NCERT Class 12 Health and Physical Education Chapter 3 Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease

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NCERT Class 12 Health and Physical Education Chapter 3 Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease

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Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease

Chapter: 3

Some Other Important Questions For Examinations


1. Which is the benefit of doing asanas on a regular basis?

(a) Increased flexibility.

(b) Improved abdominal strength.

(c) Improved focus.

(d) All of these.

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Ans: (d) All of these.

2. A state of body when a person accumulates so much of body fat that it starts affecting one’s health is __________.

(a) Obesity. 

(b) Stress.

(c) Anxiety.

(d) Mental disorder.

Ans: (a) Obesity.

3. According to Patanjali, the definition of Asana is:

(a) control of sense organs.

(b) sitting in a cross-legged position. 

(c) sitting in a comfortable position.

(d) control of diet and water intake.

Ans: (c) sitting in a comfortable position.

4. Which of these is not an asana to cure obesity?

(a) Vajrasana.

(b) Padahastasana.

(c) Trikonasana.

(d) Bhujangasana.

Ans: (d) Bhujangasana.

5. Which Asana is good for the performance of the Excretory System?

(a) Sukhasana.

(b) Tadasana.

(c) Pawanmuktasana.

(d) shalabasana.

Ans: (d) shalabasana.

6. Which one of the following asanas is performed in standing position?

(a) Tadasana.

(b) Ardha Chakrasana.

(c) Sukhasana.

(d) All of these.

Ans: (a) Tadasana.

7. What causes an Asthma Attack?

(a) Allergy.

(b) Smoke.

(c) Exercise.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

8. What is ‘Bhujangasana’ called in English?

(a) Mountain pose.

(b) Tree pose.

(c) Cobra pose.

(d) Forward bend pose.

Ans: (c) Cobra pose.

9. Which of these asanas helps in curing one from hypertension?

(a) Paschimottanasana.

(b) Ardha Matsyendrasana.

(c) Shavasana.

(d) Matsyasana.

Ans: (c) Shavasana.

10. Choose the odd one. Asana helps to improve:

(a) Blood circulation.

(b) Depth of respiration.

(c) Speed.

(d) Digestive system.

Ans: (c) Speed.

11. Which asana can be suggested as preparatory asana for Pawanmuktasana?

(a) Tadasana.

(b) Bhujangasana.

(c) Matsyendrasana.

(d) Naukasana.

Ans: (c) Matsyendrasana.

12. Which asana is considered as a warm-up yoga asana?

(a) Naukasana.

(b) Tadasana.

(c) Ardha Chakrasana.

(d) Matsyendrasana.

Ans: (c) Ardha Chakrasana.

13. Which asana body resembles to a dead body?

(a) Bhujangasana.

(b) Shavasana.

(c) Dhanurasana.

(d) Tadasana.

Ans: (b) Shavasana.

14. Which posture (asana) is excellent for meditation, pranayam and the begining of yoga?

(a) Bhujangasana.

(b) Tadasana.

(c) Shavasana.

(d) Sukhasana.

Ans: (d) Sukhasana.

15. Which asana is known as “Half Spinal Twist Pose”?

(a) Ardha Matsyendrasana.

(b) Vajrasana.

(c) Ushtrasana.

(d) Gomukhasana.

Ans: (a) Ardha Matsyendrasana.

16. Identify the asana given below:

(a) Ushtrasana.

(b) Matsyasana.

(c) Naukasana.

(d) Tadasana.

Ans: (b) Matsyasana.

17. Which of the following Asana (posture) is not used for obsesity.

(a) Ardha Matsyendrasana.

(b) Vajrasana.

(c) Parvatasana.

(d) Trikonasana.

Ans: (c) Parvatasana.

18. If pancreas is not producing enough insuline. It may lead to: ____________.

(a) Migrane.

(b) Obesity.

(c) Diabetes.

(d) Hypertension.

Ans: (c) Diabetes.

19. In Katichakrasana waist and arm moves like a ____________.

(a) clock.

(b) wheel.

(c) tyre.

(d) snake.

Ans: (b) wheel.

