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Class 11 Education Chapter 4 (A) Psychology and Education
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Psychology and Education
Chapter: 4
1. Give a brief account of the conceptual development of psychology as a branch of study.
Ans: Psychology is being applied to most all aspects of human life and is very useful to understand and improve the existing conditions. The recent developments of psychology have been so remarkable that for detailed and accurate understanding of the subject matters, it has been divided into different branches.
Some of the main branches are : (1) General psychology : It is considered to be the mother of all other branches. It studies human behaviour in a general way.
(2) Clinical psychology : This branch tries to diagnose and treat specific psychological problems or illnesses caused by abnormal behavior and help the individual to adjust effectively in the society. Nowadays hospitals generally appoint a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist.
(3) Child psychology : This branch emphasizes the study of the process of development of a child. The child’s urges and emotions are very different from those of adults. This branch is considered to be very important in the present times as it studies certain aspects like how language development and learning takes place in children.
(4) Social or Group psychology : This branch of psychology deals with individuals as members of groups. People often act differently when they are in groups than when they are alone. Groups psychology studies interaction of one individual with others, group pattern and processes, group dynamics etc.
(5) Abnormal psychology : The branch of abnormal psychology studies various problems of a person regarding emotional disturbance, problems of other psychological processes and functions.
(6) Applied psychology : This branch studies problems related to work management and offers guidance and counseling.
(7) Industrial psychology : The branch of industrial psychology studies human behaviour in industrial situations, offers vocational guidance; measures to relieve boredom and fatigue are provided. It helps to provide conducive conditions to motivate workers to work efficiently.
(8) Adult psychology : It is a branch of psychology which deals with the emotional, intellectual and social behavior of adults.
(9) Legal psychology : Problems related to crime, criminals judiciary can be studied from the psychological point of view. This is studied by legal psychology.
(10) Military psychology : It is concerned with the training techniques, motivational aspects of military personnel, especially during crises. This branch developed after the World War 1.
(11) Educational psychology : It is an applied branch, which studies educational problems and tries to find their solutions by applying various methods and techniques as suggested by psychology. It deals with the improvement of the teaching learning activity. So, this branch emphasizes the application of psychological principles in the field of education.
(12) Experimental psychology : This branch studies the different aspects of human behaviour through application of experimental methods. Experiments are conducted on individuals under controlled conditions, data collected and these are then recorded, analysed and interpreted. However, there are many problems which cannot be solved by this experimental method.
2. Of the various concepts of psychology which one you support and why?
Ans: Psychology is most commonly defined as the science of behaviours. The term behavior refers to the response or reactions, we make or activities we do in a particular situation. However, in psychological studies the term behavior is very broadly used. It includes physical, and motor functions we do like engaging in various activities, running, jumping, walking etc. mental and intellectual activities like thinking, reasoning, perceiving, remembering etc. emotional experience like feeling angry feelings of pleasure and pain etc. are included within the range of the term behaviour.
3. Write a brief note on the scope of psychology.
Ans: Psychology as a discipline or branch of knowledge has its own scope of study. Basically it studies human experience and behaviour. It primarily looks into the factors that cause behaviour and then makes efforts to study the nature of behaviour.
Human experience is characterized by three factors. Every experience involves these three characteristics heavily cognition or knowing aspect, Conation or doing and affection or feeling aspects. Some psychologists put emphasis on one of it and some on the other. For example psychologists like Herbert and Hume gave emphasis and cognition while considering the scope of psychology. They believed cognition always leads to connation and affection. On the other hand the famous psychologists My. Do u all consider that cognition cannot origin without vocation. Conation or doing aspects come first, cognition or knowledge follows it. The feeling aspects are also the result of conversation, was the belief of Mc Dougall and his followers. However, the majority of psychologists are of the opinion that our conscious mind has three important aspects: cognition, affection and psychology must take these into consideration while dealing with it’s scope.
4. “Education and Psychology are not contradictory but complementary “-Explain the statement.
Ans: There is an intimate and inseparable relation between education and psychology. Psychology is the science of behaviour and it deals with the behaviour of living organisms. It seeks to understand behaviour in terms of mental and bodily activities. Education on the other hand deals with young people and the conditions which promote or hamper their normal growth.
In developing the theory of education and in improving the practice of teaching psychology plays an important part today. Modern education is child centric and therefore the relation between psychology and the science of education is becoming more and more intimate day by day.
In the past, however, the attitude of the traditional teachers towards psychology was one of indifference. At that time people’s knowledge of the subject matter, the introspective study of psychology would put an obstacle in the work of teaching and controlling children. The Swiss school master pestalozzi was one of the greatest pioneers who emphasized the fact that “the art of education must be based on knowledge of mental life.
Today the child is the central point in education and teachers have to use such methods and means of education as will effectively promote the development of the child in all stages. The teacher has to study the needs and interests of children and provide for their healthy satisfaction.
He has to devise effective methods of teaching so that children may learn more quickly and better. All this is not possible without knowledge of psychology which furnishes fundamental knowledge regarding the stages of the mental growth of the child. The dominant interest of these stages, how the children differ from one another and grow at different rates, how they learn new skills and acquire new knowledge etc. Psychology helps the teacher to develop a broader, deeper and more effective understanding of education and it’s process.
Sl. No. | Contents |
Chapter 1 | Concept and Aims of Education |
Chapter 2 | Stages of Human Development |
Chapter 3 | School and its Organizations |
Chapter 4 (A) | Psychology and Education |
Chapter 4 (B) | Education Psychology and its Significance |
Chapter 5 | Physical Basis of Mental Life |
Chapter 6 | Bases and Direction of Human Behaviour |
Chapter 7 | Primary Education in India and Assam |
5. State how the word psychology has originated?
Ans: The word, “psychology’ has been derived from the Greek word” psyche meaning soul and logos meaning science of or study of.
6. Why psychology is called the science of behaviour.
Ans: A man is always conscious of his mental and motor activities. He is conscious of the environmental influences. So psychologists like William Wundt and William James defined psychology as a study of consciousness. But many psychologists criticized this view as consciousness is regarded as only a small part of an individual’s personality, the other parts being the subconscious and unconscious. So, the latest and modern concept of psychology is that it is a science of behaviour.
7. Scope of psychology is very wide-justify the statement.
Ans: Psychology as a branch of knowledge has its own scope of study. Basically it studies human experience and behavior. Majority of psychologists are of the opinion that our conscious mind has three important aspects such as cognition, sensation and eradication and psychology must take these into consideration while dealing with it’s scope.
Besides consciousness, unconscious aspects of the mind also play an important role determining human experience and behaviour. Hence today psychology put emphasis on the role of both consciousness and unconsciousness in human life. Many new findings came out on mental processes and behaviour consequently the scope of studying psychology has also become wider day by day.
8. Name two important branches of psychology and explain them.
Ans: The two important branches of psychology are:
(1) Physiological psychology : Which deals with the physical structure of man and it’s relation with mental activities.
(2) Abnormal psychology : Which includes the study of the behaviour of abnormal persons.

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