SEBA Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 1 Structure of Numbers

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SEBA Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 1 Structure of Numbers

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Structure of Numbers

Chapter – 1

Exercise 1 (A)

1. Write the following numbers in words.

(a) 31,025

Ans: Thirty one thousand twenty five.

(b) 75,927

Ans: Seventy five thousand nine hundred twenty seven.

2. Write the following numbers in figures

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(a) Twelve thousand seven hundred eighty.

Ans: 12,780

(b) One lakh thirty four thousand seven hundred four.

Ans: 1,34,704

3. Which is the largest and the smallest number in the following.

28,537; 36,594; 28,357; 19,001; 1,00,001

Ans: The largest number – 1,00,001

The smallest number – 19,001

4.  Write the largest and smallest number formed by the digits 7, 8, 3, 5, 4

Ans: The largest number – 87543

The smallest number – 34578

5. Write the following numbers in ascending order.

96,259; 20,635; 96,025; 87,562; 70,025

Ans: 20,635; 70,025; 87,562; 96,025; 96,259

6. Write the following numbers in descending order.

50,000; 74,002; 78,162; 85,715; 60,035

Ans: 85,715; 78,162; 74,002; 60,035; 50,000

7. Write the place value of the following underlined digits.

(a) 7,405

Ans: 400

(b) 70,503

Ans: 0

(c) 86,702

Ans: 2

(d) 79,012

Ans: 70000 and 0

8. Write the following numbers in expanded form.

(i) 4,57,628 = 

Ans: 4,57,628 = 4 × 100000 + 5 × 10000 + 7 × 1000 + 6 × 100 + 2 × 10 + 8 × 1

(ii) 5,05,53,624 = 

Ans: 5,05,53,624 = 5 × 10000000 + 0 × 1000000 + 5 × 100000 + 5 × 10000 + 3 × 1000 + 6 × 100 + 2 × 10 + 4 × 1

(iii) 6,84,65,804 = 

Ans: 6,84,65,804 = 6 × 10000000 + 8 × 1000000 + 4 × 100000 + 6 × 10000 + 5 × 1000 + 8 × 100 + 0 × 10 + 4 × 1

(iv) 4, 30, 26, 532 =

Ans: 4, 30, 26, 532 = 4 × 10000000 + 3 × 1000000 + 0 × 100000 + 2 × 10000 + 6 × 1000 + 5 × 100 + 3 × 10 + 2

9. Write 74, 09, 777 in expanded form and also write the place value of 4 and 9

Ans: 7 × 1000000 + 4 × 100000 + 0 × 10000 + 9 × 1000 + 7 × 100 + 7 × 10 + 7

Place value of 4 = 4,00,000

Place value of 9 = 9,000

10. Write 8, 05, 64, 021 in words.

Ans: 8 Crore, 5 Lakh, 64 Thousand, twenty one.

11. Write the place value of 5, 9, and 2 in 5, 93, 20, 067

Ans: (a) Place value of 5 = 50000000

(b) Place value of 9 = 9000000

(c) Place value of 2 = 20000

12. Complete the following

10 – 1 = …………..

Ans: 10 – 1 = 9

100 – 1 = ………….

Ans: 100 – 1 = 99

1,000 – 1 = ………….

Ans: 1,000 – 1 = 999

10,000 – 1 = …………

Ans: 10,000 – 1 = 9,999

1,00,000 – 1 = ………….

Ans: 1,00,000 – 1 = 99,999

10,00,000 – 1 = ……………

Ans: 10,00,000 – 1 = 9,99,999

1,00,00,000 – 1 = ………..

Ans: 1,00,00,000 – 1 = 99,99,999

10,00,00,000 – 1 = …………

Ans: 10,00,00,000 – 1 = 9,99,99,999

Exercise 1 (B)

Q.1. (a) Using commas (,) write the following in numbers.

(i) Seventy five lakh sixty nine thousand three hundred seven.

Ans: 75,69,307

(ii) Nine crore eleven lakh twenty one thousand two hundred two.

Ans: 9,11,21,202

(iii) Fifty million eight hundred one thousand five hundred ninety two.

