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NIOS Class 12 Mass Communication Chapter 19 Public Relations – An Introduction
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Public Relations – An Introduction
Chapter: 19
1. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word from those given in brackets:
(i) …………. and public relations are linked to each other. (advertising, communication, television)
Ans. Communications.
(ii) Public relations is a ………… controlled phenomenon. (sender, receiver, message)
Ans. Receiver.
(iii) The most important aspect of public relations is to focus on the ………… (product, public, service)
Ans. Public.
(iv) Public relations is a ………….. way communication process between an organisation and its public. (one, two, three)
Ans. Two.
(v) The target group that a political meeting has to focus on are the …………. (consumers, patients, voters)
Ans. Voters.
2. Define the term public relations.
Ans. Public relations is all about communicating with others either through the spoken word or written word, or by using a visual or some other means.
1. Give two examples of public relations which existed in ancient India.
Ans. Religious guests of ancient and modern India
2. Name any five media units of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and indicate the type of mass medium used by them.
(i) Media unit | Mass medium |
(ii) | |
(iii) | |
(iv) | |
(v) |
DDK | television |
FD | film |
PIB | |
RNBI | |
NFAI | Film |
Photo Division | photographs |
1. Name any two methods/communications devices used in the following types of public relations:
(i) Product public relations.
(ii) Employee relations.
(iii) Community relations.
Ans. (i) Organizing social events, exhibitions.
(ii) Working for their welfare, regular communication.
(iii) Banks, big business houses and media organisations organize programmes for establishing good community relations.
1. Choose the correct alternative:
(i) What does a copywriter do?
(a) makes photocopies of the ads.
(b) writes the main slogan, taglines and dialogue of the ad.
(c) uses the typewriter.
Ans. (b) writes the main slogan, taglines and dialogue of the ad.
(ii) Who heads the ad team?
(a) Creative director.
(b) Market researcher.
(c) Copywriter.
(d) Film director.
Ans. (a) Creative director.
(iii) Postal service
(a) Someone who works independently and has no permenent employment with one organization and gets paid according to the work done, rather than a monthly salary.
(b) Someone who works for free.
(c) Someone who works independently in a permanent job with monthly salary and Provident Fund.
(d) Someone who has a lot of free time in office.
Ans. (b) Someone who works for free.
(iv) Who is a media planner?
(a) One who selects the clients.
(b) One who selects the advertising media.
(c) One who selects the ad egency.
(d) One who selects the research team.
Ans. (b) One who selects the advertising media.
(v) Who is a visualizer?
(a) One who designs the ad.
(b) One who writes the text for the ad.
(c) One who helps in the production of the ad.
(d) One who prepares the budget for the ad.
Ans. (a) One who designs the ad.
1. State whether the following statements are true or false:
(i) An advertisement is usually direct and explicit.
Ans. True.
(ii) Public relations stand for Press Report.
Ans. Flase.
(iii) Public Relation involves direct advertising.
Ans. False.
(iv) A spot is a rhyming song used to advertise a product.
Ans. False.
(v) Public relations is not paid for directly.
Ans. True.
1. Describe the term ‘public relations’ with adequate examples.
Ans. Communication and public relations are linked to each other and play an important role in a wide variety of ways throughout our lives.
Communication, if used properly, can be used to inform, educate, reassure, evoke, sympathy of situations as and when they occur.
Thus we can say that:
(i) a two-way communication process between an organisation and its public.
(ii) Communication with a view to changing the mindsets of the public in a certain direction.
We can therefore define public relations are a form of communication used to persuade or influence people using ethical means.
It is important to understand that communication here, i.e. in public relations is a receiver phenomenon. It is controlled not by the sender but rather by the receiver or, in other words, the audience. For e.g. if the speaker is gifted and delivers a speech effectively in Hindi but the audience does not understand Hindi, no real communication takes place.
Therefore, the most important aspect of public relations is to focus on the ‘key public, or in other words, the people who will receive the communication.
2. Explain the following:
(i) Evolution of public relations in India.
(ii) Structure of the government public relations structure.
Ans. Public relations in India
(i) In the Ramayana there is a character called Bhadro who used to report to Rama about popular feelings and perceptions.
All these are examples of public relations which existed in one form or another in ancient India. All our religious teachers from Gautama Buddha to Sankaracharya to Nanak and Kabir communicated in a language which the common people found easy to understand. They were all master communicators.
Another outstanding example of a master communicator is that of Mahatma Gandhi who succeeded in bringing the entire country together to achieve independence.
All of them preached in language which was understood by the masses with a view to changing their mindset in a particular direction.
(ii) During the first World War (1914-1918): the Government of India set up Central Publicity Board. This was the first organised PR/ Information set-up of the Government of India. It was renamed as Central Bureau of Information, and afterwards renamed as Bureau of Public Information, and functioned as a link between the Government and the Press. One of the items on its agenda was to find out where the action of the Government was criticised. In today’s parlance, we call it; “feedback”.
After Independence, in 1947, the Government of India set up the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, employing professionals to look after the function of public relations.
3. Write a short note on the following:
(i) Product relations.
