NCERT Class 9 Social Science Chapter 30 Tsunami – A Mega Catastrophe

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NCERT Class 9 Social Science Chapter 30 Tsunami – A Mega Catastrophe

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Tsunami – A Mega Catastrophe

Chapter: 30




Q. 1. What is a Tsunami?

Ans. A seismic sea wave or destruction tidal wave generated by under water earthquake is known as Tsunami.

Q. 2. What is the main cause of Tsunami?

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Ans. Tsunami is generated in a body of water by an impulsive disturbance that vertically displace the water column.

Q. 3. What are a tectonic earthquake? 

Ans. Tectonic earthquakes are a particular kind of earthquake that are associated with the earth’s crustal deformation.

Q. 4. Name the factors which are caused Tsunami.

Ans. The factors are:

1. Earthquakes.

2. Landslides.

3. Volcanic eruptions.

4. Explosions.

5. Impact of cosmic bodies.

Q. 5. What is epicenter?

Ans. The point on the surface of the earth from where the seismic waves spread in radial motion. 

Q. 6. What is destructive plate boundary? 

Ans. A boundary where two plates are colliding and a subduction zone is created.

Q. 7. What is Richter Scale?

Ans. A scale which is used to measure the magnitude or the intensity of energy released by an earthquake.

Q. 8. What is tides?

Ans. The regular but periodic rise and fall of sea water as a result of gravitational force of the moon and the sun is called a tide.

Q. 9. What is known as faulting? 

Ans. A fracture in the rocks of the earth’s crust is known as faulting.

Q. 10. Which are coral bleaching area? 

Ans. Andaman and Nicobar islands are coral bleaching area.

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