Ans: 50,801,592

(iv) Fifty eight million twenty six thousand two hundred two.

Ans: 58,026,202

(b) Using commas, write the following numbers according to the Indian System of Numeration-

(i) 97057201

Ans: 9,70,57,201

(ii) 99990046

Ans: 9,99,90,046

(iii) 98423107

Ans: 9,84,23,107

(c) Using commas, write the following numbers according to the International System of Numeration-

(i) 79821902

Ans: 79,821,902

(ii) 99958102

Ans: 99,958,102

(iii) 48094381

Ans: 48,094,381

(d) Fill in the blanks of the following with appropriate numbers.

(i) 1,00,000 = ________ = Ten thousand = _______ Hundreds = ________ Tens.

Ans: 1,00,000 = 10 ten thousand = 1000 hundred = 10,000 tens. 

(ii)  94,35,992 = ______ + _______ + ________ + ________ + _________ + _______ +

Ans: 94,35,992 = 9 × 1000000 + 4 × 100000 + 3 × 10000 + 5 × 1000 + 9 × 100 + 9 × 10 + 2 × 1

(e) Write the place value of the underlined digits given below in both Indian and International numeration systems.

(i) 8 7 4 5 6 2 1 0

Ans: Place value in Indian numeration system.

8 =  8,00,00,000

4 =  4,00,000

2 =  200

Place value in International numeration system.

8 = 8 Millions or 8,00,00,000

4 = 4 Hundred thousand  or 4,00,000

2 = 2 Hundred or 200

(ii) 7 8 9 9 9 9

Ans: Place value in Indian numeration system.

8 =  80000

9 =  900

Place value in International numeration system.

8 = 8 Hundred thousand  = 80000

9 = 9 hundred = 900

(f) How many digits are there in 10 crores?

Ans: Nine digits.

(g) What is the place value of 10 lakh in International system?

Ans: 1,000,000

Exercise 1 (C)

1. Put ‘>’ or ‘=’ or ‘<‘ sign in blank boxes.

(i) 38640 ______ 48694

Ans: 38640 < 48694

(ii) 20643 _______ 22000

Ans: 20643 < 22000

(iii) 100200 _______ 300100

Ans: 100200 < 300100

(iv) 2000200 ________ 200002000

Ans: 2000200 < 200002000

(v) 278556145 _______ 27840561

Ans: 27856145 > 27840561

(vi) 87456210 _______ 91024562

Ans: 87456210 < 91024562

2. Arrange the following in ascending order.

5245678, 4365710, 2378671, 4638690, 3676532, 427654

Ans: 2378671 < 3676532 < 4276549 < 4365710 < 4638690 < 5245678

3. Arrange the following in descending order.

6478546, 4756435, 2186458, 365870, 7416543, 4739841

Ans: 741543 > 6478546 > 4756435 > 4739841 > 3653870 > 2186458

Exercise 1 (D)

1. Write the number names of-

(a) 87595762

Ans: Indian System of Numeration: 

Eight crore seventy five lakh ninety five thousand seven hundred sixty two.

International System of Numeration: 

Eighty seven million five hundred ninety five thousand seven hundred sixty two.

(b) 48049831

Ans: Indian System of Numeration: 

Four crore eighty lakh forty nine thousand eight hundred thirty one.

International System of Numeration: 

Forty eight million forty nine thousand eight hundred thirty one.

2. Write the following numbers in both Indian and International System of Numeration by inserting commas suitably.

3018982, 82160000, 58042513


Indian SystemInternational System

3. Write in numerals-

(a) Seventy three lakh seventy five thousand three hundred seven.

Ans: 73,75,307

(b) Twenty three lakh thirty thousand ten.

Ans: 23,30,010

(c) Six million six hundred eighty eight thousand seven hundred ninety seven.

Ans: 6,688,797

(d) One million nine hundred fourteen thousand two hundred nine.

Ans: 1,914,209

4. In 1991, population of a city was 2,35,471 and in 2001, population increased by 72,950. What is the total population of that city in 2001?

