NIOS Class 10 Psychology Chapter 19 Mental Health and Hygiene

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NIOS Class 10 Psychology Chapter 19 Mental Health and Hygiene

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Chapter: 19



Q.1. What do you understand by the term health?

Ans: State of well-being, mental health is part of health and deals with optimization of emotional and behavioural development.

Q.2. Explain the relationship between mental health and mental hygiene.

Ans: Mental hygiene refers to relevant behavioural, social skills for restoring mental health.

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Q.3. What strategies can we adopt to maintain good mental health and hygiene?

Ans: Reality context, impulse control, self-esteem and positive thoughts are the main strategies.


Q.1. What is the difference between mental ill-health and mental illness?

Ans: Mental ill health refers to absence of positive mental health and mental disorders involve disorders caused by faulty psychological functioning.


Q.1. Give any four signs of poor mental health.

Ans: Disorganised daily life routine, irritations, and aggressive behaviour, disturbed sleep, anxiety, negative attitude towards others, withdrawal, abnormal physiological conditions, excessive use of drugs and smoking.

Q.2. Which behaviours of a person sustain good health?

Ans: Ahara, vihara, achara and vichara.


Q.1. What are the main strategies to achieve the state of good mental hygiene?

Ans: Health is often used to refer to a state of physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing of the individual. Thus, mental health is one of the components of the broad concept of health. It is concerned with an optimum level of emotional and behavioural adjustment of the individual. It is a state of maintaining harmony or balance between the needs, desires, aspirations and attitudes of the individual with respect to the prevailing conditions in the external environment. One can achieve this by following some basic strategies at mental and behavioural levels in one’s daily life. 

These are as follows:

(i) Reality Contact: In order to maintain good and sound mental health it is important to have a realistic appraisal of one’s own reactions, emotions, and abilities. If you are in touch with reality you may be able to avoid a number of disappointments and frustrations in your daily life.

(ii) Impulse Control: A person with healthy adjustment would have good control over his/her behaviours and impulses. So in order to maintain good mental health it is necessary that you should be in complete control over your impulsive behaviours.

(iii) Self-Esteem: The awareness about oneself is called self-concept. It includes all the statements about “I” or “me” expressed in terms of feelings, beliefs and values. Thus self-concept is sum total of all that a person is aware about his or her own self. Self-esteem is the evaluative component of self. The personal evaluation of self could be either positive or negative. A sense of personal adequacy or positive self-concept is essential for mental health.

(iv) Positive Thoughts: The quality of mental health depends on whether we direct our thoughts in positive or negative ways. Negative thoughts generate negative emotions such as anger, hate, jealousy, fear, and despair. The effect of such negative emotions on our mind is unhealthy. They also harm the endocrine system. Therefore in order to maintain good mental health, we need to develop the power of positive thinking which generates positive emotions such as love, joy, happiness, hope, compassion, empathy, and optimism in us. Such emotions strengthen our capacity to cope with various life challenges.

Q.2. Describe the indicators of poor mental health.

Ans: As human beings we are required to maintain sound mental health. However, we develop certain behaviours and habits which can lead to a poor state of mental health. Such behaviours range from mild irritation to severe forms of anxiety and depression. 

The main behaviours which indicate poor mental health are as follows:

(i) Haphazard and disorganised daily life routine. 

(ii) Short-tempered and irritating behaviour.

(iii) Anger and aggressive behaviour.

(iv) Restlessness.

(v) Increased or poor appetite and indigestion.

(vi) Irregular sleeping pattern such as insomnia, disturbed sleep, or narcolepsy (excess sleep).

(vii) Poor interpersonal relationships.

(viii) Anxiety and worry.

(ix) Negative attitude toward self and others.

(x) Withdrawing from relationships.

(xi) Irregular and abnormal physiological conditions (e.g., blood pressure, heart palpitation, and pulse rate).

(xii) Excessive use of drugs (e.g., alcohol, tranquilisers, and hallucinogens).

(xiii) Cigarette smoking and use of tobacco in other forms.

Q.3. Describe any three strategies of time management.

Ans: Their are  strategies of time management are:

Preparing a list of workSet aside some time in your daily schedule for exercise and yoga. Time spent on suchactivities helps to maintain good mental and physical health and results in increased productivity.
Prioritise the list From theSet aside some time in your daily schedule for exercise and yoga. Time spent on suchactivities helps to maintain good mental and physical health and results in increased productivity.
Time of exerciseSet aside some time in your daily schedule for exercise and yoga. Time spent on suchactivities helps to maintain good mental and physical health and results in increased productivity.

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