests and spectators.

(a) decoration committee.

(b) reception committee.

(c) publicity committee.

(d) transportation committee.

Ans: (b) reception committee.

(B) Announcement of venue, date and events is done by ____________.

(a) publicity committee.

(b) transportation committee.

(c) ground committee.

(d) committee for officials.

Ans: (a) publicity committee.

(C) Organising and conducting of sports events involve ___________.

(a) planning.

(b) forming committees. 

(c) both (a) & (b).

(d) only delegation.

Ans: (c) both (a) & (b).

(D) Complete responsibility for success of competition is taken by ____________. 

(a) announcement committee. 

(b) administrative director.

(c) first aid committee.

(d) committee for officials.

Ans: (b) administrative director.

(E) To prepare a proper score sheet for record is ___________ responsibility.

(a) pre tournament.

(b) during tournament.

(c) post tournament.

(d) all of the above.

Ans: (b) during tournament.

7. Kumar of XII A is a great athlete. After the lock down he went to see his Physical Education Teacher. Mr. Murugan, the PE teacher is shocked to see Kumar, because Kumar has gained a lot of weight. Ha also observed many other students have also gained weight. The PE teacher decided to conduct an โ€˜Inter House Tournamentโ€™ in the campus. Kumar requested PE Teacher to conduct the tournament on League basis.

(A) Kumar feels that league method is best one for Inter house tournament. Why?

(a) Less period required. 

(b) Limited official.

(c) True Winner.

(d) Players would be less tired.

Ans: (c) True Winner.

(B) If 7 teams participate in a Double League Tournament such as in the IPL, how many matches will be conducted in the first phase of league?

(a) 42

(b) 45

(c) 54

(d) 58

Ans: (a) 42

(C) What is the formula to determine number of matches in double league fixture for even number of teams? 

(a) N+1/2

(b) N-1/2

(c) N(N-1)2

(d) N(N+1)2

Ans: (c) N(N-1)2


Q. 1. Define sports management.

Ans: Sport management involves any combination of skills related to planning, organizing, directing, controlling, budgeting, leading, and evaluating within the context of an organization or department whose primary product or service is related to sport or physical activity.

Q. 2. Are the functions of management are inseparable?

Ans: For theoretical purposes, it may be convenient to separate the function of management but practically these functions are overlapping in nature i.e., they are highly inseparable. Each function blends into the other and each affects the performance of others.

Q. 3. What do you mean by planning?

Ans: Planning is a process of development of a strategy to achieve desired objectives, to solve problems and to facilitate action with the help of appropriate planning in the field of games and sports, even some in sports hitherto unachievable tasks can be achieved.

Q. 4. What is bye?

Ans: Bye is a privilege given to a team, which is decided generally by seeding it or by drawing of lots.

Q. 5. What is the importance of sports management? 

Ans: Management in sports ensures the smooth flow of all activities that are involved in the program and provides development in the field of physical education.

Q. 6. What do you mean by league tournament?

Ans: A league tournament is also known as round robin tournament. In this type of tournament, each contestant meets all other contestants in turn.

Q. 7. Explain procedure for giving bye.

Ans: Byes can be applied equally to single person competitions and team sports as well as to single-game eliminations and best of series eliminations. If the number of competitors or competing teams are not a multiple of 2 then some teams may get โ€˜bye.โ€™


Q. 1. What is Knock-out Tournament?

Ans: In knock-out tournament, a team once defeated gets eliminated. Only the winners continue in the competition. It is the fast method to know about the winner team in the tournament. To draw the fixtures the names of the teams are written on same size slips of paper, placed in some receptacle, then drawn out and recorded in the order drawn. Each pair then plays in order of selection and this continues till a final winner is arrived at. To know more about knock-out tournament, we must know about seeding and bye.

Q. 2. Name various activities that are being performed during controlling process of sport event management.

Ans: (i) Setting performance standards.

(ii) Measurement of actual performance.

(iii) Comparison of actual performance with desired standards.

(iv) Analysing deviations.

(v) Taking corrective actions as per requirement.

Q. 3. What are the advantages of knock-out tournament?

Ans: (i) Economical Tournament: In Knock-Out tournament, there are less number of matches as compared to others. Thus, this type of tournament is more economical for organiser as well as for teams.

(ii) Less Time: In Knock-Out tournament less time is consumed to finish the tournament, thus easy to conduct.

(iii) Good Team Emerges Winner: This tournament brings up good team whereas weak team is eliminated.

(iv) Less Tiredness to Players: As there are less number of matches, thus less stress or tiredness over players and organisers.

(v) Spectatorโ€™s Interest: In this tournament spectatorโ€™s interest is high.

Q.4. How do you manage sports events?

Ans: (i) List out all of the moving parts. 

(ii) Prioritization is the key to staying under budget.

(iii) Book your venue or complex ASAP.

(iv) Food trucks can save you some trouble.

(v) Adjust your marketing mix.

(vi) Work closely with the community

(vii) Get crafty to find sponsors.

Q.5. Define seeding process.

Ans: Seeding is process in which teams will be placed in such a manner that good teams that have a ranking or previous yearโ€™s position etc. do not meet another team at an early stage of the tournament. This procedure is generally implemented to reduce the chance of elimination of good teams at an early stage. Procedure of allotting seeding is the same as given for byes.


Q. 1. What are the methods of fixing Byes?

Ans: On a plain sheet, write the total number of teams participating. Then lots are drawn. 

They are arranged in a pattern given below.

(i) The first bye is given to least team of lower half. 

(ii) The second bye is given to the first team of upper half.

