NIOS Class 10 Psychology Chapter 20 Aptitude, Interest and Job Requirements

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NIOS Class 10 Psychology Chapter 20 Aptitude, Interest and Job Requirements

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Chapter: 20



Q.1. What do you understand by the term ‘aptitude’?

Ans: It is a special ability and helps predicting future performance.


Q.1. Why do you think that intrinsic interest will lead to a better match between job and an applicant’s personality?

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Ans: It involves liking for a specific activity itself.


Q.1. What is the difference between mental age and IQ?

Ans: Mental age refers to age related mental maturity in a normative sense whereas IQ refers to the ratio of mental age and chronological age.

Q.2. What do you understand by ability?

Ans: Innate capacity to act.


Q.1. What is the outcome of right career decision?

Ans: Happiness and job satisfaction.

Q.2. What is the purpose of job description?

Ans: It provides the information about nature of job, salary and working conditions etc.


Q.1. What  is an aptitude? Describe one aptitude test and indicate its use.

Ans: An aptitude therefore is a special potential in a certain field of performance. It indicates a special ability, acquired or innate, to learn or develop knowledge of a skill in some specific area.

One aptitude test is given below:

(i) Readiness to acquire some skill or knowledge.

Aptitude tests are available in two forms – specialised aptitude tests and general aptitude tests. Examples of specialised aptitude tests are Mechanical Aptitude Test and Musical Aptitude Test. Multiple aptitude tests exist in the form of Test Batteries, which measure aptitude in several separate but homogeneous areas. Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT) and General Aptitude Tests Batteries (GATB) are well known Test Batteries.

Q.2. What is an interest? How does interest help in selection of proper subjects and Career?

Ans: Interest may be defined as a tendency to choose one activity in preference to another, or to seek out an activity or object. It implies preferences or likes and dislikes for specific activity or a group of specific activities such as lawyer, physician, engineer, musician, artist etc. Interest is generally manifested in the way one likes to spend one’s leisure time. Interest is a preference for a particular activity. Interest provides emotional pleasure. Hobbies are based on interests. In a broad sense interests can be classified in two categories: Extrinsic interests and Intrinsic interests.

If the emotional pleasure of the interest area is attached to the activity, it is intrinsic interest. Liking an activity without any reward is intrinsic. If the emotional pleasure is attached to some reward and praise, it implies extrinsic interest. Liking or doing any activity for some reward or money implies extrinsic interest. 

Various techniques have been developed to measure interests. They include self ratings, interviews, questionnaires, checklists and inventories. Interest inventories have been primarily used in vocational and educational guidance. They are more satisfactory in some ways than interviews because a large number of specific questions representing a broad range of careers or subject areas are used. A typical interest inventory consists of a list of activities to each of which an individual responds by indicating whether he or she likes/dislikes or is indifferent by indicating preferences. Strong Vocational Interest Blank (SVIB) and Kuder Preferences Record are some well known inventories/records for measuring interest.

Q.3. Briefly discuss the concept of ability and describe the current view of intelligence.

Ans: The concept of ability (whether it is fixed or changeable), is a belief that has been shown to impact on a learner’s behaviour through persistence, effort, and motivation (Dweck, 1999), but no work had been conducted about the effect concepts of ability have on students’ approaches to learning.Ability, commonly known as intelligence, represents one of the most important sources of individual differences. Ability is the innate capacity to act and helps in the solution of a problem. Environment can develop abilities but cannot produce them within the person. Abilities help to accumulate knowledge but those should not be confused with knowledge itself. These abilities increase efficiency in the Person.

Intelligence is an important ability. A great deal of research has been done in constructing tests and techniques to assess intelligence. There are various approaches to conceptualise intelligence. Initially it was limited to cognitive or intellective domain only. The contemporary view, such as given by Gardner, is that there are multiple intelligences and people can have intelligence in cognitive, musical, kinesthetic (bodily) interpersonal and other areas.

Q.4. Describe the role of aptitudes, interests and abilities in making educational and vocational choices.

Ans: It is important to make job decisions consistent with one’s abilities, aptitudes and interests. These concepts are also related to choices of study in different grades or different stages of education, co-curricular activities, hobbies, learning some special skills and so on. Choice of career is a very important decision for a person. The right career decision brings happiness and job satisfaction. Therefore job decisions need to be made in the light of accurate, reliable and up to date information, regarding the requirements of the job and about the individuals intelligence, aptitudes, and interests.

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