NCERT Class 11 Geography Chapter 29 Introduction to Aerial Photography

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NCERT Class 11 Geography Chapter 29 Introduction to Aerial Photography

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Chapter: 29




Q.1. What is an aerial camera?

Ans. A precision camera specially designed for use in aircraft.

Q.2. What is aerial photography?

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Ans. Art, science and technology of taking aerial photographs from an air borne platform.

Q.3. What do you mean by image interpretation?

Ans. An act of identifying the images of the objects and judging their relative significance.

Q.4. What is Nadir point?

Ans. The foot of the perpendicular drawn from the camera lens centre on the ground plane.


Q.1. State any three advantages that an aerial photograph offers over ground based observations. 

Ans. The advantages are: 

(i) Improved Vantage Point.

(ii) Time freezing ability.

(iii) Broaded sensitivity.

(iv) Three dimentional perspective.

Q.2. How is an aerial photograph taken?

Ans. The aerial photograph is taken from an aircraft or a helicopter using a precision camera.

Q.3. Present a concise account of aerial photograph in India.

Ans. Aerial photographs were started in 1920 when large scale aerial photograph of Agra city was taken. Subsequently Air Survey party of Survey of India took up aerial survey at Irawadi Delta forests which was completed in 1923-24. Today aerial photographs in India are carried out for the entire country under the over all super vision of the Directorate of Air Survey, New Delhi.

Three flying agencies are Indian Air Force, Air Survey Company, Kolkata and National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad have been officially authorised to take aerial photographs.

Q.4. What are the advantages of aerial photography?

Ans. The following are the advantages:

1. Time freezing ability.

2. Broadcasting sensitibility.

3. Three dimensional perspective.

4. Improved vantage point.

Q.5. Give the types of aerial photographs.

Ans. The types of photographs are:

1. Vertical photographs.

2. Low oblique.

3. High oblique.

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