(ii) The third bye is given to the first team of lower half. 

(iv) The fourth bye is given to the last team of upper half.

(v) The next bye or byes will be given in the same order as given above.

If the total number of teams is 11, the following methods is used to fix the byes.

Q. 2. Prepare a fixture of 21 teams on knock out basis.

Ans: For drawing a fixture of 21 teams on knock- out basis follow the given steps:

Total matches = N-1 = 21-1 = 20

Number of teams in upper half

Number of teams in Lower half

Total number of byes = Next power of two โ€“ Total teams = 32-21 = 11 byes

Number of byes in upper half

Number of byes in Lower half

Q. 3. Enlist the pre-event committees for organising sports events and explain them.

Ans: (i) Reception Committee (Office Staff): The first interaction of the teams is done by Reception Committee where they are informed about tournament schedule, their stay arrangements and other important information is provided to teams; eligibility performs of the teams are collected and checked; payments of meals; security amount, etc., is collected by Reception Committee.

(ii) Transport Committee: It is responsible for arrangements of transport facilities for the layers, teams and officials. To make hassle- free transport, it keeps detail of arrival and departure of concerned mode of transport and players and officials.

(iii) Publicity Committee: The responsibility of this committee is to give wide publicity of the sports events. It advertises about the events through various posters, brochures, fliers, newspapers, television, radio, internet etc. It also conducts various press conferences and send to the press various press releases.

(iv) Medical Committee: There is a team of doctors in this committee. It provides 24 hours medical facilities to the participants. Its major responsibility is to provide first-aid to the participants and others at the specific venues.

(v) Technical Committee: It is responsible for technical conduct of any events or tournaments. It looks after the preparation of various fields, and other technical aspects. The officials of this committee are deputed well in advance, so that it can properly perform its duties.

(vi) Official Committee: It is responsible for deputing various officials for the events like Judges, Referee, Scorer, Time-keeper, Recorder, Clerks etc.

(vii) Financial Committee: This committee looks after the financial aspects. It prepares the budget for the events. All financial planning and payments are made by this committee.

(viii) Prize Committee: This committee arranges for various mementoes and prizes. It brings prizes as per requirement of categories and expected number of winners.

Q.4. Briefly describe various committees and others who works under them?


Chairperson (Head of Institution)To look after the overall arrangements, welcoming the distinguished guest, to look the smooth conduct of tournament.
Chief Technical Advisor(Well-qualified. experienced and expert from the related game)To check the technical aspect of the tournament like playfield and its marking; equipments; helps in making fixture; guides other officials; supervises various committees; checks the progress of tournament as per rules of the game. handles the technical disputes in the tournament.
Organising Secretary (PET/DPE of the institution)Does all the planning for the tournament; gets approvals from higher authority; makes arrangements of equipments; makes fixtures; coordinates with different committees for the smooth conduct of tournament; handles immediate problems, makes budget and final report, etc.

Q.5. What is the meaning of tournament? Draw knock-out fixture for 27 teams.

Ans: A tournament is a competition held among various teams in a particular activity according to a fixed schedule where a winner is decided. Total no. of teams = 27

Total no. of matches = 27 โ€“ 1 = 26 

Number of teams in upper half = N + 12 

                                                  = 27 + 12 = 14

Number of teams in lower half = N โ€“ 12 = 27 โ€“ 12 = 13

Total no. of byes = 32 โ€“ 27 = 5

Number of byes in upper half = 5 โ€“ 12 = 2

Number of byes in lower hall = 5 + 12 = 3 

Q.6. Explain the pre-tournament task for organising sports tournament.

Ans: Pre-Tournament task: This task begins before the tournament starts and is generally performed by physical education teacher.

(i) To plan schedule of the tournament which includes finalising the dates, venue of the tournament etc.

(ii) To prepare the ground track for the sports tournament and arrange the equipments required.

(iii) To prepare the proper budget of the tournament and take approvals from higher authorities.

(iv) Formation of various committees and the grouping of staff members according to their potential.

(v) To send information of the tournament to the concerned teams.

(vi) After confirmation of participation to arrange meeting of officials of various teams for drawing fixtures.

(vii) To arrange officiating teams and their approvals for supervision.

(viii) To arrange mementos and certificates for winners and participants.

(ix) To arrange and plan lodging and boarding of players and officials.

(x) To plan out transportation for teams.

Q.7. Explain the during-tournament task and post-tournament task for organising sports tournament.

Ans: During Tournament task: The success of tournament depends upon whether the tournament is going on as per schedule. The tasks during the tournament include.

(i) To ensure proper arrangement regarding inauguration of sports tournament.

(ii) The regular check of arrangements of tournaments. 

(iii) To check the eligibility of teams in general and athletes in particular.

(iv) To ensure that tournament is being organised as per schedule. 

(v) To supervise the officiating staff for the smooth conduct of tournament.

(vi) To prepare the record of score sheet etc.

(vii) To arrange for the refreshments for officials or players.

(viii) To make necessary announcements regarding the process of the tournament.

(ix) To provide first aid in case of any injury. 

(x) To provide daily progress of tournament to media.

Post Tournament task: This is the last task of tournament. 

It includes: 

(i) To return the security refund to the teams.

(ii) Arrangement of prize distribution function to present medals and trophies to winning teams.

(iii) To provide detailed results to media. 

(iv) To collect the records and file up and save in the final report and submit it to the authorities.

(v) To make the due payments of the concerned people. 

(vi) To make the exact report on expenses.

Q.8. Draw a fixture of 19 teams on knock-out basis.

Ans: Total number of teams = 19

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