Ans: In 1991, Population of a city was  = 2,35,471 

In 2001, Population was increased = 72,950 

∴ The total population of that city = 2,35,471 + 72,950 = 3,08,421

5. The number of bicycles sold in a state in the year 2002-2003 was 7,43,000 and in the year 2003-2004 was 8,00,100. In which year more bicycles were sold? How many more bicycles were sold?

Ans: Number of bicycles sold in the year 2002-2003 = 7,43,000

and in the 2003-2004 number of bicycles sold = 8,00,100 

∴ In the year 2003-2004, more bicycles were sold

 = 8,00,100 – 7,43,000

= 57,100

6. A daily newspaper of a city consists of 12 pages. 11,980 copies of that newspaper is printed every day. Find the total number of pages of the newspaper printed every day.

Ans: A daily newspaper of a city consists of 12 pages. 

Number of newspaper printed every day = 11,980 

∴ Total number of pages of newspaper per day 

= (11,980 × 12) 

= 1,43,760

7. Write the place value of the underlined digits of the following numbers.

(a) 45367

Ans: Place value of 5 thousand 

= 5 × 1000 = 5000

(b) 708453

Ans: Place value of 8 thousand 

= 8 × 1000 = 8000

(c) 27636708

Ans: Place value of 0 ten = 0 × 10 = 0 Place value of 7 ten lakh

= 7 × 1000000

= 7000000

(d) 614001

Ans: Place value of 1 one = 1 and place value of 1 ten thousand

= 1 × 10000 = 10000

8. Insert commas suitably according to the Indian System of Numeration and fill the blank boxes using (>, =, <)

(a) 124054 ______ 2140589

Ans: 124054 < 2140589

(b) 24456122 ______ 34547892

Ans: 24456122 < 34547892

(c) 90000001 ______ 9000001

Ans: 90000001 > 9000001

(d) 1111111 ______ 1111111

Ans: 1111111 = 1111111

9. Write the expanded form of the following-

(a) 792456

Ans: 792456 = 7 × 100000 + 9 × 10000 + 2 × 1000 + 4 × 100 + 5 × 10 + 6 × 1

(b) 8000670

Ans: 8000670 = 8 × 1000000 + 0 × 100000 + 0 × 10000 + 0 × 1000 + 6 × 100 + 7 × 10 + 0 × 1

(c) 4279034

Ans: 4279034 = 4 × 1000000 + 2 × 100000 + 7 × 10000 + 9 × 1000 + 0 ×  100 +  3 × 10 + 4 × 1

10. Manisha purchased 12 kilogram 250 grams of sugar, 25 kilogram 750 grams of rice, 2 kilogram salt and 350 grams of cumin (Jeera) from a shop. What is the total weight of the items she purchased?

Ans: Manisha purchased from a shop: 

12 kg              250 grams of sugar

25 kg              750 grams of rice

2 kg                000 grams of salt

The total weight of the items she purchased = 12 kg 250g + 25 kg  750 g + 2 kg 000g

= 40 kg 350 g

She purchased 40 kg 350 grams.

11. The capacity of a water tank is 200 kilolitres. On the first day 84 kilolitres 950 litres of water was drained out. How much water remained in the tank? (Express in litre)

Ans: The capacity of a water tank = 200 kilolitres

 and 84 kilolitres 950 liters of water was drained out.

∴ 200 kilolitres 000 litres – 84 kilolitres 950 litres 

∴ Water remained in the tank = 115 kilolitres 050 litres. 

∴ 115 kilolitres 050 litres

= 115 × 1000 + 050 L

= 115050

 = 115050 litres of water remained in the tank.

