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Class 12 Sociology Chapter 5 Project work
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Project work
Chapter: 5
Q.1. Which method is generally used for project work?
Ans: Research method.
Q.2. Who propounded the field work method?
Ans: Bronis law Malinowski propounded the field work method.
Q.3. What is meant by project work?
Ans: Project work is the method of getting new experience and knowledge and it is related with planning and system.
Q.4. What is the main objective of project work?
Ans: The main aim of project work is to get knowledge.
Q.5. Who prepares the report in project work method?
Ans: The research means the students prepares the report in project work method.
Q.6. How many levels of project work are there?
Ans: There are five levels of project work.
They are :-
(1) Choosing a title.
(2) Exploring the information relating to the title.
(3) Collection of primary and secondary data.
(4) Analyzing the data and
(5) Presentation of the project.
Q.7. What is planning?
Ans: In short, planning means a process of making plains for something. The success of a project will depend critically upon the effort, care and skill applied in its initial planning.
Short type question and answer
Q.1. Which things should be kept in mind while preparing a report of project word method?
Ans: The last phase of the journey of a project work is writing the report. After the collected data has been analysed and interpreted and various generalization have been drawn, the report has to be prepared. So we should be very careful while writing the report.
The main outline of a project report are:-
(1) Introduction
(2) Methodology or methods of study
(3) Presentation and analysis of data
(4) Conclusion
(5) Appendices and
(6) Foot notes etc.
Q.2. Write four merits of project work method?
Ans: Four merits of project work method are :-
(1) In this method, students connect curricular studies with real life situation.
(2) The students develop higher level of thinking skills.
(3) Group work in many projects requires students to develop and practice collaboration and communication skills in an authentic environment.
(4) It increased resources management skills. Part of becoming an independent learner is taking responsibility for completing complex tasks.
Q.3. What are the demerits of project work method?
Ans: The demerits of project work method are:-
(1) Project work is a time consuming work. Large amount of time needed in doing a project work.
(2) The student generally face the problems like explaining the research hypothesis, selection of suitable research design and method of study etc.
(3) There is a minimum time limit decided by the authority to finish the project work. They have to finish the project on that time limit. They face the difficulties regarding this, because they have to do their other class work also.
(4) The students also face many difficulties regarding direct investigation and arrangement of data.
Q.4. What is observation?
Ans: Observation is a method where the researched must systematically watch and record what is happening in whatever context or situation that has been chosen for research.
Q.5. What is social survey method?
Ans: A survey usually involves asking relatively large number of people (what is large depends on the context and the kind of topic), the same fixed set of questions. The question may be asked by an investigator in person or the questionnaire may be handed over to the respondents who then fill it up themselves and give it back.
The main advantage of survey method is that it can cover a lot of people. Hence, the results may be taken as truly representative of the relevant group.
The main disadvantages is that the question to be asked are already fixed. No on – the -spot adjustments are possible. So, if a question is mis-understood by the respondents, then wrong result can be produced moreover, if a respondent says something interesting, this can not be followed up with further questions as the researchers have to stick to the questionnaire format.
Sl. No. | CONTENTS |
PART-1 | Introducing Sociology |
Chapter 1 | Structure of Indian Society |
Chapter 2 | Social Institutions: Continuity & Change |
Chapter 3 | Social Inequality & Exclusion |
Chapter 4 | The Challenges of Unity in Diversity |
Chapter 5 | Project work |
PART-2 | Understanding Society |
Chapter 6 | Process of Social Change in India |
Chapter 7 | Social Change and the Polity |
Chapter 8 | Social Change and the Economy |
Chapter 9 | New Areas of Social Change |
Chapter 10 | Social Movements |
Q.6. What is an interview method?
Ans: Interview refers to guided conversation between the researchers and the respondent. It is direct and formal conversation between the researcher and the respondent, with a specific objective.
Characteristic or features of interview :-
(1) Interview is a guided conversation between the interviewer and the respondent.
(2) Interview is direct and formal conversation with a specific objective.
(3) Interview is taken in open and independent atmosphere.
(4) Different techniques are adopted in interview.
(5) Interview is a flexible method of data collection.
Long type question and answer
Q.1. What is meant by project work? Explain it with definition.
Ans: Project work is the method of getting new experience and knowledge and it is related with planning and system.
“Project work or project based learning is a comprehensive instructional approach to engage students in sustained co-operative investigation “(Bransford and stein, 1993). It focuses on the central concepts and principles of a discipline, involves students in problem solving investigation and other meaningful tasks, allows students to work autonomously to construct their own knowledge and culminates in realistic products.
Q.2. How many stages of project work are there? Explain them briefly.
Ans: There are many stages of project work.
Chief among them are discussed below :-
(1) Selection of a subject or the topic :- At first, the students should select a suitable topic for the project work. They may asked the teacher in this Matter.
(2) Investigation of data about the subject :- After selecting a suitable topic they should investigate the data about the subject of study.
(3) Collection of primary and secondary data :- For project work the data are collected by using various methods. For the primary data the investigator himself go to the field and collect the data. But the secondary data are collected from various printed materials.
(4) Analysis of the collected data :- In this stage of project work, the data which are collected from various sources are analysed. The use of statistical method helps very much in analysing the data.
(5) Preparing the report of the project :- This is the last stage of a project work. The students should carefully write the report.
Q.3. Describe merits and demerits of project work.
Ans: Four merits of project work method are :-
(1) In this method, students connect curricular studies with real life situation.
(2) The students develop higher level of thinking skills.
(3) Group work in many projects requires students to develop and practice collaboration and communication skills in an authentic environment.
The demerits of project work method are:-
(1) Project work is a time consuming work. Large amount of time needed in doing a project work.
(2) The students generally face the problems like explaining the research hypothesis, selection of suitable research design and methods of study etc.
(3) There is a minimum time limit decided by the authority to finish the project work. They have to finish the project on that time limit. They face the difficulties regarding this, because they have to do their other class work also.

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