Class 12 Geography Chapter 10 Human Settlement

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Class 12 Geography Chapter 10 Human Settlement

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Human Settlement

Chapter: 10




Q.1. Which one of the following is an essential condition of urban settlement as per the census of India 1991?

(a) Population density more than 400 

(b) Total population more than 10000

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(c) Non agricultural male workers percentage is more than 90 

(d) Industrial workers percentage is more than 50 per cent

Ans :- (a) Population density more than 400

Q.2. Which one of the following forms of settlement develops along either side of roads, rivers or canals?

(a) Square

(b) Circular

(c) Linear

(d) Scattered

Ans :- (C) Linear

Q.3. Which one of the following types of economic activities dominates in all rural settlement?

(a) Primary

(b) Secondary

(c) Tertiary

(d) Quaternary

 Ans :- (a)  Primary

Q.4. In which of the following earliest urban settlements were traced?

(a) Nile valley

(b) Huang Ho valley

(c) Euphrates and Tigris valleys

(d) Indus valley

Ans :- (d) Indus valley


Q.5. How would you define a settlement? 

Ans :- A settlement is a cluster of houses in the form of a village, a town or a city.

Q.6. What are the bases of classification of settlements? 

Ans :- Shape and size.

Q.7. What is a human settlement?

Ans :- A human settlement is a place inhabited more or less permanently. 

Q.8. What are the two types of settlements on the basis of shape? 

Ans :- Compact or nucleated settlement and dispersed or scattered settlement.

Q.9. What is nucleated settlement?

Ans :-  Compact or nucleated settlements are those in which large numbers of houses are built very close to each other. These are generally developed in river valleys or in fertile plains.

Q.10. Where are compact settlements developed?

Ans :- Along river valley and in fertile plains compact type of settlement developed.

Q11. What are the two features of compact settlements?

Ans :- The communities of compact settlement are closely knit and they share common occupation.

Q.12. What is Cruciform settlement?

Ans :- Cruciform Settlement develops on the cross roads and houses extend in all the four directions.

Q.13. What is Sub-urbanisation?

Ans :- From congested urban areas, now there is a trend of people moving away from other areas to cleaner areas outside the city in search of better quality of life. Such areas are known as sub-urbanisation.

Q.14. What do you mean by Dispersed Settlement? 

Ans :- In which types of settlement, houses are spaced far apart and often interspersed with fields, that is called dispersed settlement.

Q.15. Give the meaning of Conurbation.

Ans : When many separated towns or cities merge together, that is called conurbation.

Q.16. What do you mean by Conurbation?

Ans :- When many separated towns or cities merging together, that is called conurbation. 

Q.17. What do you mean by Megalopolis? 

Ans :- Union of conurbation is referred to as megalopolis.

Q.18. How is the arrangement of houses in Dispersed Settlement? 

Ans :- In dispersed settlements, houses are spaced far apart and often interspersed with fields. A cultural feature like a place of worship temple, mosque or a market, binds the settlement together.


Q.19. Discuss briefly the major features of rural settlements. 

Ans :- Rural characteristics :

(i) Primary activities are the main occupation.

(ii) Closely related to agricultural lands.

(iii) Modern facilities are not available.

(iv) Settlements are relatively small.

(v) Helping attitude among the rural people.

Q.20. Give the classification of towns and cities. 

Ans :- On the basis of functions, the towns and cities are classified as:

(a) Administrative towns : National capitals, which house the administrative offices of the central government are called administrative towns. New Delhi, Washington are the example of administrative towns.

(b) Trading and commercial towns : Agricultural market towns, banking and financial centres, transport nodes, large inland centres are referred to as trading and commercial towns. Manchester, Amsterdam, Baghdad, etc are such cities.

(c) Cultural Towns : Places of pilgrims are considered cultural towns. Jaganath Puri, Varanashi are the examples of cultural towns.

Q.21. Discuss how location plays an important role in determining urban settlements.

Ans :- Location plays an important role in determining urban settlements. In the earliest time locations of urban settlement were based on the availability of water, building materials and fertile land. Location of urban centres is examined with reference to their function. For example, the setting requirements of a holiday resort are quite different from that of an industrial town, a military town or a seaport, Strategic town require sites offering natural defiance, mining towns require the presence of economically valuable minerals. In that way, the location of industrial towns generally need local energy supplies or saw materials.