12. Find the approximate value of the following to the nearest places mentioned.

(i) 59, 72, 64, 135, 4931, 51630 (nearest to tens)

Ans: 59

59 = 50 + 9

9 < 10,

→ 9

∴ The req. approximate value = 50 + 10 = 60


72 = 70 + 2

2 < 5, 2 

→ 0

∴ The req. approximate value = 70 + 0 = 70


64 = 60 + 4

4 < 5, 4

— >

∴ The req. approximate value = 60 + 0 = 60


135 = 130 + 5

5 = 5, 5 > 0

∴ The req. approximate value = 130 + 0 = 130


4931 = 4930 + 1

1 < 5, 1 – > 0

∴ The req. approximate value = 4930 + 0 = 4930


51630 = 51630 + 0 0 < 5, 0 – > 0

∴ The req. approximate value = 51630 + 0 = 51630

(ii) 555, 839, 281, 2457, 6666, 615320 (nearest to hun- dreds)

Ans: 555

555 = 500 + 55 50 < 55, 55 – > 100

∴ The req. approximate value 500 + 100 = 600


839 = 800 + 39, 39 < 50, 39 – > 0 

∴ The req. approximate value = 800 + 00 =  800


281 = 200 + 81, 50 < 81, 81 > 100 

∴ The req. approximate value = 200 + 100 = 300


2400 + 57, 50 < 57, 57 > 100 

∴ The req. approximate value = 2400 + 100 = 2500


6600 + 66, 50 < 66, 66 > 100 

∴ The req. approximate value = 6600 + 100 = 6700


615300 + 20, 20 < 50, 20 > 0 

∴ The req. approximate value = 615300 + 00 = 615300

(iii) 9300, 6630, 5295, 4444, 61620 (nearest to thousands)

