Class 11 Education Chapter 4 (B) Education Psychology and its Significance

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Class 11 Education Chapter 4 (B) Education Psychology and its Significance

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Education Psychology and its Significance

Chapter: 4 (B)



1. What is educational psychology?  How does it differ from general psychology? 

Ans: Educational psychology is a branch of psychology and is concerned with the application of general psychological principles to the problem of education. It is a study of behaviour of the individuals in response to the educational environment. 

Difference between general psychology and educational psychology :

(1) General psychology includes perspective study of human behaviour in general. But, education psychology includes the human behaviour of a particular group in case of education. 

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(2) General psychology is studied and used by intelligent people. But, Education psychology is studied and used by teachers and educations. 

(3) General psychology by nature is theoretical, But, Educational psychology is practical. 

2. Give one important definition of educational psychology? Explain the need or significance of studying psychology in education. 

Ans: According to D. P. Anusuble, Educational psychology is the special branch of psychology concerned with the nature, conditions, outcome and evaluation of school learning and retention. Under the following point’s the needs as signification studies psychology in Education can be discussed :

(1) Individual difference : It is due to psychological findings that we pay more attention to the problem of individual difference among children in education. 

(2) Rates of Individual development : Psychology helps the education to recognise the individual rates of progress in respect of learning and proceed accordingly in the field of education. 

(3) Types of learning : We learn by different methods. Therefore it is very much important for the teacher to the acquainted with the types of learning formed out by psychology. 

(4) Nature and measurements of intelligence : The most important contribution  of psychology to the field of education is its valuable findings regarding the nature and measurements  of intelligence. 

(5) Attention, Memory, forgetting, interest etc. 

In respect of the above mentioned subject also the modern teacher is greatly indebted to psychology. 

(6) Instinct and Educations : It is psychology which pointed out that education has an intimate relation with instinct and education. 

(7) Group psychology : Modern education utilises many principles of Groups Psychology while teaching a class or group. 

(8) Problem of maladjustment : Teachers are greatly helped today by the knowledge of psychology in dealing with problem of personality maladjustment. 

(9) Classroom teaching : Education psychology contributes immensely to class room teaching. 

(10) Psychological Testing : Education is greatly indebted to psychology for supplying the workable materials of testing mental abilities. 

(11) Evaluation : The process of evaluation is greatly indebted to educational psychology. 

(12) Parent teacher administrator relation : Education psychology helps the parents teacher and school administrators to run the process of education. 

(13) Improved method of teaching : Knowledge of psychology helps the teacher to improve his teaching method for the benefit of students. 

(14) Heredity and Environment : Heredity and environment plays decisive roles in the growth and development of children. This knowledge is very much important for the educator. 

3. Discuss the areas of study of educational psychology? 

Ans: Following are the areas of study of educational psychology :

(1) Original Nature of man : Educational psychology deals with bodily mechanisms of behaviours like reflexes, receptors etc. and original abilities of man like intelligence, memory etc. 

(2) Psychology of Learning : Educational Psychology also deals with principles, conditions, laws and efficiency of learning. 

(3) Psychology of Special subjects : Knowledge of the psychology of learning is applied to special subjects like reading composition, arithmetic algebra etc. 

(4) Child study : It studies the genesis and development of various behaviours in children – the conditions from which acts or behavior arise and the principles which govern behaviour in children. 

(5) Educational statistics : Educational psychology deals with the measurements of human abilities with statistical techniques. 

(6) Hereditary influence : The hereditary factors of a child exerts tremendous influence on the education and development of the childhood. 

4. Discuss in brief why study of psychology is essential for a teacher? 

Ans: Education Psychology helps the teacher in his task in the following way. So the study of psychology is essential for teacher

(1) Knowledge of the self : Education psychology helps a teacher to make an analysis of himself. He tries to understand his own behaviour patterns like and dislikes anxiety, adjustment etc. He can thus improve himself and acquire   the qualities required for becoming and ideal teacher. 

(2) Knowledge of individual differences : Two people are like Each student differs from another physically as well as psychologically. The teacher, with the knowledge of individual difference, can create a suitable environments and promote the growth and development of each student in a most desirable manner. 

(3) Knowledge of the learner : The teacher must have knowledge of different stages of development, each with its unique characteristics. A good teacher will understand the learners interest, aptitudes, attitudes abilities, end of aspiration and motivational behaviour to achieve the specific goal of education. 

(4) To understand the nature of classroom learning : The knowledge of educational psychology helps the teacher to communicate effectively in the class. He can understand both the principles and problems of learning, can change his instructional strategy and make the teaching learning process a success. 

(5) Adopting effective methods of teaching : Lack of proper methods of teaching results in failure of communication in the classroom. New approaches, principles and techniques at different age level. Hence teachers are prepared for positive teaching. 

(6) Acquaintances with proper tools and teaching : Educational psychology equips the teacher with the essential knowledge of tools and techniques required to know the learners thoroughly. 

(7) Curriculum construction : Psychology principles are used in designing curriculum which takes into consideration the learners needs, their development characteristics and the social needs as well. 

(8) Evaluation of learning outcome : Educational psychology has produced many reliable tests and tools of mental measurements which prove to be highly useful in the field of education. 

(9) Knowledge of mental health : To understand the mental health of the learner is very  important for the teacher. Education psychology provides the fundamental knowledge of mental hygiene and the teacher can easily detect the factors responsible for maladjustment. 

(10) Understanding group dynamic : Classroom situation is an ideal group situation. The teacher must be aware of group dynamics especially in the classroom teaching learning and is expected to know about the operation in total social environments and their effect on learning. 