20. Match List I with List II.

List IList II
1. Kapal bhati(i) Sitting Half Spinal Twist
2. Ardha Matsyendrasana(ii) Forward bend pose
3. Shavasana(iii) Skull shining breathing technique
4. Paschimottanasana(iv) Corpse pose

(a) 1-(i), 2-(iii), 3 – (iv), 4 – (ii)

(b) 1-(iii), 2 – (i) , 3 – (iv) , 4 – (ii)

(c) 1- (iv), 2-(ii), 3- (iii), 4- (i)

(d) 1 – (ii), 2 – (iv), 3-(iii), 4 – (i)

Ans: (b) 1-(iii), 2 – (i) , 3 – (iv) , 4 – (ii).


1. Regular practice of Tadasana, Vakrasana, Shalabhasana and Bhujangasana helps in reducing weight.

Ans: False.

2. Bhujangasana involves lying flat on the stomach.

Ans: True.

3. A healthy BMI ranges from 24.9 to 35.5.

Ans: False.

4. The corpse pose is also known as pavanamuktasana.

Ans:  False.

5. The diamond pose or Vajrasana helps in relieving from improper digestion.

Ans: True.


1. Type-1 and Type-2 are the types of a disease called ____________.

Ans: diabetes.

2. Nadi Shuddhi literally means cleaning of ____________.

Ans: nerves.

3. Ardha Matsyendrasana is also known as _____________.

Ans: half lord of the fish pose.

4. ___________ is the other name of Saral Matsyasana.

Ans: Fish pose.

5. An asana to improve flexibility of spine is ____________.

Ans: Bhujangasana.


Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Codes: (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 

(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

1. Assertion (A): Practise of meditation relieves stress.

Reason (R): Various researchers proved that practice of meditation increases the secretion of stress hormone, relaxes the mind and thereby relieves the stress.

Ans: (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

2. Assertion (A): Health of human beings is multidimensional.

Reason (R): Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.

Ans: (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

3. Assertion (A): Practise of shavasana improves the memory of a person.

Reason (R): Memory is the process of encoding, storage and retrieval of information. Relaxation of yoga improve these functions of brain.

Ans: (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

4. Assertion (A): Matsyendrasana is the worst yoga practise for controlling diabetes.

Reason (R): Matsyendrasana compresses the abdomen and twist the spine to stimulate the functioning of pancreases and thereby helps to control diabetes.

Ans: (c) (A) is true, but (R) is fals.


1. The basic Yogic principles useful in the management of lifestyle disorders are discussed including psychological reconditioning and development of appropriates attitudes, stress management normalization of metabolism, and relaxation, visualization and contemplative practices. The holistic art and science of Yoga in best life style eve designed and is effective in managing prevalent lifestyle disorders such as diabetes and hypertension.

(A) Enlist the lifestyle related diseases.

(a) Obesity and Diabetes. 

(b) Asthma.

(c) Hypertension and Back Pain.

(d) All the above.

Ans: (d) All the above.

(B) Which of the following Asanas (postures) is not used for curing obesity?

(a) Ardha Matsyendrasana. 

(b) Vajrasana.

(c) Parvatasana.

(d) Trikonasana.

Ans: (c) Parvatasana.

(C) How can they be prevented with the help of asana?

(a) By maintaining weight.

(b) By gaining weight.

(c) By increasing respiratory efficiency.

(d) both (a) and (c).

Ans: (c) By increasing respiratory efficiency.

2. Asthma, a disease associated with the respiratory tract swelling occurs, which makes the tracts very sensitive and makes this process pungent with the touch of any effective thing. These reactions cause contraction in the tubes this reduces the amount of air in the lungs. Due to which it become difficult to breath. Common symptoms of asthma are coughing, heavy breathing. chest tightness, fatigue, pain in hands, feet, shoulders and back. Reasons are dust, smoke, air pollution, pollen grains, animals skin, hair or feather etc. are the main reasons. Asthma may be controlled by sukhasana,chakrasana, Gomukhasana, Bhujangasana, paschimo-ttasana, matsyasana.

(A) A disease associated with respiratory tracts is known as ___________.

(a) Diabetes.

(b) Obesity.

(c) Asthma.

(d) Back pain.

Ans: (c) Asthma,

(B) Choose the asana which helps to control Asthama:

(a) Pavanmuktasana.

(b) Trikonasana.

(c) Hastasana.

(d) Chakrasana.

Ans: (d) Chakrasana.

(C) Coughing, heavy breathing, chest tightness are the symptoms of ___________.

(a) Asthma.

