NCERT Class 11 Geography Chapter 28 Topographical Maps

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NCERT Class 11 Geography Chapter 28 Topographical Maps

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Chapter: 28




Q.1. Name the headquarter of Survey of India.

Ans. Dehradun (Uttaranchal).

Q.2. What is the importance of a topographic sheet?

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Ans. It gives detailed information of the concerned area.

Q.3. What are contours?

Ans. Contours are imaginary lines which joins all places having the same height above mean sea level.

Q.4. What are the different methods of showing relief features on the map?

Ans. (i) Hachures.

(ii) Hill shadings.

(iii) Contours.

(iv) Colour method.


Q.1. What are topographical maps?

Ans. The maps which show the relief and cultural features are called topographical maps. Generally, they are known as toposheets. They are drawn on the large scale. These maps are based on survey lands. Physical features and cultural features are shown by conventional signs.

Q.2. Name the organisation which prepares the topographical maps of India.

Ans. The Survey of India prepares the topographical maps of India.

Q.3. Which are the commonly used scales for mapping our country used by the Survey of India?

Ans. The scales which are commonly used for mapping are like 1: 1000000, 1: 250000, 1: 50000 and 1: 25000 by Survey of India.

Q.4. What is meant by one million sheets?

Ans. The whole country is planned to be divided in 4 × 4 degree sheets, each being numbered as 39, 40, 41 etc. They are also named after the names of famous town or city such as Delhi-Srinagar sheets. These are called one million sheet.

Q.5. What are contours?

Ans. Contours are imaginary lines which joins all places having the same height above the sea level.

Q.6. What does the spacing of contours indicate?

Ans. The vertical interval between two contours remains constant, the horizontal distance between the two varies place to place upon the nature of the slope. Contours are drawn at different intervals such as 20, 50, 100 metres above the sea level. It is spacing of contours. Spacing of contours is significant, it indicates the gradient of a region depicts the different types of landforms.

Q.7. What are conventional signs?

Ans. Signs used to show various physical and cultural features on the map are known as conventional signs.

Q.8. What is meant by layer colouring?

Ans. Layer colouring is also used to show elevation or depression such as the depth of water is shown in shade of blue varying from light blue to dark blue.

Q.9. What are the characteristics of conventional signs?

Ans. The major characteristics of the conventional signs is to give more and comprehensive information in less time and space. Other characteristics include

1. Easy to be drawn and comprehended.

2. Less expensive.

3. Meaningful.

4. Symbols, colours and letterings are used to depict various features and phenomena.

Q. 10. What colours are used by the Survey of India on topographic sheets?

Ans. The Survey of India used seven standard colours to depict the distributional pattern of land use on topographic sheets.

1. Red colour – For buildings and roads.

2. Yellow colour – For cultivated area.

3. Green colour – For forests.

4. Blue colour – For water bodies.

5. Black colour – For lettering boundaries and railways.

6. Brown colour – For contours.

7. Grey colour – For hill-shading.

Q.11. Write short notes on:

(i) Contours.

Ans. Contours: Contouring is a standard method of representing relief. Contours are imaginary lines drawn on the map which join points having the same elevation above the mean sea level. The method of showing relief through contours is perhaps the most precise, useful, common and popular. Contours are drawn on the basis of actual survey conducted in the field. Contours are drawn on different intervals such as 20, 50, 100 metres above mean sea level.

(ii) ‘Marginal Information’ in Topographical Sheets.

Ans. Marginal Information in Topographical Sheets: The information which are printed on the margins of the toposheets are called marginal information. These information include:

(i) The number of sheet and name of the region.

(ii) Extent of the region in longitudes and latitudes.

(iii) Directions.

(iv) The contour interval.

(v) Key.

(iii) The Survey of India.
Ans. The Survey of India: The Survey of India prepares topographical maps for all parts of the country on different scales like 1:100000, 1:50000, 1:25000. The Survey of India was established in 1767 during the rule of East India Company for conducting topographical surveys on their possessed land. The appropriate cartography technique has been adopted for mapping and with the help of improved printing the detailed topographic maps had made.

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