Class 12 Political Science Chapter 10 Era of One-Party Dominance

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Class 12 Political Science Chapter 10 Era of One-Party Dominance

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Q. 1. What kind of step did the election commission of India take for holding election ? 

Ans : the election commission of India take some important steps for holding election in India. 

These steps are like : 

(i) Election Commission wanted to conducted a free and fair election in the country, but which still need delimitation or drawing the boundaries of electoral constituencies. 

(ii) It also prepare the electoral rolls, on the list of all citizens eligible to vote.

(ii) When the first draft was published it was discovered that the names of 40 lakhs women were not recorded in the list. The election commission refuse to accept these entries and ordered a revision if possible or delection if necessary.

(iv) The election commission emphasised on some special method of voting. For this reason they trained over 3 lakh officers and polling staff to conduct the election.

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Q. 2. Why did an Indian editor call the election is the biggest gamble in history ? 

Ans : Indian editor call the election is the biggest gamble in history because the first general election held in India was the first big test of democracy in a poor and illiterate country. Till then democracy has existed only in the prosperous countries, mainly in Europe and North America, where nearly everyone was literate. By that time many countries in Europe has not given voting rights to all women. In this context India’s experiment with Universal adult franchise appeared with very bold and risky.

Q. 3. Who was B.R. Ambedkar ? For whom did he fight ?

Ans : Dr B.R. Ambedkar was the leader of anti caste movement and the Founder father of independent labour party. He was the chairman of drafting committee of the constituent assembly. He became the Minister in Jawaharlal Nehru’s first cabinet after independence.

For his whole life Dr B.R. Ambedkar Fought for the Dalits, labours and the people belonging to scheduled castes. 

Q. 4. Explain the view of the communist groups on the India’s freedom struggle. 

Ans : The view of the communist groups on the India’s freedom struggle was not very positive. The basic question troubled the party was the nature of the Indian Independence. They thought that the transfer of power in 1947 was not to Independence and encourage Violent uprisings in Telangana. The communist failed to generate popular support for their position and were Crush by the armed forces. This force them to rethink their position. In 1951 the Communist Party abandoned the part of violent Revolution and decided to participate in the approaching general elections.

Q. 5. Explain briefly why we call the Congress Party as the centre of Indian politics ? 

Ans : Congress was the only grassroot organisation which existed at the time of existence. Its Federal structure had the basis of internal democracy. It inherited a vast and enriched Legacy from the national struggle. It gave its goodwill and from that it could grow political mileage. The Congress was able to dominate because it was able to adjust the local circumstances. The internal democracy in the party and electoral gains of Congress health Congress to adjust to changes in local balance of power. Congress had emerged as a pressure group of intellectuals, professionals and communal classes in the 20th century. The party possessed a very broad-based Manifesto which comprise something or the other for every section of society. For all these reasons we call the Congress Party as the centre of Indian politics. 

Q. 6. When was the Congress Party founded in India and by whom ? 

Ans : A.O. Hume founded the Congress party in 1885. 

Historical background : The Congress has passed through different phases from being a platform of loyalist reformers, as a forum of enlightened professionals for the articulation of demands and for negotiating greater participation of Indians in the legislatures and local bodies. Under Gandhi, it became a multi-class mass movement. After independence the Congress became a dominant ruling party.

Q. 7. How many national and state parties where there is the time of first general election ? 

Ans : There was 6 national political party and 47 state party at the time of first general election. 

Q. 8. Explain the policies and programmes of the left parties ? 

Ans : Left parties believes in communist ideology and principle. Left parties give importance to protect the rights of labour and farmers. Left parties or causes in equality and exploitation of the rich over the poor. Left parties famous equal distribution of resources.

Q. 9. Write any four reasons for the emergence of the coalition era in the Indian democratic system. 

Ans : The four factors for the emergence of coalition government in India : 

(i) End of Congress dominance.

(ii) Rising regional political Association.

(iii) Presence of communal political party. 

(iv) Increasing strength of the dalits and other backward class political parties.

Q. 10. Write any four features of Indian party system. 

Ans : Four characteristics of Indian party system : 

(a) Multi-party System.

(b) Emergence Of Regional Political Party.

(c) One Party Dominance.

(d) Lack Of Strong Opposition Political Party.

Q. 11. How do you describe the nature of the party system of India ? 

Ans : The three vital factors that determine the pattern of Indian party system are : 

(i) A major heritage of the national movement was the building of national consensus on certain essential issues of the three significant dimensions of national interest, namely National unity and political integrations, National Defence and security. 

(ii) The other heritage of the national movement was its broad ideological base coalescing the many standard from the radical left to the conservative, traditional right. The coexistence of the left centre and the right in the national movement during the freedom struggle and only give it a wider support base and provided it with all India legitimacy, but also laid down a tradition of toleration and accommodation of different point of view.