(b) Diabetes.

(c) Obesity.

(d) Back pain.

Ans: (a) Asthma.

3. High blood pressure. A condition in which the strength of blood against the walls of the artery is very high. Reasons for high blood pressure increased with age, Genetic, obesity, lack of physical activity, smoking, alcohol, more intake of salt in food, tension or mental stress, diabetes, pregnant women are more prone to high B.P. All these factors can lead to high blood pressure. High blood pressure can be controlled by doing the following yoga asanas Tadasana, vajrasana, pavanmuktasana, ardhachakrasana, bhujangasana, shavasana.

(A) The pressure of blood increases on the wall of aorta is known as ___________.

(a) Back pain.

(b) Obesity.

(c) Hypertension.

(d) Asthma.

Ans: (c) Hypertension.

(B) Select the asana which helps to reduce hypertension.

(a) Trikonasana.

(b) Chakrasana.

(c) Shavasana.

(d) Sukhasana.

Ans: (c) Shavasana.

(C) Which asana is not practised in hypertension?

(a) Vakrasana.

(b) Vajrasana.

(c) Tadasana.

(d) Ardhchakrasana.

Ans: (a) Vakrasana.


(A) This asana is used to cure __________.

(a) Obesity.

(b) diabetes.

(c) Knee pain.

(d) Asthma.

Ans: (a) Obesity.

(B) Normal Blood pressure is an adult is ____________.

(a) 120/80mm.

(b) 140/90mm.

(c) 80/100mm.

(d) 100/80mm.

Ans: (a) 120/80mm.

(C) This asana is contraindicated when a person is suffering with ____________.

(a) knee pains.

(b) gastric problem.

(c) sciatica.

(d) hernia.

Ans: (a) knee pains.


Q. 1. What is Yoga?

Ans: The word yoga is derived from Sanskrit word Yuj’ which means ‘to meet’. So yoga is the union of body with soul.

Q.2. Discuss any two benefits of Paschimottasana.

Ans: Two benefits of Pachimottasana are as follows: 

(i) It helps to remove constipation and digestive disorder.

(ii) Reduce headache, anxiety and insomnia. 

Q. 3. What do you understand by the Ardha Matsyendrasana?

Ans: Ardha Matsyendrasana or the half spinal twist pose is one of the main asanas practised in Hatha Yoga. This yoga helps in the stimulating the liver. It is also therapeutic for asthma and infertility etc.

Q. 4. How Bhujangasana is useful to women?

Ans: Bhujangasana tones the ovaries and the uterus and helps to remove any disorders in connection to the uterus. Thus, it is also helpful during menstruation.

Q. 5. Write any two benefits of Vajrasana in obesity. 

Ans: Two benefits of Vajrasana are as follows:

(i) It helps to prevent acidity and ulcers by improving the digestion. 

(ii) It is a good meditative pose for those suffering from sciatica and severe lower back problems.

Q.6. Explain the contraindication of Hastasana.

Ans: In case of shoulder or neck injuries, experiencing dizziness while starting upwards and in case of any other medical concerns.

Q. 7. Discuss the two contraindications of Trikonasana.

Ans: Two contraindications of Trikonasana are as follow:

(i) Avoid doing this if suffering from migraine, diarrhoea, low or high blood pressure.

(ii) Avoid if having a problem of neck and back injuries.

Q. 8. Name two asanas to prevent hypertension.

Ans: (i) Vajrasana.

(ii) Bhujangasana.

Q. 9. Which asana a person who find difficult to stand for long period should not do and why?

Ans: Bhujanasana as it is not beneficial for anyone whose leg muscles are weak.


Q.1. State the contraindications of Gomukhasana and Bhujangasana.

Ans: There are following contraindications of Gomukhasana: 

(i) Those who are suffering from shoulder, knee or back pain should avoid this.

(ii) Suffering from any kind of knee injury/problem avoid this.

There are following contraindications of Bhujangasana 

(i) Avoid during pregnancy.

(ii) People having a hernia problem and back ache should not practise this asana.

(iii) Avoid those who are suffering from ulcer, heart problem or any surgeries like spine and brain. 

Q. 2 Difference between yoga and exercise.

Ans: Difference between yoga and exercise: 

(i) When Yoga Asanas are performed, respiration and metabolic rates slow down. As a result, consumption of oxygen and body temperature drop. However, during exercise, breathing and metabolism speed up, oxygen consumption rises, and body gets hot.