Location of town signified the economy of the town favorable location is beneficial for any trade. On the basis of location tourist centre, marine beach, are turned into a economic city or town,

Q.22. Discuss the characteristics of Squatter Settlement. 

Ans :- The characteristics of Squatter Settlement :

(i) Informal settlements 

(ii) Lack of ownership

(iii) Inhabited by poor people 

(iv) Common features of developing countries.

(v) Different names in different countries like Jhoogi-Jhompri in India.Favelas in Brazil and Kevettits in Myanmar.

Q.23. Describe the main functions of Rural Settlement.

Ans :- The main functions of Rural settlement are :

(i) Agriculture

(ii) Dairing

(iii) Fishing 

(iv) Animal Rearing

(v) Animal Husbandry 

(vi) Mining

(viii) Repairing of agricultural tools and implements

Q.24. Why is the study of human settlements basic to Human Geography?

Ans :- The study of human settlement is basic to human geography because :

(a) The form of settlement in any particular region reflects human relationship with the environment.

(b) The permanency of human settlements depends upon various factors, such as availability of water, relief features, soil conditions. defence etc.

All the factors are studied in human geography and also in human settlements. So, the study of human settlements plays an important place in human geography.

Q.25. Give an account of the Rectangular Pattern of Settlement. 

Ans :- Such patterns of rural settlements are found in plain areas or wide intermontane valleys. The roads are rectangular and cut each other at right angles.

Chapter 1Human Geography Nature & Scope
Chapter 2The World Population Distribution, Density & Growth
Chapter 3Population Composition
Chapter 4Human Development
Chapter 5Primary Activities
Chapter 6Secondary Activities
Chapter 7Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
Chapter 8Transport and Communication
Chapter 9International Trade
Chapter 10Human Settlement
Chapter 11Population Structure of India
Chapter 12Migration Pattern in India
Chapter 13Human Resources Department
Chapter 14Human Settlement of India
Chapter 15Land Resource and  Agriculture
Chapter 16India’s Water Resources
Chapter 17Mineral and Fuel Resources in India
Chapter 18Manufacturing Industries of India
Chapter 19Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context
Chapter 20Transport and Communication in India
Chapter 21International Trade
Chapter 22Problems and Issues Geographical Perspective
Chapter 23Assam Geography


Q.1. Discuss the pattern of rural settlement. 

Ans :- The major pattern of rural settlements are:

(a) Linear pattern

(b) Rectangular pattern

(c) Circular pattern

(d) Star like pattern

(e) T-shaped, Y-shaped, cross shaped or uniform settlements.

(f) Double village.

(g) In linear pattern of settlements houses are located along a road, railway line, river, canal edge of a valley or along a levee.

(ii) In Rectangular patterns of rural settlements are found in plain areas or wide intermontane valleys. The roads are rectangular and cut each other at right angles.

(iii) Circular settlements are developed around lake tanks and sometimes in the village.

(iv) Where several roads converge, star shaped settlements develop by the houses built along the roads.

(v) T-shaped settlements develop attri-junctions of roads (T) while Y shaped settlements emerge as the places where two roads converge on the third one and houses are built along these roads. Cruciform settlements are developed on the cross-roads.

(vi) These settlements extend on both sides of a river where there is a bridge or a ferry.

Rural Settlement Patterns
 Fig. Rural Settlement Patterns
Linear Pattern Settlement
Fig. Linear Pattern Settlement
Y Shape settlement
Fig. Y Shape settlement

Q.2. What do you mean by rural settlements? State the major characteristics of rural settlement. 

Ans :- Rural Settlements : Rural settlements are clusters of houses where the main occupations of the people related to primary activities.

Rural characteristics :

(i) Primary activities are the main occupation. 

(ii) Closely related to agricultural lands.

(iii) Modern facilities are not available.

(iv) Settlements are relatively small.

(v) Helping attitude among the rural people.

Q.3. Discuss the major functions of urban centres. 

Ans :-  In the earliest time urban centres were the centres of administration. traded, industry, defiance and religions importance. But today other functions have entered the list. They are recreational, residential. transport, mining, manufacturing and most recently activities related to information technology large city has a rather greater diversity of functions Besides all cities are dynamic and are a period of time may develop new functions.

