Class 11 Logic And Philosophy Chapter 15 Idealism The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters SCERT Class 11 Logic And Philosophy Chapter 15 Idealism and select need one.
Class 11 Logic And Philosophy Chapter 15 Idealism
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Chapter – 15
Give the correct answer :
(a) According to idealism object of knowledge has /has not independent existence.
Ans : Has not
(b) According to idealism existence of object is/is not determined by knowledge.
Ans: Is.
2. Answer in brief :
(a) What is idealism?
Ans : According to idealism, the mind is the primary reality. Our ideas are not representations of external objects independent of minds.
(b) What are the different types of idealism?
Ans : There are three types of idealism
They are as follows :
(i) Subjective Idealism.
(ii) Objective Idealism. and
(iii) Phenomenalistic Idealism.
3. What are the characteristics of idealism?
Ans : Idealism has certain basic characteristics.
They are as follows :
(i) According to idealism, the existence of object is mind dependent Apart from mind the object has no independent existence. The things which can be known by the mind is the only reality.
(ii) Mind receives knowledge, so apart from mind the existence of the external world is impossible
(iii) Idealists recognise the reality of the world of ideas, which is purposive. This purposive world of Ideas is spiritualistic in nature.
(iv) Idealists recognizes the existence of mind, soul and God. They consider mind, soul and god as reality. God is the ultimate aim and ultimate force of the world process.
(v) The idealists give importance on values. They consider self knowledge as the ultimate value. Individuals are moral agents who can discover values.
(vi) The idealists give importance of the existence of human beings. Without man nothing has importance and significance. So, man is considered as the central point of the world. Though man is a part of the world process, still man is spiritual being.
Sl. No. | Contents |
Unit – 1 | Logic |
Unit – 2 | Proposition |
Terms | |
Proposition | |
Transformation of Ordinary Sentences to Logical Proposition | |
Distribution of a term is a logical Proposition | |
Modern Classification of Proposition | |
Unit – 3 | Inference, Categorical Syllogism |
Inference | |
Categorical Syllogism | |
Unit – 4 | Symbolic Logic |
Unit – 5 | Philosophy |
Unit – 6 | Indian Philosophy |
Unit – 7 | Theory of Knowledge |
Rationalism & Empiricism | |
Pramāna: Pratyaksa and Anumana | |
Unit – 8 | Realism and Idealism |
Realism | |
Idealism |
4. State five characteristics of Idealism.
Ans : Idealism has certain basic characteristics.
They are as follows :
(i) According to idealism, the existence of object is mind dependent. Apart from mind the object has no independent existence. The things which can be known by the mind is the only reality.
(ii) Mind receives knowledge, so apart from mind the existence of the external world is impossible
(iii) Idealists recognise the reality of the world of ideas, which is purposive. This purposive world of Ideas is spiritualistic in nature.
(iv) Idealists recognizes the existence of mind, soul and God. They consider mind, soul and god as reality. God is the ultimate aim and ultimate force of the world process.
(v) The idealists give importance on values. They consider self knowledge as the ultimate value. Individuals are moral agents who can discover values.

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