(ii) Yoga postures tend to arrest catabolism whereas exercise promotes it. 

(iii) Asanas are designed to have specific effects on the glands and internal organs, and to alter electrochemical activity in the nervous system. 

(iv) The asanas are classified in to three groups- beginners, intermediate, and advanced. Regular practice of a balanced programme, tailored to individual needs is recommended for maximum benefits.

Q.3. Write contraindications of shavasana. 

Ans: (i) A very distracted mind is going to find it difficult to relax and by pushing the body, it will cause more irritation and bring a headache.

(ii) Someone with severe acidity may find lying on the back very uncomfortable as the food pipe may cause irritation. 

Q. 4. Name asanas through which we can manage hypertension. 

Ans: Asanas through which we can manage hypertension: 

(i) Katichakrasana is useful yoga pose to relieve from hypertension.

(ii) Bhujangasana is quite useful in normalising blood pressure.

(iii) Dhanurasana keeps your tiredness away. 

(iv) Shavasana may be practised when blood pressure is under control and in case of tiredness. 

(v) Chandrabhedi pranayama also lowers down blood pressure.

Q. 5. What is Meditation? What is the importance of meditation in sports? 

Ans: Meditation is a cleansing process. It cleans the mind and the emotions.

Importance of Meditation in Sports 

(i) Meditation helps to cure the diseases such as high blood pressure or low blood pressure and indigestion. The blood circulation becomes regular in the entire body and makes one feel refreshed. 

(ii) Meditation also gives relief to those who suffer from heart trouble and mental stress and strain. 

(iii) Meditation cures stress and anxiety.

(iv) Meditation helps to increase concentration.

(v) The constant practice of meditation helps one to control anger problems.

(vi) It gives relaxation to the body and mind. 

(vii) Induces mental and physical stability through calming the nervous system.

(viii) All parts of the body, skin, muscles and nerves are relaxed through meditation.

Q. 6. Explain the procedure of Pavanamuktasana.

Ans: There are following ways to do asana:

(i) This is in lying position. 

(ii) Lie flat on the back and keep the legs straight, relax breathe deeply and regularly.

(iii) Inhale slowly and lift the legs and bend in the knees. Bring upwards to the chest till the thigh touches to stomach.

(iv) Hug the knees in place and lock the fingers. 

(v) Place the nose tip between the knees. 

(vi) Exhale slowly and come back to the original position i.e. Shavasana. 

(vii) This is very beneficial for stomach ache. The results are very impressive.

Q. 7. Does anulom-vilom reduce blood pressure?

Ans: Our study indicates that, short-term training of ‘Anulom-Vilom Pranayam’ shows significant decrease in Systolic Blood Pressure. Control of breathing process to make it deep and prolong by doing alternate nostril breathing with slow and rhythmic manner brings about balance in autonomous nervous system.

Q. 8. What is the main benefits of kapalbhati?

Ans: It’s best known to strengthen the functions of the liver and kidneys. The benefits of kapalbhati pranayama also include energizing your nerves, gaining control over your mental strength, causing hair growth, and detoxifying your skin. Moreover, the kapalbhati breathing benefits also include soothing sinus and asthma. It also increases the capacity of your lungs, and strengthens them. Kapalbhati is known to remove toxins and other waste materials from the body. This breathing technique also increases the pitta and hence the metabolic rate which is known to support weight loss.

Q. 9. What is the benefits of hasttonasana?

Ans: (i)This asana improves curvature of the spine.

(ii) It exercises back, neck and spinal joints. 

(iii) This asana relieves constipation.

(iv) It makes the waist slim, the chest broad and removes fatty deposits on hips. It also increase height of growing children.

Q. 10. Write two benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana. 

Ans: (i) Ardha Matsyendrasana increases the elasticity of the spine, tones the spinal nerves and improves the functioning of the spinal cord. It also benefits the muscles of shoulder and back.

(ii) Ardha Matsyendrasana increases lung capacity and improves oxygen supply to the lungs. 

Q. 11. Name the asana which is important for people who walking and cycling? Why?

Ans: Trikonasana, as is very important for people who practice activities like walking or cycling as it increases flexibility and movement in the hips. It helps in strengthening the pelvis and legs, and developing balance in your lower body.