5. Discuss a few methods of educational psychology? 

Ans: Following are the methods of educational psychology :

(1) Introspection : Introspection consists of two words intro meaning inward and adoration meaning looking. This method of ‘self observation is the oldest method of education psychology. Through this method the individual looks within, observes, analysis and reports his own feelings. The advantage of this method is that it is the cheapest and it can be used anywhere anytime by the individual and it helps to know his feelings and emotions. 

(2) Observation : It is also one of the oldest methods of psychology. Observation is an important and basic technique of collection data and is used as a primary research tool. It is the study of an individual in any kind of situation and is adaptable to both children and adults, to individuals and groups. 

(3) Clinical method: This method is used to understand the causes and sources of people’s fears, anxieties, worries, obsession, personal social, educational and vocational maladjustments. The clinical method uses methods of diagnosis and treatments. 

(4) Experimental method : This method is used to make objective and scientific study of human behaviour. It uses a systematic procedure called. “experimental design” which involves controlling the conditions and noting the subject’s reaction to the variables. 

(5) Psycho-analytic method : Sigmund Freud was the founder of this method. Freud emphasised that the conscious is only a small part of the mind and the bigger part is the unconscious. Many of our unconscious mental processes appear in our dreams, slips of pen, tongue etc. 

(6) Case- history method : The method helps to probe into the past history of particular incidents of an individual, to find the cause of his abnormal behaviour and then attempts are made to understand and cure them. 

(7) Development or Genetic Method : This method lays stress on the development aspects of undesirable behavior. The simple behaviour patterns of infancy and childhood become complex as one grows in age. Studying the changing behavior from infancy definitely helps in getting to the root of the problem at adulthood. 

(8) Comparative method : Through this method behaviour of individuals groups are studied and compared with others. Sometimes comparisons are even made between human behaviour and animal behaviour. 

Sl. No.Contents
Chapter 1Concept and Aims of Education
Chapter 2Stages of Human Development
Chapter 3School and its Organizations
Chapter 4 (A)Psychology and Education
Chapter 4 (B)Education Psychology and its Significance
Chapter 5Physical Basis of Mental Life
Chapter 6Bases and Direction of Human Behaviour
Chapter 7Primary Education in India and Assam

6. Short Question :

A. Explain the statements :

(1) Educational psychology is a positive science. 

Ans: According to Watson Educational Psychology is a positive science. Because it always deals with the present matter of the pact of the world. It’s subject matter includes the study of human behaviour as exhibited in a given situation. It tries to make an objective study of behaviour by direct observation and experimentation. 

Iames Ross says psychology is not concede with aims, It is positive not normative science, that is to say, it deals with facts as they are and net as they ought to be. Psychology  believes  in work rather than thought. On the basis of data obtained out of the factual study of the situation psychology draws its theories, laws and principles. Whole knowledge in psychology is an analytical and scientific study of human behaviour. Psychology has truly become a positive objective and experimental science today with the establishment of psychological laboratories. The psychologists now believe that every aspect of human behaviour can be objectively studied and assessed. 

(2) Write a brief on the method of Observation. 

Ans: It is one of the oldest methods of psychology. Observation is an important and basic technique of collecting data and is used as a primary research tool. It is a study of an individual in any kind of situation and is adaptable to both children and adults, to individuals and groups. Observation can be direct, indirect, scheduled and unscheduled, participant and non-participant. But the main defect of his method is that it is concerned with the external behaviour of the subject and does not provide reliable information regarding the internal mental processes. Subjective interpretation of the individuals behaviour may also happen. 

(3) Why pestalozzi is called the father of educational psychology. 

Ans: Pestallozi first tried to apply psychological principles in the field of education. He laid emphasis on the fact that. Education is the process which develops all dormant qualities of man. His contribution towards the teaching training programme needs special mention. That why he is called the father of educational psychology. 

(4) Give the advantage and disadvantages of projective techniques. 

Ans: Following are the advantages and disadvantages of projective techniques. 

Advantages :

(1) The test materials presented in the projective method can externalize the inner thoughts and ideas of an individual. 

(2) The method is very helpful for psychiatrists for diagnosing and treating mental disorders. 

(3) Through projective methods a complete picture of the personality of a person can be obtained. 

Disadvantages : 

(1) It has been pointed out that a school counsellor projective method is not very useful as they are very subjective. 

(2) A common classroom teacher can not apply it. Because for administration of projective test special training is necessary 

(3) This method is time consuming and interpretation of the response is very difficult. 

(4) Briefly explain why a teacher should know both about the learner and the subject of study. 

A teacher has to know about the learner’s interests, aptitudes, abilities, emotions, intelligence, his physical and social environment and their impacts on the development of the learner. In this connection John Adams has rightly remarked that- “To teach John Latin, teachers should know John, as well as  Latin “Educational psychology can be of great help to him in this regard. 

Knowledge of the subject of study : It is immensely important to have knowledge and the subject matter. So that teacher can explain necessary contents of the subject systematically. Moreover on the basis of subject and it’s type and nature the teacher can use subject methods of teaching and can adopt example and suitable reference. 

7. Objective test :

(a) Fill up the blank with appropriate words. 

(1) The person who first timed to psychologies education was

Ans: Heinrich pestalozzi

(2) Modern education is child

Ans: Centric

(3) Educational psychology is a – science 

Ans: Positive 

(4) The aims of education is not determined by –

Ans: Psychology 

(5) The great classic on Education by Rousseau is –

Ans: Emile. 

B. Find out whether the following statements are true or false:

(1) The aim of education is determined not by psychology but by philosophy 

Ans: False 

(2) Positive methods are used to study the external behaviour of a child. 

Ans: True 

(3) Social behaviour can be studied by experimental method. 

Ans: False

(4) Educational psychology studies human behaviour of all ages. 

Ans: True

(5) Education and psychology is complementary to each other 

Ans: True.

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