The defensive towns have barracks, cantonments, training facilities. The mining town fishing ports and lumbering centre come under the urban centre. The main function of urban centres is distribution of commodities. services to all over the surrounding. The city and towns provide bather opportunities for employment. In urban areas there are also entertainment facilities. school, hospital, transportation facilities are more, In spite of towns performing multiple functions we refer to their dominant function. For example London as a port city, but it serves in various ways to the people.

Q.4. Classify towards on the basis of forms. 

Ans :- On the basis of functions, the towns and cities are classified as :

(a) Administrative towns : National capitals, which house the administrative offices of the central government are called administrative towns. New Delhi, Washington are the example of administrative towns.

(b) Trading and commercial towns : Agricultural market towns, banking and financial centres, transport nodes, large inland centres are referred to as trading and commercial towns. Manchester, Amsterdam, Baghdad, etc are such cities.

(c) Cultural Towns : Places of pilgrims are considered cultural towns. Jaganath Puri, Varanashi are the examples of cultural towns.

Q.5. Discuss the problems of human settlements in developing countries.

Ans :- The human settlements in developing countries facing various problems. The main problems of settlements in developing countries are unsustainable concentration of population, congested houses and streets. lack of drinking water, lack of infrastructure, health problems, education problems, etc. Both rural and urban settlements suffer these problems. 

Due to rapid growth of population there arises the unemployment problem. People flock to urban centre to avail the opportunity of job/ As a result, the population trend to urban centre increasing day by day, Since most cities in developing countries are unplanned, so it creates severe congestion In many cities an increasing proportion of the population lives in substandard housing, e.g. slums and squatter settlement. The enormous migrant population to urban centres generates a pool of unskilled and semi skilled about force. As well as the agricultural land in voltages. As a result the agri Product gradually declined. Insufficient financial resources fail to create adequate social infrastructure catering to the basic needs of a huge population.

In developing countries human settlement is facing the problem of drinking water. In some areas, people do not get sufficient water. Another problem in developing countries is an improper sewage system in urban centres.

The Sewage system creates unhealthy conditions.

Lack of unemployment and proper education tends to aggravate the crime rates. This is a very serious problem for developing countries.

Q.6. Discuss the problems associated with Urban Settlement in Developing Countries. 

Ans :- The problems which are associated with urban settlements in developing countries are :

(a) Too much concentration of population : Due to more facilities of the urban areas in the developing countries more people moves from rural areas to urban areas and which make unsustainable situation

(b) Unplanned houses and streets : Because of more people in the urban areas, houses as well as streets become very congested, which is one of the most serious problems of urban settlements in developing countries

(c) Lack of drinking water : Due to more concentration of urban people, the problems of drinking water are common phenomena.

(d) In infrastructure sectors, problems arise, such as in transportation in electric supply and in health and hygienic sectors. All occur due to more concentration of population.

(e) Problems in urban environments, problems in security etc. are some major problems associated with urban settlements in developing countries.

Q.7. Discuss the features of Administrative Towns. 

Ans :- The features of Administrative Towns :

(i) National Capital, which houses the administrative offices of the Central Government like New Delhi, Canberra, Beijing, Addis Ababa,Washington DC and London etc. are called administrative towns. 

(ii) Provincial (sub-national) towns can also have administrative functions.

Examples :

(a) Victoria (British Columbia)

(b) Albany (New York)

(c) Chennai (Tamil Nadu)


Q.8. Mark the following on the outline map of the world 

(i) Countries of Europe and Asia with negative growth rate of population,

(ii) African countries with a growth rate of population more than three percent.

Ans :-

Countries of Europe and Asia with negative growth rate of population

Q.9. Mark the following on the outline map of the worl

(i) Areas of population doubling over 100 years 

(ii) Areas of population doubling in less than 20 years

Ans :-

outline map of the world

Q.10. Mark the following on the outline map of the world 

(i) Areas of population density more than 200 per square kilometer

(ii) Areas of population density less than I per square kilometer

 Ans :-.  

outline map of the world

Q.11. Mark the following with suitable shades on the outline world map

(i) Commercial Livestock Rearing areas of the world 

(ii) Primitive subsistence agriculture areas of the world

Ans :- 

suitable shades on the outline world map

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