Ans: 9300 

9000 + 300, 300 < 500, 300 > 0 

∴ The req. approximate value = 9000 + 000 = 9000


6000 + 630, 500 < 630, 630 > 1000 

∴ The req. approximate value = 6000 + 1000 = 7000


5000 + 295 ,295 < 500, 295 > 0 

∴ The req. approximate value = 5000 + 000 = 5000


4000 + 444, 444 < 500, 444 > 0 

∴ The req. approximate value = 4000 + 0 = 4000


61000 + 620, 500 < 620, 620 > 1000

∴ The req. approximate value = 61000 + 1000 = 62000

13. Write 5 numbers between 640 and 740 which can be approximated to 700 nearest to their hundreds.

Ans: 670, 675, 680, 685, 690

14. Write the following numbers in Roman Numerals.

(a) 225


(b) 600

Ans: DC

(c) 906


(d) 598


(e) 2100

Ans: MMC

(f) 555

Ans: DLV

(g) 99


(h) 1345


15. Write the following Roman Numerals in Hindu Ara- bic system.


Ans: 994 

(b) CLXX

Ans: 170

(c) CDX

Ans: 410


Ans: 649


Ans: 325


Ans: 888

(g) XLV

Ans: 45


Ans: 98

16. Express the sum in Indian system of Numeration.

(a) (7296325 + 4173243) + 45639

Ans: (7296325 + 4173243) + 45639

= 11469568 + 45639

= 1,15,15,207

(b) (7281639 + 568548) + 4251408

Ans: (7281639 + 568548) + 4251408

= 7850187 + 4251408

= 1,21,01,595

17. Express the product in Indian System of Numeration.

(i) 6250 × 625

Ans: 6250 × 625 

= 39,06,250

(ii) 39625 × 75

Ans: 39625 × 75 

= 29,71,875

18. Estimate the sums.

(a) 5672 + 536

Ans: Nearest to thousand of 5672 = 6,000 

and Nearest to hundred of 536 = 500

∴  Approximate sum

= 6,000 + 500 = 6,500

(b) 439 + 334 + 4317

Ans: Nearest to hundred of 439 = 400

Nearest to hundred of 334 = 300 

and nearest to thousand of 4317 = 4000

∴ Approximate sum 400 + 300 + 4000 = 4700

(c) 7245506 + 1068297

Ans: Nearest to lakh of 7245506  = 7000000

Nearest to lakh of 1068297 = 1000000

∴ Approximate sum 

= 7000000 + 1000000 

= 8000000

19. Estimate the difference.

(a) 798 – 232

Ans: 798-232

Approximate value of 798 nearest hundred = 800

and Approximate value of 232 nearest hundred = 200 

∴ Approximate difference = 800 – 200 = 600

(b) 489348 – 48365

Ans: 489348 – 48365

Approximate value of 489348 nearest to lakh = 500000 

and Approximate value of 48365 nearest ten thousand = 50000 

∴ Approximate difference 

= 500000 – 50000 = 4,50,000

(c) 107634 – 67599

Ans: 107634 – 67599

Approximate value of 107634 nearest lakh = 100000 

and Approximate value of 67599 nearest to thousand = 68000

∴ Approximate difference = 100000 – 68000 = 32000

20. Estimate the products-

(a) 38 × 9

Ans: 38 × 9

Value nearest ten of 38 = 40

and value nearest ten of 9 = 10

∴ Approximate product 

= 40 × 10 = 400

(b) 42 × 67

Ans: 42 × 67

Value nearest ten of 42 = 40 

and value nearest ten of 67 = 70 

∴ Approximate product = 40 × 70 = 2800

(c) 215 × 58

Ans: 215 × 58

Value nearest hundred of 215 = 200

and value nearest ten of 58 = 60 

∴ Approximate product = 200 × 60 = 12,000

21. A man bought a piece of land for Rs. 1263501 to build a house. He spent some amount of money to build the house. His total expenditure was Rs. 1860257. Find the amount of money he spent for building the house.

Ans: A man bought a piece of land for Rs. 1263501 

and he spent some amount of money.

His total expenditure = Rs. 1860257

∴ The amount of money he spent for building the house 

= Rs. 18,60,257 – Rs. 12,63,501 

= Rs. 5,96,756

The amount of money he spent for building the house = 5,96,756.

22. A motorcycle dealer has 85 motorcycles in his shop. Cost of a motorcycle is Rs. 57690. Find the total cost of 85 motorcycles.

Ans: A motorcycle dealer has 85 motor cycles in his shop. 

Cost of a motor cycle = Rs. 57690.

∴ The total cost of 85 motorcycles = Rs. (57690 × 85) 

= Rs. 49,03,650 

23. Cost of a bus ticket from Guwahati to Jorhat is Rs. 403. If the total cost of all the tickets against the seats of the bus is Rs. 24180. Find the total number of seats on the bus.

Ans: Cost of a bus ticket = Rs. 403 

The total cost of all the tickets = Rs. 24180

∴ The total number of seats on the bus = 24180 ÷ 403 = 60

∴ The total number of seats = 60.

24. A rice wholesaler sells 2000 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 35 per kg on the first day, 1325 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 30 per kg on the second day and 1550 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 32 per kg on the third day respectively. How much rice did he sell in total. Find the total amount received.

Ans: A rice wholesaler sells = 2000 kg of rice at the rate of 35 per kg on the first day 

and 1325 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 30 per kg on the second day 

and 1550 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 32 per kg on the third day.

∴ The total amount of money

= Rs. (35 × 2000 + 30 × 1325 + 32 × 1550)

= Rs. (70000 + 39750 + 49600) = Rs. 159350

and the total quantity of rice sold by him = (2000 + 1325 + 1550) kg

= 4875 kg.

25. A milkman distributes milk in 3 hotels everyday. In the first hotel he distributes 13 litres, in the second 15 litres 250 millilitres and in the third 17 litres 750 milliliters. Find out how many litres of milk the milkman distributes everyday.

Ans: In the first hotel = 13 litres.

In the second hotel = 15 litres 250 millilitres.

and in the third hotel = 17 litres 750 millilitres.

∴ The milkman distributes everyday

= (13 litres + 15 litres 250 millilitres + 17 litres 750 millilitres) 

= 46 litres

[13 litres

15 litres 250 millilitres

+17 litres 750 millilitres


46 litres 000 millilitres]

26. The weight of 35 books is 10 kg. Jahnu is asked to carry 42 such books. If one friend offers to help him by carrying half of the books then how much weight does each has to carry?

Ans: Weight of 35 books = 10 kg.

∴ Weight of 1 book 

= 10/35kg. 

= 2/7kg. 

Jahnu is asked to carry 42 such books and one friend offers to help by carrying half of the books. 

∴ Weight of 1 book = 2/7

∴ Weight of 21 books = 2/7 × 21 kg. 

= 6 kg.

∴ Each carries 6 kg of books.

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