(iii) The continental size of the country comprising well defined and distinct social cultural region, with their own language and dialects, specific patterns of caste, community and tribal formations, provided the objective conditions for the rise of regional parties and groups.

Q. 12. Write any four reasons for domination of one party system in India ? 

Ans : Four reasons for domination of one party system in India : 

(i) Indian National Congress was the first and oldest party enjoy Supremacy over other parties.

(ii) Indian National Congress Party is the largest party having wide organised party network all over India. 

(iii) Indian National Congress let the freedom struggle and won Independence for India. 

(iv) There is lack of well organised strong opposition political party in India. 

Unit 1 PART – 1
Chapter 1The Cold War Era
Chapter 2The End of Bipolarity
Chapter 3 US Hegemony in World Politics
Chapter 4Alternative Centres Of Power
Chapter 5Contemporary South Asia
Chapter 6International Organisations
Chapter 7Security In The Contemporary World
Chapter 8Environment And Natural Resources
Chapter 9Globalisation
Unit 2PART – 2
Chapter 1Era of One-Party Dominance
Chapter 2Challenges of Nation Building
Chapter 3Politics Of Planned Development
Chapter 4India’s External Relations
Chapter 5Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System
Chapter 6The Crisis of Democratic Order
Chapter 7Rise of Popular Movements
Chapter 8Regional Aspirations
Chapter 9Recent Developments in India Politics

Q. 13. List the aims and goals of socialist party of India. Why the party did not prove itself as an effective alternative to the Congress.

Ans : the origin of the socialist party can be traced back to the mass movement stage of the Indian National Congress in pre independence era. The socialist believe in the ideology of democratic socialism which distinguished them from both the Congress as well as the communists. The criticised the Congress for favouring capitalists and landlord and for ignoring the workers and the peasants. 

Congress socialist party was formed within the Congress in 1934 by a group of young leaders who wanted a more radical and egalitarian Congress. In 1948, the Congress amended its institution to prevent its members from having dual party membership. This force the socialists to form a separate socialist party in 1948. The party is electoral performance caused much disappointment to its supporters. All the party hdd presence in most of the states of India it could a chief electoral success only in a few pockets.

But the socialist faced a dilemma when in 1855 the Congress declared its goal to be the socialist pattern of society. Thus it became difficult for the socialist to present themselves as an effective alternative to the Congress. Some of them led by Rammanohar Lohia, increased their distance from and criticism of the Congress party. Some others like Ashoka Mehta advocated a limited corporation with the Congress. 

The socialist party went through many splits and reunions leading to the formation of many socialist parties. This included the Kisan Mazdoor, Praja Party, The Praja Socialist Party And Sanyukta Socialist Party. Jaya Prakash Narayan, Achyut Patwardhan, Ashoka Mehta, Aacharya Narendra Dev, S M Joshi, Rammanohar Lohia were among the leaders of the socialist party. Many parties in contemporary India, like Samajwadi Party and Rashtriya Janata Dal, Janata Dal (United) and the Janata Dal (Secular) trace their origin to the socialist party.

Q. 14. “Opposition is divided house in India” – Explain. 

Ans : An effective responsible and responsive position is the Hallmark of a democracy in the life blood of a competitive party system. A descriptive note on role of opposition in a democracy is cited below –

(i) Criticise the ruling party :- The opposition acts like a restraining force as it represents legitimate dissent. It is as much the duty of the opposition to criticise as that of the government to govern. The opposition criticises and exposes the mistakes, shortcomings, failures, lapses etc. of the ruling party and thus acts like a necessary corrective to it. 

(ii) Ventilate the grievances of the people :- The opposition has to ventilate the grievances of the people and helps the government to know their views. In this way, they help in the formulation of policy. By drawing the attention of the government to the situations where there are grave violations.

(iii) Expression of views :- Several committees are appointed by the legislature for its better working. In these committees the opposition gets adequate representation and also a chance to scrutinise and express its views on various issues. Many a times, they oppose issues and ventilate their viewpoint. They thereby  also educate the people. 

(iv) Act as alternative form of government :- The opposition also acts like an alternative government or as the government in waiting when the government collapse before its five-year term. If the opposition expresses its inability to do so, then there would be mid-term elections. 

Q. 16. Say True or False : 

(a) At the time of our general election in in the year 1952 there were 14 national parties.

Ans : False. 

(b) Dr BR Ambedkar adopted Buddhism in 1956. 

Ans : True. 

(c) India has a multi party system. 

Ans : True. 

(d) Shyama Prasad Mukherjee who was the founder president of Communist Party of India.

Ans : False. 

(e) In the first general election the Indian National Congress was led by Lal Bahadur Shastri. 

Ans : False.

(f) The Swatantra party was formed in 1955.

Ans : False. 

Q. 17. Mention the names of four political parties which were established before independence. 

Ans : The political parties which was established before independence are : 

(i) Indian National Congress.

(ii) Communist Party.

(iii) Muslim League. 

(iv) Socialist Party.

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