NCERT Class 11 Geography Chapter 30 Introduction to Remote Sensing

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NCERT Class 11 Geography Chapter 30 Introduction to Remote Sensing

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Chapter: 30




Q.1. What is remote sensing?

Ans. Remote sensing is the science of gathering information about objects from a distance without coming into physical contact with them. It thus include data gathered through photographs taken from air planes and satellites.

Q.2. What is meant by photogrammetry?

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Ans. The technique of obtaining information from photographs is called photogrammetry.

Q.3. What is sensor?

Ans. Sensor is another parameter to determine the types of remote sensing. According to the sensor remote sensing is of two types.

(a) Photographic.

(b) Non-photographic.

Q.4. Which equipments are used in interpreting air photos?

Ans. In air photo interpretation of maps, stereoscopes and sketch masters are mostly used. Stereoscope comprises two lenses placed at the same plane termed as pocket stereoscope and mirror stereoscope.

Q.5. What are the major types of air photographs?

Ans. Air photographs can be grouped in five types.

1. Vertical.

2. Horizontal.

3. Oblique.

4. Convergent.

5. Trimetrogen.

Q.6. What is active remote sensing?

Ans. Active remote sensing is the science of recording the information energy activated by man like flash guns and microwave radar.


Q.1. What are satellite imageries?

Ans. Satellite imageries are the practical value to geographers because they provide synoptic coverage of large areas and permit a more accurate regional mapping of natural resources. It is obtained through the techniques of remote sensing.

Q.2. Name the eight elements mostly used for image interpretation.

Ans. The following eight elements are mostly used for image interpretation are:

1. Size.

2. shape.

3. shadow.

4. tone.

5. colour.

6. texture.

7. pattern.

8. associated relationship.

Q.3. How does one distinguish between tropical rainforests and tropical grasslands on satellites images?

Ans. Tropical rainforests have a near continuous canopy with few clearings. Tall trees 75 to 80 metres can be easily recognised under stereoscope by their dome like tops. They appear as unbroken sheet of dark tone on the photograph. Tropical grassland (Savanna) is marked by scattered groves. Grass appears in light grey tones and trees in darker tones.

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