Q. 12. How yogic asanas and pranayama have been shown to lower the resting respiratory rate?

Ans: (i) Complete breathing gives us more energy. The deeper our breath the more oxygen reaches our cells. At the cellular level oxygen is used for energy release.

(ii) Complete breathing helps us to think more clearly by supplying more oxygen to the brain.

(iii) It assists our immune system and helps to lower our heart rate.


Q.1. Define Pachimottasana and its procedure.

Ans: The word Paschimottasana comes from the Sanskrit words Paschima meaning west or back or back of body and Uttana meaning intense stretch or straight or extended and asana meaning posture. In this posture one has to sit and intensely stretch the back forward. Few preparatory postures are advised before practicing Paschimotasana like ankle rotation in sitting position, Balasana (child pose) and Janusirsasana (Head to Toe pose).


(i) Sit, stretching both the legs together in front, hands by the side, palms resting on the ground. Fingers should remain together pointing forward. Take few deep breaths raising the spine up.

(ii) Inhaling deeply, stretch your arms above your head and, exhaling slowly, bend forward keeping the back straight.

(iii) Loosen your back muscles and bend the body forward as far as it is possible.

(iv) Maintaining this position, loosen your hands and place them where they are comfortable. It would be better if they are put on the thighs. 

(v) After exhaling completely, reach out for your toes and relax the neck placing it between your legs.

(vi) Practice it daily and keep bending forward little more. Finally hold the big toes of the legs with forefingers of respective hands and place forehead on the knees.

(vii) After few seconds raise the head, release the big toes and come to the original position.

Q. 2. Define benefits of chakrasana.

Ans: Benefits of chakrasana:

(i) The entire body gets stretched with this asana, specially the muscles of shoulders, arms, wrists, legs, chest, entire spine and the muscles around the neck, facial muscles, abdominal muscles and thighs.

(ii) As the abdominal muscles are stretched, the abdominal organs like the kidneys, liver and pancreas are toned. The chest is stretched giving scope for the heart to function well and get the blood circulation going. The lungs too are stretched. The Thyroid and Pituitary glands are stimulated as the neck and head get the fresh flow of blood in this pose. The reproductive organs are strengthened, improving the balancing of the hormones.

(iii) The digestive system improves and indigestion is cured as a result of this asana.

(iv) Chronic headaches and shoulder pains caused by unhealthy lifestyle are cured.

(v) Irritation in the calf muscles with uneasy cramps during menstrual times is healed. 

(vi) Chakrasana helps in relieving asthma, back pain, migraine, stress and anxiety.

Q. 3. Define procedure of vajrasana.

Ans: Procedure of vajrasana:

(i) Sit with legs extended together, hands by the side, palm resting on the ground, fingers together and pointing forward.

(ii) Fold the right leg at the knee and place the foot under the right hip.

(iii) Similarly fold the left foot and place it under the left hip. Feel should touch the sides of hips. 4. Now place your hands on the knees, with the palms resting on the knees.

(v) Back and head should be straight but not tense, gaze in front or close your eyes and relax.

(vi) Avoid excessive backward arching of the spine.

(vii) Breathe normally and fix the attention on the flow of air passing in and out of the nostrils. 

(viii) While returning to the original position, bend a little towards right side, take out your left leg and extend it. Similarly, stretch out your right leg.

Q. 4. How to do Anulom-Vilom or Alternate Nostril breathing?

Ans: Anulom-Vilom is a specific type of pranayama, or controlled breathing, in yoga. It involves holding one nostril closed while inhaling, then holding the other nostril closed while exhaling. The process is then reversed and repeated.

Anulom-Vilom should be done on an empty stomach, preferably 4 hours after you’ve eaten. You should also fi and neck straight and close your eyes.

(ii) Clear your mind of everything outside of this moment.

(iii) Start with your outer wrists resting on your knees.

(iv) Using your right hand, fold your middle and index fingers to ward your palm.

(v) Place your thumb on your right nostril and your ring finger on your left nostril.

(vi) Close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale through your left nostril, slowly and deeply, until your lungs are full. Focus on your breathing.

(vii) Next, release your thumb and close your left nostril with your ring finger. 

(viii) Exhale slowly through the right nostril.

Now practice it in reverse, this time inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left.

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