(ii) Employee relations.
(iii) Community relations.
(iv) Government and political relations.
Ans. (i) Product relations.
Thus we can say that:
(a) a two-way communication process between an organisation and its public.
(b) Communication with a view to changing the mindsets of the public in a certain direction.
We can therefore define public relations are a form of communication used to persuade or influence people using ethical means.
It is important to understand that communication here, i.e. in public relations is a receiver phenomenon. It is controlled not by the sender but rather by the receiver or, in other words, the audience. For e.g. if the speaker is gifted and delivers a speech effectively in Hindi but the audience does not understand Hindi, no real communication takes place.
You have learnt that employees are one of the most important public of a company. It is therefore important for any company to earn the goodwill of the employees and uphold its image and reputation among its employees.
How is this achieved?
This is done with the help of communication devices used to improve employer employee relations.
Let us list some of them.
(a) Newsletters giving vital information on the activities of the company.
(b) Bulletin boards displaying and appreciating the performance of employees.mes
(c) Organizing special events like picnics for employees and their families.
(d) Providing incentives, like cash prizes or gifts, for employees.
(e) Opportunities to continue education for employees and their family members.
Banks, big business houses and media organisations organize programmes for establishing good community relations. This is a form of public relations used by these organisations to gain the goodwill of the community in which they operate. Let us see what type of programmes are taken up by such organisations.
- Maintaining well developed parks in residential areas.
- Cleaning and beautification drive involving the local community.
- Setting up charitable dispensaries.
- Sponsoring events such as cricket matches.
- Setting up public libraries.
- Raising funds in the case of natural calamities such as floods, earthquakes etc.
Election are held to choose representatives of people to run the government. This is done by a process of voting in which the people participate.
Let us see how public relations is utilized for political purposes to attract votes.
In order to gain the confidence of the people and persuade them for their votes, campaigns and meetings are organised.
You have seen public meetings being held in your locality where leaders talk about the achievements of their political party and encourage people to vote for them.
Posters and hoardings are erected at public places to attract the attention of the public.
Very Short Type Questions Answer
1. How are communication and public relations related?
Ans. Communication is a two-way process where messages and information sent are as important as those that are received.
2. Who are public for schools?
Ans. Students.
3. When was the first public relation organisation was set up in India? What was its name?
Ans. During the First World War. It was named Central Publicity Board.
4. When was Ministry of Information and Broadcasting set up?
Ans. In 1947.
5. What does PIB do?
Ans. PIB gives official information to the press on the print media.
6. What is role of Directorate of advertising and visual publicity (DAVP)?
Ans. The DAVP is responsible for all media publicity and campaigns for the central government.
7. What is the job of division?
Ans. The job of the photo division is to take photographs on various aspects of the. government.
8. What is field publicity unit?
Ans. Field publicity unit provides publicity of various government programmes and projects provided by the field publicity unit.
9. What is XP Division?
Ans. The ministry of external affairs has a separate unit to handle media and publicity, with an official sport person. This division is known as the XP division.
10. How is relationship between employer and employee improved?
Ans. This is done with the help of communication devices used to improve employer-employee relations.
Short Type Questions Answer
1. What is role of PIB?
Ans. This organization gives official information to the press on the print media. The officals of this media unit regularly issue press releases on various activities/ developments and news regarding a particular department. Every ministry has a separate information officer who provides information to the PIB. The head of PIB, the Principal Information Officer (PIO) is the official spokesperson of the Government of India.
2. What is the use of song and drama in government public relations?
Ans. Making use of music, drama and folk/ traditional media, this unit gives publicity to various government programmes. There are performing artists who carry out these activities in all parts of the country.
3. What is product public relations?
Ans. These are public relations exercises to launch or introduce new products and encourage people to buy them by:
(i) Creating an awareness about their existence.
(ii) By differentiating them from similar products in the market.
This is often done by giving samples of the product for use by consumers or by offering a discount on the product.
4. How providing incentives, cash prizes, etc improves employee-employer relationship?
Ans. Money and things money can buy are very important thing in this material world. So, when employee is provided cash or others incentives, he/she gets more inspired for the company.
5. Suggest 5 measures to improve community relations.
Ans. Measure to improve community relations.
(i) Maintaining well developed parks in residential areas.
(ii) Cleaning and beautification drive involving the local community.
(iii) Setting up charitable dispensaries.
(iv) Sponsoring events such as cricket matches.
(v) Setting up public libraries.
(vi) Raising funds in the case of natural calamities such as floods, earthquakes etc.
Long Type Questions Answer
1. Trace the development of Indian Government public relations structure.
Ans. During the First World War (1914- 1918): the Government of India set up Central Publicity Board. This was the first organised PR/Information set-up of the Government of India. It was renamed as Central Bureau of Information, and afterwards renamed as Bureau of Public Information, and functioned as a link between the Government and the Press.. One of the items on its agenda was to find out where the action of the Government was criticised. In today’s parlance, we call it; “feedback”.
After Independence, in 1947, the Government of India set up the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, employing professionals to look after the function of public relations.

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